My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 327 ? This too insidious!

Yun Taicang's last clone, Chubby Ji, also died.

Being crucified to death by Luo Hong's sword, he has no power to resist. Even the magic soldier of Kunlun Palace, the Tianjian Mirror, was pierced by Luo Hong's sword.

The Kunlun Palace is a good divine weapon, but Luo Hong's evil sword is a semi-holy weapon. It was forged with a lot of divine weapons. The quality is naturally extremely high, and it is not too difficult to pierce a sky monitoring mirror.

The blood cloud was billowing, and the death of Cupid still caused a change in the sky. After all, he was a land fairy.

With the death of Chubby Ji, the drama of conquering Kunlun finally came to an end.

All the monks in the world were in a daze. No one thought that everyone could win this battle so heartily.

That's right, it is described as hearty.

Even if there are heaven and man standing behind the Kunlun Palace, it still cannot stop the trend of destruction.

The Kunlun Palace collapsed and disappeared, and all the heavenly beings who entered the human world died tragically. Although the gate of heaven was still hanging high above the sky, no heavenly beings dared to enter the human world easily.

The monks in the world defended the dignity of the world with a hearty victory.

After Luo Hong killed Yun Taicang, he did not stay in the Great Zhou Dynasty for long.

In this battle, Luo Hong also gained a lot. He broke through to the Land Immortal, learned some secrets about the evil god, met the evil god boss Zero, and hugged his thigh.

The most important thing is that Luo Hong felt that the human skin book in the sea of ​​will has completed maintenance and update, and it seems that some big changes have taken place.

Luo Hong was looking forward to it, what he was looking forward to was the evil he got. Of course, Luo Hong had almost given up on the prestige evil, what he cared about was the evil provided to the target.

The stronger the power against the object, the more sins you get.

In this battle, Luo Hong killed as many as dozens of celestial beings, and even killed several demigods. Even the tragic death of Yuankui celestial beings was actually related to Luo Hong.

So Luo Hong is still looking forward to it, he is looking forward to the time when he can exchange for the complete Heavenly Demon Indestructible Body.

With just one finger from the Heavenly Demon, it is so powerful that it can destroy everything, even the head of the evil emperor can be exploded.

Once the complete Heavenly Demon Indestructible Body is successfully exchanged,

He, Luo Hong...can he fight against the Heavenly King? !

Luo Hong returned to the ruins of Kunlun Palace.

It didn't take too long for him to kill Qiubiji, the main reason was that Qiubiji's strength was too weak, and Luo Hong didn't need to spend too much energy.

And Li Xiuyuan and others also completed the narration and communication with the Master.

Li Xiuyuan told everything about the Master turned into a stone sculpture to suppress the Three Realms, but in fact, there was nothing to say, after all, the time has not passed too far away, and it is almost the same in a few words.

The Master's expression became more and more complicated.

The master's biggest feeling is...the home is gone.

Luo Hong emptied Jixia Academy.

It's no wonder that when I turned into a sculpture, I felt like my body was being hollowed out, and there were inexplicably complicated emotions that were not worthy of the world...

"It's no wonder that this son can easily suppress heaven and man. It turns out that he got the inheritance of Shushan and Kuzhou..."

The master shook his head, he really didn't expect that, even if he is a master, it would be difficult to use two holy soldiers, but Luo Hong was recognized by the holy soldiers.

As soon as the master thought of this, the brilliance of hope shone in his eyes, maybe there is still hope.

Although Luo Hong was attracted by the power of the evil things, there was no doubt about the power of Shu Shan and Ku Zhou. The smudge of the soldiers of the saints, perhaps, could make Luo Hong change his mind?

The master felt that it was too difficult for him.

Once upon a time, Luo Hong was just an ignorant young man who had just entered the practice. At that time, Luo Hong was so obedient, and he was sincerely convinced to learn from him.

And now... alas.

This year's disciples are really too difficult to lead.

Above the ruins of the Kunlun Palace, one figure after another was suspended, and the atmosphere was somewhat warm.

The Empress, Wu Qinghua, the Great Zhou Emperor, Xiao Wuliu and other powerhouses all showed excitement, and there was a bit of disbelief and bewilderment in the excitement.


The human cultivator... actually won!

The human world battles the heavenly world, and the human world has won a big victory!

Although many practitioners died in battle in the human world, compared with the heavenly beings who fell in the heavenly world, the price in the human world is basically negligible.

Everyone is not sad, after all, there are no immortals in war, this is a war!

The war between human monks and celestial beings!

The master was suspended and sighed with emotion.

Then, he raised his head and looked towards the sky.

The gate of heaven was closed tightly, and the celestial beings all shrank back. This time, the celestial realm was terrified of being beaten.

The master's eyes were deep, and he actually guessed something happened.

"Forget it, the appearance of No. 0 is enough to make those powerful people in the heaven fear for a while. At least, those old guys will understand that the water in the world is still very deep."

The master smiled.

All the races in the heavens were shocked, which is good news, at least the world can get a lot of breathing time.

Luo Hong is back.

There was excitement on his face, and there was still blood dripping from the tip of Xiejian's sword, which was Chubby's blood.

"It's fine to kill."

The master did not disperse the whip of the rules, his robes were bulging, his beard and hair were all raised, and he glanced at Luo Hong, the master nodded lightly.

Yun Taicang's body was also suppressed and sealed in the secret realm of Ksitigarbha.

All the avatars were wiped out, and Yun Taicang's layout in the world was completely shattered, but he couldn't make any big waves.

"Teacher, if you break the seal, will it cause the seal to be broken? Let the hell corpse king and Nantian king also break the seal?"

Li Xiuyuan seemed to have thought of something, and asked with some concern.

The empress, Wu Qinghua and others also looked over worriedly. Although Yuankui Tianzun was dead, the terrifying power that erupted when he entered the country still left a deep impression on them!

If the strength of the Tianzun realm is not limited by rules, it is truly terrifying!

Moving mountains and filling seas is no problem at all.

But only Tianzun is so strong, how terrifying should the Heavenly King and Corpse King above Tianzun be?

Everyone dare not imagine.

"It doesn't matter, the old man will continue to sit in Wangchuan Temple and continue to maintain the seal. He was in a state of petrification before, and he could suppress it for a year or so. Now, the state of petrification has been lifted, and the rules have been weakened. About a year."

The master said lightly.

Can the seal be maintained, and can the suppression continue?

This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

However, thinking that the time to suppress the seal has been shortened to only one year, everyone's complexions can't help but become heavy.

They really can't be happy.

Tianzun is so terrifying, once there is no protection of the human emperor's rules in the world, and Tianzun and heavenly kings enter one after another, who can stop it?

Is one year enough to give birth to an existence at the level of a heavenly king?

Even Li Xiuyuan is extremely heavy, and he has no bottom in his heart.

Although he has completed the second Nirvana, if he is asked to fight against a strong man at the level of Tianzun, he still cannot beat him.

It is basically impossible for him to reach the level of the king of heaven within a year.

Dreaming is not so fast!

As for Junior Brother Luo Hong?

It's also very difficult, Luo Hong is only a five-level land immortal now... he is still far from the king of heaven.

The master didn't say anything, and the situation changed somewhat beyond his expectation, but in his opinion, the current situation is still good.

Because, in his prediction, he lifted the petrification, and the distance from the rules dissipated is actually not far away, and that is the worst situation.

But now, there is still a one-year buffer time, which is still considered a very ideal situation.


A terrifying aura permeated the air.

The master suddenly raised his head and looked at the void above his head.

However, there are four huge heavenly gates stretching across the sky, and countless rules are intertwined, like a thunderbolt hitting the gate of the heavenly gate.

And behind the portal, there is a faintly stalwart existence emerging.

There is a Buddha, there is a dragon, there is a monster, and there is a divine light.

The master's eyes flickered and he smiled.

Afterwards, he glanced at the many demi-respects present.

"Everyone is the hope of the world, come with this old man."

Everyone was taken aback.

However, the master didn't explain to them, the air around his body was lingering, and he began to lift into the air continuously, into the air...

Luo Hong didn't care, but at this moment his mind was sunk on the human skin book that had just been updated.

Luo Hong had somewhat forgotten that this was the maintenance update for the book of human skin.

Anyway, every time it is updated, there will be some changes in the human skin booklet. Of course, the changes are all in a good direction, just like the storage page. Although the function of the storage space is not very powerful, but... it is practical. , and also solved many troublesome things for Luo Hong, such as installing life essence and so on.

Speaking of life essence, during the battle with the evil emperor, Luo Hong's life essence was completely exhausted, which made Luo Hong feel that he didn't know when he would have the opportunity to go to the river of life and refill it with life essence.

The essence of life is a good thing.

In any case, the appearance of the storage page is of great importance to Luo Hong.

Therefore, this time, Luo Hong is also looking forward to the update of the human skin booklet.

Not only looking forward to how many sins I have, but also looking forward to whether there will be any new functions in the book of human skin!


Luo Hong's mind sank in the sea of ​​will.

A heartbeat.

The human skin book suddenly shone brightly, and there were six large blood-colored characters floating and flickering on it.

"The maintenance update is complete."

Luo Hong was overjoyed.

Opened the human skin booklet.

What comes into view is the panel page.

Character: Luo Hong

Sin: +3080888

Level: 15 (5 rewards to be claimed)

Title: The Great Evil

Occupational Title: Evil Spirit Swordsmith (Level 2)

Races: Terran (mortal), Asura (activated)

Cave: Holy and Evil Cave

Supernatural powers: "Slaying the Gods", "Finger to the Ghost City (False)"

Cultivation methods: "Ten Thousand Evils Return to One (Disabled)", "Sword Qi Jue", "Yun Jian Jue", "Burning Heaven Jue"

Spiritual Practice: "The Beidou Sutra (Disabled)"

Techniques: "Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha", "Little Evil Burning Lamp Sutra"

Swordsmanship: "Dragon Transformation Sword", "Red Dust Tribulation", "Yin Yang Tribulation"

Boundary: Five realms (evil immortals), five thousand miles of openness (sword, Confucianism, martial arts, Buddha, Taoism)

Luo Hong took a glance and found that the changes were not too great, and the basic information did not change much.

Afterwards, Luo Hong's eyes fell on the evil column, and Luo Hong's breathing suddenly became short of breath.

Three million crimes!

It was two million more than before, and this battle to destroy the Kunlun Palace actually allowed him to reap so many crimes.

But if you think about it carefully, it's pretty much the same. The main reason is that you killed a lot of powerful people. There are several evil emperors at the peak half-respect level, and there are several heavenly and human half-respects, plus the tragic death of Yuankui Tianzun at the end!

Luo Hong felt that this data was still in line.

Perhaps prestige crimes have weakened a bit? !

Thinking of this, Luo Hong became a little anxious and had to quickly replace the reward. Luo Hong still knew his own situation well, otherwise the crime of being praised might shrink.

Luo Hong quickly glanced at the human skin book, and found that this maintenance update, on the basis of the target page and the storage page, has added a new page, and the name of this page is [Copy Page].

"Copy pages?" Luo Hong was taken aback.

There seems to be some confusion about this new page.

However, soon, a line of blood characters emerged to clear Luo Hong's confusion.

"Copy page: currently you can copy three times (free of charge), you can copy the power of the strong that the host has seen, and apply it to yourself, the time limit is one minute."

Copy... the power of the strong?


This is so...a magical skill!

Luo Hong's breath became short of breath, what the hell kind of fairy update is this? !

Such an update, please give me another dozen!

Can copy the strong man he has seen, so can he, Luo Hong, copy... Number Zero? !

Luo Hong was so excited that he almost trembled. He could imagine that his expression should be a smirk at this moment.

Too bad there were only three chances.

"If the three chances are used there no chance?"

Luo Hong asked.

On the human skin book, the bloody words surged out again, and it seemed to be more agile than before.

"Three chances are used up, and it can be recharged. Each recharge costs one million sins, and the recharge time is three days."

Luo Hong looked at the bloody text that emerged, and his heart suddenly became cold.

Sure enough, such magical skills are not something that children from poor families can afford.

In other words, Luo Hong's crimes so far can only be recharged three times?

Luo Hong was suddenly inexplicably sad and dull.

What kind of power is it? It's the indestructible body of the demon... %1, isn't it fragrant?

"[Friendly Reminder]: There is a chance to experience [Copy Page] for ten seconds, do you want to experience it?"

Perhaps it was feeling Luo Hong's great sadness.

A line of blood words appeared on the human skin booklet.

Luo Hong raised his eyebrows, what about user experience?

Even this can't erase the great sadness in my heart!


"Please select an object to copy."

Blood characters reappear.


In an instant, Luo Hong only felt that his will was being pulled into the ever-changing images, which were his memory images, constantly flowing and spinning.

Finally, Luo Hong's eyes lit up, and he locked on to the copy target.

That darkness shrouded, walked out of the crack, leaving only the sound of his footsteps in the world, the boss of the evil god, number zero.

"Copy object: number zero."



The four upper and triple heavenly gates are suspended above the sky in the world, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

There are also four huge figures, whose aura overwhelms the heavens and the earth, appearing, overlooking the world, as if they are ruthless and high above the gods.

The pressure, the unprecedented pressure cap is pressed down.

Although the four beings have never walked out of the gate of heaven, the oppression they have brought is already extremely terrifying just by their eyes.


A true king-level existence!

Li Xiuyuan's face was ugly, his fire of Nirvana was almost crushed!

The master is like a spring breeze, the plain robe on his body is flying, his face is indifferent, he holds the whip of rules, and the coercion of the king level seems to have little effect on him.

But the Empress, Wu Qinghua, the Son of Heaven, and other human demigods, all felt the same great oppression as Li Xiuyuan.

"Teacher... Is this going to be a full-scale war?"

Li Xiuyuan took a deep breath, said with great dignity.

"War?'s just a negotiation."

The master put his hands behind his back and said lightly.

"This battle, the world has won a big victory, and it is also the capital of our negotiations."

The master laughed.

After finishing speaking, Master glanced at Luo Hong in the distance from the corner of his eye, but was taken aback.

He brought Li Xiuyuan, Luo Hong and others to negotiate, in fact, to make them feel the pressure.

However, I didn't expect that Luo Hong would... be distracted at this moment? !

Looking at Luo Hong, who had an erratic face and a smirk on his face, the master's face froze slightly, feeling like he was playing the piano to a cow.

Under pressure, Li Xiuyuan and the others looked ugly.

And Luo Hong, feeling the coercion of the Heavenly King, actually had a smirk on his face.

You kid... can you show some respect to the king of heaven? !

The master coughed lightly, but Luo Hong didn't respond at all. The master knew that his wishful thinking might be in vain.

This disciple is really difficult to take care of.

Not paying attention to Luo Hong, the master withdrew his mind, held the whip of rules, and looked up at the four heavenly kings in the sky.

The four figures were also overlooking the world, staring at the Master.

Negotiate with the king!

Above the sky, there was an instant silence, only the terrifying coercion was left to sweep and pervade.

"Master, this battle is indeed a complete victory for you in the world."

"But... this battle is irrelevant and nothing will change."

Behind Beitianmen, a giant dragon phantom opened and closed its mouth, making a roaring sound.

"Can't change anything? Then you come down."

The corner of the Master's mouth twitched.

"You should be worried about that one just now, right? Don't worry, that is an evil object, there is no balance between good and evil, the old man and the evil object cannot live together, it is impossible for him to come again."

The master said seriously.

However, these words had a different meaning when they fell into the ears of the four heavenly kings above the sky.

That evil thing really won't come again?

Seeing what the Master said was convincing, they didn't believe it anymore. Can you believe what the Master said?

The miserable fate of Yun Taicang's avatars is still vivid in his mind.

However, several heavenly kings also had ideas.

Number zero made them feel afraid. If there is a connection between the human world and this existence, then they have to weigh it.

At least, before the rules of the world are broken, whoever enters the world will die.

Even if the king of heaven exists and enters the human world, he is afraid that he will suffer.

If there is only Master, although the power of rules is strong, it cannot kill the king of heaven, but can only seal it, but the number zero is different... The barb that stretches across the heavens releases the ultimate crisis!

"It's okay... That existence should come from the dark restricted area... There are taboos in the dark restricted area, and it is indeed impossible for him to take it easily."

Coming from the Zhongtian Gate, the King of Zhongtian, who was full of divine light, also spoke.

The master froze in his heart, but his face remained expressionless.

Dark forbidden zone?

Learned something new.

Those evil things behind Luo Hong... Did they come from the dark restricted area?

Master has only heard about the dark restricted zone, and doesn't know much about it. There are only a few words mentioned in the ancient books.

"Amitabha, Master, the Nantian King is ambitious and wants to invade the human world, but we don't have such thoughts, at least, my Buddhist kingdom behind the West Heaven Gate doesn't have such thoughts..."

"However, now that the rules of the world are beginning to weaken, Master can also feel it? This means that the "Tomb of the Human Emperor" is about to open. One hundred thousand years ago, the Human Emperor fell, the world was dark, the three realms were separated, and there was endless chaos..."

The Buddha at Xitianmen spoke.

However, as soon as he said something, he was interrupted by the master: "Stop talking nonsense, the old man understands the history of the world better than you."

The Buddha at Xitianmen was silent for a while.

After a long time, he said, "The emperor's tomb was erected. It is rumored that the tomb of the emperor is drifting in the long river of time and space... It will stagnate once every 50,000 years, and the stagnation lasts for three years. This time, the tomb of the emperor appears in the secret realm of the Sea of ​​Learning."

"Master, you used the rules to suppress the Nantian King and the Hell Corpse King. It happened to be three years. If the poor monk expected it well, the Emperor's Tomb should be opened today, don't want to let the Emperor's Tomb appear in the world, so Do you want to hide it from the past three years and let the emperor's tomb... drift into the long river of time and space again?"

As soon as this word came out.

It was like a thunderbolt.

Li Xiuyuan, the empress, Wu Qinghua and the others suddenly changed their expressions. They didn't expect... there is such a secret in it.

The master frowned, unexpectedly, he was still discovered.

Xu Xu sighed, Yun Taicang should have told these guys the news, right?

However, in fact, there is no difference. The news of the birth of the Emperor's Tomb cannot be concealed.

The birth of the Human Emperor's Tomb contains the inheritance of the Human Emperor, and the powerhouses at the level of Heavenly Kings will feel it. Even if there is suppression by the Jixia Academy, this feeling cannot be completely suppressed.

He originally wanted to suppress this feeling by sealing the Nantian King, but the effect didn't seem to be very good.

"So, what do you want?"

Master said.

"Since the Emperor's Tomb has been opened, we need a quota for entering the Emperor's Tomb. As we all know, in ancient times, the Emperor's Dynasty established a god dynasty, and the God Dynasty had a kingdom of one hundred and eight. For a hundred thousand years, all the orders to enter the tomb have been controlled by the Jixia Academy."

"So, I have nothing else to ask for, only the tomb entry order."

The Western Heavenly King Buddha spoke.

As soon as his words came out, the giant dragon phantom nodded in agreement, as did the monster-like figure and the radiant figure.

The master laughed.

"What if the old man says no?"

"Nowadays, the rules of the world still exist, so force your may not have the guts."

Master held the whip of rules and said coldly.


However, as soon as the Master's words fell, the heavenly kings in the four heavenly gates all erupted with terrifying aura.

"Master, you have suppressed the Nantian King, and you are already beyond your strength, but you still have the strength to suppress us?"

"Besides, the power of the rules has begun to weaken now, and how Yuankui Tianzun entered the human world, Master, don't forget that in the past 100,000 years, there have been a lot of human land immortals who have ascended to the heaven..."

Buddha spoke.

The meaning in the words is obvious, if the master refuses, then he will smash the jar and directly use the method of Yuan Kui Tianzun's arrival to speed up the weakening of the rules at the cost of the death of the heaven and man, tearing the loopholes in the rules.

The terrifying coercion, coupled with these words, immediately made the atmosphere of the whole world tense.

The Master's eyes suddenly became cold: "Are you threatening the old man?"

The Buddha at the West Heaven Gate smiled: "Amitabha, the poor monk has no such intention."

However, the aura on his body did not restrain himself, and the heavenly kings of the other three clans also burst out aura, which changed the color of the world.

The heavenly king's aura, like a vast sea that can cleanse the world, suddenly fell down.

Li Xiuyuan and the others suddenly changed their expressions, feeling that they were too stressed to breathe.

Human monks can't break through the limit of half-princess, but the heavens don't have this limit. The human emperor's rules seem to protect the world, but once the rules disappear, it will be a disaster for the world!

At the same time, they were also a little sad and angry.

The did it end here!

Even the most invincible master in the world would suffer such a threat. There was fire in their hearts, but there was nowhere to vent this fire.

The master seems to be angry, but in fact he doesn't care.

The exposure of the emperor's tomb is a matter of time.

And the opening of the Human Emperor's Tomb is also inevitable.

Master originally planned to use the Human Emperor's Tomb to strengthen the monks in the world, or to strengthen the strength of the human race.

In the Human Emperor's Tomb, there are no rules and regulations, and human monks can break through to the realm of dignity!

Once the rules of the world disappear in the future, at least if there are dignified and powerful people in the world, they will be able to resist to some extent.

The atmosphere became a little serious.

The four heavenly kings look down on the master.

The sense of oppression seemed to freeze the void.

After a long time, the Master laughed: "The Human Emperor created the dynasty of the gods, the sea accommodates all rivers, and all races come to the court... Therefore, it is not impossible for everyone to want to enter the tomb."

"But the Tomb of the Human Emperor cannot be entered unless you are a genius. If you want to enter it, there is no hope, but you can let the geniuses of all races enter."

"And, the cultivation base must not exceed the honorable realm."

Master said.


Li Xiuyuan and others looked at Master and sighed.

Even the most invincible master in the world, facing the persecution of the four heavenly kings, chose to compromise. After all, facing the Nan Tianwang, the master can only choose to suppress. If the four heavenly kings attack at the same time, the master may not be able to stop it.

An inexplicable sadness and aggrieved dare linger in everyone's heart.

The wife is very calm.

Compromise is not a big deal, the main thing enter the emperor's tomb, one must have at least nine realms of cultivation, and the world...can't gather so many strong people.

Relying on human monks alone may not be able to collect 108 tomb entry tokens to open the tomb of the emperor.

And the four heavenly kings looked at each other, Master compromised!

This is good news for them.

As for not being able to surpass the realm of dignity, it is nothing at all, they can directly let the arrogance of all races enter the world...

And after entering the Emperor's Tomb, it is enough to directly undo the cultivation base of the pressure.

"How many tomb entry orders can the master take out?"

The Heavenly King, who had a divine light in Zhongtian Gate, asked.

The master glanced at him, "Five heavenly gates, each with eighteen gates, and my human monks can only enter eighteen people."

Master's words made the four heavenly kings slightly taken aback.


When did the master become so generous?

Will there be fraud?

But after thinking about it carefully, there are requirements to enter the Emperor's Tomb. Without the strength of the peak nine realms, there is no way to enter the secret realm.

And it's even a bit difficult for the world to gather 18 peak nine realms.

The Four Heavenly Kings figured this out, and immediately burst out laughing.


The master's eyes flashed, but there was no nonsense.

Eighteen tomb entry orders are enough in the world, too many...the world really can't make up so many strong people.

A heartbeat.


Anping County, Jixia Academy.

On the Xuegong Square, the sculptures of the masters of the past dynasties exuded brilliance. After that, the sculptures of the masters of the past dynasties opened their mouths, and spit out tokens from their mouths.

There are one hundred and eight pieces in total, just like one hundred and eight stars rising into the sky.

It seems to form a sky full of stars!

boom! ! !

Above the sky, the pupils of the Heavenly King powerhouses behind the Four Heavenly Gates suddenly flickered.

Human Emperor's Tomb, tomb entry order!

The master was cold and solemn, and raised his hand to grab, trying to grab the eighteen tomb entry orders of the monks in the world.

And behind Tianmen, the eyes of the four heavenly kings flickered, and the next moment, a terrifying aura burst out, and they also stretched out their hands, and the rules were entwined, and their arms were covered with cracks from the whipping.

But they don't care.

They went directly to the tomb entry order.


The master's eyes changed.

Because, these four old guys actually planned to take away the 18 tomb entry tokens of the human race.

The master snorted coldly.

He wanted to pull out the whip of rules in his hand, greedy enough to swallow like a snake!

However, just when Master was about to draw out the whip of rules.

by my wife's side.

Luo Hong, who had been hovering all this time, smiling silently and smirking, suddenly opened his eyes.

He just activated the function of copying pages, copying... number zero!

In an instant, Luo Hong's eyes turned into a color as black as ink.

Behind him, suddenly endless darkness surged!

Indistinctly, there is a phantom of a barb as black as ink hanging in the sky.

The movements of the four heavenly kings who had just entered the world suddenly froze.

After that, the way he looked at his master changed.


Didn't you say that there is no balance between good and evil?

This master... is too insidious!

PS: I'm a little bit Calvin, ask for a monthly ticket, and ask for a freshly released recommendation ticket!

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