My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1965: I am coming back for revenge (2)

"Well, I don't go back. Little aunt has a lot of work." Qin Ning laughed.

"Second grandfather, is it that you bully the little aunt and arrange a lot of work for her, eh?" Douding looked at the second grandfather.

"Hey, your little aunt is at home with his ancestors. Now the family has the highest status. Except for the two of you, she is. Do you think I dare to bully her?" Qin Chu was also drunk.

"In any case, compared with work, in fact, girls are mainly looking for a good person to marry ... So aunt, you still have to make lifelong events as the primary goal ...." Douding a serious command.

"Okay, two little slickers... These ears have been simmered by the ears you said these days... You are going to go... Don’t be jealous... Girls are too embarrassed to find a boyfriend, and you are cold. Big Sky, don't make the same as Virgo."

Qin Ning smiled and kneels down and kisses two little prostitutes.

After reluctantly bidding farewell to the little aunt and the second grandfather, the two Mengbao took the lead in getting on the bus.

"Uncle, you have to pay attention to the body... Don't be too tired, the things on the other side of the company don't have to be personally handed over to Ningning." Qin Chu confessed.

"I know, your father also often advises me, I really should retreat to the second line..." Qin Chu Ershu smiled.

" have to bring twins often, I can't bear them."

Qin Ning said, tears have to fall down, get along with each other for a few days, really like two little guys.

Nowadays, people have to go, and they feel that they have been flashed. The feeling is really hard.

"Yes...Ningning, go back and play when you are not busy."

"Well, sure, I can't say which day the **** BIU flies over to find you, haha."

Qin Ning smiled and held back tears.

Until Qin Chu and Huo Mian went to the Bentley sedan and watched the car go.

Qin Ning can't help but drop his tears...

"How old, still crying so disappointing." Qin Ning dad turned to persuade her daughter.

"I can't bear the nieces..." Qin Ning laughed with tears.

That night, the family of four returned to Hawaii to reunite with their grandparents.

The next morning, a family of four returned to China by plane and transited in Kyoto.

The long-distance flight was really tiring, and the twins didn't have the excitement at first.

Most of the time I sleep in addition to meals and going to the bathroom.

Qin Chu alone cares for a big two, for fear that they will blow cold air to sleep.

So I didn't sleep very much, and I always took care of their mother and daughter.

Finally, the plane finally landed in C city.

Huo Min stretched out and straightened.

"Ah... finally got home."

"Huo, how do you feel?" Qin Chu looked at her sideways.

"The feeling of going home is very cool, not as good as my hometown... Jinwo Yinwo is not as good as his own kennel." Huo Mian smiled with emotion.

"Wife... You are so modest. If your Nanshan Castle is a kennel, how can you let others live? Doesn't people even live in kennels?" Qin Chu deliberately teased her.

"That's right, husband, I mean...nothing is as good as home, actually... now think about it, I still miss our home in the Royal Forest Court, but that is our first house..." Sleeping sweetly.

"This is simple, we will continue to buy it again, and occasionally go to live for a few days." Qin Chu proposed.

"Forget it, now we are not two people in the world, and there are two more live treasures..." When Hun Mian thought of the twins, he suddenly felt that his responsibility was heavy.

"That... How was Huo’s trip this time? Any thoughts?" Qin Chu helped Huo Yin to shoulder his shoulders.

"I am very happy to play, just have a little regret." Huo Mian whispered and thought about it.

"Hey, there are regrets? Tell me to see..." Qin Chu slightly stunned.

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