My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1966: I am coming back for revenge (3)

"Xiaoxue is in Chicago, I have not gone to see her and the children... It is a pity that she invited him twice and always called me. The problem is that our time is really too hasty... Mom and Dad are reluctant The children are going, it seems that they have to live more for the next time."

"There will be opportunities in the future. The United States will go there often, rest assured." Qin Chu took down the back of Huo Mian's hand.

Huo Mian looked sideways at the side of the first class seat and the two little guys slept like a pig.

The pudding drooled.

Doudou even snoring, like a pig, cute to the explosion.

Qin Chugang was going to wake them up, and Huo Mian reached out and stopped. "Wait, my husband, don't call them first."


"I want to record a small video for them."

Qin Chu: ...

"You are the mother of Kengwa..." Qin Chuhan Yan.

Huo Mian took out her mobile phone and recorded a small video for her two daughters. I already thought about what state they would look like when they saw themselves so embarrassed.

After the plane landed smoothly... The crew came to remind the plane to announce.

Qin Chu untied the seat belt and cautiously shouted the twins.

"Baby, come home... wake up."

Qin Chu’s voice is extremely gentle...

Hearing is full of jealousy. "Husband, you never wake me up so gently."

"Yes, I generally use action to prove it to you." Qin Chu laughed.

Hum sleep suddenly cheeks blush...

"In daylight, you are hooligan..."

"Hurry up and help me wake up the babies. The first thing to go home is that our family of four will have a jet lag... It’s too painful..." Qin Chu reminded.

Huo Mian walked over, and the casual bodyguards helped push N more luggage.

Huo Mian and Qin Chu each took the little guy out of the airport.

"Well, are you at home?" Pudding asked, openly and confusedly.

"Well, happy?"


"Why?" Qin Chu smiled.

"Because you can see Su Shuai..." Douding did not lie at all.

Qin Chu: ...

"Okay...." This relative seems to be really used to prostitutes is a Su-control.

Huo Mian holding the diced diced, some distressed look at the doll's palm.

Although much better, there are still some marks of the ruler.

"Doudou... still hurts?"

"No pain."


"Really... Mommy is relieved, I am a strong man, oh... this little injury is nothing..."

"Then you hate your mother?" Huo Yin bit his lip, and his heart was full of guilt.

"No, I love Mommy as always."

"Even if Mommy hits you, you forgive your mother, right?" Huo Mian, like a child, was uneasy in his heart.

"To the head... Even if Mommy hit me, I will forgive Mummy, because... Mommy doesn't want to, it's that we don't obey, Mommy teaches us how to behave, so I won't blame Mommy, not only I don't. Yes, my sister will not."

"Hey, Mommy knows, thank you for your understanding."

Listening to the food, the little bean Bean said something like this, and Huo Mian was very moved.

Suddenly, "Mummy, I want to marry." Douding suddenly felt a sense of urine, and could not help feeling.

Huo Mian immediately put her down, then took a look, "The bathroom is over there, go, Mommy takes you away."

"Mom, I have to go." The pudding also had a sense of urinating, and he was arguing to go.

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