My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2402: Domineering Valentine's Day (10)

Huo Mian’s brain hole widened, thinking that someone started to fry with roses.

"No." The cloud of the answer answered by Qin Daren was light.

"Amount... Well, when I didn't say it." Huo Mian saw that Qin Daren seems to be not interested in this topic, and no longer speaks.

An hour later, the two drove to a manor far from the outskirts.

"Husband...what are we doing here? Farmhouse? Fishing for dinner?" Huo Ming is not clear.

Looking at the mountain village in the wilderness, I don’t know what the Qin Daren is going to play.

"You come with me..." After Qin Chu stopped, he took the hand of Huo Mian and went on.

"Mr. Qin, are you here?" A forty-something man at the door saw Qin Chu and took the initiative to say hello.

"Is everything ready?" Qin Chu asked him.

"Already ready, Mr. Qin and your wife will go directly."

"Good." Qin Chu nodded, taking Huo Mian to go inside from the door.

Huo Mian discovered that this is a very simple manor.

After entering, it was a very dark and narrow path, some black.

If Qin Chu is not around, she is really a little scared.

"Husband...we are here to go...this place is so scary..." Huo Mian whispered.

Qin Chu no longer replied, just silently moving forward.

After seven or five minutes, the front began to brighten up...

Huo Mian saw the door made of fan glass, very big, very beautiful.

But because it was covered with green vines, it was hidden, so I couldn't see what was inside.

At the door of the glass door, Qin Chu took the hand of Huo Mian and slowly stopped.

"Why don't you go?" Huo Mian was curious.

"Small sleep... Guess what, what is inside?"

“Amount... Is it a vegetable garden? Pure green vegetable and fruit picking garden?” Huo Mian guessed.

Because there are so many farm picking gardens nearby, puddings and puddings are especially fond of them, so I often come to pick some strawberries, tomatoes, and then bring them back to eat.

Huo Mian thought that Qin Chu himself invested in a picking garden, let her take a look and give some advice.

When Qin Chu listened to Hibernation, he just smiled...

You close your eyes first, I will take you in.

"So mysterious? As for?" Huo Mian felt funny.

"As for, close your eyes quickly." Qin Chu, like a child at the moment, forcibly ordered her.

Ok, okay, I am closed...

Huo Mian is not a Qin Chu, slowly closing his eyes.

Then, Qin Chu slowly pushed the glass door open...

Pulling Hugh's hand, stepping in step by step...

About twenty or thirty walked, Qin Chu found a great location and stopped.

Then gently open, "Small sleep, you can blink."

After listening to Huo Mian, slowly open his eyes, and suddenly... stunned.

In front of her eyes, it is a rose sea...

In the middle is the blue enchantress, then the blue enchantress is wrapped in a pink rose, then a champagne rose.

In the end, all the mountains and the mountains are red roses... the opening is extremely bright.

At their feet, this time is a high platform, looking down, just to see the sea of ​​flowers.

Here... actually a huge rose garden.

Because when I came in, I was cheated by the rudimentary house and the door. Huo Mian thought it was just a farmer's picking garden.

I know, there is no hole in the sky...

" are so many roses?" Huo Mian’s surprise was incoherent.

Qin Chu behind her, gently holding her waist, said gently in her ear, "I bought all the rose supplies, all transplanted to this flower sea... Today, only you can have rose."

After listening to this sentence, Huo Mian’s tears flashed...

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