My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2403: The pressure of Huo Siqian (1)

"Husband, are we too extravagant to do this..." Huo Mian’s voice shook slightly and shook his cheek against Qin Chu’s handsome face.

"Wife, we are already very low-key..." Qin Chu whispered in her ear.

Indeed, a president worth hundreds of billions, without a big show of love on Valentine's Day, gave his beloved wife a rose, which is indeed very low-key.

Every year on Valentine's Day, there will be a lot of headlines...

For example, a son of a son in order to chase a female owner to eat people, send a million sports car.

For example, a wealthy female fanatic chasing an idol male star, including all the advertising spots in the entire city, showing love in the whole city.

For example, in order to chase a highly educated returnee female schoolmaster, a rich man uses a helicopter and even throws the yuan down.

Caused tens of thousands of people to rob...

Compared with those who love to be sensational, Qin Chu's approach has indeed been a lot of low-key, the most important thing is to match his style.

"It's so beautiful here, it seems to be in the fairy tale world." Looking at the flower sea in front of him, Huo Mian even felt like he was dreaming.

"Wife, I am sorry, I have been absent for four years of Valentine's Day... But from now on... I will not be absent once..." Qin Chu thought about the fact that he was full of Huo Mian because of the injury in the United States. Guilty.

"Hey, don't say anything in the past... You also have your hardships, you naturally don't want to be separated from me... I don't blame you, cherish the moment... I am very easy to meet, really... ... this life has nothing to ask, just hope to accompany you, grow up with the pudding and Bean Ding, if there is a chance... I also hope to reunite with Xiaoyan and Dad, my life will be completely perfect. ......"Huo Mian made a beautiful wish.

"Sure, don't worry, I will... let all your wishes come true..." Qin Chu hugged Huo Mian, thinking of the wishes he had made in his youth, his life. The biggest wish is to help her to fulfill her wishes. Whether she wants to be a doctor or to find a loved one, he is doing all this silently...

On the cliff side of the glass room, the two dine at the long dining table.

Before the Qin Chu ordered people to prepare the steaks and the red wine, the atmosphere is very good.

Huo Mian has not been drinking for a long time, so today I am particularly interested.

Take the initiative to fill yourself with a cup...

"Husband, I am happy today, can you drink more?" Huo Mian spit out his tongue and applied with Qin Daren.


"Wow... great, it’s been so good for a long time... It’s really a mood to drink... I’m going to be a drunk today, then my husband is carrying me home, ha.”

"Good." Qin Chu gently looked at the little sleep with a little childish, a heart of warmth and willingness to flow.

Hung Mian, who has always been low-key, rarely picked up his mobile phone and played a selfie.

I took a romantic and beautiful flower chart, and there was a picture of her in the arms of the Qin Da people.

Qin Chu’s mouth swelled with a faint smile, and his eyes were filled with happiness that was difficult to see.

Then, Huo Mian sent out the set of pictures before eating.

It is rare that Qin Chu, who never loves to send a circle of friends, also used the pictures taken by Huo Mian and sent a similar circle of friends.

Huo Mian’s circle of friends wrote that today I have a sea of ​​flowers...

Next, her circle of friends exploded, and the comments came one after the other.

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