My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3066: At that moment, I thought I was dead (5)

The group was anxiously waiting outside the door.

Qin Chu's parents, two uncles, Qin Ning, Tang Chuan.

Zhixin and his mother also came back from the field...

Jiang Xiaowei Wei Liao with his son

Gao Ran Zhu Lingling took her son.

Ni Yang and his wife also came early.

There are also Rick and Sicily who have just returned from abroad.

The nearest place at the door is Su Yu, Mrs. Su, and twins.

Everyone was very nervous... The corridor was quiet for a moment.

Everyone is tacit and does not speak.

"Sister... I will wake up after a while?" Douding suddenly spoke.

Everyone's eyes are directed at the small ones.

"Well." Pudding is also cherished by words like gold, only one word is returned.

"Don't worry, you will definitely get better." Su Yu touched the head of the bean pudding.

"The two children of our family, Achu and Xiaomian, are really not easy... how so many twists and turns in the ages... God is really unfair."

Mrs. Qin attached to her husband’s shoulder and covered her face and wept.

"Auntie, don't be upset, brother will be fine, when the brother is good, he will go to find the whereabouts of the donkey..." Qin Ning said.

"Yeah, I am a man who is like a god, can do anything, definitely not okay."

"I don't know if this old man can save me... I hope it will be smooth." Qin Chu Dad is also a worried color.

"Qin Shu, the old gentleman is highly skilled, you can rest assured."

As for the identity of the professor, everyone does not know, so it is normal to have no bottom.

But Rick knows, so I gave everyone a reassurance.

"Rick... you seem to know." Gao Ran whispered as he stood next to Rick.

"This incident is very complicated. It is not clear in one sentence or two sentences... So I still wait until Qin Chu wakes up and talk to you."

"Well." Gao nodded and no longer asked.

"Doudou, what do you have in your hand?" Gao Bo walked over and asked Douding.

"Cake, I made the strawberry cake myself, and when I woke up, I would give it to him."

Bean Ding carefully held the cake, and when she saw it, her little body was quite nervous.

It’s such a time and a minute...

Two hours, the professor came out with the assistant of the hospital.

"How?" Everyone went around, and Su Yu asked the most urgently.

"All the surgery went well, the toxins in his body were dissolved first, and then the liver was repaired." The professor also spoke cleanly.


Su Yu completely breathed a sigh of relief...

Everyone is happy too.

"Is it possible to see Qin Chu in a while?" Gao Ran is also excited.

"It's hard to say, depends on how he recovered. Maybe for a few hours, maybe a day or two..."

"So long?" Qin Chu's parents were somewhat disappointed.

"Now the poison is solved, the surgery is done, and it is only a matter of time to wake up. It will not be more than three days. You can rest assured." The professor gave the time limit.

"I want to go in and accompany me."

Speaking of waiting for everyone to stop, the Bean Ding took the cake and went in.

"Come back, Bean Ding..." Pudding rushed in with his sister.

"Let the two children go in, now there is no big problem, presumably they must be anxious... but many people are not good, the rest is still in batches, don't quarrel with him."

"Well." Su Yu nodded.

Rick came over and handed a white handkerchief to the professor.

"You have worked hard."

"What is hard, isn't this your own thing?" The professor smiled lovingly.

After Su Yu heard it, he looked back at the professor with some strange look.

"When are you going? I will arrange for you to send you?" Rick added.

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