My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3067: At that moment, I thought I was dead (six)

"No, it’s a lot of trouble for people. I can go by myself."


The professor looked at the watch. "I asked them to book the plane three hours later. It seems that it will start soon."

"So urgent?"

"This is still anxious, I am the longest time out this time." Professor laughed.

"Yes, I understand." Rick nodded.

"Inner, old man, you still can't go... Qin Chu still didn't wake up?" Su Yu said.

"Bad boy, you are going to keep me the rhythm of my life... I am afraid that I will not work, you give me a commission...." The professor smiled and looked at Su Yu.

To be honest, he likes this little boy with no head and brain. It is said that he is very fond of Xiaomian.

For Xiaomian and children, they are very good.

"Commission? If it is money, then it will be easier... How much, how much do you open a price, cash or a check?" Su Yu is proud.

In Su Yu’s view, things that can be solved with money are nothing.

So when I heard the old man say the money, it seemed very happy.

"Kid, your two steel scorpions still keep it yourself, don't show off."

"Old man, you are too loud. I am a listed company. Although it is not the top in the country, it is also a superstar. It is conservatively estimated that the market value has exceeded 10 billion... You actually said that I am a two-steel 镚Child, do you have a bag in your head?"

"Ha ha ha..." The professor felt that Su Yu was very cute and laughed.

"Okay, don't wag you here, I go to take a bath, then change clothes, say goodbye to the two little ones... It's time to go back."

"Old gentleman, that little..." Rick actually wanted to ask, is the fall of Xiaomian, do you care?

But if you don't speak, the professor knows what he means.

So I replied, "That, the little smoke will be handled, I don't have to ask."

"Well, that Qin Chu wakes up, I told him." Rick said.

Later, the professor turned and followed the hospital staff to take a bath to change clothes.

Su Yu quietly took Rick aside.


"The old man is very rich?"

"Yes, very rich." Rick nodded.

"You are not lying to me?" Su Yu apparently did not believe.

"Do you think I have the need to lie to you?"

"Amount... What the **** is he doing, so rich, how can I not see it on TV and in the newspaper..." Su Yu thinks that this is a well-known overseas Chinese rich.

You should be familiar with it.

"That is because ... people are low-key." Rick gave an explanation.

"That's really low-key..."

In the ward

Pudding and Bean Ding are surrounded by Qin Chu. He has just finished surgery and the oxygen mask has not been picked.

It seems that the color is not very good, and people are very weak.

"Oh, my grandfather said, you can wake up right away... then you can eat the cake I made." Douding said holding the cake.

"Hey... you have to get better soon, Mommy... I am still waiting for you to find her."

"Sister, this time if we find Mommy, must we kill the big bad guys?" Douding was angry at the man who thought of abducting Mommy.

"Well, let him kill him." Pudding also agreed with his sister.

Later, after changing the clothes, the professor came in and said goodbye to the twins.

"Pudding, Bean Ding." He walked in.

"Grandpa, come on... you see if my blood pressure is high..." Douding made a fuss.

"This doesn't require you to worry about it... the hospital has professional people to look after." Professor laughed.

"Grandfather, what do we eat at noon, I am not right, I should ask this question, what do you do to me and my sister today?" Douding asked the professor's hand.

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