My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3409: Don't like people like me (18)

"Yes... it is what I consume." This kind of scam, Xiao An really sees more, so it is very calm to answer.

"Nima, did not see it, looking at the very honest look so bragging X?" Lu Yan could not help but directly raise the voice.

"Lu Yan?" Xiao An seems to have heard her voice, it is very hilarious.

"I am me, labor and capital are now abolished... Come and save the field."

"Ah? Are you fighting with people?" Xiaoan was not afraid.

"Come on, I am here at the door of what Yintai Department Store, only give you ten minutes, ten minutes."

"Hey... I said..."

Xiao An’s words have not been finished, Lu Yan has a domineering call.

"Is it so crazy? Run the department store to fight at the door?" Xiao An is more afraid.

Although the time spent together is not long, Xiao An also knows more or less the simple and rude character of Lu Yan.

Know that she is the kind of woman who does not agree with her words...

So I immediately turned around and took a vacation with Su Yu.

"Su, I have to take time off."

"Not approved." Su Yu buried his head and looked at the documents.

"Don't make trouble, Su total."

"I am trouble, or you are troubled, you are now as single as I am... I still ask for a fart?" Su Yu seems to know her own follow-up.

"Doctor Huo has been fighting with people. I am going to save the field."

"Have a fight?" Su Yu raised his head.

"Well, Lu smoke and temper can be hot, this is only a few days, almost a day of rhythm." Xiaoan licked his fingers.

"This land smoke is not a fuel-efficient lamp." Su Yu felt a headache.

"This character is actually very good, at least simple." Xiaoan bit his lip and said shyly.

"Forget it, I don't like it, this is going to go home when the wife is worried." Su Yu shook his head.

Don't look at his own temper, but the girl he likes, the opposite is true, Su Yu likes to be quiet.

Of course, he himself also liked to go to Huo Mian, only to sum up, he likes high IQ, calm and calm, and indifferent.

Luyan, this kind of gunpowder type, will blow up when it touches it. Su Yu thinks that ordinary men may not be able to stand it.

Of course, to be the other half of the land smoke, it will definitely not be an average man.

"Don't say it, Su, I am gone, yes, I am driving away from Rambo."

Xiao An said, he went to the table and took the key and left.

"Hey, this kid... I haven't finished talking yet..." Su Yu looked at Xiao An's anxious back, but also helpless smile.

In fact, from the Star King Group to the Intime Department Store, it is not too far, but because it is the city center, traffic jams are very powerful.

Xiao An is afraid of losing his appointment. When he leaves the door, he is arrogant all the way, and he walks all the small Hudong. At this time, he can’t take care of any violations. It is all the way.

Finally, within the agreed time, the car stopped in front of the land.

"How, no late?" Xiaoan got out of breath and panted.

"No, just nine minutes and fifteen seconds." Lu Yan smiled.

"What about people?" Xiao An looked around and saw no other people.


"Don't you say you want to be scrapped?"

"Yeah, look at so many things, how do I take it myself, take it back and don't waste my hands?" Lu Yan pointed to the spoils on the ground.

Xiao An:......

"What are you doing, help me?"

"Oh, good." When I saw that the smoke was fine, I was relieved.

When picking up things from Lu Yan, Xiao An unintentionally found a detail.

That is Lu Xun's palm, full of old man, it is not like a 20-year-old girl's fine skin tender hands.

"What are you looking at?" Lu Yan slammed Xiaoan's shoulder.

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