My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3410: Don't like people like me (19)

"Your hand..." Xiao An looked at Lu Yan's hands and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Oh, the skin is rough, no way." Lu Yan smiled lightly.

"how did you make it?"


Xiao An:......

Seeing that Lu Yan even lie and lie so arrogant, Xiao An has no way.

"Where do you go now, send you back to Nanshan Castle?" Xiaoan asked.

"It's still early, let's have a meal together, I will thank you for coming to the rescue." Lu Yan laughed at the co-pilot.

"It's OK to eat, but you promise me something."

"Hey, please eat, you dare to bargain with me, boy you don't want to live?" Lu Yan looked at Xiao An with a funny smile.

"I don't care, anyway, if you don't promise me, I won't eat it with you." Xiao An is also determined.

"Well, wow, you can talk about it, what is it?"

"Can you promise me, don't fight with people." Xiaoan looked at Luyan with helplessness.

Land smoke: ...

"Is it as if I often fight with people?" Lu Yan looked at Xiao An with disdain.

"Miss Lu Yan, you think about it, you only came a few days, how many times have you played?" Xiao An looked at Lu Yan even more contemptuous.

"Amount... This is a small fight, well, don't make a fuss."

"I don't care, you don't promise me anyway, I definitely don't want to eat with you. You still go back to Nanshan Castle, or send you to the Southern District. I think Dr. Huo, you seem to listen."

"Don't stop, I promise you, go, eat first."

Twins go to school, and Hibernate goes to work.

Nanshan Castle is only the in-laws of Huo Mian, and Lu Yan feels that it is not interesting to go back, so he does not want to go back.

"That line."

Seeing Lu Yan promised so happy, Xiao An nodded and assured a lot.

"What do you want to eat at noon?" Xiao An asked.

"Do you have any features here?"

"A letter of ramen is not counted?" Xiao An asked.

To be honest, Xiao An didn't really like ramen before, but later, because Su Yu was inexplicably going to eat, Xiao An also followed several times.

I found out that the ramen was addicted to eating and eating.

If you don’t eat for a few days, it’s like being uncomfortable.

"Rely, don't go..." Lu Yan listened to Axin Ramen and shook his head immediately.

Isn't that the place where my sister and brother-in-law were in high school? The small noodle stall, two yuan a bowl.

To be honest, Lu Yan really feels delicious.


"My sister and brother-in-law went to Axin to eat noodles, and they ate their feelings. They were memories of their youth. Do you know what you are doing?"

"No, I really think that ramen is very delicious."

"It's a good fart, psychological, don't go, I want a hot pot."

Luyan directly came up with a sentence I want to eat hot pot, Xiaoan where there is controversy.

"That's not going to the musk floor, where the hot pot is more famous."


Lu Yan curled up his legs and took sunglasses to look out the window.

Xiao An drove Su Yu's Rambo to take her all the way to the hot pot not far away.

At this moment, Moscow

"Less master, this is basically the case."

The latest information video is sent to Joe's mobile phone.

He opened it and looked at it, his face blackened.

Lu Yan, the dead woman, actually ran to the country, eating a hot pot with a little white face?

Look carefully down, the following clearly written this person's information, turned out to be Su Yu's bodyguard.

It seems that there is no intersection between Xiaoyan and Su Yu, but it is quite suede with the bodyguards.

Three minutes later, Joe picked up the phone and made a call.

Then another domestic

When Xiao An and Lu Yan got off and walked in, they saw that the hot pot restaurant began to list and wrote - suspending business, and then the guests inside were rushed out.

"Hey, what's the situation?" Lu Yan was curious.

"We are not open, and the two go to other places."

"At noon, you are not open, play?" Lu Yan wondered, this hot pot restaurant is sick?

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