Myriad Paths

Chapter 994 Hook

Li Qi is still competing with the Demonic Path. Although the war on the surface has ended, the real, more dangerous war has come.

The Demonic Path gave Li Qi a difficult question by retreating, and Li Qi also made his own response.

How to say it...

In fact, there is a very big loophole in what Li Qi did.

It is a very attractive idea to regard war and construction as a fight against evil. Look, we make brave sacrifices to defeat the evil, and even pay the ultimate price of life. It feels sacred to think about it.

Letting other people's children indirectly end the evil is enough to make people feel the same glory. Most supporters think so.

Becoming part of a group is always a very wise choice, and immersing in the feelings of the team can always make people feel excited.

Even if you are more sober, not being swept up by the group, and not indulging in hatred and prejudice, the group can at least make people happy for a while.

It is always pleasant to think that one's group is superior to others, so various things that can distinguish "us" from "enemies", including the orthodoxy, can always unite people immediately.

But in fact, for the nine lands of the world, this is nonsense.

Everyone knows that organizations are organizations and orthodoxy is orthodoxy.

For example, Wudao is Wudao, and Wushen Mountain is Wushen Mountain.

When talking about Wushen Mountain, it is the Wushen Mountain organization. Although Wushen Mountain is the main branch of Wudao, it is not the whole of Wudao.

Many witches do not recognize Wushen Mountain, such as the Chongli clan. Not only do they not recognize Wushen Mountain, they also support the existence of the Tang Dynasty.

The same was true for Buddhism in the past. The Tathagata is Mahayana Buddhism, but there is also Hinayana Buddhism in the world.

The same is true for Taoism. Although Taoism is a Taoist sect, it is not monolithic inside. Then there are sects like Penglai Mountain and Luofu Mountain. When Luofu Mountain suffered a disaster, other people did not help because they were not familiar with each other.

The division of Taoist sects is essentially a tendency of thought. Because of this tendency, they prefer to be with people who get along well with each other, thus forming organizations such as societies, sects, and masters and apprentices.

And you can belong to a Taoist sect without joining any organization.

The Taoist sect is not a strict organization with strict rules. There are indeed organizations within the Taoist sect, but the Taoist sect itself is not an organization.

The Taoist sect is a classification, just like "human beings" are also a classification.

However, the classification here is not based on race, but on "thought".

The Taoist sect itself is just the result of the convergence of thoughts, not a rigid organization.

For example, there is an alien who studies mathematics 50 light years away from the earth. There is a student who also studies mathematics in any university on the earth. It is obvious that they are from the same Taoist sect, but there is no relationship between them.

The common point of the Daotong is just to recognize a fundamental concept. As for how to interpret the fundamental concept, that is their own business. Whether there is an organization or not is also their own business.

Sects can have rules and regulations, but the Daotong itself does not.

Daotong is a "school". They may not even have any relationship with each other, or they may be hostile to each other.

So for the Daotong, there is no "group" to speak of. The relationship between groups is not close, even the human way is the same. Tang is Tang, and human way is human way. Not all human practitioners are Tang people. It's just that human way pays more attention to organization and unity than other Daotong.

Through the form of group, many people will simply divide things into two sides and believe in it, but the real world is not like this. This idea cannot make people control themselves. On the contrary, it will make people entrust their fate to those who manipulate themselves with war lies. Hatred and paranoia cannot bring people long-term satisfaction. They can only fuel anger.

This emotion is the emotion that Li Qi provides to the Demon Dao.

This is the relationship between the Daotong and Qidian.

The reason why the Dao is the Dao is that everyone feels that their goals are similar, so they spontaneously come together. This behavior is a completely spontaneous action and there is no division.

What Qidian is doing now is completely the opposite. It deliberately brings the power of the powerful to the group, making others mistakenly believe that the powerful are "in the same group" with themselves. This blindness and obedience to the group are the natural breeding ground for evil thoughts.

The people in Qidian do not have the same "Dao". In fact, Li Qi and many people in Qidian have different concepts. The only thing they have in common is the action of "destroying the devil". Li Qi now shows the power of the powerful and creates a kind of "the power of the powerful belongs to all of us". The blind "group spirit" that appears when everyone has different Daos is a huge flaw for the Demon Dao.

This is what Li Qi deliberately leaked to the Demon Dao.

Will he take the bait?

Li Qi doesn't know, but whether he takes the bait or not, this trick can at least maintain the stability of Qidian for a period of time, and it won't lose anyway.

This is usually the case with the battles between powerful people. Everyone has considered everything very carefully, but there is one problem...

Everyone is very thoughtful, because everyone knows what their core interests are, so all actions are for their core interests. Generally speaking, unless there is a huge gap in strength, the core interests will not be lost too much, and only then will there be a situation where "nothing will lose" occur.

But... Li Qi's purpose and core interests are on the surface, and who is the magic path currently playing against Li Qi? What are the other party's core interests?

It is very likely that what Li Qi has been planning are things that the other party does not care about very much, and it doesn't matter if they lose them, and they will be in trouble at that time.

But there is no way, so let it be, when the enemy comes, the general will block the water and the earth will cover it, and wait for the magic path to take action before analyzing the specific situation.

So, time moves forward again.

These things are generally very boring, because things at the execution level are always a bunch of trivial matters when they are implemented, but generally there is no problem.

Construction is always better than war. Although it is not as direct and cruel as war, you can intuitively watch what you do little by little.

Qidian maintained this state——

So, planets were fabricated one by one to give those civilizations that had destroyed everything a place to stay.

Therefore, many people began to want to join Qidian, not out of hatred for the magic path, but out of recognition or admiration for the construction of Qidian.

In this regard, Li Qi chose to refuse all of them.

Accommodating too many chaotic wills is a burden for Qidian, but on the surface, he strictly guarded against it, but he only issued orders, but did not personally handle the matter.

Without the second and third ranks to personally handle it, how the people below will execute it depends on their luck.

For the same order, how many people will understand it is something you can control, just like a book, when it is written, how the readers understand it is not controlled by the author.

Whether you really don’t understand it, think you understand it, or pretend not to understand it, anyway, when no one is in control, how the same order is executed is almost entirely up to people and luck.

Li Qi's order was one way when it was passed to the fourth rank, another way when it was passed to the fifth rank, and another way when it was passed to the sixth rank. When the same order passed through thousands of people's hands, it was hard to say whether it was still the original order when it was finally implemented in the hands of the executor.

There were countless flaws in the middle.

Fortunately, Li Qi had the true rhyme, which was inherited from the Heavenly Demon and could sense almost all information. Li Qi could control it easily.

It depends on whether the Demon Dao can see through it.

In this regard, after breaking through the second rank, Li Qi also had a new understanding of the true rhyme.

This is also... a characteristic of the Heavenly Demon, right? The true rhyme is really the eye of the Heavenly Demon, and now Li Qi has an eye of the Heavenly Demon, and this eye can also "open", open in the form of the Heavenly Eye on the forehead, and take everything into his eyes.

Although the first rank confirmed that this eye is safe, its essence will not change. This is also a manifestation of the Heavenly Demon's "absolute self".

How does the Heavenly Demon confirm that others are also himself? How to break the "high wall"?

You should know that there are high walls in the hearts of all living beings, and other people cannot cross the high walls to "empathize" with you. This is also the boundary of distinguishing "self".

Inside the wall, it is "self".

Outside the wall, it is "others".

Each of us is lonely in the world.

Everyone belongs only to himself, and everyone has a "world" that only he can see.

That is his inner world.

In the eyes of the devil, the inner world is all that a person has. There is no external world at all. This inner world is the only truth.

Therefore, people who want to communicate with the outside world are all pitiful people. They want to tell others what they think in their hearts, but... there is no one outside.

Even if there is something outside, but other people do not have the ability to accept it, just like you yourself do not have the ability to accept others.

One person can never really understand another person.

If there is a person who can understand one tenth of you, that is a "confidant", a good friend who is hard to meet in a lifetime, something that cannot be desired.

Therefore, humans can only walk alone. Although they are close to each other, they are not together. They neither understand others nor can they be understood by others.

Everyone seems to live in a different world.

All people who are separated can only shout to others from a distance, but cannot really see each other or touch each other.

But for Tianmo, he has a way.

This way is to truly know the rhyme.

Knowing the rhyme can break the high wall and truly achieve "empathy".

No matter what it is, it can be drilled through, and then completely understand all the feelings of the other party, as if they are the same person.

This power is very terrible. This is not mind reading in the ordinary sense, because mind reading cannot allow you to read the other party's thoughts. Thoughts are an extremely secret, extremely subjective, and extremely private matter that can never be known by others.

Reading memories, reading minds, these cannot break the high wall.

But the complete form of true knowledge can.

The complete form of true knowledge, that is, one eye of Tianmo, can completely understand the other party and feel all the other party's thoughts with almost no gaps.

Just when Li Qi was thinking about this, there was a sound of a teacup being placed on the table.

Li Qi woke up from his thoughts and looked at the person in front of him.

In front of him was a girl as bright as the full moon.

Of course, she was definitely not a girl in terms of age, they were already an old couple, but she still looked like she was in her early twenties, no different from when they first met.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself." Shen Shuibi walked to Li Qi, stood behind him, looked at the documents on the table, and said so.

Since the matter of Qidian began, Li Qi was basically responsible for handling all affairs, signing various documents, and making various decisions.

In Shen Shuibi's opinion, other people gave Li Qi too much burden. These people took it for granted that Li Qi was a second-grade person, and he naturally had extraordinary power and enough wisdom. His power and wisdom were enough to bear all that, and he thought he could handle these problems perfectly.

But Shen Shuibi knew that this was not the case. Li Qi also had his own limit to bear, and fighting against the magic was a difficult task.

"It should be. They look at me like this, just like how I looked at the Witch God." Li Qi smiled.

Yes, Li Qi was actually like this at the beginning.

He believed that the Witch God was omnipotent, so he almost completely trusted the Witch God's approach.

"Alas." Shen Shuibi also knew the current situation, so she did not persuade Li Qi, but just asked: "Do we have to be enemies with the Heavenly Demon?"

In fact, from Shen Shuibi's point of view, there is no need to go to war with the entire Demon Dao.

Even if she was played by the Heavenly Demon before, this kind of thing is common. If she must pursue "revenge", it is really a bit reckless. After all, the Demon Dao is not easy to deal with. If she does this every day, Shen Shuibi is very worried that the peaceful life now will soon disappear.

Who knows one day, something big will happen, and Li Qi's hard-won life without anyone's control will fall into turmoil again after he was promoted to the second rank.

"This is not revenge, Yu'er, do you think that at present, the conflict between me and the Demon Dao is still as simple as hatred?" Li Qi asked.

"Then what is it for? You and the demons have no conflict. Now that everything has been settled after the reconstruction, is there anything else to do?" Shen Shuibi didn't understand.

Li Qizhe held Rabbit's hand and said to her: "The demons are too much of an obstacle to this world. You and I have suffered from this. Now we are free, but it doesn't mean that all living beings are free."

"So, what I want to do is to prevent all living beings from being disturbed by the demons."

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