Myriad Paths

Chapter 995 Language

Because it rained, I wanted to hold an umbrella for others, this is what Li Qi thought.

He and Shen Shuibi were probably the most disturbed by demons in the world, but because of various coincidences and their own efforts, they finally had a chance to breathe now.

And more people, even if they were facing weaker demons, were more difficult to deal with due to their specific circumstances, and eventually fell into a tragic ending.

Yes, this is Li Qi's goal-

What Li Qi wants to do is not to destroy demons, but to pull all living beings out of the hands of the demons.

This answer surprised Shen Shuibi.

"Then... what about now?" Shen Shuibi looked at Li Qi in astonishment.

Yes, according to Li Qi's answer to her, then Li Qi has almost achieved his goal now, and what are all the actions that follow for?

No, the answer is already very clear, Li Qi is just confusing people.

As long as he pretends to destroy the demons, as long as the demons are still fighting with Li Qi, all the time gained in the meantime will be peaceful days for all living beings.

This is what Li Qi has to do at this stage, and he has already done it quietly.

He used the guise of destroying the demons to create a peaceful time. As long as Qidian still exists, as long as Li Qi's momentum of destroying the demons has not decreased, and as long as the demons are still willing to fight with him, then Li Qi can even continue to do so forever.

"Is there more than one Qidian?" Shen Shuibi asked based on her guess about Li Qi.

Li Qi smiled and said, "Of course there is more than one. If this Qidian collapses, I can take out the second one at any time, so don't worry."

"That's good." Shen Shuibi breathed a sigh of relief.

Since he is not determined to pursue a duel with the demons, then safety can be basically guaranteed, and Li Qi should still have the ability to protect himself.

As for the fact that Li Qi had been hiding it from her before, she didn't feel anything.

This is a very normal thing, especially for the powerful.

"You are very real", this kind of words may be a compliment to mortals, but unfortunately, in the eyes of the powerful, "real" is not an advantage, it is just an adverb of degree.

When the years are peaceful, sincerity can move people with your sincerity, but when you do something without knowing it, the truth will become the greatest harm, and then it will really hurt people deeply.

Keeping a part of it and being a riddler will be good for everyone.

It can even be said that Li Qi is risky to explain this to Shen Shuibi here.

So Rabbit put his fingers on his temples, pulled out this thought, and crushed it on his fingers: "I will forget this part, you should be careful here, I will leave first and won't cause you trouble."

After that, she left here.

Li Qi took a sip of the tea brought by Rabbit.

He did not lie to Shen Shuibi. The current situation was created by Li Qi to delay time, but... false is real, real is false.

If the demon really thinks that he is just like this, he doesn't mind changing the plan immediately and really putting the extermination of demons on the agenda.

No matter how it changes, he is ready.

He will not lose anyway, this is the duel of the powerful.

There is just one problem.

For the magic path... Li Qi still has a real flaw.

That is... desire.

As long as there is any form of desire in the heart, and there is an expectation for a certain future state, the heart cannot be calm.

Any desire will bring pain. Generally speaking, life is full of desire. Even if there is only one desire, it will be accompanied by endless pain and misfortune.

Desire is the only pain. It will plunge life into darkness; make you feel frustrated and painful.

It is not easy to free the mind from the shackles of desire, even to let yourself know that this desire needs attention is not a simple thing. When you find that you have desire in your heart, this is the best time for the magic path to enter the game, and if you choose to delay the problem, it is tantamount to helping it take root.

So, what Li Qi has to do now is not to let the problems you find take root.

The specific method is to use Li Qi's own chaos. As long as there are enough problems and thoughts, nothing can take root. No idea can occupy his main thinking in Li Qi's current state.

Li Qi is very confident now.

Because the so-called leader is actually a dreamer, who doesn't know what fear is and has no idea of ​​the probability of his own failure. If you can't do this, you can't be a leader.

If you are timid, don't think about victory, but only think about failure, then you can only be a counselor, not a leader.

The greatest advantage of a leader is that he can paint a picture of victory for everyone, so that the most pessimistic counselor can feel that his victory is hopeful, even if the counselor's rational thinking is only a dead end, the leader can make people believe in himself, not the counselor.

As long as enough people believe in the leader, the chances of winning will really get higher and higher.

This is the power of things like 'language'.


For Li Qi, language is so powerful.

And for the magic way, it is actually the same.

Language is really powerful. Words and speech are not just a simple reminder. It recreates the past in reality and gives us a shocking and condensed imagination, not an ordinary memory.

It can even be said that even culture and civilization itself are the product of this ‘condensed imagination’.

History needs to be recorded in writing, technology needs to be passed on in writing, and civilization itself is the product of the combination of technology and culture. When the writing of a civilization is destroyed, the civilization is basically destroyed.

Each new language provides a new positioning for thinking, expressing ideas and expressing emotions, thereby creating unique discourse symbols and eventually becoming a unique thing.

Just as bamboo slips gave birth to a culture, newspapers gave birth to another culture, televisions gave birth to a culture, mobile live broadcasts gave birth to a new culture, and short videos and long videos are also different.

Although they seem to speak the same language, the difference in media also represents the difference in information.

From paintings to pictographic symbols, from letters to television, each new medium will give birth to a new language, and a new language will give birth to a new culture.

In the new language system, what people say can not only be heard, but also seen - this is not a trivial matter, although many people do not realize this.

However, it is obvious that the form of language has created a new concept of knowledge, a new understanding of intelligence, audiences and interpretation of the world.

Using language to express and record one's own ideas is not the end of these ideas, but the starting point of these ideas.

Written text makes it easy for ideas to be subject to continuous and rigorous scrutiny by others. Written form solidifies language, and from this, grammar, logic, rhetoric, and a whole set of technologies developed from it were born - all of which require people to put language in front of their eyes to see its meaning, find its errors, and understand its revelation.

For ordinary people, such people may not see the magic of words, but imagine how strange and magical words will appear to a nation with only oral language?

Such a dialogue seems to have no object, and it seems that everyone is the object.

What is stranger than the silence when the problem is put to the text? What is more mysterious than confiding to an invisible reader and correcting oneself because you know that an anonymous reader will object or misunderstand?

Similarly, for someone who has only seen written records, the expression of language in the form of "video" is more impactful, so the language of the lens appears.

And through this power, the evil thoughts themselves can be spread.

Through language, text, or video, information is transmitted, and information is a clear and specific description of the world. What comes through information is part of other people's minds.

Including the symbols that make conversation possible.

One person's thoughts are transmitted to others, like a metaphor, a hidden but powerful suggestion, but it is enough to define the real world.

Whether we use words -

or printed words -

or television, cameras, cameras -

In short, when you feel the world through this kind of other people's inner things, this kind of transmitted thoughts are classifying, sorting, constructing, enlarging, shrinking and coloring the world in the hearts of all beings, and proving the reason for everything to exist.

There is an example that can be clearly understood, for example, there are no numbers in people's minds, and intelligence has no quantity and volume unless we believe that "there is".

So why do we still believe that it exists?

This is because we have the tools of thought, and this set of tools can help us understand the outside world.

For example, the language of nature is mathematics. In fact, this is just an analogy, because nature itself cannot speak, and there is no language. Our bodies and brains cannot speak either. Our dialogue with nature and ourselves is conducted in any "language" that we find convenient.

And this language can be described as "mathematics".

You see, mathematics exists in the thinking organ. There is no mathematics outside the thinking organ and outside the "self".

Concepts, numbers, logic, all things that describe external things, all thoughts, only exist in the thinking organ.

The nature, wisdom, knowledge, and thoughts we know are not their true appearance, but their expression in language.

Language is the medium for the spread of things other than the self.

Or another adjective can be used to describe what is happening at this moment...


Meme is spreading.

Evil thoughts spread in meme, and infiltrate everything in the world bit by bit.

Haha, Li Qi thought he had eradicated the Dream City, but the Dream City just changed its form and existed in this world.

Hotbeds can breed evil thoughts. Dream City is just a more convenient hotbed. It doesn't mean that there are no other hotbeds in the world.

For example... the construction of Qidian has begun.

The construction of Qidian is in full swing.

Mu Yu, the third-rank who was born in Qidian, is in charge of this matter. In fact, this kind of thing is very simple for a third-rank. If it is not necessary to maintain the existence of Qidian, he can build all these things by himself.

It's just a few billion galaxies. It can be done by waving his hands back and forth.

Unfortunately, just like the ritual, the important thing is not the ritual itself, but the symbolic meaning behind it. The people in Qidian are part of a grand sacrifice, and are symbols made to fight against the second-grade magic. Therefore, not only can he not do it for them, but he must also carefully maintain the existence of Qidian.

At this moment, Mu Yu is paying attention to these things.

As a third-grade, his growth experience is as legendary as other third-grade.

Born in the City of Dreams, he was tortured by the magic for his whole life, but he finally walked out on his own. He felt that he had extraordinary abilities and tried to join the human way.

He succeeded, he was recognized by the human way, became a part of the human way, and became a fifth-grade with the help of the human way's resources.

After that, his goal was to become a martial artist of the human emperor, but after joining the training camp, he quickly realized that this goal was beyond his ability.

The people around him were all monsters, and their talents were one in a trillion.

His lack of strength made him suffer a lot in the process. In the end, the devil thought entered his mind, his heart collapsed, he refused the rescue and psychological assistance of the human way, and gave up his identity as a "human".

So, he turned to pursue his own martial arts path, but he did not waste his time in the human world.

The martial arts he learned in the human world were extraordinary, and thanks to the good practice environment and human resources in the world, he learned a lot in his spare time, which benefited him a lot.

Later, he joined the Qidian, all because of his experience in the creation of the magic path when he was young. On this road, Mu Yu was not alone. There were thousands of people who were also seeking answers to similar questions. They were all volunteers. Most of them were not as good as Mu Yu, but they all had similar experiences.

However, even if Mu Yu was so good, he now encountered a huge problem.

That is, many people became paranoid during the construction process.

Including Mu Yu, he found that he was losing his mind, his anxiety was getting worse, and he almost forgot what it felt like to have a good night's sleep.

So, he almost knew immediately that this was the counterattack of the magic path.

He had no evidence, but he didn't need evidence.

So, he immediately started to contact Li Qi.

However, at this time, an idea came to his mind.

"Senior Li Qi... do you really want to destroy the demons?"

This shouldn't be doubted. There is nothing to doubt about Li Qi's demon-destroying actions.

But... it always feels a bit mysterious.

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