Myriad Paths

Chapter 1016: War breaks out again

Li Qi has been running around in the universe for a long time.

He has done many things.

He helped the Buddhist sect to spread the word, got the Desire Realm, eradicated the Dream City, established the Qi Palace, and there are many other things. He was so busy running around, and all these things he did were driven by the same goal.

That is, to find trouble for the Demonic Path.

These things obviously affected the Demonic Path.

Similar to the previous three-grade civilization, it was basically a hotbed for the Demonic Path, but after Li Qi semi-forced the opening of the Great Tripitaka, they also began to have basic resistance to demonic thoughts.

In this regard, the Demonic Path did not make any movement on the surface.

If the Desire Realm is gone, it is gone.

If the Dream City is eradicated, then it is eradicated.

The Karma Demon died, and they didn't seem to care.

In the reincarnation, the position of karma was taken by the Demon Prince, and they didn't react at all.

Li Qi jumped up and down in the entire universe, and the Demonic Path didn't even pay attention to him from beginning to end.

This is really a bit problematic, so that the actions of the Demonic Path itself have begun to be watched by other sects.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal. The Demonic Path is not a peaceful sect. The fact that Li Qi has been able to jump until now shows that there must be something behind it.

Li Qi was also very anxious about this, but he had no choice.

The Demon Prince also looked indifferent. He continued to read the Great Tripitaka. He was also going to go to the Human Path after reading it and look for the Great Sho Tripitaka. It seemed that targeting was not an urgent matter for him.

Li Qi just sighed and continued to wait.

So -

In Xuanjing Mountain...

"Huh -"

Shen Shuibi drank the sweet wine in the glass in one gulp. Her throat trembled during the drinking process, but she still spilled a few drops and flowed down her neck.

Beside her, Li Qi quietly admired her swallowing movements.

Unlike Li Qi, the snow-white neck without any protrusions trembled rapidly because of swallowing, and the clavicle that was rarely seen also swayed with it.

The lines of the jaw and throat are hooked together, and because of the water droplets, they are shining.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you been busy recently?" Shen Shuibi saw Li Qi's eyes, immediately wiped the water droplets with her sleeves, and became decent again.

"I want to be busy, but... I can't find anything to be busy with. I have done everything I can think of to stimulate the magic to take further action, but what is the magic hiding from?" Li Qi was lying on the recliner, feeling a little headache.

"In my opinion, you might as well wait for them to react, why do you have to be so proactive?" Shen Shuibi said.

"Waiting for them to react? Ha, that's right, I'll wait for them to react, I've done almost everything I can do." Li Qi sighed, and that was all he could do.


However... the magic is not as calm as it looks.

The four demons of the first rank really didn't react much, but because of Li Qi's matter, the demons of the second rank were indeed in a state of panic.

They then began to tangle together in the void, like a spider web, tangling their thoughts together, just like a person, and began to think.

The Good Knowledge Demon spoke first: "He was not affected. In fact... he seemed to have lost his pursuit of knowledge. I haven't seen any impulse to try to pursue new techniques and new knowledge for the time being."

"Of course, he has only reached the second level, and the previous things have not been digested. You are not very harmful to him at the moment, but... why did he contact Xiantian? Did he know about the heart demon?" Bodhi Dharma Wisdom Demon asked.

"That's why I hid and let him continue to develop. It should not be exposed." The heart demon replied.

This is a secret, a secret that few people in the demon path know.

The opportunity for the heart demon is the 'immortal heaven'.

The so-called heart demon is arrogant.

When the mind thinks, this demon will appear.

The demon conqueror must first conquer his own heart. When the heart is subdued, the demons retreat and listen. When the heart is born, all kinds of demons arise. When the heart is extinguished, all kinds of demons are extinguished. This blocks the right path and leads to the loss of wisdom. This is called the demon of the heart.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the demon of the heart is the floating thoughts in your heart, which are all kinds of distracting thoughts generated by practitioners.

Similar to "I'm so annoyed, I don't want to read anymore."

"I'm tired, I don't want to do it anymore."

"Is this person sick? I want to kill him."

Such thoughts only appear for a moment, and there is a high probability that you yourself think it is wrong and will not do it. The tiny thoughts are the manifestation of the demon of the heart.

If you do it, it means that you have not controlled it.

In the whole universe, there is a person with a high level of cultivation, but at the same time, the demon of the heart is difficult to get rid of.

That is Xiantian.

Xiantian is the opportunity for the great road of the demon of the heart.

As long as the demon of the heart makes the mind of the immortal fall completely, and completely takes over the "immortal" floating on the surface, then the demon of the heart will become a grade like the immortal.

Normally, when you reach the second level, you can control your thoughts, and it is difficult for the inner demon to have a big impact on the same level.

But Xiantian is different.

Xiantian can't even control his own thoughts, and the nature of the inner demon just allows him to gradually use these distracting thoughts to subtly make "Xiantian" become himself.

And originally, all this went smoothly.

They even let the good knowledge demon give Li Qi an address through the connection between the inner demon and Xiantian.

Through this address, the person contacted was indeed Xiantian. No matter how he verified it, how he checked it, or even just took a sneak peek, what he could see was definitely Xiantian.

As long as Li Qi had a little curiosity, even if he just stayed far away and tried to check the authenticity, then Li Qi would definitely be fooled.

Unfortunately, Li Qi did not have any distracting thoughts from beginning to end, not even the idea of ​​"going to have a look".

However, it was just a casual move, so it would be fine if Li Qi did not come.

However... the death of the karma demon made these second-grade demons alert.

They continued to push forward the actions of the heart demon. As long as the heart demon took over the body of Xiantian and used the nature of Xiantian to promote the heart demon to the first grade, Li Qi would naturally be nothing.

However, at this critical moment... Xiantian was pulled away by Li Qi.

This made these demons almost doubt whether they were targeted by a first-grade.

Fortunately, the four demons did not react, and there should be no one who intervened. If there was really one who intervened, the demons would not be able to sit still. They could only guess that this was another trick of Li Qi.

But no matter what, the progress of the inner demon was interrupted. Xiantian is now involved in the dispute between the spiritual path and the witch path. The inner demon is also difficult to start, and there are more variables.

Originally, Xiantian would never be involved in any disputes. With Xiantian's virtue, he can shrink his head until the destruction of the universe. The inner demon has plenty of time to advance his plan bit by bit.

But after getting involved with Li Qi, all this has changed.

Now that the compilation of the Great Tripitaka has been completed, coupled with this large-scale propaganda, the many interests and strategic spaces that the demon path had given up before seem meaningless.

These things must be resolved.

So these second-grade demons gathered together for a meeting.

"Now the action against Xiantian has to be stopped, the action against Dream City has also been stopped, the action against Qidian has also been stopped long ago, and the action against Li Qi himself has also been stopped before. All concessions have become empty talk. If no action is taken, it means that the previous losses have become real." Shangen Mo reminded.

It's just like speculating in futures.

Before everything is settled and you really turn the goods into money, all losses are floating losses, and floating losses are not losses.

Only when the floating losses become real losses when they are realized, then the problem will be big.

Previously, Xiantian was the bottom line, and all losses were floating losses. The demons were not panicked. As long as the matter of Xiantian was settled, all losses would be doubled and returned, and there would be no loss at all.

But the current situation... If they continue to make concessions and let the floating losses become real losses, it would be really fatal.

Many of their future plans and many events that need to be promoted will all be stagnant.

For example, Li Qi spent a lot of resources to forge Qidian. These resources are possibilities, materials, and even some manpower and followers of high-quality practitioners themselves.

The second-rank demons will naturally have such plans and property.

Many great opportunities and even some chances will be missed or even lost because of the current situation.

This is also a major loss for the second-rank.

We can't let things develop to that point.

"We must take the initiative to attack Xiantian, and we should put aside our prejudices when joining forces with Lingdao." The inner demon urged.

This matter concerns his path, and he must stand up and take the lead.

His first-rank opportunity is Xiantian. If he misses it, then he doesn't know how many lifetimes he will have to wait for Xiantian, a first-rank personified by rules.

"Will Lingdao join forces with us?"

"Yes, they also need Xiantian, and there is a conflict between Wudao and Lingdao now. Although it is not big, there is also an opportunity to take advantage of it."

"It is precisely because they also need Xiantian that they may refuse to cooperate with us. Lingdao knows their attitude."

"It is not up to them to decide whether to cooperate or not."

"Well, okay."

The demons talked to each other, but in terms of expression, it was as if one mind had different thoughts.

For these demons, they generally exist in the "heart" of all living beings, and there is no entity. They are the manifestation of the minds of all living beings. In this manifestation, the cognition of "mind" also varies, and therefore different demons are born.

But no matter how surprised they are, the demons are also very clear about their situation.

Absolute selfishness has brought about the cooperation of the demons, so that they can even let go and merge with other demons to communicate without leaking any secrets.

Soon, the demons have dispersed.

Everything Li Qi did had a great impact on them, and the impact could not be allowed to expand.


The Demonic Path began its own actions.

In this universe, the Dream City began to be rebuilt in large quantities.

However, this time, the Demonic Path did not try to change the past.

In fact, the Demonic Path was not going to change reality.

Once it involves changing reality and tampering with history, the war will fall into a tug-of-war, and it will become slow and static. Before it progresses to a certain stage, the time in the real world will even stop.

This is not okay.

It is even difficult to distinguish life and death in such a battle. After all, as long as you cede history and give up possibilities, you can retreat unscathed.

So, the Demonic Path is serious this time.

There is no need to make a choice in history, just fight in this universal reality.

Don't use history as a shield, there's no need, just fight for your life.

Without the cover of history, when Li Qi wants to interfere, he must come directly and fight for his life in the most intuitive and obvious way in the real universe.

This kind of fight, Li Qi has seen before.

In Guangyang, the battle between Zhu Fengdan and the third-grade human being was this kind.

Can Li Qi's so-called "Qi Dian" withstand it?

The magic doesn't know.

And Li Qi himself doesn't know.

But anyway...

The many sects in this universe - the nine lands of the world, the second-rate sects like the Tao of Reason and the Tao of Martial Arts, and those high-level civilizations, all these super civilizations with the ability to observe the entire universe, suddenly discovered this change -

The dormant magic, at this moment, bared its fangs.

The old turtle who was beaten but didn't fight back, suddenly turned into a crocodile!


The magic took action.

In just one year, more than 600 trillion new dream cities sprang up, and even Qidian hadn't had time to react.

After all, a year is too easy for the immortals to pass.

Not to mention the immortals, even ordinary mortals who can live for seventy or eighty years often sigh, "Ah? A year has passed? I haven't done anything yet!"

Time is like a medicine. If you use it too much, you will become resistant to it.

It takes more and larger doses of time to give people a new sense of stimulation.

Children complain that they haven't grown up yet, while the elderly lament that their lives have passed by so quickly, as if they haven't done anything.

In the eyes of the immortals, a year is as light as a blink of an eye.

In this blink of an eye, the magic way launched a swift offensive.

The rising dream cities are hosted by many third-grade masters. They found the former members of Qidian and attacked them without hesitation.

Qidian certainly reacted, but this reaction was more like instinct than a large-scale resistance coordinated by the powerful, so it had little effect.

A year later, the blitzkrieg of the Demonic Path was almost ineffective. When the powerful noticed it, the third-rank of Qidian immediately began to look back.

They were ready to return the battle to the time before it started, so that the Demonic Path's first move would be in vain.

However, when they began to look back...

They found that this war was not over.

Don't think about escaping in history.

Put on the bayonet. (End of this chapter)

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