Myriad Paths

Chapter 1017 Tai Sui

There is no past, no history, everything is only in the present.

Don't think of using the torrent of history to escape for yourself, cowardly behavior will not get any response at this moment!

Mu Yu also realized this at this moment.

So he decisively joined the battlefield.

Since the last time Qidian successfully operated and killed the evil demon, everyone in Qidian knew their abilities clearly, and Mu Yu also gained a lot.

So, facing the challenge of the magic path, he did not hesitate at all. After reporting to the second-rank, he had already set off.


Just a moment, the moment he broke into the battlefield, his inner world was severely damaged. He knelt on his knees on a thick layer of leaf rot, his hands slammed on the ground in front of him, and the whole person fell on the wet and rotten ground.

This battlefield should be a primitive planet, so the surroundings are like this.

The demonic energy seemed to be flowing around like a crazy python, causing Mu Yu to feel a burst of tingling on his skin.

He felt that his inner world and his own mind were entangled in chains.

If it was a retrospective competition in the third-grade war, then he could easily evacuate this time and space at this time and make other plans.

But now there is no way out, there is only one reality, only one battlefield, and retreat means failure.

This fact forced him to raise his heavy head.

Concentrate your attention, eliminate evil thoughts, heal your injuries, expel the magic and magic energy around you, let your mind condense, and try to focus your dizzy and wandering vision.

In front of you, colorful and black and white light and shadow intertwined and flickered, and the illusion was layered, but it soon became clear and condensed into a full picture.

He stood up shakily and just noticed the ferns, vines and trees around him...

But the next moment, the whole planet was directly melted by the magic energy.

The land and the ocean, and even the core of the planet itself, were all eroded by the magic energy.

Not only that, the power of the magic energy began to divide everything and gradually spread. With the power of the third grade, the surrounding 45 billion light years were completely destroyed.

Light, everything, everything, were cut into pieces and strips, and the natural world seemed to be split apart, completely different from the scenery in front.

The devil's voice disturbed his ears, noisy and tormented his ears.

And Mu Yu wiped his hands on his thighs, and then wiped the sweat from his face.

The devil's energy is indeed troublesome, but... he is a warrior.

A third-grade warrior.

The martial arts spirit opened behind him, and the blood and qi rolled.

Speaking of risking one's life, there is really no one in the world who is better at risking one's life than a warrior.

A vacuum decay began to occur around Mu Yu, and endless energy was released from the void.

He stood up suddenly and punched the world.

A total of six punches, and all six were subdued.

At the seventh punch, the martial arts spirit burst out completely, the dimension was forcibly suppressed, and the seventh punch traveled through time and space, and hit the third-grade demon head who made the move.

The battle began, and the most intense hand-to-hand combat kicked off.

Not only among the third grade.

It also includes the battlefields of mortals who are not in the rank to the second-rank people themselves.

The fleet gallops in the universe, and the galaxies are still slowly rotating under the influence of gravity. If you look from the galaxy disk, if you have enough eyesight, you can see countless silver-gray docks scattered on the galaxy disk, just like pepper sprinkled on fried eggs.

The edge of the spiral arm, which is as long as 5,000 parsecs, is one of the fronts of the war. Even the surrounding starlight seems to exude the madness of war.

This is true, because normal starlight is calm, while the starlight here is full of madness.

The stars, they are both chaotic and orderly, forming another existence that is more disordered and chaotic than themselves.

When you look up and stare at the starry sky, it is as if the starry sky is also staring at you.

Occasionally, you can even see that the stars split from the middle, revealing reptile-like eyes, and countless individuals look in different directions in the void.

The stars blinking is not a joke.

When you look through an astronomical telescope, the stars really open their bloodshot eyes and blink at the observatory, as if laughing crazily.

Anyone who looks at it seems to hear the whispers in their hearts.

This whisper makes the viewer reluctant to look away, because they can feel that their hearts are extremely eager to communicate with it, and the remaining rationality keeps telling you to close your eyes. The rotation speed of the starry sky in your vision is faster and crazier than before.

This is a planet that has been corrupted and awakened by the influence of demonic energy, which means... the demon race has also intervened, and some of the "demons" have also used the power they have to start enlightening the stars.

This is really an indescribable scene. The activated planets are flying around in the universe, opening their big mouths to swallow the planets along the way. Their tongues lick other normal planets, and then turn them into accretion disks, which turn them into streams of light in the universe.

However, Qidian is not much behind.

The world-class giant ships kept roaring their engines. Along the track were giant ships one after another. There were smaller aircraft and more fighter planes around the giant ships.

Suns were lit inside these giant ships. They were not affected by the demon stars. These suns were completely made by them and were completely controllable.

The battle between the fleet and the starry sky made astronomical observations chaotic. The vibration of high-speed flight extinguished countless suns. Every pilot could see dark yellow stars appearing on his instrument panel from time to time, hanging in the sky surrounded by stars and dust, but disappearing from time to time.

The instruments were clicking, showing the wonders of their fast flight this time.

Warships hurriedly set off from all directions of the dock to other spacecraft in need of assistance. This was a touching and spectacular scene, which best demonstrated the noble spirit of mutual care and mutual help in Qidian.

Maybe so.

Many innocent people suffered. Some civilizations on the surface, who had just acquired the ability of astronomical observation, suddenly saw their starry sky turned into a Shura field, with groups of living evil planets moving at superluminal speed devouring planets everywhere.

Some were lucky and got help from Qidian before being devoured, while others were in fear and madness, and the whole world was swallowed up in one gulp.

There are also a large number of practitioners who have joined the battle, not only Qidian, but also those civilizations influenced by the magic path, and have also joined the fight against the magic path.

In addition, some practitioners who think the magic path is very interesting have also joined the magic path. After all, not everyone in this world is a good person, and they may even feel sick when they see Qidian.

But no matter what, the magic path is officially over.

Unlike the previous small fight to eradicate the Dream City, this is really a fight to the death that does not allow any retreat.

The war lasted only 1,900 years.

In 1,900 years, three third-grade people have fallen.

The second-grade people took action personally, and even Li Qi went into battle personally.

The progress of the Demon Prince's research on the Great Tripitaka was forced to be interrupted, and even the Demon Prince was forced to join the war.

Several Bodhisattvas who supported Li Qi, plus Yang Zhenqian, also joined the melee directly after realizing the seriousness of the matter.

Zhu Fengdan did not come, because he needed to finish the previous theft of Wu Xian, and he really couldn't come.

But he is not a big deal, the current second-ranks are in a mess.

Li Qi joined the battle the moment the magic shield failed. Now he is fighting with the second-ranks of the magic path in the laws of the universe, but he can't tell the winner.

More than a dozen second-ranks are fighting.

Yin Demon, Contaminated Demon, Heart Demon, Good Root Demon, Samadhi Demon, Good Knowledge Demon, Bodhi Dharma Wisdom Demon.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Yang Zhenqian, Prince Changqin, Li Qi, Golden Monkey.

A total of fourteen second-ranks.

After the Dao dispute, this universe can still have such a lively melee, and even attracted collective observation from the nine lands of the world and even other second-rank and third-rank civilizations.

Everyone is watching the excitement.

Such a battle will continue for a while.

While Li Qi was fighting, he took out part of his mind and communicated with the people on his side.

Now, he is talking to the golden monkey.

Li Qi asked, "Brother Monkey, you should know more about demons. Apart from the demons fighting with us, where do the supporting demons come from? Will there be someone breaking in?"

"In my opinion, the other party has not yet taken action personally, so this demon is probably just an idler. If it is an idler, judging from the hand, it should be... Tai Sui."

Taisui is the master of evil and mourning, all right and wrong, death, extinction, decline, defeat, and evil. In addition, there are all kinds of killings such as hook, void, Xianchi, house tomb, disease symbol, death symbol, white tiger, and Yang blade. There are all kinds of disasters and gods and evil spirits.

Therefore, it is said that "Taisui is the master of all killings."

Li Qi frowned slightly and said, "Really... Tai Sui, the planet becomes a physical body after activation, which is in line with the appearance of Tai Sui, but why does Tai Sui help the demons?"

"Taisui is a fierce god. If the demons want to take action, it is normal for Tai Sui to intervene. However, Tai Sui itself is also a star official. Do you understand?" said the golden monkey.

Li Qi naturally understood.

Tai Sui is a star official, Tai Sui is a demon.


The same is true for Tai Yi. Tai Yi himself is also a demon. As the awakened consciousness of the stars, Tai Yi is also a star-turned demon, and Tai Sui obviously has similar properties to Tai Yi, which is all the properties that Li Qi has now.

At this time, Tai Sui's help to the demons must be inseparable from this. Maybe it was because of Li Qi that Tai Sui chose to take action.

"Not really, although I have the nature of a star official, if Tai Sui is my enemy because of this, then it's not-" Li Qi frowned a little.

"I'm definitely not sure about this alone, but don't you have another identity, brother? Don't forget Xiang Liu." The golden monkey reminded.

After saying this, Li Qi nodded slightly.

That's right.

Li Qi once reached an agreement with Xiang Liu, and this agreement was about the situation of those gods who were hostile to mortals.

Is Tai Sui because of these things?

Really... These secrets, if one moves the whole body, will instantly make a group of enemies and friends if you stand with someone, and they will gradually reveal themselves in the subsequent actions.

"I understand, then this kind of secret, I have to ask the elders." Li Qi said goodbye to the golden monkey, and his mind descended on the prince Changqin.

Prince Changqin is fighting against the Bodhi Dharma Wisdom Demon.

Bodhi Dharma Wisdom means that all dharmas are demons. People who practice, in the Bodhi Dharma, have wisdom and attachment, stick to it, block the right path, and lose the life of wisdom. This is called the Bodhi Dharma Wisdom Demon.

Your persistence, pursuit of goals, and desire to hold on to your dreams are the ‘Bodhi Dharma Wisdom Demon’.

And the way Prince Changqin fights against it is also very simple.

He grabs the ‘strings’ in the universe and plays music.

When sentient beings hear the music, they are intoxicated, and their persistence disappears. In an instant, civilization stagnates. Losing persistence naturally means losing the motivation to move forward, but at the same time, the Bodhi Dharma Wisdom Demon is also trapped in the tranquility created by music.

It is called tranquility, but in fact it is similar to ‘playing badly’.

It is similar to letting everyone have the idea that: ‘My brain structure is different from that of a genius, and it is irresponsible to let people without talent work hard on a subject like mathematics.’ So they feel at ease not to learn mathematics.

In this way, the ‘obsession’ deposited by the Bodhi Dharma Wisdom Demon is trapped.

If Bodhi Dharma Wisdom Demon wants to break the blockade, he must break the ‘tranquility’ constructed by music, so he needs to play harsh noises. As a result, in the universe, the peaceful string sounds and the harsh magic sounds alternately echo in the empty nothingness, and all living beings are in the aftermath of the two, some are crazy, and some are peaceful.

But it is not a normal state. What Prince Changqin does is not a psychological treatment. He just uses the peaceful hearts of all living beings as a cage to trap Bodhi Dharma Wisdom Demon.

As for the life and death of mortals, he doesn’t really care.

He is the follower of the gods, the son of Zhurong. In the way of witchcraft, he also recognizes nature itself, not a group of creatures, so he will neither actively hurt them nor bother to raise his hands to protect them.

Let it be.

Li Qi’s mind appeared near Changqin and contacted Changqin.

“Master Changqin, enlighten those second-grade demons of the stars. Jinhou thinks it may be Tai Sui.” Li Qi came straight to the point.

Prince Changqin glanced at Li Qi and suddenly realized: "Taisui? Oh, so, you are here to ask me about the relationship between Taisui, Dijun and Chaos?"

"Yes, can you tell me these secrets?" Li Qi asked.

"There is nothing to hide about this. Since you are already involved, there is no problem in telling you." Changqin said.

On the side of Prince Changqin, he suddenly opened his Dharma image.

The Dharma image pulled up cosmic strings from the void universe and played them.

The cosmic strings vibrated, and the most basic rules of the entire universe also vibrated. All the basic particles and basic laws danced with them, and the world fell into chaos.

All particles are made of "strings". When the strings are plucked, everything will naturally change.

Changqin increased his output to Bodhi Dharma Wisdom Demon, which made him expose his Dharma image.

The secret was also revealed.

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