Myriad Paths

Chapter 1028: Opening the Heavens

So, when Li Qi decided to open the sky, he fell into deep thought.

What kind of time and space do I want to create?

What rules, what background, what kind of life exists, and what kind of possibility do I want to create?

Possibility is mysterious, but it is actually very simple in essence.

The so-called possibility is the path to "what kind of future you can lead to".

This is the probability of things happening, a quantitative indicator contained in things and indicating the development trend of things. It is an objective thing, not a certain idea that is actively identified.

You want to reach a certain ending, for example, you become a hero, then you have many ways to become a hero, and there are many choices, such as you can go to the most dangerous place to save people, or you can go to participate in a battle.

You have thousands of roads, and every time you walk through these roads, you will realize a future and practice a possibility.

And now, lock you in a cage.

Then, all your possibilities are bound, you can't go to the most dangerous place to save people, you can't participate in any battles, you can only be trapped in a cage.

This cage will become a "critical node" in history.

If you want to do other things, you have to break through this cage first, that is, "master the key node."

If you can't break through, then you can't do anything, all your "possibilities" will be imprisoned in the cage. No matter what you want to do or what future you want to achieve, you have to break through the cage first.

The cage is the key node of history.

And there can be many images of the cage.

For example, a real cage, find a seal to lock people up, this is a possibility of locking possibilities.

Others are blocked from another direction, such as "aging."

Why do young children have more possibilities than centenarians?

Because young children have a lot of time, all of which can be used to do things, while the elderly don't have much time, and as the available time becomes less, the possibilities are gradually decreasing.

Through aging, clamping a person's future time and his ability to block this person's possibilities is also a usable method. As the saying goes, heroes grow old and beauties grow old. After restricting these, even the greatest heroes are hard to be free, and the possibilities naturally shrink.

These are all commonly used methods in the process of manipulating history, all of which are to control the development of possibilities and make the possibilities develop in the direction they want.

It's like a person who Li Qi wants to see become a scholar, but does not want to see become an athlete. This is a struggle of possibilities.

Then let him fall somewhere and break his leg.

This is a 'cage'.

In the 'broken leg' cage, there are not many things he can do, reading is one of them. In this way, the possibility of him becoming an athlete is reduced, and the possibility of him becoming a scholar is expanded.

This process is called 'convergence'.

If there is another third-rank or second-rank who wants to interfere in history and stop Li Qi's actions, then he may use coincidence to bring a doctor to cure his leg, or simply develop a new drug and let this new drug be fully rolled out in this time and space to suppress Li Qi's leg-breaking tactics.

However, the power required to bring a doctor and develop a new drug is different.

These things require power, and they have to interfere in more than one thing.

How much power is spent on one thing to be worthwhile?

In the overall historical bias, how much power should be invested in where?

How to use the least power to complete the maximum possible convergence?

This is what the battle to manipulate history should think about, everything that happened behind it.

Many of the games are very interesting. For example, a mortal is extremely valuable because this mortal only needs a little influence to influence the entire space and time. This kind of hero can help people who manipulate history save power and make it easier to change history.

Originally, to prevent a possible world war, the third rank would need to invest a lot of power, but with this person, just give him a little start-up capital, he can help the third rank prevent the world war and make the world peaceful.

Then around this person, some events may change.

How to find the existence of such a person, how to use such a person, and how much resources should be invested in such a person, this is what needs to be considered.

The opponent is the same, he may also look for such a person, or look for other nodes.

In the past, Li Qi had a friend named Yan Ke, who was also the son of Wushen Mountain. When he was in the ninth rank, he had a small world composed of special cosmic light. In the small world, he practiced this kind of thing all day long.

Now that I think about it, it must be that his master was already laying the foundation for his third rank at that time.

When Li Qi and others were fighting in the world line war, they actually did these things.

It seems ordinary and easy to understand, but if the battlefield is expanded to every possibility of the endless timeline, the amount of calculation becomes extremely huge, and the "superiority" of the three-grade people will be separated.

Who has a deeper understanding of history, whose "Tao" can more easily affect reality,

Each Taoism, or even each Tao vein, has different means of influencing history. For example, the human Taoism prefers to change the whole world, change the entire system on this timeline from the root, and then use the general trend to suppress others.

This trend will not be limited to a certain timeline. They will change at key nodes, and then all the possibilities that will develop in the future will be their "trend".

The magic path does not like to change so much. They like to change their "thoughts" to cause subtle changes, and then produce a butterfly effect to affect more and more places.

This struggle is also a manifestation of the struggle of the Tao, a change in the way of cultivation, and a specific application of magical powers and magic.

When the second-grade people compete for this possibility, they will choose to spread more branches, which is something that the third-grade people cannot handle because their computing power cannot keep up.

So, summing up all this and putting it on the matter of "opening the sky", what kind of possibilities should be created?

Li Qi fell into deep thought, summarizing the so-called possibilities he had created in the past, and what kind of possibilities are needed to open the sky and create a new time and space?

What kind of future?

First of all, it must be "more".

Li Qi admits that this world has many possibilities, so "more" is an important indicator. Perhaps parallel world lines should be set up to make the world look like a mother-child time and space with infinite branches.

Every decision will produce a branch of time and space. Infinite choices will bring infinite parallel worlds, and infinite parallel worlds will bring various possibilities.

From the moment this independent time and space began, the possibilities have begun to differentiate.

This will cause some burden to Li Qi, but it is not a problem. He can afford it completely. However, Li Qi is worried about another problem.

Many times, the so-called "many" possibilities do not really expand the scope of possibilities.

It may be strange to say that there are infinite possibilities, so naturally all possibilities will exist. How many more are there to be considered many? Is there anything more than infinity?

Of course there is, because infinity itself is also divided into large and small.

There are infinite numbers between one and two, but none of these numbers is less than one or greater than two.

Because "less than one, greater than two" is itself just a classification of possibilities.

Similarly, infinite natural numbers are arranged, that is, all natural numbers from 0 to infinity. This possibility can be described as "a set of all numbers used for counting", that is, this set contains all sets of "a certain type of possibility".

This is the "type of possibility".

There is this type of possibility, so it is obvious that there are other types of numbers.

If other types of "numbers" are added, then infinity will be greater than infinity, which is the relationship between apples and fruits.

Li Qi created all apples.

As far as apples are concerned, there will be infinite apples here, and every kind of apple, as long as it meets the definition of apples, will exist here, and infinite apples are in front of us.

But you can never find a banana.

And if Li Qi created "all fruits", there will be infinite bananas, infinite oranges, infinite dragon fruits and infinite pineapples.

The gap between infinite fruits and infinite apples is as big as the gap between infinite apples and finite ones.

It's like you say that there are all the "fruits" here, but there is nothing else here except "fruits".

Then, if Li Qi creates "infinite fruits", then fruits will also become one of the common elements.

At this time, the possibilities will differentiate into infinite nuts, infinite walnuts, infinite almonds, and infinite cashews.

This constitutes an "infinity" of three different sizes, namely "apple", "fruit", and "fruit".

They contain each other, one bigger than the other.

This difference comes from the difference in the number of elements in the set.

Li Qi is very likely unable to list all these rules one by one, because the types of fruits... are likely to be infinite.

The total number of such "infinite types" may even be uncountable infinity.

What is above the fruit?

After finding something above the fruit, what about above it?

The set of all real numbers is uncountable.

The irrational number set is equivalent to the real number set, and the rational number set is equivalent to the natural number set. Equality means that the number of elements in the set is equal, and the power of the real number set is far greater than the power of the natural number set.

Considering the universal nonlinear nature of nature, this actually sentenced the possibility of such blind expansion to death - even if the universe can be quantized and discretized, the possibilities you face are still uncountable!

Therefore, even if Li Qi created infinite possibilities, he could not achieve "true infinity".

The so-called true infinity is to find an ultimate set that can contain all sets.

Of course, this is back to the old way.

Is there such a set that can interpret all sets?

Of course not.

This is the same as the ultimate way.

Li Qi has already come up with the answer, and even many mortals can come up with the same answer. Although the mathematical axiom system followed by everyone is not consistent because the powerful can modify reality, this does not prevent Li Qi from coming up with this answer.

Therefore, it is not advisable to pursue the "new time and space" that contains all possibilities, and Li Qi cannot do this.

And under this limitation, how can we complete the "many" possibilities set by Li Qi?

In addition to generating branching timelines, is there any other way to increase this more possibility?

Li Qi frowned in contemplation.

He also had to consider whether his power could support it. Blindly pursuing more would not work, or should he just let it go? Let the mortals of the heavens develop freely and let them create their own possibilities.

But in that case, the heavens created by Li Qi would become a square, and everyone could come and walk around. It would no longer belong to Li Qi, and Li Qi would not be able to gain any benefits from it.

Just like the Desire Realm, the Heavenly Demon cannot control the Desire Realm at all. This thing is essentially an ownerless thing, and anyone can take it. Moreover, the Heavenly Demon itself does not seem to have any idea of ​​completely controlling the Desire Realm, at least Li Qi can't see it.

However, when he thought of this, Li Qi suddenly reacted.

Yes, just like the Desire Realm.

What is not good about the Desire Realm?

If we talk about possibilities, the possibilities of the Desire Realm are completely worth learning for Li Qi, even though even the demons themselves cannot truly take the Desire Realm as their own, but what does it matter?

All Li Qi wants is more possibilities, and taking these heavens as his own is a kind of restriction in itself.

What is the reason for adding restrictions in advance, but wanting freedom?

Thinking of this, Li Qi had the initial idea.

In this case, then create an open heaven, in which the rules of time and space are extremely easy to change. This change can be divided into two types. One is similar to the Desire Realm, which relies on subjective will, but the difficulty is much higher than that of the Desire Realm.

The other is to make the rules of time and space public as a shaped "thing" and allow everyone to modify it, just like making the source code public.

But there is another question, that is, can this really create more possibilities? You know, when free competition begins, "homogenization" is a more likely state.

When a high-quality solution appears, everyone will follow suit and imitate it, but not necessarily create it.

So... we need some variables.

Let's set up an 'era'.

Every epoch, the various 'parallel time and space' will be connected, and different possibilities will be interconnected.

Then, it's...

Li Qi began to slowly carve it out.

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