Myriad Paths

Chapter 1029 What Li Qi did

Anette was born in a civilization that already had the ability to travel through the stars.

She was writing her history homework.

Characters were transmitted to the device through the brain machine, and she could send it directly after she finished editing.

Anette wrote about the "isotopes" brought by the "era change" that she liked the most and was best at.

Since the last era, the same race from the parallel world brought the technology of the interstellar era to the civilization.

This is a very strange phenomenon, but it does exist. It seems to have existed since ancient times. This has happened six times in history.

The first time was also the first time that the ancestors came into contact with the magical "parallel world".

At that time, the ruler was a powerful king named Eagle King. His army had flattened the entire continent and could no longer find an opponent.

Then, after a solar eclipse, an army as powerful as the Eagle King emerged on the continent, and the other side... also called itself the "Eagle King".

The two armies fought, but as the battle progressed, they were horrified to find that there was a "similar" existence on the opposite side.

The reason why it is called similar is that those people are not completely the same as themselves, there are always some differences.

For example, they were injured in a battle where they had never been injured.

Or, they were healthier than themselves, and their scars did not exist on the other side.

This difference caused great confusion, and the battle quickly stopped. Scholars on both sides began to discuss the differences between each other.

Then they found that even scholars were very similar, and only a few people did not find their "isotopes".

Isotopes, that's the name they gave.

This contact soon expanded, and the two eagle kings began to meet.

The two ambitious monarchs met each other, confirmed the major events in each other's life course, and finally determined that only one person could survive.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

But the way to decide the winner cannot be a vulgar private fight like a beast, but on the battlefield.

So, both sides left.

The two armies began their own battle.

This battle was so exciting and so well-matched that the Eagle King had never encountered such an evenly matched opponent in his conquest of the entire continent.

The tactics, strategies, martial arts, and even the technical level of the craftsmen of both sides have made rapid progress in such a fight, and the progress in one year is comparable to the past ten years.

This battle lasted for three years.

After three years, it was finally time to decide the winner.

Both Eagle Kings were full of confidence.

However, at this time...

They all found that their opponents disappeared.

All the isotopes disappeared, and the battle ended in vain.

The Eagle King's pain and regret continued until his old age. He even engraved this incident on his tombstone. Everyone who read it seemed to be able to feel the distress in the heart of this king.

For example, when Annette was studying, this inscription was a must-recite, and it was very long, so that she was as depressed as the Eagle King at that time.

But no matter what, the Eagle King had the opportunity to prove himself, but in the end it ended like this.

But this is the first record of the appearance of the "parallel world" in history.

Afterwards, this will happen once in every era.

The second time was when the second era changed, and everyone in the world found themselves of another gender.

Yes, another gender, they saw themselves in their bedrooms with similar life trajectories but completely opposite genders, and this time it also caused great confusion, and in a sense it also led to an increase in the population fertility rate, which left a lot of research materials for biology.

What exactly is the child born when people give birth to themselves? It is also a hot topic.

Sometimes Annette would also wonder, if someone who knows her completely suddenly appears in front of her, will she be with her?

But think about it carefully, if there is such a person, she will probably run away immediately.

This is too terrible, knowing herself completely, and being similar to herself, will she fall in love with herself? What kind of person would fall in love with herself... It feels terrible just to think about it.

However, fortunately, it didn't last too long, only three years.

After three years, all the "selves" disappeared.

This once again caused a huge riot. Many families were torn apart, and the things left behind were difficult to deal with, but society always had redundancy, and it finally passed smoothly.

Just like this again and again, people gradually got used to the "isotopes" that appeared when the "era changed".

In the last era change, isotopes with advanced technology that surpassed the civilization era appeared.

This contact made Anite's civilization flourish. Their technology advanced rapidly, and they established the first joint interstellar government established during the first interstellar expansion of civilization.

In the subsequent space colonization, civilization expanded rapidly. Although no aliens were encountered, a spherical area composed of galaxies that can be seen with the naked eye in space was established on many ownerless planets with the sun of the mother planet as the center.

This area is not large in the universe, but it is actually more than ten light years in size.

Because there is no efficient superluminal technology, the expansion of the entire civilization is severely restricted. In order to stabilize the regime and avoid division, the civilization has set its own territorial limit within a radius of eleven light years centered on the sun of the mother planet.

Through calculations, they concluded that within eleven light years, the head of the civilization's government can still have basic control over the border areas of the civilization.

If it is larger, the civilization will be unable to reach its ends and eventually collapse and split, just like the ending of all those empires with too large territories.

Therefore, eleven light years is set as the current limit of the expansion of Anette's civilization. Within this range, the civilization has expanded more than 115 settlements in total.

And Anette happens to live on a satellite of a gas giant planet ten light years away from the capital. This is a colony at the limit of the expansion of the civilization's territory.

The civilization controls these colonies by monopolizing the technology of light-speed spacecraft. Anette often sees a huge fleet of spacecraft passing through the sky, which is a traveling fleet every month.

However, she actually doesn't have a deep impression of the civilization itself.

Because, in addition to the firm control of the extraterrestrial colonies in the technology of light-speed spacecraft, the intervention of civilization in the extraterrestrial colonies is very slight. After all, even if it is a light-speed spacecraft, it will take ten years to reach Anette's hometown from the capital. As for other ordinary civilian spacecraft, even the fastest one, it will take at least 230 years to arrive.

But those are not what Anette cares about.

This little girl is looking forward to the "era change" next year.

Yes, next year.

In her life, there is a rare era change. At this time, the channel from the other world will be opened, and the same place from the parallel world will intervene here.

After finishing the homework and submitting it to the system, Anette looked at the "sun" in the sky.

The real "sun", that is, the star of this galaxy, looks like a small red dot at this distance. The sun they really see is a huge gas giant planet that occupies almost half of the sky.

Her hometown is a satellite of this gas giant planet. It has undergone ecological transformation. A huge dome is built in the canyon, so that it can avoid the invasion of huge storms. The surrounding living environment has been changed by chemical means, and people can travel between various satellite cities.

It is said that those who live on ordinary rocky planets will be scared when they first come to this kind of colony.

Because they have never seen such a huge celestial body hanging so calmly in the sky.

The gas giant planet that occupies half of the sky is too spectacular for these people. Many technicians, officials and teachers who come from the mother planet will collapse on the ground in fear.

This is the frontier of civilization, and civilization often calls on people to support this side.

However... the distance measured in light years is still too difficult to cross. Even if the star regions in the heart of civilization come to support, even with hibernation technology, it will take several years to go back and forth. If it is from the mother planet, it will take ten years. If it is two frontier towns, it will take at least twenty years.

This is why civilizations have to limit their territory. When a territory that nominally belongs to you does not know your manifold, does not understand your thoughts, and does not care about your orders, then the division of civilization is a matter of course.

The radius is ten light years, this is the limit.

Annette finished all her homework, and then she pressed her floating chair and floated to the sky, quietly waiting for her own isotope to come.

There are actually stairs, but she still chose to use the floating chair.

Because she couldn't stand up.

If you look closely, you will find that her feet have shrunk a little.

It is obviously an interstellar civilization, but it can't even cure paralysis, and it has just learned to connect nerves.

This is actually because of the isotope.

The technology of light-speed spacecraft and interstellar colonization was spread by the isotope of the last era, which led to the development of civilization being very biased. Although light-speed spacecraft have been built and many automation technologies have been achieved, they are still very backward in biology and medicine.

The most advanced biological technology is probably the hibernation technology developed to cooperate with light-speed spacecraft.

Sitting on the floating chair, Anette looked at the dim gas giant in the sky.

The scene was so spectacular that a huge storm could be seen on the surface of the gas giant, as if a blood-red, huge eye was staring at the ground.

It was easy to be scared if you were new here and not used to it.

Compared with the gaze of the stars, mortals seemed too small.

So, when being watched by the stars, it seemed that nothing mattered. In front of the universe, people were so small.

Anette used to have many dreams, but now they are basically gone.

Since she was diagnosed with congenital spinal problems, the situation deteriorated rapidly, so that she lost the perception of her lower body in a few years.

Originally, she was a girl who liked to jump around, and her dream was to be a planetary explorer a long time ago, holding various instruments, looking for treasures, mineral veins, and even terrain suitable for building satellite cities in the uninhabited wilderness.

It feels very romantic just to think about it.

Fighting with nature, wandering in the valley, wandering among the stars, and naming the new terrain you find, if you find a new mountain, then name it Mount Anit.

How wonderful.

However, when she was still a child, all this was impossible.

She lost the possibility of becoming a planetary explorer.

In this regard, Anit was not discouraged, nor did she complain about the world. She still went to class, still relied on the floating chair to go to school normally, and her grades were not bad.

It’s just... a little regretful.

So, when she learned that there was a "homotope", she was thinking in her heart...

The doctor said that this disease is very rare and only one in millions of people may appear.

Then, her homotope should not be so unlucky, right?

Maybe she can see herself jumping and jumping.

Maybe she can see herself who has realized her dream?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel happy.

Although she herself can never stand up again, what if the parallel world can stand up?

Anit is looking forward to it.

The young girl didn’t understand——

In life, some things are cyclical, and will repeat consciously or unconsciously, just like breakfast every day, and it’s like she has to go to school every day.

And some things are one-time, you see the beginning, then see the end, and you will never see it again in your life.

Many times, people don’t notice the difference between the two.

Just like the breakfast you are used to, when the person who makes breakfast for you dies, people will suddenly realize that although it lasts for a long time, it is actually... a one-time thing.

It just starts quietly, the process is used to, and it’s only at the end that you suddenly realize that you don’t have breakfast every day.

And the change of eras is cyclical in the long run, but in Anette’s life, this is a miracle that only happens once.

She looks forward to miracles.

Soon, a year passed.

Anette saw herself.

The self with healthy legs and feet.

That ‘self’ looked at Anette’s floating chair in amazement.

And Anette was excited to see the other person jumping when he appeared.

Two possibilities collided here, and more possibilities were born.

At the same time, such things were repeated almost everywhere in this space and time.

The perspective was zoomed out.

From Anite to the entire satellite city.

Then to the gas giant planet, and then to the huge star.

Galaxies, galaxy clusters, observable universe... and even the entire space and time.

Finally, above the space and time, you can see... an eye.

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