Myriad Paths

Chapter 1034 Big news!

The Emperor of Man has fallen!

Although this was expected, Li Qi was still a little unprepared when it really developed to this point.

The Emperor of Man, the first rank.

He died just like that.

The first rank shouldn't have died like this, but the Emperor of Man is different. The human way can fight three people in the nine lands of the world without losing the upper hand, relying on this characteristic of human way.

Unity can bring strength under any circumstances. The Emperor of Man bears all the time and space of humanity and is supported by the collective power of all time and space humanity, including all the first, second and third ranks. A pyramid-shaped support force is concentrated on the Emperor of Man.

To bear the disgrace of the country is called the Lord of the Land, and to bear the misfortune of the country is to be the King of the World.

The Emperor of Man is a position that gathers all the expectations of humanity and bears all the pressure of humanity.

Therefore, the life span of the Emperor of Man is particularly short among the first rank. He is not immortal, but every time he takes action, his life span will be shortened.

At this point, Li Qi already knows the effect of the Sun and Moon on the Emperor of Man.

There is a magic weapon in the human world, called the ‘Ecliptic’, which includes many stars, from the south to the morning glory, and the north to the East Well, and even includes the jade Big Dipper. Li Qi had heard of this when he was an eighth-rank official. It is very famous. (See Chapter 248 for details)

The Xuanji in it is the instrument of the emperor to rectify the heaven, and can judge the heart of heaven.

At that time, Li Qi only thought that this was very domineering.

Now I hear it again...

The emperor rectify the heaven, can judge the heart of heaven, crooked sun, this kind of words is already clearly announcing the function of this thing.

Yes, this magic weapon, only lacks the last core, can become the ‘throne’ of the emperor of the human world, let the emperor directly reign over the ‘Purple Star Emperor’, forcibly deprive the power of the star officials, and compete with Taiyi and Huanglong for the territory of the ‘Taiwei Yuan’.

The emperor of the human world may get back the title of ‘emperor’.

The emperor and the emperor are both unable to describe his power, so he adopts the titles of “emperor” and “emperor”, combining these two titles and calling him “emperor”.

He is both an emperor and an emperor.

He just lacks one thing as the core.

The missing core is the Sun and Moon Road.

As long as the Sun and Moon Road is embedded in the ecliptic, the ecliptic will be able to expand spontaneously and evolve in a complex direction, eventually becoming a "trend", and even reverse the loss of the human emperor's lifespan, allowing the human emperor to act at will without the risk of death.

With the power of the "Ecliptic Throne", the human emperor will become a first-class without any weaknesses.

It was precisely by taking advantage of this that the human way successfully diverted the attention of the witch way, making the witch way think that the human emperor wanted to survive, and the human way also supported a human emperor who would never die.

A human emperor who will never die, this is too important,

However, everyone knows the ending. During the last battle between humans and witches, the human emperor was not prepared to let himself survive at all. He just wanted to complete the "three religions in one".

All the harsh requirements of humanity on ‘people’, those unreasonable, even self-sacrificing spirits criticized by many civilizations, the self-discipline requirements that ascetics cannot achieve, and many rigid indicators that are insulted as ‘wiping out humanity’, are actually achieved by themselves first.

Do these things wipe out humanity?

Or... are these human nature?

There are actually quite a few debates about this. Many opinions believe that human nature is not like humanity. Human nature is to think about oneself and to follow one’s biological nature.

However, such people are treated as pigs and dogs by humanity, and then thrown into the warehouse.

Those who cannot overcome biological nature and natural instincts are all animals and plants, belonging to natural resources, and cannot be considered human.

The same is true for the Human Emperor. For the final great cause of heaven, even the Human Emperor can die at any time.

Li Qi felt the fall of the Human Emperor. He wanted to sigh and express his feelings.

However, at this moment, when the Human Emperor fell, Li Qi suddenly jumped up!

He sensed it——

With the death of the Human Emperor, the human way revealed a flaw, and the corpse of the Human Emperor, and even the Human Emperor's "official position", were vacant at this moment.

Wu Xian issued a call for conscription!

This time there was no big fight, and those who received the call were basically above the third rank, and it was obvious that they were elite fighters.

The purpose of this time was to plunder.

Taking advantage of the moment when the Human Emperor fell and the next Human Emperor had not yet taken over, not only the Wu Dao, but also the True Dragons, the Gods, and even the demons that were defeated by Li Qi before, the nine lands of the world, except for the Spiritual Dao and the long-destroyed Buddhist sect, all other places reached out to the human way.

Even the Taoist hermit sect took action, which shows that it is very tempting.

This seems to be some kind of "routine".

When the Human Emperor fell, it was the time of "foreign invasion".

In the world, in the Central Plains, which had been peaceful for a long time, disasters and chaos broke out!

Many second-rank officials, including first-rank officials, reached out to the human world!

But at this moment, a seal floated above the Tang Kingdom.

At first glance, it was an ordinary square metal seal, without any special materials, no dragons or phoenixes, and only a simple handle.

It was more like a seal with a handle than a seal.

However, when the seal appeared, Li Qi felt that the force he stretched out was bounced out, and the human world encountered some kind of tough resistance.

"Is it a jade seal?" Li Qi muttered to himself, looking around at the same time.

At this moment, Li Qi had come to the border of the human world, the former Baiyue area of ​​Wushen Mountain.

Of course, although it is still called Baiyue, there is no longer a king. This is the territory of Wushen Mountain, and you can directly see the border of humanity in the distance.

In addition, Li Qi could also see many second-level witches around him.

There are Wu Pan, Wu Peng, and Wu Gu, the ancestors of witches from the human race in the ancient times, as well as descendants of gods such as Prince Changqin, and some latecomers, such as descendants like Li Qi.

Moreover, Li Qi also saw the grass elf. The grass elf glared at Li Qi fiercely, but did not make any special move.

In addition, Li Qi's perception can also see that there are many second-grade people around the border of humanity.

The area of ​​​​humanity is the center of the nine lands in the world. Although it occupies a good place, it is also the right terrain to be besieged.

The Demonic Way in the south, the demon clan in the southeast, the witches in the southwest, the true dragon in the east, the Kunlun Mountains in the northwest have opened the Shinto Heavenly Gate, and the Penglai Fairy Island in the northeast has even come over. There are also people in the Taoist Gate who are not so peaceful.

In addition to the spiritual path and Buddhism, everyone else has come. They all surround the border of humanity. Basically, it can be said that the entire border of humanity has been sealed, except that it is blocked by the jade seal.

There is no special decoration on the seal. Just because it is the seal of the great Human Emperor and its unparalleled character, it has overwhelming power and inviolable majesty, which is far better than any gorgeous seal.

Wu Xian stood at the front and said with a smile: "This is a rare opportunity for a long time, and it is also a disaster destined by humanity, so you can move freely, there are many good things in humanity."

Wu Xian finished speaking and raised his hand.

Along with his power, several other first-level disciples from other sects also helped him.

It seems like a lot of things have happened, and it seems like nothing has happened.

Anyway, the jade seal just fell to the ground quietly.

The first-grade human beings also appeared, but soon disappeared.

Also disappearing with them were Wu Xian and the others.

All in all, the Yipins went to deal with their own affairs.

And now, it’s time for the second and third grade people.

The first ones to set off were the third-rank people. Without any hesitation, these third-rank soldiers rushed into the battlefield in an instant.

The battle is very primitive, it does not involve any time and space, and it does not easily affect the world, because this is the world.

The Heavenly Dao in the world is repressive. At this moment, the repressive force in the world is particularly huge. It seems that the conscious and unconscious Heavenly Dao consciousness is aware of the huge danger at this moment.

The first-rank people could have forced the suppression of the heavenly law in the world, but now that the first-rank people are fighting, the remaining first-rank people don't want to get involved in this kind of thing.

Therefore, the third-grade people were suppressed, and the battle itself was restrained to the level of the mortal world, so as not to tear the world itself apart.

But it's enough to start a war in humanity.

The third-grade human beings also led the crowd to resist.

But seeing Chang'an, within the palace, the masters of the palace gathered together.

The humanitarian generals outside have also prepared their troops.

But when I saw the general, from the second rank, he said calmly in front of all the troops: "The heretics have revealed the sharp claws of the bear, and they have a fierce heart, and the thieves, tigers and leopards are grinding their teeth and devouring him with anger."

"My lords, in order to quell the chaos, why don't you move the dial? When the drums are angry, stir up the lightning, and the thunder is running, the whole country blocks the rivers, to resist the waves of the boiling sea, to resist the flames of the burning mountains, the soldiers and the people are equal, and go to meet the sword."

"The world has been suffering from poison for a long time, and we always feel sorry for it. Now that we are facing each other again, we can only fight."

Normally, one should shout to build momentum.

However, there was no shouting or too many words being said now.

If you want to be more powerful, the general has already finished speaking.

It's time.

The war began to spread, but this time it was in the mainland of humanity. In the past, humanity started burning in other places.

However, no matter what kind of war is ignited in the local area, humanity has no intention of complaining.

Li Qi watched the war break out from a distance.

Without the intervention of the First Grade, and under the suppression of Heavenly Dao, this state of war actually returned to its essence, more like the war in the Fifth Grade period.

So... for mortals, this is a catastrophe.

Fortunately, it is basically humane mortals who suffer.

Li Qi stood still and didn't move, but some second-grade people couldn't wait to reach in.

At this time, a second-level wizard next to him asked Li Qi: "Li Qi, what did you spot?"

"It doesn't matter what it is, I don't have anything missing. I just want to see... what the Human Emperor looks like." Li Qi said.

"Then your goal is really big enough, but there should be many people like you. I would like to refine Taishan and share the authority of the Fujun." The second-level wizard said.

Li Qi glanced at the other party.

Oh, witch ghost.

This was also a shaman from the ancient times who was in charge of funerals. The shaman's method of communicating with the five ghosts and even the current line of ghost witches came from his handiwork.

Now the idea is to target Lord Taishan, who seems to want the power of reincarnation.

Li Qize shook his head. Everyone has their own desires, and they are each looking for opportunities for their own path and the opportunities they need. These things are not necessarily property or rare objects. Many times they are just a glance at something. .

But even so, it would be difficult to reach the sky in normal times.

For example, if Li Qi wanted to take a look at the Human Emperor, given his status, unless the Human Emperor took action and pressed him to death, he would most likely not be able to see him.

"Then I'll go first, see you later." Wugui said, and then disappeared.

Li Qi waited for a while, looking for Zhu Fengdan's trace.

After waiting for a long time, almost everyone had left, and Zhu Fengdan finally came.

"Oh? Disciple, why haven't you left yet?" Zhu Fengdan waved and said hello.

"Aren't I waiting for you? Teacher, what are you going to do for this big event?" Li Qi asked.

"Oh, you're talking about this, I want to weigh the weight of the Nine Cauldrons." Zhu Fengdan stretched lazily and answered casually.

Li Qi broke out in a cold sweat.

"Okay... Then keep up the good work, I'm going to see the situation of the fall of the Human Emperor, maybe... I can find something from the death of Yipin." Li Qi shook his head and said to Zhu Fengdan.

"Okay, I'll give you a share after I figure out the Nine Cauldrons. As for the death of the Human Emperor, there's nothing special about it. Every time the Human Emperor dies, there's always a group of young people watching. There's nothing to see. Just take a look and find something else to do." Zhu Fengdan stretched and scratched his head. Without waiting for Li Qi to reply, he set off immediately.

Li Qi still had questions to ask him later, but unfortunately he was gone.

However, it seems that there's no need to ask.

Obviously, as a god who has lived from the ancient times to the present, Zhu Fengdan has experienced the fall of the Human Emperor many times. It's estimated that the Nine Cauldrons is not just this time's goal. It seems that he hasn't succeeded yet.

Well, let's go and take a look first.

Li Qi set off.

He appeared in Chang'an.

Chang'an has been under martial law. The mortals who have nothing to do with the war have gone to the cave to take refuge. The rest are technicians who have the strength to fight and may be able to control Chang'an itself to fight.

Yes, Chang'an itself fights.

You know, all the cities in the human world are super magic weapons. When these cities were first built, they were already prepared to be folded and teleported out as war fortresses. Even if they didn't go out, they could form a city that could resist high-level invasions on the spot.

This is especially true for big cities like Chang'an.

The moment Li Qi appeared, he ran into the next door.

The time and space around Chang'an were blocked, and with the suppression of the Heavenly Dao, Li Qi was actually stopped on the outskirts of Chang'an.

Li Qi looked up.

Chang'an City "curled up". To be precise, now the city folded itself into a cube.

This cube has no space to enter, and the flashing runes in it represent the city itself resisting.

In addition to Li Qi, several second-level people were stopped here.

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