Myriad Paths

Chapter 1035 Breaking In

Li Qi looked at Chang'an in front of him.

Many billions of years ago, when he came to Chang'an, he could only sigh at the prosperity of Chang'an.

But now, Chang'an has become like this.

Is it humanity's own fault?

Logically speaking, at this point, everyone has long passed the stage of the survival of the fittest. Including Li Qi, many powerful people have no interest in bullying the weak.

They just want to pursue a higher way and have no interest in devouring and plundering.

But after the death of the Human Emperor, these powerful people still came.

They came for various purposes.

For example, Li Qi has no interest in the magic weapons and opportunities of humanity. He just wants to see how the Human Emperor fell, what kind of pressure, what kind of thing, completely closed the possibility of a first-grade.

If he can see that thing, Li Qi feels that his understanding of "heaven" will be further improved, which is no less than the opportunity pointed out by the heaven himself.

Facing the blocked Chang'an, Li Qi glanced at the second-grade people around him.

"What do you mean, break in?"

"Of course, can this place stop us?" said a second-rank, and then led the way.

Chang'an City immediately had a hole.

Although the battle does not involve time and space, it does not mean that the second-rank will not use the most simple violence.

Li Qi followed.

In front of him was the imperial guards of Chang'an, a team of more than a dozen third-rank.

There was such a team in front of each inhuman second-rank who broke in.

After all, the number of second-ranks on both sides was overwhelming, and the human world could not come up with so many second-ranks to stop them.

Li Qi broke in and looked around, and found that Chang'an itself was actually just a third-rank magic weapon, but there was something bigger inside, and the dragon vein was pouring into it.

Li Qi glanced at the third-ranks in front of him.

"Oh, buy time, right?" He muttered to himself.

The human third-ranks said nothing, just occupied the terrain and firmly guarded the attack of the second-ranks.

The battle began.

Since the battle does not involve the mysterious time and space and deduction, it is enough to directly compete in strength and magic.

Li Qi pinched his fingers and his inner world unfolded.

It is very simple for a high-grade to fight a low-grade. Li Qi can even swallow the opponent whole by just unfolding his inner world. No matter what magic and means are there, as long as Li Qi's inner world cannot be cracked, Li Qi can directly attack with a dimensionality reduction, ignoring all the characteristics of magic, forcibly eating these three-grades, and using his inner world to close the opponent's possibilities.

However, when Li Qi opened his inner world, a heavy sense of oppression came over him.

The three-grade team didn't care and rushed in with a decisive and violent suicide attack, swinging the corner of the formation, dragging the long sword backwards, and taking advantage of the moment when Li Qi felt oppressed, he actually repelled him a few points!

Li Qi was extremely surprised, but he saw that the general of the human way in front of him, with the blessing of the formation behind him, his tiger whiskers stood upside down, his sword turned golden lines, his eyes wide open, and the blade flashed with lightning. He hit Li Qi's weak points caused by the sudden sense of oppression with fifteen consecutive strikes, as if he knew from the beginning that Li Qi would be forced to stop by this pressure.

Li Qi's inner world collapsed. I'm not afraid of being laughed at when I say it. His inner world was shattered in an instant by the pressure of the third-grade.

Unfortunately, this couldn't hurt Li Qi.

Li Qi was indeed caught off guard by this combo, but so what?

His injuries healed almost immediately.

The injuries to the flesh, or even the inner world, are the same as no injuries to the second-grade. There are only two types that can cause harm to them.

One is the "Dao injury", which means finding a flaw in the "Dao". This serious one can even directly lead to death, and even a minor one will cause sluggish action, that is, the part about this "Dao injury" will stop functioning until you solve this flaw.

The other is to close the possibility, restrict them to a certain possibility, and in disguise, make them unable to interfere with the outside world. If they are closed tightly enough, they can completely close the possibility and achieve "killing".

In addition to these two methods, there is almost no way to cause effective damage to the second-grade. The damage to tangible things such as the body, soul, and inner world is almost meaningless. Even if you can temporarily cut off the head, cut off the limbs, and crush the inner world, it can only restrict them for a short time.

Soon the second-grade will be fully recovered without any sequelae.

Unless... you can do it like the golden monkey, forcibly close the opponent's possibility by brute force, that is, let the opponent be subjected to irresistible brute force from all sides, and the duration of this brute force is "permanent".

This can also achieve the ending of "closing the possibility", crushing your body and inner world, until the endless future, every minute and every second can not get away.

Unfortunately, no matter which method it is, humanity can't do it.

So Li Qi didn't even pay attention to their attacks, but instead went to find out what was suppressing him just now.

"Found it, it's you." Li Qi looked up and found a trace of a second-rank.

It was really... miserable.

In such a huge human palace, there were only two second-ranks. One of them was in the center of the palace complex, and no one knew what he was doing. The other was cooperating with all the third-ranks to fight against the multiple second-ranks that attacked.

In addition, Dragon Vein and Cardinals from All Realms are also providing support, but after all, their efforts are limited and they cannot only focus on this one place, so the support they provide is almost negligible.

Can you withstand it?

It's unbelievable that one person wants to fight so many second-grade people. As far as Li Qi could see, there were six or seven second-grade people who came to see the human emperor's remains.

Six or seven, and all Humanity can rely on are two second-grades and the formation at their feet. In this case, can one against three do it?

You can do it like crazy.

After realizing this, Li Qi waved his hand, and a long river of magic appeared in the sky.

Hundreds of billions of spells gathered and condensed into a long river, and then... poured down.

The spells were denser than a sandstorm, and then swept over.

Can a person hide from the sand in a sandstorm?

Obviously, these people can't do it.

The gods and ghosts howled in agony, and many of the third-grade beasts collapsed and were pushed back by the brute force.

But it is humane after all...

But he saw the humane general riding a dragon colt, soaring into the sky.

The dragon colt jumps into the sky wind, takes up the bow, and shoots the arrows through the autumn water.

An arrow hit Li Qi.

Li Qidang didn't even bother to hide, and allowed the arrow to penetrate his body, then break into pieces, and then recover.

The humane generals and Ouchi masters were not in a hurry. They guarded against the invasion of the second-grade people and did everything possible to delay the pace.

In fact, what they do is already very clear.

In the Humane Palace, they have the advantage of geographical location, direct blessings from Dragon Veins and cardinals from all realms, and the help provided by two second-level humanities. With the formation of a formation, although it is impossible to defeat the second-level, it will take a while. It's still ok.

"Why bother." Li Qi's body recovered, and he did not rush for the next attack, but said: "If you retreat now, you will avoid death. My purpose is just to have a look, there is no need to stop me."

The other party didn't reply and just continued to attack.

The formation composed of more than a dozen third-grade players is actually quite powerful.

The magical power is mysterious and ever-changing, and the fighting force is like a figure hanging from the clouds, riding a shadow on the clouds. If a mortal could take a look at it and see a sword mark, he might become a sword master of the generation. However, here he is just a swordsman with countless swords. Just any one of them.

The poor and unique gods come with them, show off their unique shapes, and come across the border.

This is their challenge to the second grade. Even if the strength gap is so huge, they must stop the second grade, even if it is only for a moment.

Li Qidu was a little confused as to what they were trying to do.

Maybe there is a backup plan? But he didn't think there was any backup plan that could make up for the three times difference in numbers.

This is not an ordinary three-fold difference, but a three-fold difference of the second grade.

The difference between this is that the second-grade people can make perfect use of every bit of power. Even in this kind of melee, there is no possibility of being defeated by everyone.


In just about ten minutes, all the third-level human beings had been killed by Li Qi.

For a battle of this level, ten minutes is too fast. After all, it is possible for them to fight for billions of years. If they are dragged into a timeline war, then they really don’t know how long they will have to fight. .

Li Qi stepped on the blood of the third grade and stepped into the Humanity Palace.


It's hard to imagine.

Does humanity have to experience this kind of catastrophe every once in a while?

Every time the Human Emperor falls, it is the time when humanity accepts the invasion of these heretics, and Li Qi is a typical southwest heretic. As a witch, he even broke into the palace.

It is true that this moment and that moment, the power of the Human Emperor allows humanity to expand, but the fall of the Human Emperor is also a catastrophe for humanity.

Humanity wants to avoid this kind of catastrophe, so it needs to cast the zodiac, but in the process of casting the zodiac, it brings about such catastrophes again and again.

It's really a cycle of cause and effect.

However, after the Zodiac is formed, the progress of replacing heaven with humans will be greatly advanced. How far can a human emperor, who can take action at will, advance the great cause of replacing heaven with humans?

It's unimaginable.

Time passes evenly, but society does not develop at a uniform speed. Many times, one year is too long and ten thousand years is too short. When civilization begins to grow explosively on a large scale, its development speed will exceed all imagination.

All we can say is that luckily humanity did not successfully forge the Zodiac.

But those things have nothing to do with Li Qi now. He doesn't have any sympathy for humanity, he just expresses emotion.

This can be considered part of the ‘karmic cycle’.

Li Qi began to have some doubts.

Can the karma demon, and now the demon prince, really control karma? Can they really master this level of power?

It’s really hard to say.

Perhaps, what they have mastered is only a small part of karma. Behind the natural phenomenon of karma is something higher level. Maybe it is for this reason that the Demon Prince studied the Tripitaka and Taishōzo?

Not to mention that, Li Qi and the other second-grade people were about the same speed, and they had already successfully entered the palace complex.

In the palace complex, there is another group of third-grade humans, and behind them, there are many fourth-grade ones waiting.

"Hey, is there no money for third-level talent? Isn't this a rare talent? Are you using it for such a waste? Even an official position will be wasted, right?" A second-level true dragon next to him couldn't help but say.

Li Qizhe continued, "There is loss. I found out when I killed people before that there is only one captain in each team who is a double third-rank official. The rest are all promoted by official positions, and... when I started, I wanted to tear off the official positions together, but unfortunately I didn't catch them. It's a bit slippery."

The second-rank officials can indeed cause loss to official positions. They can destroy the official positions themselves, but humanity has taken a special approach here.

There is a "reserve official" system for official positions, that is, when an official position is vacant, a reserve official will immediately inherit it, and then continue to exercise the power of the official position and immediately go to the battlefield.

It is the same now, but it is more extreme. There is not even a succession ceremony.

After the death of the chief officer, the deputy officer will succeed him, and then he will die again, and then he will die again, and then he will die again, and then he will die again, until the official position itself is broken or there is no one to succeed him.

The fourth-rank officials waiting behind are the "reserve officials".

"Count it, thousands of them, how many of these official positions can last?" The second-rank real dragon said with interest.

"I'm not interested. It's just a waste of time. They may be delaying behind the scenes and trying to complete some big plan." Li Qi reminded.

"It doesn't matter. What big plan? Unless there are the same number of second-rank officials as us, or... a first-rank official, everything else is in vain." The real dragon said so.

Humanity is that having official positions can support combat power, which is the basis for them to delay the second-rank officials, but it is really unwise to waste dozens of third-rank official positions here.

Li Qi did not comment, but he had seen a second-rank official rush up again and started a fight in this second line of defense.

No, it can't be called a fight.

This is a massacre.

One by one, the third-rank officials were slaughtered, and then the people behind quickly made up.

Sometimes they would be seized by the opportunity and their official positions would be destroyed together.

The invading second-rank officials advanced as if they were strolling in the garden, and they were not in a hurry. Anyway, these people did not pose any threat at all, and the role they played was just like a mud road.

What is a mud road?

It can dirty your shoes and make you walk a little slower.

That's all.

Their deaths only soiled the shoes of the second-rank officials, and sometimes they even lost their official positions.

There were fewer and fewer official positions, and fewer and fewer reserve officials.

The palace of the emperor had become a pile of corpses.

The six or seven second-rank officials had already approached the core palace area, and further ahead were the remains of the emperor.

"The guards are really loose. Did the powerful people go to the important places to guard? There are only two real second-rank officials here." Another invading second-rank official expressed doubts.

At the moment he said this.

A sword light slashed towards him.

Everyone immediately perked up!

The sword of the emperor! (End of this chapter)

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