Myriad Paths

Chapter 1067 Change Someone

Is Li Qi's mind in the Three Realms?

Yes and no.

The real difficulty of the mind being unable to communicate is that people communicate through language.

This language can be body language, color language, or some other verbal language or mathematical language, but no matter what, communication between people must always be based on language.

All symbols and formulas must also be based on a common world language.

This language can only operate in people's minds after being nourished by all scientific disciplines, art categories and philosophical thoughts, and can only achieve perfect and fully realized pure existence.

This language is a channel for the actions of the powerful to achieve the transition from change to existence, from possibility to reality.

After all, even if you want to know the world, language is indispensable.

How to describe and understand the world also requires a set of things similar to mathematical language and logical language to define the world.

But can the mind really be defined by language?

Obviously, people with souls will feel that language is inadequate and difficult to express their thoughts. No matter how exquisite the language is, even the language of "music", it cannot fully explain their inner thoughts.

But this is what Da Lezheng is going to do, isn't it?

Da Lezheng is going to rely on his extraordinary musical attainments to condense and enhance the information into a meaningful metaphor, so that Li Qi's soul, his life and the whole world can be guided, adjusted and predicted by this music.

This kind of communication is subtle and difficult to understand through "reason" and "wisdom".

So, zombie Li Qi can't understand.

Zombie Li Qi has complete wisdom, but he has no feelings. This kind of music is just an ordinary fluctuation to him, no different from other noises.

This is different from the universal "language". As a code that is understood by both parties, language has a certain degree of accuracy. A word may have multiple meanings, but obviously each one is based on "being able to understand".

Music is different. It is almost indistinguishable from the noise in the environment. To some people, some music is just noise, so noisy that they don’t know what it is singing.

To others, the noise in the environment, such as the sound of wind and waves, is also a kind of music, and they can appreciate the beauty of it.

This is all due to the feelings and subjectivity of the mind.

This is what Wu Xian wants to awaken.

Imagine that there are two unrelated things, but the mind can equate the two things through "measurement".

For example, "a dollar" and "an apple".

The two have no relationship, but they establish a connection in the mind, and even "equalize" the two.

How can an apple and a dollar be equal?

How can the sound of wind and waves be equated with music? They are just disordered waveforms, so what is the difference?

Perhaps only the mind knows.

This is what the saying "can only be understood, not expressed in words" means.

The Tathagata advocates the ‘heart’ and emphasizes ‘enlightenment’. The so-called wit is actually for this kind of ‘understanding’.

Things that cannot be conveyed by words can only be understood by the heart.

A woman’s blushing face is sometimes better than thousands of words. No matter how many love words are said, it is not as good as the slightly red face when it is turned to the side.


Leave the rest to the heart itself.

Believe in the heart, although the heart may be deceived. For example, the previous blushing face actually has the same effect when applying rouge. What did the heart feel at that time?

It’s hard to say.

If things in the world are material, then there will be data and quantification. Whether it is black or white, light or heavy, you can know it by observing and weighing.

But if things reach the heart, then it is impossible to weigh which is light or heavy.

But this is also... the real possibility.

The mind is formed by the gathering of potential possibilities, so that everything can be measured by potential. It is also an absolute necessity, which measures everything in a state of unity, harmony and simplicity. It is almost the soil that breeds all future cultures, and all spiritual life is imprinted with its mark.

It also has the necessity of connection, which measures everything in the unique personality of the relevant things. Finally, it can also limit this potential possibility, which measures everything in existence.

What's more, the mind can also measure symbolically by comparative forms, just as it can be equal to other things through numbers and geometric figures.

However, Zhu Fengdan and Changqin found that... there was no response from Li Qi's heart in the three realms.

Their hearts sank to the bottom because of this.

Did they fail?

If Li Qi could not be awakened, then it meant that all their previous efforts had failed.

The injuries suffered by Wu Xian and Tianmo in the decisive battle, the people who fell in order to snatch the colorless world, and the costs paid to maintain the war itself will all be in vain.

Could it be that Li Qi's heart has really been destroyed?

That's not right, as Buddha said, the heart is immortal, so they accept 'reincarnation'.

For Buddhism, your memory, your tradition, and your body are all disposable things. They will decay. Memories will be forgotten, the body will decay, and even the laws and even the universe itself have four stages of "birth, residence, destruction, and emptiness", and will eventually decay. All of these are born from fate, and will naturally perish due to fate.

The only thing that is immortal is your heart.

Buddha and demons are actually the same in this regard.

The only difference is that the demon only recognizes his own heart, not the hearts of others.

The Buddha recognizes the hearts of everyone, and believes that all the laws of this world are actually generated by the interaction between hearts. The interaction between hearts is "fate", and everything starts from fate.

The so-called "fate and opportunity" is actually like this.

So... can the heart be eliminated? Where is Li Qi's heart?

Zhu Fengdan and Changqin were a little overwhelmed.

They began to frantically look for possible mistakes.

They wanted to compose music and use the most original witchcraft to affect the mind.

They tried thousands of ways at a very fast speed.

Countless scores were taken out, displayed, and then discarded.

The scores of the Grand Music Master all had terrifying power. They could be said to be extremely terrifying and precious treasures in the outside world, but at this moment, Changqin had no intention of being stingy. As long as they were useless, they would be thrown away immediately.

What went wrong?

Is it because the Buddhist teachings were fundamentally wrong?

"Change another one." Zhu Fengdan said.

"This is already 2.145 billion." Changqin frowned: "If I go on, my reserves will not be enough. These are all second-grade level."

"The demon has not been discovered yet, so let's continue."


The two continued.

Changqin racked his brains.

You know, music is not just composed of the pure vibrations and patterns that mortals abstract with theories.

If music is just "fluctuations", then it is impossible to do those things.

After all, although fluctuation is one of the essences of the world, as the saying goes, 'everything is a wave', and any substance has the nature of fluctuation, this conclusion can only support a third-level path at most, that is, to reach the state of 'freedom'.

But looking at all the music over countless years, it is all based on the pleasure of feeling, the burst of inspiration, and the full emergence of spiritual power.

This power does not lie in the beat, but in the color, friction and stimulation that people experience in the blending of various songs and the ensemble of various instruments. There is no doubt that the spirit is the most important.

The so-called invention of musical instruments, new singing styles and new tunes are just a gesture and appearance. People must grasp and appreciate these superficial sensory characteristics from the perspective of sensory perception, so that it is possible to understand the power from which they come.

So, how to...

"Not necessarily, think about it, if you correctly understand the contradiction and opposition, of course, first of all, you should regard it as a contradiction, and then you should regard it as the opposite poles of a unity." A voice sounded beside the two.

"Oh! That's right, if you say so, you should look at it from this perspective-who is it?!" Zhu Fengdan turned around suddenly!

Prince Changqin also set off immediately!

But... what was coming was the demonic energy.

Intense pain, unbridled intoxication.

Spasms of joy, endless greed.

Violent anger and uncontrollable fear.

Almost in an instant, the two second-ranks were subdued and unable to move.

"Oh, don't be nervous. Although you have concealed it from me, you have wasted too much time here. The two second-ranks have disappeared for so long, and even a fool knows that there must be something fishy. In addition, Wu Xian used a lot of effort to snatch the colorless world from me before, and the elimination method can also deduce your purpose."

"But don't worry, take over Taiyi's body, this kind of thing, you want to do it, I want to do it too, who made him leave his body, and was injured by Haotian like that, now he can't even return to his body, it's better to let me get it." The demon grinned and smiled.

Zhu Fengdan and Changqin felt cold sweats.

"Don't worry, you got one thing wrong. I definitely won't want it myself, but... I have this."

As he spoke, the Demon Prince appeared here.

No, it wasn't the Demon Prince.

It was the Zombie Demon Prince, the Demon Prince who had lost his heart.

However, Zhu Fengdan and Changqin were shocked to find that...

The Demon Prince who had lost his heart was so weak.

The real Demon Prince couldn't even reach the second rank. His 'objective reality' couldn't even maintain the second rank. Now he was only the fourth rank.

In other words, for the Demon Prince, if he didn't have a 'heart', he would be a fourth rank.

The reason why he was the second rank was entirely because of his heart.

The Heavenly Demon said leisurely: "I created Li Qi and Shang Fan, but Li Qi is really boring and meaningless, but Shang Fan is different. If you compare the two of them together, Li Qi can't even compare to Shang Fan's finger."

"Because Shang Fan's heart is the strongest heart I have ever seen, a container that can withstand the retribution of black karma during the fourth rank. His heart has never collapsed."

"I have always felt that even if the entire universe went crazy, just like now, and wanted to blow everyone to pieces, and only Shang Fan survived, he would persist to the end and use the fragments to piece the entire universe back together piece by piece."

"Compared to him, Li Qi is too fragile, so... instead of letting Li Qi take over Taiyi, it is better to let Shang Fan do it."

Zhu Fengdan couldn't help but refuted Tianmo, saying: "How could the prince of demons do as you wish? He hates you to the bone."

"Yes, it is precisely because he hates me to the bone that he will take the initiative to take over Taiyi's body. Why don't you all understand it now? The real demon thoughts are always "voluntary", always calculating the pros and cons, always saying something is impossible. As long as you think about it in your heart, how can there be anything impossible?" Tianmo said softly.

"By the way, you may not know that the reason why you didn't succeed in awakening Li Qi is because of this reason."

"In the Three Realms, Shang Fan, not Li Qi, is hiding." Tianmo said so.

"Let Shang Fan take Taiyi's body."

The next moment, under the leadership of the Heavenly Demon, the three realms began to revive!

Even Zhu Fengdan heard the roar of the Demon Prince.

After touching Taiyi's body, without any hesitation, the Demon Prince immediately began the process of seizing power!

The Demon Prince's anger was overflowing!

Everyone knows that the Demon Prince is extreme, and his personality of walking straight and almost never compromises for anything.

He will seize every opportunity to bite back the Heavenly Demon!

Since the Heavenly Demon dared to let him take over Taiyi's body, he dared to bet with the Heavenly Demon to see who can go to the end!

Even if he lost a thousand times before, he dared to bet the thousand and first time!

A fool? A stubborn person?

It doesn't matter.

The Demon Prince has always been like this. Since he was in the ninth rank and fought in the Desire Realm, there was only one road in front of him.

No matter how many roads there are around, how many scenery there are, and how many endings they can lead to, he can't see them all. In his eyes, there is only the road under his feet.

Go where, kill a few.

Who is the enemy? Who is the passerby who can cooperate.

As for friends?

The Demon Prince has no friends. He has always been walking alone in this world. In fact... if you examine the Demon Prince, you will find that he is actually very similar to the Heavenly Demon.

He is as lonely as the Heavenly Demon.

He is as paranoid as the Heavenly Demon.

He has an unimaginable persistence like the Heavenly Demon.

The Demon Prince is actually exactly the same as the Heavenly Demon in terms of the basic color. There is never a big picture in their eyes, and there are never other people.

It's just that the Demon Prince looks more serious, and the Heavenly Demon is more playful.

Now, when the Demon Prince desperately began to seize Taiyi's body...

This made Zhu Fengdan and Changqin understand a certain deep meaning of the Heavenly Demon in the past at this moment.

Perhaps, when he wanted to wipe out Li Qi and the Demon Prince's "heart", he was already planning today.

In the absence of the colorless world, everyone's heart is a clear card to the Heavenly Demon.

This is too much of an advantage when planning.

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