Myriad Paths

Chapter 1068 Divination

The demon prince is taking over Taiyi's body, and it is in progress.

And the demon is also working on taking back the formless world.

Zhu Fengdan and Changqin have no way to stop the demon, and can only watch the formless world, and even the entire three realms, being taken away.

The formless world is too dangerous for the demon, and only this thing can cover the demon's thoughts and the demon's perception.

For the demon, as long as you hide in the cover of the formless world, you are invisible, and he can't perceive you at all.

Because there is no objective reality for the demon, he can't see anything except what his heart can see.

Fortunately, the heart can perceive everything, so the demon's perception ability is extremely powerful and terrifying.

After all, most people live a relatively simple, primitive, chaotic, and dangerous life without shelter. They completely expose their lives and have almost no privacy.

Let alone the demons, even any intelligence gathering agency can get all the information of a person's life. A hacker from an advanced civilization may be able to use a certain central planning system as a basis to call up all the confidential data of a country, allocate resources, propose legislative suggestions, outline military strategies, and even manipulate a person's life or even the fate of the entire country.

But there are limitations after all. What the mind cannot perceive, he can't see at all.

So just like there is an area that mortals can't see, he always has a blind spot like the formless world.

Fortunately, this time I finally got it back...

Wait, why can't I get it back?

Is there something in the formless world?

In addition to the things, there are also people who are stopping the demon from taking the formless world.

"Wu Xian?" The demon immediately recognized who was stopping him.

"Oh, I've lost so many times against you, you should let me win once, right?" Wu Xian's voice came from the sky.

"Okay, how are you going to win?" The demon laughed.

He already knew what happened.

Yes, Wu Xian has always been hidden in the formless world.

In other words, the Wu Xian in the outside world is fake.

Who is the Wu Xian outside?

Oh, it's true. With a blind spot, anyone can come to plot against me.

"Tathagata, Tathagata, after you left, I really felt a little reluctant. Look at Wu Xian, how can he compare with you? They all have to rely on your shielding to deal with me." Tianmo sighed.

"No, I'm still here. Can you show some respect? After all, I'm also a first-class person." Wu Xian said.

The tone of the two people talking to each other was like old friends.

But between the words, the sky and the earth had completely changed color.

In the eyes of Zhu Fengdan and Changqin, the surrounding universe had completely reversed.

Imagine a painting with a pen on it. The pen is moving through a series of continuous horizontal movements, and a series of large and small geometric figures centered on a uniform axis begin to appear on the paper.

Only by concentrating can you keep up with the pen tip, but you can't understand what those geometric figures are describing at all.

Just pay attention to the graphics formed by these pen tip paintings, and you can seem to see fragments of the universe map and see something moving in front of your eyes.

The laws of the universe, the laws of physics, and even the primacy of matter and mind, all began to fluctuate, step, jump, and dance. Everyone who sees can try to understand and recognize those movements that are like the curves drawn by a flying bird. If you understand them, even mortals may be able to ascend on the spot.

But it is not so easy to understand, because these things are entangled with each other, suddenly appearing, and then everything disappears in the blink of an eye. The previous observations are all wasted and have to start over.

Zhu Fengdan was watching the battle, and at the moment when he was concentrating, he felt a sudden blank in his heart.

He looked back blankly, as if he had slipped from somewhere and accidentally left some strange spiritual space.

There, he seemed to hear the sound of music in his heart, and saw the music stepping and drawing dancing lines there. He followed the steps of the invisible dancers in his heart...

This gave him an indescribable illusion.

It was as if he was successfully solving a mathematical problem, listening to a beautiful piece of music, and then coordinating with the universe in this way.

When a mortal who understands mathematics reads Maxwell's equations, he will be amazed at the subtlety of them. With just a few symbols, the entire electromagnetic theory is expressed in a concise, symmetrical, and perfect mathematical form. So far, all the complex electromagnetic phenomena in the macroscopic world have been summarized in this set of equations, and no electromagnetic phenomenon can escape from this set of equations. Starting from this set of equations, all electromagnetic laws can be deduced, breaking through the laws of nature, making darkness disappear completely, and using the most concentrated and concise mathematical language, containing the richest content, revealing the basic structure of the physical world.

And now, every footnote in the First-class War, each of those painted fragments, has such ability. the same time, it can be seen that these footnotes are conflicting.

It's like when we have Maxwell's equations, an anti-Maxwell's equation pops up. They conflict everywhere, and every point is completely opposite. They cannot accommodate each other. It is impossible for such equations to exist in the same world at the same time.

It’s like a thing can’t be one and two at the same time.

This is a battle to interpret the world.

It transcends all magical powers, all magic, and is completely rooted in the battle of ‘Tao’.

Who will win?

Zhu Fengdan didn’t know.

But he suddenly felt a little bored.

This war lasted too long. Except for the world and some independent heavens, other places have basically been completely annihilated, and the universe is almost a ruin.

In this state, there are still new civilizations and intelligent life constantly born, but they are destined to be born in a universe of ruins and are destined not to hear the Tao.

After all, they will face the changing laws of the universe at all times, and even the foundation of their existence will collapse if they are not careful.

Originally carbon-based creatures, suddenly, the carbon-based laws of physics were destroyed, and naturally they were collectively extinct.

Or one day the spiritual energy will revive, or one day the world will change...

Such a turbulent universe can’t breed anything.

When will it end?

Even for the second-grade, this war is too long.

Billions of years? Even if they only have one encounter, it will take tens of trillions of years of subjective time.

And how many encounters are there?

Even the first-grade battles took that long.

It was so long that Shariputra became a Buddha in the future, Huaguang Buddha was born, and multiple first-grades fell.

The vitality decayed, and various sects collapsed.

Such a universe... is it really what the first-grades want?

Haotian, what are you thinking about?


At this moment in Wushen Mountain.

Wu Geng is fortune-telling.

In fact, among all the witches, Wu Geng is the best at fortune-telling.

It is recorded that "the fortune-teller controls the three Yi to distinguish the names of the nine fortunes. The names of the nine fortunes are: Wu Geng, Wu Xian, Wu Shi..."

In terms of the skill of divination, Wu Geng is the first and Wu Xian is the second.

Next to him, Shu Cao sat in a proper manner.

The divination grass, a second-grade product cultivated by Wu Xian, specializes in divination. Its existence is actually similar to the Human Emperor Sword and the Cardinal of the Realms in the human world. It is a specialized second-grade product.

When Li Qi and Zhu Fengdan stole the Desire Realm, it was the divination grass that was responsible for guarding it. However, now the divination grass is next to Wu Geng. It can be imagined that it was Wu Geng who pretended to be Wu Xian before.

The divination grass turned into its original form and existed as a prop for divination. It looked like a handful of ordinary grass leaves.

Wu Geng held his breath and concentrated, took out the divination grass from his hand and counted the number, and then divided them into three equal handfuls. He first picked up a handful with his left hand, and then used the sensitive fingertips of his right hand to pick them out in small bunches, counting the number while picking.

After counting the number, he put the divination grass aside until there were only a few leaves left in his hand, and then held them tightly with two fingers of his left hand.

After distributing the leaves of the divination grass according to the ritual used by the witches, he immediately used the same procedure to deal with the remaining part.

After he put the counted divination grass aside, he went through them one by one, pinching the remaining small part between two fingers, which were nimble and skillful in fiddling with the leaves of the divination grass, as if he was playing a well-trained, perfect, mysterious game with strict rules.

After picking up the leaves many times, he finally had only three small handfuls left. He read a hexagram from the numbers of these three small handfuls of divination grass and recorded it with a brush.

After getting a hexagram, sweat beads had already oozed out of his head, and even the divination grass itself turned from emerald green to a somewhat withered yellow, but this was far from over.

Then, he went through the entire complex procedure from beginning to end.

Until there were only three bundles of divination grass left, he calculated the second "hexagram".

These divination grasses fluttered in his hands like dancing, sometimes gathering together, sometimes exchanging positions, sometimes gathering into a bundle, sometimes scattering, and sometimes gathering together, making faint and crisp collision sounds from time to time.

Divination was full of rhythm, floating and dancing like a ghost.

After each process, the witch would write down a hexagram based on the results obtained from the three bundles of divination grasses.

In the end, this lasted for six times.

Finally, the yin and yang six lines were all obtained and the hexagram was formed, which was a symbol that was stacked in six rows and divided together.

At this time, the wizard sitting cross-legged on the reed mat collected the divination grass stems and put them back into the sign tube, then stared at the hexagram drawn on the paper and was silent for a long time.

At the time when he was silent, the yin and yang were rotating around him.

The yin and yang were evolving according to those hexagrams.

From the outside, it looked like a small world interwoven with black and white, light and darkness.

In the pure white and black, a golden body was shaking. This body flashed with wonderful light, just like a rainbow with billions of colors.

Whenever there was a mysterious light emitted by this body, the yin and yang energy would fluctuate violently, just like a stone thrown into the water.

"What is the hexagram?" The divination grass was almost withered and the tone was extremely weak.

In her opinion, Wu Geng's divination was sometimes not just divination, but a kind of "definition".

The reason why his divination was accurate was not because he calculated accurately, but because all possibilities would approach the result of his divination.

And this approach is "spontaneous", and does not require Wu Geng's own manipulation, nor does it require any guidance or layout. This is a possibility suppression beyond the law of causality, and can even deprive other first-class control powers to a certain extent.

So Wu Geng's divination results are rarely wrong.

Of course, Wu Geng himself does not admit it. He has always believed that this is just divination, not manipulation.

"It's done." Wu Geng said so.

Shucao let out a long sigh, and then collapsed on the ground.

Looking at the little girl lying on the ground, Wu Geng waved his hand to send her back to Wu Xian's cave, and then looked at the horizon.

Next, it's up to Wu Xian.

At this moment, the Demon Prince is taking over Taiyi.

The process of taking over Taiyi is too complicated for him, and it requires a lot of energy. It's like sitting in the operating room to connect nerves, peeling Taiyi's nerves out bit by bit, and then connecting them to himself.

In this process, he not only has to bear Taiyi's pressure, but also has to keep his attention at all times, otherwise if he makes a mistake, he will be backfired by Taiyi's body.

At that time, it won't be solved by death.

It's hard to die.

However, no matter what kind of suffering, no matter what kind of torture, the Demon Prince can persist.

This is his paranoia.

As long as he masters Taiyi's power, he can wrestle with the Heavenly Demon.

On Wu Xian's side.

The Heavenly Demon was indeed held back by Wu Xian.

But this is only temporary.

Wu Xian can't hold back the Heavenly Demon forever. After Taiyi's body is completely taken over, the Demon Prince will take action.

At that time... the back-up plan arranged by the Heavenly Demon will be useful.

The Demon Prince is stubborn, paranoid, and obsessed, so if he loses a thousand times, he will bet a thousand and one times. He never hesitates to fight with the Heavenly Demon. He only has his own goals in his eyes, and he can't see anything else. What is the overall situation, what love, and even the many people who follow him, he never looks at them.

But who says that if you dare to gamble, you will definitely win?

The Demon Prince will lose.

He will become a puppet of the Heavenly Demon.

Persistence itself is a demonic thought, and the Demon Prince has been a puppet of the Heavenly Demon from beginning to end.

Since he was created by the demon, his status has never changed.

The demon only needs to wait until Taiyi's body is taken over, and then he will have a first-class dog.

Even if the demon prince himself does not think so, he will eventually do what the demon wants him to do, all voluntarily.

In this way, the balance will be completely overturned.

The arrival of the Dharma Ending World, with the addition of another first-class, will completely fall into an unstoppable acceleration. At that time, this world will enter the situation that the demon wants.

Once arriving at the Dharma Ending World, the demon will be able to verify his final answer... That is, is this world the demon's "heart"?

This answer will be obtained soon.

Just wait until the end. (End of this chapter)

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