Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 146: Was lightly pressed

   Xu Qijing is very satisfied with this ‘knowledge of ever-changing technique’-if he can master this spell quickly, then when he cooperates with the ancestor’s envoy to carry out the ‘killing Xu Qijing plan’, it will be more smooth.

   "See you next time, bless me." After the ooze messenger said, his body disappeared.

   "I wish you success." Xu Qiji secretly said inwardly.

   At present, besides the Human Race, among the Nine Ancestors, there is only this Ooze Monster Messenger, who is working hard to change, hoping to do something for the Human Race...

   If its human cloning project can be successful, at least it can play a transitional role. Before a better solution is found, the people will not have to sacrifice again and again.

   After the ooze messenger left, Xu Qijing stayed alone in the'Nine Ancestor Envoy Space' for some time.

   Only this time, the human ancestor envoy still did not appear.

   After a while, Xu Qijing's figure also withdrew from the space of the Nine Ancestor Envoy.

   As soon as he returned to the world, he felt a pair of soft hands touching his belly, making him comfortable and almost making a sound of shame.

   is the slender hand of Thrush. She moved Xu Qiji to a big bed and gently stroked his swollen belly-this was a side effect of forcibly becoming good friends with the ooze messenger.

   In addition, in the position of his head, there is also a hand stroking his head with a superb technique... This is Qi Yishan's hand, which is also very comfortable.

   Two hands, double enjoyment.

   "It's so up..." Xu Qiji tried to lift up her body. This feeling was like she forced a bottle of Coke after eating, and her stomach was full of bubbles.

   Even the abdominal muscles he worked hard to get flattened.

   "What's the matter with you? Suddenly your stomach is inflated? We all thought you were pregnant." Steel Daughter 616 bluntly said.

   "It is impossible for a man to get pregnant." Xu Qiji took a deep breath, mobilized the'natural gas' in the body, digested the surplus energy in the body, and extradited part of it to the'big sword' for storage.

   After the abdomen recovered a little bit, Xu Qijing summoned several companions he trusted, and briefly told them about the arrangement and arrangement of the [Xu Qijie Decapitation Plan], and projected the photos of the rape.

   There are always loopholes in a person’s thinking. He needs everyone to use their imagination to make up for the accidents that may appear in the plan at that time, and take precautions.

   As far as possible, arrange this play to be more tragic, so as to deceive more activity funds from the ancestor envoy.

   "We understand the general plan... I will arrange for someone to finalize a perfect script." Doctor Mie Huang nodded after listening.

   There are countless talents in Daxia. As long as you provide materials, you can set up a perfect script for Xu Qiji.

   After three days, this good scene can start.


   After setting things up, Xu Qijing looked at the hamster again: "Brother Miao, when will the research on the function of'Summoning·Didi Fighting' I commissioned be completed?"

   "Squeak~" Myo-ge replied.

   Miefeng bit on a pink lollipop and translated: "If you add money, you can work overtime to catch up. Try to get it done for you within three days."

   Xu Qiji happily said, "I owe it first?"

   Before I waited for Miao's reply, he added: "I still have a spell here. I want to ask Miao to help. Please a fifty-story master to simplify it~"

   Brother Miao originally wanted to refuse Xu Qiji's request for arrears—Xu Qiji is now coming in quickly, so the arrears have little meaning. Unless it's an opportunity that cannot be repaid in one breath, Brother Miao is no longer interested in such small debts.

   But when Xu Qiji heard that Xu Qiji still had a new business to deal with, Brother Miao forced the brake.

   "Squeak~" Brother Miao sat down and looked at Xu Qiji.

   Xu Qiji stretched out his hand to transcribe the "Myriad Secret Techniques" given to him by the Ooze Monster Messenger, with patterns of the exercises and detailed explanations of the practice.

   Brother Miao twitched his mouth when he saw this technique and it was a transformation spell.

   It raised its head and looked at Xu Qijing, pointed its paw at the ‘mask’ that he was wearing diagonally on his head, then patted his **** and jumped away.

   "Mask?" Xu Qiji stretched out his hand to take off the ‘unseeable mask’ from his head. Every time he entered the Nine Ancestor Envoy Space, he would put on this mask so as not to be seen through by other envoys.

  In this mask, there is indeed a supreme transformation method...but Xu Qiji still hasn't realized its fur.

   Could it be that this mask can help him quickly comprehend the ‘Mystery of Myriad Changes’ that the Ooze Monster Messenger gave him?

   "Brother Miao, give me a hint." Xu Qiji shook his mask.

   But Brother Miao shook his hamster's cute ass, and went further and further, ignoring Xu Qiji at all.

   "Give me money, an energy stone." The thrush's voice with a smile sounded.

   Miao brother immediately turned around, and a vivid smile appeared on the hamster's face: "Squeak~"

   Shumei took out an energy stone from his small shoulder bag, and handed it to Miaoge - this is her and Xu Qijing's snack bag, which contains the energy stone and Huamei.

Then she translated for Xu Qiji: "Miaomiao said, lie down with a mask, and then silently ponder this'Mystery of Myriad Changes' in your heart. With the help of the mask, you can quickly master this decent magical spell. ."

   "That's it?" Xu Qijing was taken aback.

   "That's it." Thrush said, taking out another energy stone, and gently biting it into pieces.

   Xu Qiji: "..."


   In fact, when he first obtained this mask, Brother Miao hinted at Xu Qijing-if you want to understand the top transformation spell hidden in this mask, you can try to sleep with a mask, maybe you can realize it in your dream?

   Xu Qijing tried for a while, but failed to hold on. After all, he is not a single man. He will accompany the person next to his pillow before going to bed at night. It is impossible to talk to his wife while wearing a mask.

   At this time, Xu Qiji solemnly put on the mask, adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner, and locked the door.

   The two small hands start to divide the work again, pan head and stomach...

   Xu Qijing concentrated, reading the ‘Secret Technique of Ooze Monster’s Ever-changing Technique’ over and over again and again in his mind.

After    repeated more than ten times, a faint radiance appeared on the "Invisible Mask", which seemed to be activated?

   The secret method of transformation contained in this mask is high-level and scary...Even the Nine Ancestor Envoy could not identify Xu Qiji's fake ‘Eye Ancestor Envoy’.

   Compared with this, the Ooze Monster's Mystery of Myriad Changes is a bit worse in level.

   At this time, the mask analyzes the secret technique of ever-changing from high to low, and constantly feeds back some information to Xu Qijing, slowly enhancing Xu Qijing's understanding of the secret technique of change.

   Gradually, Xu Qiji understood a lot about the secret of change in her heart.

   Gradually, Xu Qiji's eyelids sank.

   The information that the mask gave him was a bit like a ‘bedtime story’, which made Xu Qiji calm and sleep.

   [I don’t know what is the origin of giving this mask to Miao’s guests? The function of this mask is terrible. 】

  【Miao brother seems to respect that guest very much. 】

   [I don’t know the future, if I have a chance to meet this guest of Brother Miao, thank him. 】

  【Without the mask he gave me, I would not be able to penetrate the inner space of the villain boss. 】

   [I always feel like thanking you in person...]

   Xu Qijing was in a daze, and many thoughts surfaced in his consciousness.


   In an unknown world.

   Brother Miao is losing weight...It climbs into a special hamster running wheel, activates the speed of the running wheel to the maximum, and then it runs frantically in the running wheel.

   Not long ago, it sold a batch of "Star Beasts" to the God of Cooking. As an extra reward, he ate a lot of the trial works of God of Cooking, and it felt that the meat grew a lot.

   In order to maintain his health and slim figure, Myo is exercising.

   Not far from Brother Miao's body, a black-haired and black-clothed man was holding his sleeves, showing half of his arms, and planting seedlings in a paddy field.

   Farming, drinking tea, fishing...The life of the top people in society is so boring.

   But the same is farming, drinking tea, and fishing. There are two completely different ways of living with and without money.

   The black-haired figure who was planting seedlings reached out and wiped his forehead, and looked at the neatly planted seedlings behind him, showing a satisfied look.

   "Grandpa, your hair is dragged in the muddy water." Brother Miao reminded, panting while running wildly in the running wheel.

  Long hair is just that it’s not good and it’s inconvenient to move. Fortunately, there will be no reincarnation of grains after the strength cultivation base is high, otherwise it will have to be used every time.

   "Don't worry, my hair is mature hair, they will take care of themselves." The black-haired man smiled.

While    was talking, he bent over and pinched a few seedlings, gently pressing them into the paddy field.


  In the process of pressing the seedlings into the paddy field, it seems that something was pressed into the paddy field together and accidentally exploded.

   "Huh?" The black-haired man was taken aback, and raised his hand suspiciously.

   "What happened to Grandpa?" Miao asked.

   "It's okay, I exploded a boring thing." The black-haired man smiled happily and continued his planting actions.

   Brother Miao's main body was puzzled. Just now, it seemed to feel a familiar scream?

   But when I feel it carefully, I find nothing.

   "Forget it." Grandpa said it was just boring things, Miao didn't pay much attention to it, and continued his weight loss run.


   "It hurts~" Xu Qijing, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly felt a tingling of energy.

   The skull was like an explosion, and it felt like the brain was boiling.

what happened?

What's wrong with me?

   Xu Qiji was at a loss.

   There is still a steady stream of messages from the ear of the ‘mask’ analyzing the secret technique of change... He didn’t go through, just took a nap?

   But why do I feel like I have suddenly encountered something terrifying and have been crushed?

   Someone is plotting against me?

   But the ‘Ancestor of God’ who wants to plot against me has been arranged by me clearly, and I have thoroughly understood its plan.

   In addition to the divine ancestors, there are people who greet me in secret?

   Men must protect themselves wherever they are.

   may be a sequelae of the ‘explosion of consciousness’, Xu Qijing felt a sense of weakness coming from deep in his spirit.

   is different from the previous sleepiness, this time I am going into a coma.

   One is falling asleep normally, the other is falling asleep by violence.


   Xu Qijing’s pinched consciousness took more than half an hour before it reunited and recovered.

   But at this time, his consciousness is no longer in the ‘exploded’ space.

   His consciousness is reunited, just like stitching, forming a human form.

   The mental power was swept slightly, and Xu Qijing found that his consciousness had entered a certain space again.

   After the "Three Years of Martial Arts Study Class" and the "Nine Ancestor Envoy Space", did he discover a new world?

   "Where is it this time?" Xu Qiji looked around curiously.

   appeared in front of him is a blue lake.

   There is a lone boat floating on the lake.

   At this time, he was sitting on one end of the lone boat, and a middle-aged man with glasses was sitting on the other end of the lone boat.

   Xu Qijing glanced at the man with glasses...In his memory, he had never seen him.

   The two sat opposite each other, looking at each other.

   But neither of them spoke first.

   just looking at each other so lightly...

   A breeze blew across the lake, ripples on the lake.

   For a long time, Xu Qiji felt that the two big men looked at each other like this, a little embarrassed, so she took the lead and said, "Hello."

   "Hello." The man smiled slightly, put his fishing rod aside, and put his hands in his wide sleeves. This funny gesture, when the middle-aged man did it, gave people a sense of elegance.

   This is the mood?

   "Where is this place?" Xu Qijing asked.

   "This is not that kind of realistic place. If you really want to give it a definition, this is the back of the world... How did you get in?" The man in glasses smiled slightly, smiling very handsomely.

   This kind of uncle with dusty temperament can attract the soul of the little sister with a smile.

   While talking, the man with glasses looked at the mask on Xu Qijing's face. He was certain that this ‘mask’ did not belong to this world.

   But on this ‘mask’, there is an aura similar to the ‘back of the world’ he is in—maybe this is the reason why the boy in front of him entered his position?

   "It's true, I'm at a loss now. I should have been comprehending some kind of change spell... after comprehending and comprehending, I suddenly entered here." Xu Qiji said slowly.

   Xu Qijing didn't tell the explosion of his consciousness, but simply talked about his state.

  "Understand a certain kind of transformation spell? Need help, I am actually quite good at transformation The glasses man said gently.

   He has a kind of approachable and friendly aura.

  While speaking, the man with glasses showed Xu Qiji the ‘method of change’.

   He stretched out his arm, and this arm began to change continuously, or turned into scaly claws, or became hairy cat feet, or turned into branches, or turned into quicksand...

   Really change in one hand.

   "Senior is amazing." Even a layman like Xu Qiji can see the cleverness of this change.

   So, with an attitude of giving it a try, Xu Qijing recounted the framework and formulas of "The Secret Technique of Ooze Monster's Ever-changing".

"Well, a very creative transformation spell. But this spell requires a lot of talent... It will be more difficult for a race that is not flexible enough to practice." After hearing Xu Qiji's description, the elegant man hit the nail on the head , Point out the shortcomings and advantages of this spell.

   After speaking, the elegant man pushed his glasses and sat on the bow of the lone boat, thinking.

   After only a dozen breaths, he opened his eyes: "Well, basically the idea is there. Would you like me to simplify this magic transformation?"

   Xu Qiji: "!!!"

   This gentleman senior is simply the roundworm in his stomach, and he understands his heart.


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