Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 147: Change + Clone = Beholder Reinforcement

   "Simplifying the transformation of this spell, will it be too troublesome for Senior?" Although Xu Qijing felt that this senior's proposal was sixty-six likes, it was the first time we met. Sometimes someone's kind words are not taken seriously.

   "It's not a troublesome thing. While I am waiting for the fish to take the bait, I can complete the transformation for you." The elegant man smiled slightly.

  -As he spoke, he had already determined in his heart that the boy in front of him was not a soft race. This exercise is obviously most suitable for a race that can softly squeeze into various shapes in its own form, and this young man's innate conditions do not meet, he himself acquiesced to this during his reply.

   It is a pity that the mask on the opponent's face firmly protects the opponent, so that he cannot see the true appearance of the opponent, and cannot infer the true race of the opponent.

   is somewhat interesting.

   It's useless for a refined man to think of taking off the mask on the face of the teenager opposite.

   "Then, I'll be unkind to trouble seniors." Xu Qijing did not decline this time, after all, the other party's proposal really suits him.

   "Hahaha~" The elegant man let out a free and easy laugh, then closed his eyes and deduced it-he had already had the idea of ​​transforming this technique, and now he just fills it up.

   was only about twenty breaths, fishes swimming under the lone boat, approaching the small boat.

   At this time, the elegant man opened his eyes, he reached out and grabbed the fishing rod, and at the same time the other hand was drawn in front of Xu Qiji.

   The red flames flowed in the void with his fingers, turning into an equation-like structure.

   The equation looks a bit complicated... But as the elegant man took the last palm, the huge equation shrank and finally turned into a shiny symbol.

   is like pi = 3.14159265......, an infinite number, and finally can be summarized as π to express.

   In Xu Qiji's eyes, the same is true of the rune in the hands of the elegant man. Just remembering it means that he has written down the extremely complicated formula.

   As long as you master this symbol, you can use "The Mystery of Myriad Changes".

  The disadvantage is that people who know how to use computers but don’t know how the computer’s system programs are written. The secret method mastered in this way is soulless. After learning it, you can even master changes, but you don't know the principle.

   But... this kind of soulless learning method is very comfortable for me!

   Xu Qijing only needs to have a kaleidoscope of functions, can use it, he does not have to deeply understand the principle and structure of this spell.

   Even this "Mystery of Myriad Changes" is a transition for him. In the future, what he really wants to master is the super transforming mystery hidden on the mask.

   "Have you lost your studies?" The elegant man patted the burning symbol in front of Xu Qijing with one hand, and gently moved the other hand to lift the hooked fish.

   "I wrote it down." Xu Qijing nodded, and he remembered this burning rune in his heart. While memorizing the runes, he felt that he had mastered the core technology of change.

   As long as he pours the ‘natural gas’ of the current 4 realms into this rune, and the natural gas moves around according to this rune equation, he can change as he wants!

   is simple and practical, and also modified the secret method to suit the characteristics of the ‘ooo monster’, making it suitable for all races.

   "Thank you, senior." Xu Qiji wrote down this simplified secret method and respectfully bowed to the elegant man: "I haven't asked senior your name?"

"I can't give you this kind of real name at the moment." The elegant man put the fish into the fish basket and smiled slightly: "The real name represents power and bondage... If we still have a chance to meet in the future, wait The friendship is deep, I will consider revealing part of the real name to you."

   I didn’t expect that the setting of [real name] really exists? but……

   "Part of the real name?" Xu Qijing was taken aback.

"The longer your real name is, the less you have to worry about being guessed or calculated by others. So my real name is made up of 1.8 million different characters." The elegant man gestured thickly with his fingers. The thickness of the book: "When I meet next time, I will reveal the contents of my real name on the first two pages to you."

   Xu Qiji was shown a face, and a long time later he gave a thumbs up to the elegant man-the predecessor is awesome.

   A real name composed of 1.8 million different characters... Even if someone calculates this senior’s real name and wants to use the power of his real name to restrict him, then just call his real name for several days?

During   , I can’t make a mistake...If I make a mistake, I have to start again.

   Judging by the mystery and strength of this senior, he might have sensed it before reading a few pages, and crawled along the network cable to see the situation.

   "However, to make it easier for you to call me, I can give you a title." The elegant man put away his fishing rod: "If there is a chance to meet, you can call me'the end'."

   "A single'end' word?" Xu Qijing asked.

   "Well, just scream like that." The elegant man nodded and said, "Anyway, I just thought about it casually."

   Xu Qiji couldn't laugh or cry: "Will the last generation be too casual?"

   "It is unknown whether we can meet or not, why waste our energy on such a name?" The elegant man hooked the bait again and threw the line again.

   "It makes sense." Xu Qijing nodded: "Then senior, you call me..."

   "Why don't you just call it a mask?" The elegant man said: "Anyway, you don't have to report your real name. Your real name doesn't make a collection to me."

   Xu Qijing heard this and reached out to touch her face. Sure enough, it was also covered with an "invisible mask".

   When the elegant man saw Xu Qiji's ‘subconscious’ action, his heart moved slightly.

  ——Xu Qijing's action meant that he himself had never thought of wearing a mask on his face. In other words, the other party did not wear this mask deliberately to cover up his identity and came to him.

   "Your mask is very special." The elegant man said.

   "Yes, I didn't expect this mask to be so powerful at first." Xu Qijing nodded, "This is a gift from a friend. Are you interested in this mask?"

   "Hmm." The elegant man pushed his glasses and said, "If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be able to communicate or communicate with you."

   "Do you know this mask?" Xu Qijing became interested.

   "I don't know... the fish has taken the bait again." The elegant man raised the fishing rod again.

   And just as he lifted the pole, Xu Qijing on the other side of the boat suddenly disappeared.

   Without any warning, it just disappeared and erased.

   The elegant man's movements of lifting the rod all paused slightly, and the fish also fell off the hook, wagging its tail and swam away quickly.



  713 world.

   When Xu Qijing woke up, it was already noon the next day.

   He opened his eyes, pushed up the "Invisible Mask", and put it on the top of his head.

   "Om~ You are awake, Mr. Qi Ji." No. 616 sounded by the bed, followed by a click of the head back.

   Recently, the world of 713 has started to drizzle, covering almost the entire world.

  As a fully mechanized humanoid, No. 616 has been annoyed recently. I always feel that my whole body is wet, and I often need to dehumidify.

   Xu Qijing glanced at the time and smiled: "Good noon, No. 616. How long have I slept?"

"It's almost a whole day." No. 616 replied: "Everyone says that you are comprehending magic spells, Mr. Qi Ji, so we dare not disturb you, so we let you fall asleep. Mr. Qi Ji, your magic comprehension succeeded ?"

   "It should be considered a success." Xu Qijing nodded.

   said, he stretched out his hand.

In the palm of   , there was an extra flame-like symbol, which was the ‘Mystery of Myriad Changes’ that was simplified and deduced by the last generation.

   Now as long as he pours ‘natural gas’ into this rune, he can master this spell.

   But Xu Qijing did not do this.

   There must be no harm to others, no defensiveness.

   For the last generation, he knows too little.

   The two sides only met for the first time.

  The most important thing is that Xu Qiji himself has the tricks of "Pupillary Technique·Forced Transmission of Kungfu·Friends from Nothing".

   Knowing that there are such tricks, he will naturally be prepared for this.

   It's always good to be cautious... If the last generation is pure goodwill, then it is naturally best.

   After a thought, the great sword was summoned.

   Today's great sword, only 1002 blessing runes are installed, and there are still many holes empty.

   Xu Qijing tried to press the fire-red rune to the hole of the big sword to see if it succeeded.

   Click~ After a special-effect-like filling sound effect, the "Kaleidoscope Rune" successfully snapped into the big sword.

   In this way, even if there is a hole in this ‘rune’, Xu Qijing didn’t use his body to learn, so he didn’t have to worry about stepping on thunder.

   "I always feel like a villain, saving the heart of a gentleman." Xu Qiji swung his big sword.

   Maybe he was born a villain.

   After installing the change rune, Xu Qijing tried to activate it.

   As soon as his heart moved, Xu Qijing's appearance quickly changed, and in the blink of an eye, it became the appearance of 616 in front of him.

   is lifelike, and there is almost no difference between the two sides when viewed with the naked eye.

   "Huh?" No. 616 was taken aback, she turned on the scanning function for the first time, and she scanned Xu Qijing in front of her.

   As a result, her own business card popped up in her database.

  With her scanning system, the figure in front of her can't be identified as true or false!

   She stretched out her hand and poked Xu Qiji's face lightly.

  Ding~ A pleasant metal crash sounded.

   "Even the material has become metal?" No. 616 was shocked, Σ(°△°|||)︴

   This kind of magical thing really cannot be understood by scientific means.

   There was also a kind of ‘mimic robot’ in their world before, but that kind of robot can only change a few specific forms, and the material cannot change.

   "Please don't poke so hard." Xu Qijing said in No. 616 voice.

   "The voice can also change?" No. 616 turned around Xu Qijing.

   After turning a circle, she couldn't help but reach out to lift Xu Qiji's armor part.

   "What are you doing?" Xu Qiji was shocked!

   "Let me take a look at your internal structure. Does the internal structure also become a mechanical structure? What about the head, can the head be removed?" No. 616 became very interested in Xu Qijing.

   "Stop, stop it~ don't~" Xu Qiji stopped quickly.

   His cry attracted everyone else in this base.

   Shumei and others came in following the call, and saw one 616 picking up another 616 armor.

   Qi Yishan's gaze swept over the two 616 Nos. The result was the same as the previous 616 scan. The two 616s in front of him are difficult to distinguish.

   "A Ji, change back." Thrush came to the passive No. 616, smiled and handed a plum.

   Xu Qijing opened her mouth and bit the plum, her figure returned to its original shape in a faint glow: "How did you recognize me, Thrush?"

   "Intuition?" Thrush said, tilting his head.

   Doctor Miehuang pinched his chin: "It's terrible intuition."

   With such a strong intuition, it would be difficult for Mr. Xu to cheat. Maybe Mr. Xu just had the idea of ​​‘derailing’, and the thrush boss will feel it?

   "Squeak, you really need to sleep to learn the magic spell?" Brother Miao jumped over, squatting on Xu Qiji's head and asked.

   Brother Miao is rarely talking about people this time.

   "I'm a genius." Xu Qiji said shamelessly.

   Brother Miao: "……"

   "In fact, I met a senior who helped simplify the ‘Mystery of Myriad Changes’, and now it’s simplified to this point." Xu Qijing raised his big sword and handed it to Brother Miao to watch.

   Brother Miao looked at the rune, his little paw gripped his cheek: "This is a master, at least seventy or eighty stories high, maybe more than that. Where did you meet the master?"

   "This matter is long when I talk about it. I suddenly exploded after I put on the mask yesterday, as if I was crushed by someone..." Xu Qijing described his experience with Miao brother again.

   My brother hamster is silent.JPG

   It has guessed the truth, but it can’t tell the truth to the hurt Qi Ji Xiao poor.

   can't tell him that you accidentally planted the seedlings yesterday when my boss was planting rice, right?

   But, the back of the world? Mr. Mo?

   What is the origin of this?

"Could it be one of the nine ancestors?" Saintess of Yu Le put down the apple and said, "Boss Miao said, this is a master, the kind that starts from seventy to eighty floors. And this nine realms fits the description. There should be only those mysterious nine ancestors, right?"

   "Ancestor?" Thrush asked.

"It shouldn't be. Humans generally don't popularize the'real name' tradition." Brother Miao shook his head: "I will look back for you. According to Xu Qiji's description, he should be a relatively kind-hearted senior character. This rune I'll take a picture and ask for you later."

   "Thank you Brother Miao, Brother Miao is so nice." Xu Qiji felt warm in his heart.

   almost moved and Brother Miao almost rolled away with a tactic when he saw it-he remembered that Xu Qijing's tears would arouse the ‘tear cell technique’.

   With the strength of Brother Miao, of course, he will not be sealed by the tear prison technique. But it is also not interested in tasting Xu Qijing's tears, so salty!

   "Then, the next topic." Yu Le said with great interest: "Since Qi Jing has mastered the'law of change', can you try to create a bunch of blank clones of'eye demon'?"

   Xu Qiji’s transformed blank clone can be transformed into the appearance of the ‘eye demon clan’ first, and then projected by the elite warriors on the island, it would save a lot of tedious steps.

   "I'll try." Xu Qijing nodded, reached out a hand to pluck off a piece of hair, and blew out.

  Hair sacrifice...

   After a while, a drop-shaped "blank clone" with eyes on it was created by Xu Qijing.

   "Based on this technique, I can still provide face-squeezing service when everyone comes to the 713 World Raiders Dungeon." Xu Qiji's business acumen launched.



  PS: The walls are cracked. I also want to recommend a new book by bedmates, the new book "New Book" in July. Yes, the title of the book is the new book~hahaha.


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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