Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 164: It matches me very well~

It has been nearly two months since Xu Qijing condensed the Xu Pill and turned into the star sea in the dantian, and now he wakes up three or four times a night.

In fact, even though Xu Qijing wanted to quickly improve his strength and combat effectiveness, he was really not ready to go from the fourth to the fifth in two months.

The information he obtained from the'Three-Year Martial Arts Internship Class', normally, it didn’t take decades to improve. It’s just a dream to go from the 4th to the 5th stage... decades, close to a hundred years, this is normal. The average time it takes to upgrade from 4 to 5 levels.

However, the Terran, Ooze, and Protoss camps are all working hard to fill Xu Qiji's star-sea world and add stars to it. Even the six little skeletons are working hard to improve their realm and contribute to Xu Qiji's astral world.

Xu Qijing's realm was forcibly piled up by ‘quantity’. The power that is so large that it can only be described as vast, is already like a monster to the normal practitioners of the various systems in the four realms.

Ordinary 4th realm cultivators grind their realm to the pinnacle of this realm, and when facing the critical point of breakthrough, the energy in the body may not be as strange as 1%.

This... I'm afraid that even A Crab who designed the'Daxia System' didn't expect it.

Sure enough, a person's power is limited. A person's cultivation speed can't stack up with thousands of people.



At this time, in a sea area of ​​the 713 world.

Xu Qiji took a boat to the area near the island. Here is a sea area that is heavily polluted by black smokers and has a relatively large area.

Xu Qijing is planning to set up the place where he hit the fifth stage here, just waiting for the ‘Heaven’s Tribulation’ that may come at that time to shoulder its cleaning abilities again, and to expel and purify the pollution in this area.

For this reason, Xu Qijing is ready to use his own speed when the time comes to clean up the pollution in a certain sea area, and then move to other sea areas in an effort to purify more pollution.

Moreover, in order to make the cleaners play a bigger role as much as possible, Xu Qijing wanted to try to use the power of the robbery as much as possible within the range of his control, and to extend its working time as much as possible.

Squeeze it, don't pity it. You can't let it go just because it is a catastrophe.

996 blessings are not enough, but a lot more!

Conscience and so on, before the proposition of "purify the 713 world", it no longer matters.

"A Ji, come on, let's retreat to the back distance first~" The thrush waved his hand at Xu Qiji, and then took the speedboat No. 616 together with 713's body, far away from Xu Qiji's crossing range.

That's right, currently Thrush is still controlling two accounts by one person? And the control is getting more and more skilled.

Both she and Xu Qijing could feel that 713's consciousness had not disappeared. However, her consciousness just won't come back... or maybe it has descended to other'worlds' again?

In order to avoid problems with 713's body? Shen Shumei has been using one mind and two? Control Qi Yishan's physical activities.

For more than a month? Thrush felt that she almost couldn't tell which body was her own.

Thrush has faintly felt something wrong, but it also feels a little funny...



Protoss camp starship.

Xu Qiji's "Demon Clone" dress made the appearance of taking the "Recovering 4th and 5th Precious Medicine", pretending to restore his strength to the 5th level.

Secretly? The people of the divine ancestors are observing the beholder elite.

Once the beholder elite completely recovers to the 5th realm? The **** ancestor will make up his mind to accept him as a protector. The divine ancestor is extremely satisfied with the beholder elite. The only thing to be sure now is how much injury is the other party? Is there any hope of recovery?

After all? If the opponent is injured too badly? If the realm can't be recovered anymore? It won't have much effect if he accepts the opponent as a protector. It will not even be long before his life is dead and disappear? This is unacceptable by the divine ancestor.

So he has to wait to see the degree of recovery of the opponent's injury, and whether there is a possibility of perfect recovery in his realm.



Underworld·Undead Witch Tower.

Xu Qiji’s skeleton trumpet, at this time, has accelerated the absorption of the'medicine solution', and the six small skeletons surrounding him seem to be connected to him as a whole? The seven kinds of energy that cannot be formed form a perfect cycle? They continue to strengthen them. .

As a trainer, the suture monster saw this scene? He laughed from ear to ear—the resource application it wrote to the top had passed the review. And the amount of decentralized resources is very large!

The underworld high-level obviously also wanted to see how strong the Skeleton Undead Witch could be cultivated by the Stitching Monster? You can give as many resources as you want, and it is fully open and unlimited.

"You will definitely become our hope? Even if you cannot become the descendant of the ancestor of the underworld, you will definitely become the high-level combat power of the underworld." The corner of the suture monster's mouth rose.

He seemed to have seen the dazzling future of these seven little skeletons.

Just as he was looking forward to it, the skeleton at the center of the scene skyrocketed again, apparently going to be promoted again?

Very fast promotion speed, quite unreasonable speed.

But he likes it!

Suture Monster did not hesitate to inject more energy into the pool.

Tube full!



Xu Qiji's spiritual world.

Xu Qiji, who was concentrating on preparing for promotion, did not realize that there was another change in her spiritual world-it may have been more than a month, and it was the day when the spirit of the beholder was condensed.

The spirit of the beholder is resurrecting tenaciously, but this time its size is a little smaller than the last time, and the subtle glow in the big eyes is also weakened a lot, and it looks a bit silly.

As soon as the beholder's spirit body appeared, before there was any time to move, the "Rolling List" flashed mercilessly again.

One is born, the second is cooked, and the third is hello without saying.

"Call the Roster" was another smash, directly smashing the beholder's mental body into pieces.

The smashed beholder was spiritualized and transformed into pure spiritual power to supplement Xu Qiji's spirit-this nourishment became the last iron rod that overwhelmed the camel, suddenly forcibly squeezing Xu Qiji's spiritual power burst.

Xu Qijing only felt a tingling pain in her eyebrows.

The stars in the dantian are also strengthening...

Is this a two-pronged approach?

Xu Qiji didn't have time to think, stretched out his hand and took out the treasure medicine that the divine ancestor envoy had handed over to the ‘eye demon clone’.

For those cultivators whose realm has been forcibly lowered, it also has the miraculous effect of restoring realm to nourish.

Xu Qiji swallowed this precious medicine without hesitation.

After the treasure medicine was swallowed, in addition to the nourishment of mental abilities and the replenishment of pure energy, it also contained a lot of experience about condensing the ‘virtual pill into reality’.

These experiences and insights are the core of this treasure medicine. Combined with the energy of the treasure medicine, it can speed up the efficiency of Xu Qiji Void Pill's condensing into an entity.

During the whole breakthrough process, Xu Qijing didn't need to move while standing.

His virtual pill is already a mature core, and he already knows how to turn himself into an entity.

Under normal circumstances, the virtual pill should be transformed into a very rounded core-the more rounded, the higher the aptitude and the greater the potential of the master of the virtual pill.

However, Xu Qiji's virtual pill, due to the influence of the starburst in the body, the generally round virtual pill has been polished out of several aspects.

It represents the side of the human race, the side of the ooze monster, the side of the protoss camp, and the side of the little skull in the underworld.

The round core is polished to look like a diamond bead.

Xu Qijing did not stop this scene.

His upgrade path is different from everyone else, although he still follows the general realm framework, but the promoted Fang Gong already feels a bit wild.

So, just follow your heart. If you feel that the problem is not too big, you can go with the flow.

[There are only four sides now. Maybe in the future, more sides can be polished? Xu Qijing also doesn't know, after the cores of these five realms are successfully gathered, is there any possibility of change in the future?

If possible, maybe he has polished up all the nine representative races of the Nine Realms... to prove his ‘friendship’ with other races of the Nine Realms.

As long as the friendship is in place, the life and death of the other races in the Nine Realms are in Xu Qiji's grasp.

The whole core cohesion process took about 2 hours.

It's a long time...

At the moment the core took shape, Xu Qiji felt a little bit. He lifted his foot into the void and stepped on the void like this. It's not that he used his mind to support himself...

Even he feels that as long as he wants to relax himself completely, he can always float upwards, there is no limit, and floating out of the atmosphere is not a problem.

"This is the innate ability after being promoted to the fifth stage? Go back and ask the teacher." He condensed his mind and looked up at the void.

It's work, Heavenly Tribulation Cleaner!

Don't drag your mother anymore, everyone's time is valuable these days, hurry down!



Protoss camp starship.

At the moment when Xu Qiji's body was successfully promoted, the beholder incarnation also finished acting. The momentum of the whole body rose, and the realm'recovered' to the 5th stage, and the feeling of injury on his body faded more than half, and the aura became stronger.

The secret monitor immediately reported this scene to the protoss messenger.

The messenger of the Protoss heard this, and his heart was delighted.

"Go and prepare for the transformation ritual!" He ordered, and then condensed his mind, ready to have a good talk with the beholder elite.

In the past month, his relationship with the beholder elite has been very good. At the same time, under his "both sides agitation," the relationship between the beholder elite and the beholder family has become increasingly cold.

At this time, if he personally came forward and asked the other party to join his camp, he who was "abandoned by the Beholder Clan" would definitely choose to join the Protoss camp.

"Very well, everything is ready." The Protoss messenger stood up.

Now, his only headache is the ‘defense’ that defends the planet.

After losing the core human man, that defense was indeed weakened... but a month later, it was still strong.

According to the conclusions of several Protoss researchers, it is very likely that the ‘core human’ only mastered certain powers of the 90-layer defense formation, allowing the defense formation to operate more flexibly and to perform some daily maintenance of the formation.

And even if that ‘core human’ died, the 90-layer defense array could still function well according to a fixed procedure, and there was no possibility of collapse in a short time.

At best, after no maintenance, the time of the future collapse of the big array will be earlier-but this future may be very far away. This future is a future where their Protoss and Star Beasts did not madly attack the big formation and let it disappear naturally. May be as long as ten years?

Of course, these are only the current inferences of the researchers, and their intelligence and information on ‘defense’ is still too little.

At that time, the divine ancestor's messenger is uneasy - the core human beings are not necessarily'irreplaceable'. After a core human is dead, there may be alternative core humans to pick up.

At that time, waiting for the candidate core humans to take office, this defensive array will return to a powerful appearance.

From beginning to end, the Protoss camp had never thought about the possibility that its partner, the "Goblin Clan" would have problems. After all, the beholder elite is super-excellent to complete the beheading and assassination mission, and the reinforcements of the beholder family are also very cooperative.

Since the beholder reinforcements are okay, the problem must lie in ‘defense’. The strength of this defense is more tricky than they thought.

‘The cooperation with the Beholder Clan must continue. Moreover, I have to ask members of other races to cooperate. The divine ancestor envoy felt a headache when he thought of this.

"However, the more this is the case, the more I have to turn that beholder elite into a super warrior of my clan." The divine ancestor said secretly in his heart.

Combining the specialties of the Beholder and the Protoss, and dealing with the'defense', can it break through more effectively.


Underworld·Undead Witch Tower

The Stitch Monster was already a little panicked, he desperately added energy to the pool, he couldn't remember exactly how much he added.

He looked at the little skeleton in the center with some worry, which was already his expectation and hope.

"Don't have an accident," the suture monster whispered softly.

It couldn't stop at this time, except for the constant increase in energy, everything else was out of his control.

In the center of the pond, Xu Qiji's trumpet state is constantly improving.

The body has entered the 5th realm, so as long as there is enough energy to replenish, the trumpet can naturally rise to a realm sufficient with the body.

The only difference is the energy and the time to absorb energy.

Intermediate 4th...Advanced 4th...

The change of this little skeleton even attracted the attention of senior personnel in the underworld, and finally attracted a ray of consciousness of the eight-armed skinny skeleton of the envoy of the ancestor of the underworld.

"It's been many years. It's rare for our Skeleton Clan to have another talented smile appeared in the eyes of the Hades.

From this glance, it could see that this little skeleton had been buried in the ground for at least 8,000 years before it broke out.

Eight thousand years is the closest distance to the limit. If it is a skeleton buried for nine thousand years, it will cause a vision of heaven and earth.

"It's no wonder that it can be promoted so fast... Don't worry, you can provide as much energy as you have. I believe that today, it can break through to the 5th stage and emerge as an official undead witch."

"And she will become the **** of war in our world."

"Get ready for the succession ceremony of the undead witch, this time we have to do a lot more, and strive to let more people see the birth of this new underworld witch."

The envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors issued a series of orders, including a little selfishness. After all, it is a rare skeleton in 10,000 years.

From the eyes of a skeleton, she is also beautiful.

If the future is not descended by the ancestor, it will match it very well~

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