Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 165: Undead Witch Succession Ceremony·Blessing of Hades

At the location in the sea area of ​​the world in 713, the cleaners of the Tribulation have already clocked in to work according to Xu Qiji and others' expectations.

The catastrophe this time can be said to have given Xu Qiji a lot of face. When it debuted, it was huge, the scene was very open, and the coverage was extremely wide.

Two words-face up!

This kind of calamity of 4 Jin 5 is definitely the first in the world of 713.

Because the scope of the catastrophe was much larger than expected, the boats on board the thrush and others had to retreat and then retreat, and finally retreated until the high-tech telescope provided by 616 could barely see Xu Qijing's figure.

"Squeak, the scope is too exaggerated." Brother Miao looked at the heavenly calamity above his head, let alone the coverage area of ​​4 to 5, even 6 to 7 is not so exaggerated, okay?

For a normal cultivator, if he sees such a large area of ​​tribulation, he has to think about whether he has done anything in his life that hurts the world and has offended the world.

But for Xu Qiji, this large-scale tribulation was just right.

Other people's tribulations come with absolute lock-in, and they will only lock the troopers firmly.

But his catastrophe is different, he is a cleaner, only strokes marksmanship. The larger the area covered by the tribulation, the smaller the power that will fall on Xu Qijing's body...the cleaning range will be wider.

"This is the fifth? I still haven't fully understood how he did it." Saintess Yule put her cheeks in her hands.

The reason why she often gets a projection clone to come over and mix with Xu Qiji’s side recently is to observe him carefully and see how he is promoted to the 4th level at the fastest speed, so as to inspire her. You can cultivate your own islanders in batches.

But now, she felt that she hadn't really started monitoring yet, and Xu Qijing was promoted again.

"A-Ji practice is still very hard, and will practice as soon as I have time." Thrush said on the side, trying to say something nice for his man.

Saint Yu Le looked at Shumei and Qi Yishan: "When you say this, Shumei will not hurt your conscience?"

"Squeak, in fact, Xu Qiji is still very diligent in cultivation." Brother Miao replied: "But he is not diligent, which makes little sense."

"Here, the robbery has fallen again." No. 616 exclaimed excitedly.

For her, she didn't understand whether Xu Qijing was up to speed or not. She only knows that this Heavenly Tribulation can purify their world.

Rumble, the catastrophe came, and the start was a wave of Thunder Dragon washing the ground.

The area covered by the robbery is as large as a provincial-level island, and this wave of thunder dragons is extremely spectacular.

Such a large area is all covered under thunderclouds, and then every square of the ground is assigned a sky thunder, which is a complete doomsday scene.

But Xu Qijing, who was under the tribulation of the sky, didn't even defend anything, but symbolically activated his "Battle of the Golden Body", and took the sky thunder that had struck him.

The area expanded to this point, and the power of a single sky thunder was even weaker than the last time. The power of the robbery is all used to purify and wash the ground.

Even when the sky thunder struck her body, Xu Qijing still clearly felt the...friendship between herself and the ‘Heaven Tribulation’!

The sky thunder that struck Xu Qijing's body turned out to be the kind of illusory appearance. The energy is made into ‘special effects’, and the real lethality is almost nothing.

This day of robbery, it is simply too much face.

"This is not a catastrophe at all, it's just a process of getting a gold." Saintess Yu Le envied and jealous: "Such a catastrophe has no soul."

Brother Miao screamed, "After all, he is the savior, so he must have some privilege?"

While talking, it saw Xu Qijing snap his fingers in the robbery, and then...the robbery began to move.

Originally, Xu Qijing was in the ‘center of the tribulation’, but after the tribulation in the sky began to move, Xu Qijing was soon transferred and slowly moved to the edge of the coverage area of ​​the tribulation.

In this way, the thrush and the others can get closer to Xu Qijing, and they can chat with him while watching him go through the robbery.

Brother Miao: "..."

It feels that this day Jie must have been surnamed Xu in his previous life, and it is likely that he grew up eating rice from the thrush family. As a tribulation, he would still obey the command of the tribulation crosser, which simply lost the face of the family.

If it were the old man of the Heavenly Tribulation Family, it would definitely come out and punch the little Heavenly Tribulation face.

The whole catastrophe lasted a full day and night.

During the robbery, Xu Qijing also took the time to eat three meals...If conditions didn't allow him, he even wanted to sleep with the thrush in the second half of the day.

According to Xu Qijing's will, The Tribulation wiped the 713 world like an eraser to clean up the sea area Xu Qijing chose. The remnant of the Tribulation still enveloped the area and brought new life.

The last wave of ‘Heart Devil’s Tribulation’ did not fall as well as last time. Although it was late, it was not absent. After the Tribulation of the Heart Demon came, they didn't wait for Xu Qijing to give them the ‘Break in Nowhere’ pupil technique this time, and they actively merged into the ‘Ancient Mirror’ tattoo on Xu Qiji’s back.

In the Heart Demon Tribulation last time, the twelve small black people of the Heavenly Demon who had been hit by Xu Qijie's pupil technique turned into an ancient mirror pattern of the twelve zodiac signs behind him. There is a vague figure in the ancient mirror, witnessing the friendship between Xu Qiji and the 713 world.

This time, the Heart Demon Tribulation, plunged into the ancient mirror pattern, as if charging the ancient mirror pattern.

The figure in the ancient mirror became clear.

It was a very abstract humanoid creature, and it was not enough to describe its appearance in terms of ferociousness.

But if you stare at it carefully, you will find that the more you look at it, the more you can look at it. After looking at it for a long time, you may even find it a little more beautiful.

This represents the origin of the'heart devil's calamity' in the 713 world.

After undergoing two changes, at this time, it has begun to take shape, capable of performing some of the functions of the ‘heart demon’ or the ordinary ‘heart devil’.

Not far away, Saint Yu Le noticed the ancient mirror of the heart magic on Xu Qijing's back for the first time. She is also very good at playing with people's hearts and mobilizing the emotions of creatures. When she sees this ancient mirror of the heart, she feels kind.

At this time, Xu Qijing stepped on the void, and stepped back to the boat of the thrushes in a few steps.

No. 616 handed over an outer robe-Xu Qijing's only loss in the entire catastrophe was the coat. This shirt was split to pieces, so that the ‘Mind Devil’s Tribulation’ could smoothly blend into the pattern on his back.

"What use is your ancient mirror?" Saintess Yu Le asked curiously.

"Useful? I really don't know the usefulness. Let me try?" Xu Qijing said, the mind began to communicate with his back, and suggested to it that he wanted to see what it was capable of.

After Xu Qiji had communicated his thoughts, the ancient bronze mirror on his back took the initiative to transfer. A faint light was projected from the ancient mirror, shot into the void, and then disappeared.

What disappeared together was the zodiac pattern on the ancient mirror.

"What then?" Everyone looked around curiously.

That's it?

Nothing happened?

"They are looking for a target." Xu Qiji replied after a little thought: "There is no suitable target for them, so they may go far away."

"Dungeon?" Thrush first thought of the dungeon where the Smoky Race was being held.

"It shouldn't be... they flew out into the sky." The aurora in Xu Qijing's eyes revolved, and he had a guess in his heart.

The ‘ancestor’ represented by the 713 world should be a family of beholders.

However, the Beholder Clan did not move on its own this time, but instead manipulated the Smoky Clan to reach the human planet in World 713 to cast swords.

Isn't it a beholder that the ancient mirror of the heart behind him is locked?

"Mr. Qi Ji, is there anything special after being promoted to the 5th level?" At this time, No. 616 next to him asked a little curiously-she was recording the changes of Xu Qijing after each promotion, and these materials would be archived.

After all, human survivors in their world have also been exposed to the concept of cultivation. In the future, humans will become stronger and promoted step by step like Mr. Xu Qiji.

These materials and intelligence can be used in the future.

"The body has become stronger, and so is the mental power... The virtual pill in the body has become a golden pill, and the'natural gas' in the body has also been transformed into a higher-level power. What is it called this time?" Xu Qijing began to introduce a little bit.

In addition to these normal changes, Xu Qiji felt that the more obvious change was vitality.

"I feel as if I have returned to when I was 18 years old, or even younger, and I have endless energy all over my body. I am active, and I think my life should be prolonged a lot... But I am not sure how much longer it is. "As soon as Xu Qijing's words fell, this Miao brother shed huge tears.

"Squeak~" Brother Miao turned his head bitterly, not going to see Xu Qijing. It was originally waiting for Xu Qiji to die in the future, and it was trying to continue the "Rolling Roll". It turned out that Xu Qiji was promoted so quickly, and his life was extended after all.

As Xu Qiji's future realm continues to improve, her life will only become longer. It is getting harder and harder to wait for Xu Qiji to die...

Brother Miao was desperate and even felt that he was going to be a little black. I knew I should take advantage of Xu Qi's weak and weak hours to figure out a way to flick the "Rolling Roll" over!

On one side, the Saint Yule reached out and touched Brother Miao's head, saying words to comfort him, but the upward smile at the corner of her mouth betrayed her joy at this time.

"By the way, Brother Miao. The mask you gave me last time, is there anything with the same paragraph, did you ask for me?" Xu Qiji didn't know Miao Miao's inner collapse at all, and instead sat down with a big grin. Miaomiao asked aloud.

"Squeak~" Brother Miao replied.

"Boss Miao asked you to wait for the news, he hasn't got a definite reply yet." The Saintess of Yu Le took Brother Miao in her arms, and slapped it when she was sad.

"Then I just keep waiting?" Xu Qiji always felt that he should do something.

Brother Miao: "..."

This guy has a strong sixth sense.

The adult in his family naturally has treasures similar to Xu Qijing's'mask'. After all, for him, this kind of mask is just something that can be made at will.

However, the ‘interest’ of the adult from his family was not enough for Xu Qiji. Xu Qijing at least becomes more interesting, so that the adult in his family is more interested in order to get more treasures.

"Then next time I have a definite answer, I will go to Mr. Mo again." Xu Qijing nodded, owing someone else's payment, and he was a little embarrassed to see Mr. Mo before it was paid off—of course , Mainly because he currently has nothing to do with Mr. Mo's help.

If so, he would definitely not save face, and he would talk to the door first.

"Then now... while I am promoted to the 5th level, let's do something first." Xu Qiji smiled.



Underworld, in the undead witch tower.

The little skeleton that Xu Qijing transformed, after draining the energy in the pool again, finally followed the body, broke through the shackles of the 4th realm, and entered the 5th realm.

At the moment it was successfully promoted, the entire Undead Tower was brightened up, as if cheering for the birth of a new "Dead Witch".

As for the six small skeletons beside Xu Qijing, their realm seemed to be drawn and they started to advance by leaps and bounds...but they still need some time to break through, and they need to stay in this undead tower for some time.

Xu Qiji's skull trumpet slowly floated from the pool.

"Very good." The Stitching Monster looked at the little skull that Xu Qijing had transformed, and his eyes showed the pampering look of the old father seeing his daughter grow up.

The potential of this little skeleton is too great, and luck, it has caused a ray of will of the envoy of the ancestor to come, and then promised to provide unlimited resources.

Sure enough, as the Envoy of the Ancestor of Hades said, this little skeleton successfully entered the fifth stage today.

It is worthy of a potential skeleton buried in the ground for more than eight thousand years.

This aptitude is definitely the strongest of this generation of undead witches!

In addition, according to its internal report-this time, at the end of the epoch, and the time to cast the sword, the probability of the coming of the ancestor will be greater.

In addition, the envoy of the ancestor of the gods wants to hold a huge succession ceremony ceremony for this little the kind that announces the whole underworld. In this kind of big ceremony, the messenger will communicate with Mingzu.

During the ceremony, the ancestor might give blessings.

If Hades Hades blessed... then the chance of this little skeleton becoming a vessel for Hades descended could be increased several times!

After Xu Qiji's skull trumpet floated from the pool, it slowly floated to the shore. At this time, his whole body was like a diamond cast, with countless stars dotted on it. It looked very expensive, not what ordinary people could afford.

The Stitcher came forward and handed a large towel.

Xu Qiji was dressed as a witch in the form of a "dead witch", which was not invaded by water or fire, so he only needed to wipe his head bones after receiving the towel.

"Come with me, good luck and potential little guy." Su Qiji's words softly made Xu Qiji hairy.

The look of expectation in his eyes almost made Xu Qijing consider running away.

Fortunately, the suture monster has no extra actions, but finally after adding another energy to the undead pool, he took Xu Qijing to the outside of the tower.

Outside the Undead Witch Tower, a special car with the breath of death has long been waiting.

"Next, you will be greeted by the "Undead Witch Inheritance Ceremony" with the largest specification in recent years. Don't worry, I have arranged everything for you. Someone will instruct you to take step by step. You follow the instructions. That's fine." The suture monster put on a big wizard crown for Xu Qijing, and patted his shoulder bone hard: "Go, come back with the gift of the ancestor of the ancestor."

Hades blessing? Is he coming into contact with one of the nine ancestors so soon?

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