Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 166: Even the enclave is my protection area!

The nine ancestors of the Nine Realms, just like there are quotas, each realm seems to have only one existence at the level of ‘ancestor’.

Therefore, Xu Qiji is still a little curious about these nine existences standing at the apex of the nine realms.

No matter what system the cultivator is, there is always a realm framework... What realm is the Nine Patriarch currently in? This is something Xu Qijing cares a little about.

After all, in the future, he is likely to be in direct contact with this level of existence, so it is good to have a bottom in his heart in advance.

After Xu Qijing walked out of the Witch Tower with a little expectation, the door of the special car in front of the tower opened like wings-no matter which world you are in, in order to show your height, you have to make a difference. Driving the door like a wing is actually normal, and there are also spiral doors and reverse doors. The underworld even has a very underworld way of opening doors. The door of the car is like a ghost, and when the door is opened, it is like sending people away.

The door opened, and there was a tall, skinny, eight-armed skeleton in the back row, two of which waved to Xu Qiji enthusiastically.

[Damn, why is this guy? Xu Qijing recognized it at a glance. The one who was sitting in the back of the special car and beckoning to him was the envoy of the ancestor.

And it looks like it's real.

As an ancestor, this guy didn't even descend with a thought or clone, but ran over in person.

Is the envoy of the ancestors so idle?

Or is it so important that the undead witch inheritance ritual is so important that he needs to come here?

"Come on." Seeing that Xu Qiji didn't respond for a long time, the Envoy of the Ancestor of the Hades added two more hands, a total of four hands moved towards Xu Qiji enthusiastically.

With this enthusiastic look, it was as if the big bad wolf saw a fat lamb-although there were no eyes, the red light in the eyes of the envoy of the ancestor of the gods flashed.

It's like Xu Qijin sometimes looks at Thrush's eyes.

This guy... something is wrong!

At this time, Xu Qijing finally remembered one thing. My own skeleton trumpet seems to be a witch profession.

Thinking of this, the steps he just wanted to take froze.

This guy is not greedy for my body, right?

Are you Teddy? My trumpet is a skeleton. Are you an LSP to your bones?

Xu Qiji was already resisting getting into this special car.

Although this is only a trumpet now, even if the trumpet is taken advantage of by the bone scum LSP, he will still have nightmares and can't sleep.

He didn't want to be derailed in the marriage of his life. He would become a female skeleton and be derailed by another skeleton.

So, after a long pause, Xu Qijing decisively controlled the skull trumpet, climbed to the roof and lay down, the bone frame was firmly stuck in the roof.

The arm of the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestor greeted enthusiastically stiffened.

It looked up at the roof of the car suspiciously. What was this little skeleton doing on the roof?

"Maybe because it was just born, so I haven't seen a special car for the undead, so instinctively thought it was something like a mount. You should climb on your back and ride it." The underworld driver who drove made a hoarse voice.

Envoy of the Ancestor: "..."

Although the driver's answer was somewhat sand-sculpted, it was really possible. After all, the new "Dead Witch" had just climbed out of the Valley of Death, and then he was sent to the Undead Witch Tower to accept the inheritance. During this period? She basically never accepted the status quo of the underworld.

It is normal to see a vehicle and climb up to ride.

"Forget it, let her lie on the roof of the car first. Right? A little bit faster. As long as we drive fast enough? She can't catch her on her stomach? Then she will want to get into the car. "The Envoy of Ancestor Ming said to the driver.

It is actually just admiring the newborn undead witch, feeling that the other side is beautiful. But before the ancestor of the Ming did not confirm the ‘body container’ this time, it would not really do anything to this undead witch.

At most, let her sit closer to herself? Cultivate the relationship in advance? Brush up the favorability value.

If the ancestor Ming did not choose this undead witch, then he can also bring the other party into his harem based on a good impression.

It’s not the first time that the envoy of the ancestor and the undead witch have become partners? This is also a traditional project in the underworld. The Legacy of the Undead Witch has always been the strongest of the first echelon of the underworld? And the envoy of the ancestor of the underworld is also a good match.

"Okay~" When the driver heard the ancestor's words, he twisted the handle of the undead car hard to increase the energy input.

After a harsh roar? The undead car galloped forward at an exaggerated speed.

The speed has even reached the limit of the sixth state? And it is still accelerating. If it is an ordinary 5th-level newborn small skeleton, it may not be long before it will be thrown off the car.

But at this time, the little skeleton on the roof of the car seemed to be rooted, as if it were integrated with the necromantic car.

The driver kept accelerating and arrived at the ceremony site, and the little witch skeleton on the roof didn't have the slightest rhythm to be thrown off.

"It deserves to be the skeleton I am fancy." The light in the eyes of the envoy of Ancestor Ming became brighter.

This little skull? More and more surprises for it.

This kind of aptitude of the skeleton family? It is the first time I have encountered it.

"Such a strong physical quality and talent? She should be appreciated by Hades." The driver parked the car steadily? A hoarse voice sounded: "In the past, Hades had never chosen a skeleton witch... mainly because of skeletons. The physical quality of the witch is not good. But the physical quality of this skeleton witch should be enough to carry the power of the ancestor of the gods."

After the Envoy of the Ancestor Hades heard this? The light in his eyes dimmed a little.

But in his heart, there was a more terrifying thought for some reason, a thought that even shocked itself - among the witches of the past generations, no one knew which witch would descend upon.

Forty-nine undead witches, the probability of the Hades descending on any witch is theoretically the same.

But this time, this skeleton witch is too good.

Whether it is the undead witch currently active on the front line or the substitute of the undead witch under cultivation, the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors is concerned. Among them, there is no witch whose quality can match the skeleton witch above his head.

[Can I do some small actions on this skeleton witch? After Ming Ancestor descends...] The bold thoughts in the mind of the Ancestor Ming Envoy could not be suppressed.

Obviously it is the most loyal person in the underworld to the ancestor of the underworld. There is no undead in the whole underworld that knows the ancestor of the underworld better. If the ancestor of the underworld is facing danger, it will die for the ancestor of the underworld without hesitation and sacrifice itself s life.

But now, it couldn't stop thinking of such a thought in its mind.

The admiration accumulated over the long years has made the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestor distorted.

[Wait, what am I thinking? The light in the eyes of the envoy of the ancestor of the gods flickered wildly, and finally, under a strong will, he forced the thoughts that had emerged in his mind to suppress them, and sealed them in the deepest part of his heart.

It is the most loyal existence to the Hades. Anyone in this underworld can betray Hades, but it cannot!

Like self-hypnosis, he has readjusted his state.

Then the envoy of the ancestor of the gods stepped out of the special car and waved to the skeleton witch on the roof.

Xu Qijing's frame seemed to come out of the buckle, and he untied from the car with a click, and then jumped down from the roof of the car and followed behind the envoy of the ancestor of the gods.

But always keeping a distance... as if to respect the envoy of the ancestor of the underworld, not daring to synchronize with him, but in fact he was on guard.

"Come on." The Envoy of the Ancestor of Hades was in the sage mode of'forced calm' at this time, leading the way.

The parking lot is underground, through a long staircase, and then through a dark passage...Finally, Xu Qiji and the envoy of the ancestor came to a huge high platform.

This high platform looks like the kind of building when the ancient emperor ascended the throne.

Under the high platform, there are countless ghosts of the underworld gathered by the envoy of the ancestor of the underworld. There are four black mirrors around the high platform, which can spread the picture at this time to the entire underworld, so that the entire underworld can see the succession ceremony of the new undead witch.

After this moment, Xu Qiji felt a little relieved. When he passed through the dark passage just now, don't mention how nervous he was.

After all, in many stories where underage is stopped, the dark passage is a nightmare for female characters.

If in the dark passage, what the messenger of the ancestor of the dark is going to do...Xu Qijing only has a number, abandoning this little skeleton body to protect her chastity.

With the appearance of the envoy of the ancestor and the skeleton witch, all the undead below began to shout loudly-as undead, in fact, they do not have passionate feelings like living beings. They are often like cold-blooded animals, Xijing.

This time they can gather together and applaud neatly because the identity of the envoy of the ancestor of the gods is suppressing.

Many undead came to this ceremony to observe the ritual with a mission mentality of completing a mission.

After the bursts of cheers ended, the Envoy of the Ancestor of Hades nodded in satisfaction.

He stretched out his arms and patted, and began to read the opening lines...

Even if it is changed to the underworld, the leader's habit of "speaking a few sentences" at the beginning will not change.

The envoy of the ancestor of the Ming ‘speaks two sentences’ at the beginning, and each talk lasts for two hours, with an average of one sentence for one hour.

Xu Qijing nodded listening and almost fell asleep.

Then there are a series of links such as salute, ritual dance, prayer for all souls and so on.

During this time, Xu Qiji's skeleton trumpet was guided to sit on one of the rows of king chairs.

The envoy of the Ancestor of the Hades stretched out his eight arms and began to pray to the Ancestor of the Hades.

It is the entire underworld that can truly communicate with the ancestor of the underworld.

The ancestor's voice of prayer was majestic and majestic, but Xu Qiji felt that this guy was pretending to be pretending, and that the majestic voice was just packaging.

It is possible that the communication between it and the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty is as easy as a phone call, but for the sense of ritual, it just let it toss the huge scene in front of it.

After the ancestor's prayer was over, the power in him broke out completely.

In an instant, all the undead in the underworld were suppressed and fell to the ground.

So strong...

Even the brother Luo Fa who occupies the'star core', the pressure of the predecessor's ancestor envoy when he appeared on the stage was not as strong as that of the ancestor's envoy in front of him.

In terms of conversion, this is the martial arts class of the eighth realm? Or a higher-level Valkyrie?

At present, Xu Qiji, who is only at the level of the ‘king of people’ in the 5th realm, feels like a lone boat in the sea under this kind of pressure, about to capsize at any time.

Fortunately, the spirit of the envoy of the ancestor did not last long, and after a little burst, he converged back.

All the undead present, including Xu Qiji's little skeleton, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before they can adjust their state, even more terrible pressure is coming.

A will that seemed to cover the entire underworld was awakened, and the gaze of this will was turned, and finally fell on the high platform where Xu Qiji and the envoy of the ancestor of the underworld were.

[This is Mingzu? ] Xu Qiji's heart moved.

The power of the ancestor of the Ming, there is a kind of feeling beyond his acceptance limit, as if the entire underworld is the realm of the ancestor of the Ming... meditation is her. If you stand in the underworld and fight her, you will die without life.

This level, called the **** of the world, is completely fine.

The ancestor Ming's will responded to the ancestor, as if soothing, patted the ancestor's skull lightly.

Then Mingzu's will fell on Xu Qiji's skeleton again.

A feeling of ‘satisfaction’ spread.

The Will of Ancestor Ming really liked Xu Qiji's little skeleton.

Although it is only at the level of 5, it has a strong foundation and is the best product that has been lurking in the Valley of the Dead for at least eight thousand years. As long as enough energy is provided, the realm of this little skeleton will rise rapidly, and there will be no bottleneck before it reaches the limit of its own potential.

The ancestor Ming swept over Xu Qiji's little skeleton, and finally bestowed her blessing.

The entire underworld is responding to the ancestor of the underworld, focusing the compliments belonging to the dead on Xu Qiji's skeleton.

‘Blessing of Hades’: In the future, the entire underworld will provide energy support for the blessed objects. As long as they stand on the ground of the underworld, the blessed objects will have inexhaustible power. From the moment of receiving the blessing, the body will continue to be strengthened, reaching the upper limit of potential.

But this is still the most basic power of blessing.

This blessing can draw out the power of the ancestor at a critical time and turn it into a blow to the death of all things. Be regarded as the real life-saving ability.

When using the power of the ancestor, the blessed person can experience the power of the ancestor, the divine power that transcends all things in the underworld.

Xu Qiji's entire skeleton was shrouded in blessings, and the power of the underworld turned into mist to envelop her.

The ancestor lowered his head slightly-it seems that when the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty is "reincarnation" two months later, he will definitely choose this skeleton witch as the container.

Among the skeleton witches, there is finally a witch possessed by the ancestor of Hades.

[Unfortunately, I am not a female skeleton. 】The messenger of the ancestor of the ancestors has another regretful thought in his heart.

It also really wants to become a "dead witch", a container for the ancestor of the descent, allowing the power of the ancestor to circulate in him and become one with each other.

Mingshi's mentality became more and more distorted, and finally he looked at Xu Qiji's little skeleton again.

Do you want to get this little skeleton?

Take her away?


On the throne, Xu Qijing, entwined in the mist, leaned on the chair happily, experiencing the wonderful feeling of blessing for him by the whole world.

I don’t know if other ‘Nine Realms’ have similar ancestral blessings?

If so, can gathering the blessing of the nine ancestors summon the dragon god?

Xu Qijing is just such a person who can open his mind at any

When he was distracted, a change occurred in the spiritual world of the trumpet skeleton.

A cloud of gray mist emerged in the spiritual world-this is the mark of the blessing of the ancestors.

The blessing of the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty is not only given to the body, but also carved into the soul. This blessing power, in addition to bringing benefits, is actually the back door for the descendants of the ancestors.

The little skull is Xu Qiji's trumpet. Its spiritual world is blank, even if it is occupied, it will not affect Xu Qiji's ontology.

The gray mist began to condense, and it should condense into a brand.

But before it took shape, a small purple door opened, and then a book crossed over.

Even the trumpet’s spiritual space is Xu Qiji’s ‘enclave’.

The "Roster of Ten Thousand Realms" came here, covering the mist that hadn't formed yet!

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