Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1245: Experience facility

The full expressions of the second grade made the students look different. Yi Shuihan was expressionless not far away, and felt a little grateful that the Tyrant Soul did not say that he was the deputy leader, otherwise he would have to face his classmates. They have strange eyes.

The Tyrant Soul said that it takes longer than Wordsworth. As far as self-introduction is concerned, it’s pretty good.

With the Tyrant Soul taking the lead, the atmosphere will become better and better. No matter what, it is impossible to be more embarrassed than the Tyrant Soul!

One by one, the introduction time was long and short, and the content was quite strange. For example, a certain classmate, besides introducing his own name, kept talking about food, where and where he had eaten. What? Another one changed food to wine.

The shortest introduction time is still a member of the shadow clan, so he said a name, and the name is still one word, Wei Xiu.

This shadow clan is also very famous in the heavens and all realms, and is known as a special assassination race, because their form is similar to a shadow, and they can hide in any dark place. They often appear very unexpectedly and are very suitable for assassination.

It stands to reason that this kind of assassination race will not be very popular, but in fact it is not, because the shadow clan has a very special feature, as long as it is recognized by it, you can get the loyalty of the other party, and then the shadow clan will become Be the shadow of the loyal.

As a shadow, you will execute any order you give him, even if you let him commit suicide, he is simply the most loyal subordinate. Many people in the heavens and worlds are proud of having a shadow clan as a shadow.

Of course, this kind of thing has to be approved by the shadow clan itself. If it is forced, it will be assassinated by the entire shadow clan if found out. The shadow clan is not the strongest, but after so many years, countless people have become big people. Shadow, provoked is equivalent to stabbing a hornet's nest.

What you can see is that many of the classmates were staring at Tuan hotly, trying to attract Tuan's attention, but they didn't respond to it.

Most of the Shadow Clan's masters choose to be better than themselves, even if a very small number of them are selected for the potential stocks with extremely high talents, this kind of potential is not as good as their own, and they will not even look at them.

Yi Shuihan noticed that when the Tyrant Soul went to introduce him, Tuan watched him for a few seconds. This is a small detail. Most of the other people went up and he was immersed in his own world.

"My name is Yi Shuihan, Human Race. The only purpose of coming to school is to become the Emperor of Chaos. Because I have multiple partners, I refuse to disturb. Of course, if you still like me, I won't care."

Yi Shuihan’s self-introduction is also very brief, but it did not cause much disturbance. Multiple partners are too common in the heavens and the world, and the goal of the Emperor of Chaos is too general. Everyone is here. They all have such a purpose, but in fact, there is no need to say it.

After introducing himself, Wordsworth took everyone to some special buildings of the school to have a preliminary experience of school life, such as the Enlightenment Pavilion, the Academy Mission Hall, the secret technique library, the practice consultation room... .

"Here is the Cliff of the Heart Demon. If you are confused in your cultivation, you can come here. It can reflect the deepest part of your soul. Even the heart demon cannot hide it. You can try the effect. Of course, you can also use this Let the opportunity come later."

Knowing the leadership of Wordsworth, Yi Shuihan learned that new enrollment is also a blessing and benefit. Many facilities can be experienced for free once, and each person will have at least 1 point on the school ID card.

In Yi Shuihan’s class, most of them are above 10 points, and there are hundreds of them. Of course, Yi Shuihan and Batianhun should be counted at most. Yi Shuihan was originally 10,000, and it took some. There are more than nine thousand, and the Tyrant Soul is actually a full 100,000, both of which are 7 stars. The gap is so big, obviously there is something tricky.

The price of Inner Demon Cliff is not cheap. You have to enter one boundary point once, and you can only stay for one day each time. If you want to continue for a day, you have to continue to pay.

Many people in the class have gone in to experience it, and Yi Shuihan is no exception. He is also very interested in this Inner Demon Cliff.

Only oneself knows exactly what happened in Inner Demon Cliff, and other people can't peep into it. After coming out, many people have different expressions, and only a few are the same as if they didn't enter.

In this regard, Wordsworth seemed to have expected it a long time ago, showing a clear expression, but did not continue to say anything about this matter, and continued to take everyone to the next place.

"Yi Shuihan, don't you try?"

Outside the Tongtian Pavilion, Yi Shuihan's class, except for Yi Shuihan and Wordsworth, entered it.

"I've already been here, it's no use going anymore, it's just a waste of time."

"So that's the case, I have forgotten that you are exempted from the entrance exam. You have been to many places a few days ago."

Yi Shuihan had already said this once when he went to Wudao Pavilion, but the last time Yi Shuihan didn't specify where he went.

"I don't know how many floors the younger brother has gone through?"

Looking at Yi Shuihan with curiosity, he seemed to really just ask casually.

"Level 4."

Yi Shuihan subconsciously reduced it by one layer, mainly because his low-key was deeply rooted, and he was not familiar with this one, so there was no need to be so honest.

"Enrollment without exams is great. When I first came, I was barely able to pass the third level. I spent more than 300,000 years in school before passing the 5th level. There is a distance from the sixth level."

Although everyone didn't clearly state their cultivation level, it was basically possible to perceive the great realm, so the realm of True Sage Yi Shuihan was in a glance.

"Senior Wentz is too acclaimed."

Yi Shuihan could feel that Wordsworth's attitude towards him became closer and closer, and he should have seen the value of wooing him.

Then Wordsworth's behavior also proved this point. He started chatting with Yi Shuihan, and said some school secrets that he had not told other students before, and he looked like himself.

Yi Shuihan did not refuse Wordsworth’s goodwill either. After all, there was no holiday between the two parties. It was the relationship between the student and the mentor, and he was barely an acquaintance at school. Besides, knowing more secret things is indeed right for Yi. Cold water is useful. ,, ..

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