Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1246: Brother Han, what do you say?

About half an hour later, Yi Shuihan’s classmates came out one after another, most of them passed the 2nd or 3rd floor. After all, only less than half of them really reached the true sage. The genius in China is not Chinese cabbage.

There are more than one who really passed the 4th floor. Except for Yi Shuihan's 4th floor, which is actually 5th floor, the Tyrant Soul also passed the 4th floor. Even he stayed on the 5th floor for a long time, according to him. , As long as you hold on for a while, the 5th floor can also pass, and there is a shadow clan killing that passes the 4th floor.

This result made Wordsworth still very satisfied. After all, the more powerhouses in his class, it means that he can get the most benefits in the future. He quickly took advantage of this opportunity to build a good relationship and let Slaughter and Overlord's Soul also join. Little privileged class.

Looking at Wordsworth, who was facing the overlord soul and the glamorous face, Yi Shuihan also felt the cruelty of the school, it was really profitable!

"Hahaha, I really am a genius, watch it! After a while, I will also be a master at the fifth floor of the Sky Tower, one level with Huas."

Knowing the difficulty of entering the level, Tyrant Soul's face was sore, speaking loudly, for fear that others would not know that he had passed the 4th floor.

"Hua Si, this is the freshman you brought, looks good!"

At this moment a voice sounded, and a man who looked a little more handsome than Wordsworth walked over with a group of people.

"Kantantin, what are you doing here?"

Wordsworth changed slightly. This was not a reaction to meeting friends.

"Hehe, it's a little strange for you to ask, why can't I come if you can come here? I am also a student!"

The voice of speaking seemed a bit yin and yang strange, and after speaking, there was a burst of laughter from behind who was called Kantandin by Wordsworth.

"Laugh what you laugh, seniors can also laugh? Say hello to our seniors."

He said that, but he was not really blaming, but rather an expression of appreciation.

"Good senior."

The neat voice sounded, making Wordsworth's face a little gloomy.

"Are they all out? We will leave if no one is inside."

Wordsworth said, this seemed a little embarrassing.

In fact, it is only stronger than Wordsworth and not weaker than this Kontantine, but the opponent has a good brother, and the virtual battlefield is the king's rank. If there is a conflict, it will only be Wordsworth who will suffer the loss of profits in the end.

"Don't go in such a hurry! Come and play, I think you have a lot of geniuses in your class, and there are a lot of people who pass the 4th floor. It's better to see who has more people who pass the 4th floor and don't play. If I lose, I will give you 50 points. If you lose, you will give me 50 points."

Said it is a proposal, in fact, there is a strong threat to it, basically as long as the emotional intelligence is slightly higher, it can be heard.

The 50 cutoff point is already a huge number, even for an old student like Wordsworth, it cannot be ignored. It is a savings of tens of thousands of years.

"I have something else, let's talk about it next time!"

Wordsworth is not stupid. Since Kontándin proposed this, he would be sure of it. In all likelihood, he was confident. If he really agreed to lose, the probability of losing is too high.

"Everyone let me go."

Without waiting for Kantantin's reaction, Wordsworth urged Yi Shuihan and the others, and made up his mind not to fight Kantantin.

However, Kontandin would not let Wordsworth go easily after all, and walked directly in front of Wordsworth and stopped Wordsworth.

"You have to play with me today, otherwise you don't want to leave."

"Kantantin, do you think I am afraid of you? Have the ability to fight a virtual battlefield!"

Wordsworth's little temper also came up. His repeated tolerance does not mean that he is not angry.

Speaking of the virtual battlefield, Kantantin's eyes showed hesitation. He really fought in the virtual battlefield. He was not confident that he could defeat Wordsworth.

Seeing Kantandine’s expression in his eyes, Wordsworth finally got a lot of balance in his heart, but he didn’t continue to say anything to stimulate Kantandin. If he really provoked the other’s eldest brother, then his loss would probably be more than that. 50 points, that's 50 points, his salary as a student is only 30 points, one point per person.

Changing to be the usual Kantandine may not continue to pester, but the situation at this time is a bit different. There is a group of freshmen behind Kantandin, and he doesn't want to make a fool of himself in front of these freshmen.

The look in his eyes became sharp, and Kantandin showed an arrogant smile and said

"I admit that you have a bit of strength, but today I am not compared with you this, but the number of people who have passed through the 4th floor of the 4 Tongtian Tower. If you really don't want to compare, you can hand over 49 points. If you leave a mark, it will be my reward."

As soon as these words were spoken, Wordsworth's angry face was a little red, and his eyes were full of anger. At this time, he gradually forgot his jealousy for Brother Constantin.

"My brother has already made a breakthrough a few days ago, and after a while, he will be in the royal rank. I will definitely introduce you to my brother at that time."

As the same basin of cold water extinguished the anger in Wordsworth's heart, he was just a golden rank, and he couldn't even provoke a king, let alone a king who was about to become a king.

Are you really going to give away 50 points? Wordsworth was extremely reluctant in his heart, but he didn't think of a solution for a while.

That's it, it's better to save money and avoid disaster!

Just when Wordsworth made up his mind, the Tyrant Soul suddenly walked in front of Constantin, looked up and down his whole body, and said

"Give me a face, just forget about it, and I will owe you a favor from Tyrant."

Surrounded by a short silence, everyone looked at the Tyrant Soul in amazement.

After a while, there was a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha, where is this funny, it gives him a face, isn't it a new life like us, really treats himself as a person."

"Bantian Gang? What an arrogant name, dare to call it that way, I'm really not afraid of death."

"Interesting, so interesting, I can meet such a weird guy here."

The people on Wordsworth did not laugh. After all, the Tyrant Soul was also kind, but many of the classmates quietly walked a few steps away from the Tyrant Soul. Someone did not know the Tyrant Soul at all. appearance.

"Dare to look down upon the Tyrant Gang, Brother Han, what do you say?"

Looking at the Tyrant Soul and the eyes around him, Yi Shuihan choked silently. ,, ..

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