Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 1071: Really not intentional

Sendy couldn't help but snorted.

Although this sound was not too loud, it was very clear in such a quiet night, mixed with the rising sound of hundreds of thousands of times, and it was particularly enchanting.

Obi Lulu was also awakened by this sound. She opened her eyes in a daze and impatiently, feeling her mouth biting something.

As the brain slowly returned to the cage, she remembered that she felt uncomfortable when she was sleeping. Something in the way scratched her face. She couldn't get it out after several times, so she took a bite.

There was no light in the dark night, and she hadn't adapted to the dark night when she just woke up, so she didn't know where she was or what the situation was.

She was a little depressed, why something was a bit salty, she wouldn't bite something that shouldn't be bitten.

Sandy leaned helplessly on the tree pole. Such torture was really painful and happy. He should stop it quickly, otherwise he didn't know if he could bear it.

"Ozy Lulu."

Sandy could only call her, he knew she was awake, otherwise she wouldn't stick out her tongue to taste what she was biting.

Oo Lulu was stunned, her brain blank, what's the situation?

She heard Sandy's voice, oh yes, she and Sandy were trapped in the swamp.

Sandy's voice came from the beginning, and it was very close to her, so where is she now?

Yululu reached out from her sleeping bag and touched his chest. She jumped up like a spring, only to find something caught her, and fell again. This fall caused her tears to come out from pain. Up.

The whole body seemed to fall apart.

"Don't move." Sandy hugged her and put her back in his arms.

Oolulu put a hand on his chest and asked, "You... why don't you wear clothes."

What she touched was a naked body, cold skin, and even she understood what she was biting.

The whole face burned instantly, but fortunately, it was not seen by Sandy at night.

Mommy, she really didn't bite on purpose!

Who knew that Chou Sendi would hold her in his arms without wearing any clothes.

"Dirty." Sandy said in a low voice.

Oolulu felt that Sandy's voice was a bit strange, with a trace of depression. Did she just bit him and made him angry?

"This...that I didn't mean it just now. If you are angry, I will bite you back." Oo Lulu was completely dumbfounded, she was shocked just after she woke up.

Sandy's voice became even more depressed: "Sure?"

"Wh...what sure, I really didn't mean it, I don't know that it is your breast..."

Oki Lulu herself was too embarrassed to say the following words.

"Bite back." Sandy's voice was like a ghost in the dark, fascinating.

"Ah...What bite it back." Oo Lulu's brain is not in a normal state at all now.

After she asked, she suddenly realized something: ", no, no, you can't bite me, mine can't bite, I...not that, you let me go!"

Sandy reached out and covered her mouth: "Don't make a noise."

Let her go on, he would really desperately demand her.

Did she know that her denial was a silent invitation, a seduce that wanted to refuse but was ashamed.

Oo Lulu was so scared that she really did not dare to speak.

She... how could she do such a thing, she has lost that thought after knowing that Sandy has someone she likes, she would not use this opportunity to approach him!

She was really afraid of Sandy's misunderstanding.

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