Sandy opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. Although it was densely forested, he could still see the stars in the sky. They were very bright.

Sendy remembered that Ozururu wanted to see the stars before. There were no stars at that time. He went to far away to catch a lot of fireflies to show her the stars.

Obi Lulu was so happy that she had obtained the best treasure in the world.

She has been very simple and easily satisfied since she was a child. Gifts given to her are never expensive, as long as they are given to her, she is happy.

What he likes the most is to see her happy and pleasant smile when she gets the gift, as beautiful as the stars in the summer sky.

So once he knew she had what she wanted, he would calmly help her come over, making her happy was his happiest thing.

But later, he could only make her sad.

But he is still very happy that he can protect her, no matter how much he pays, he will make her happy and save her life.

The most important thing in life is fate.

Without life, there is nothing.

Without life, how could he protect Lulu now.

He never regrets his original decision, but regrets that he can no longer be fair to Lulu.

It's just that she feels sorry for her unhappy life.

The body's reaction is still there, but his heart has calmed down, and the sound of Lulu's breathing comes from his ear, even and sweet. It turns out that a person's breathing can make people feel beautiful.

Sendi glanced back at Olulu lightly, only to see a vague image of the back of her head and her body, but he was very satisfied.

Suppressing his urge to hold people in his arms, Sandy was about to turn around and continue to recite the Huafa Sutra, but at this moment, he felt a soft and warm thing lying on his leg.

Sendy was stunned, this...what is this?

Then he quickly put a hand on his waist and hugged his waist.

A soft head drilled into Sandy's chest.

Sendi felt the blood flow back again all over his body, how could this happen!

Oo Lulu seemed to feel that his embrace was too warm and comfortable, so she kept digging into his arms, and the whole body was attached, and the temperature of his skin made him dumbfounded.

This taste is so wonderful and so tormenting.

The first thing Sandy thought of was that Obi Lulu came to sleep like this, and she must have been pressed on the slightly wet dirty clothes, so she might be uncomfortable.

He almost subconsciously hugged Yululu tightly, hugged her on his body, pulled out the clothes under her and threw it out of the sleeping bag.

He endured it so hard that it was impossible for him to push her away after posting it.

Because he is eager!

Since she likes to sleep like this, let her sleep like this.

He will not invade her, but he also wants to enjoy the beauty.

He held Olulu in his arms like a baby, stroked her forehead, lowered his head and kissed her lips.

The sweet lips are warm, and they are more delicious than all the delicacies in this world.

Oolulu felt that something was blocking her lips and she couldn't breathe. She stretched out her tongue to push the things off her lips, but her tongue was entangled with something.

She frowned and stretched her teeth and wanted to bite on it.

The pain caused Sandy to wake up, and quickly let go of her.

If he does this, if Yululu wakes up suddenly, how will he explain it!

The softness in his chest made Sandy reluctant to push the person in his arms. If he could control his desire, he could still sleep with the person in front of him for one night.

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