Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 957: Finally the result

They were tired of talking to Ye Luo during the parade. They sat in the car and watched the scenery and the crowd.

For Xia Zhi and Baili Piao, they were tired, and they had to stand in the car and wave hello to the crowd all the time.

You have to keep smiling, not to look tired.

Bai Lipiao held Xia Zhi's waist all the way: "If you are tired, rest on me."

"Fortunately, I am also a person who has worked for several days without rest during the operation for seven or eight hours. I still have some physical strength, that is, I have to smile all the time and my face muscles are uncomfortable."

Fortunately, the parade only took an hour. Xia Zhi sat back in the car and really felt that her face was not her own, and she was stiff and numb.

But this is not over yet, this is just the end of the parade, and returning is the beginning of the real wedding ceremony.

She has to kneel down and worship the other, and follow the marriage procedures of country S.

After the parade, there was another long carpet, and a bunch of reporters had to deal with it.

Xia Zhi now really doesn't think it's easy for those stars to make money, and it really won't be easier than when she stood on the operating table a few hours before.

Ye Luo felt tired watching her toss like this.

Fortunately, I didn't arrange the wedding.

She was fine, but was arranged to sit there, waiting for the bride and groom to come and see her.

It's the food she is not used to eating at this banquet, the whole cow feast, the whole sheep feast, the traditional cakes and desserts of S country, except for these are Western food.

Fortunately, she sent a family cook to Xia Zhi. The cook was very smart and prepared a few extra dishes for guests from H country.

Maybe the manager noticed this, and there were a few more authentic H country foods at the evening banquet.

After a busy day, Ye Luoguang feels tired from sitting.

She sent Xia Zhi into the new house and went back to rest.

Dean Xia and his wife were also very tired, and they went to rest after saying something to their daughter.

After waiting for everyone to walk, Xia Zhi took off all her skirts, shoes, and put on her pajamas. She lay down on the sofa without moving. The dresses all over her, the gold wares on her body, and all kinds of custom-made jewellery are worth ten catties, to say nothing.

Especially the golden belt on the waist, and a pink diamond on the hand.

She knew why the king wanted to give her a big pink diamond ring, just to wear it on the day of marriage.

The light from the media came down, and the thief-sized pink diamond was hit by a shot.

At the end of the day, Xia Zhi felt more tired than she had been operating for ten days.

But nothing happened to her next, the other things were all about Bailipiao, and she could not meet Bailipiao from now on. Baili Piao had to stay alone in their bridal chamber for four or five hours, and she could not go to see Baili Piao and talk to him in the bridal chamber until one o'clock in the evening.

Xia Zhi thought for a while, and she happened to have a sleep now.

Cough... The wedding in Country S is still very humane. Knowing that the bride and groom must be tired after a busy day. I am afraid that the bridal chamber will have no strength at night, so I will spare a few hours to rest for both parties.

Xia Zhi was asleep, and Baili Piao couldn't sleep. He could finally live with a real gun tonight. How many days did he wait for this moment, it's been almost six years.

Sleeping in the same bed these days, although Xia Zhi would let him touch him, there was no real last step. How could he experience the real happiness.

After enduring it for so long, I can finally taste it.

My heart is extremely expectant and excited.

Unfortunately, the wedding rules in my country are too troublesome, and I have to wait until one night before I touch the bride.

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