Say what makes the man experience the hardship of marrying a wife, be loyal to his wife, and have a sense of responsibility.

he! You don’t need these to know how hard it is to get a wife.

Is it vain to endure it for so many years?

Bai Lipiao was in the room alone, and was a little impatient. He simply took out the bridal chamber tutorial and learned a few new postures, striving to perform better in the bridal night, so that Zhizhi would be satisfied in the future. To fall in love with this, it would be better to pester him every day.

Baili Piao made enough preparations, and Xia Zhi realized what a hungry wolf is after the flower night in the bridal chamber!

Who came up with the wedding procedure? Why did you leave the man alone in the house and wait for five or six hours? It was like raising a hungry wolf.

Xia Zhi felt that she was going to be hollowed out.

Especially the first time it hurts so much. She didn't feel anything, only it hurt.

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