Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 975: Guard baby crazy

Ye Luo told Yan Yu of his thoughts, and Yan Yu squeezed her face: "Thanks for you to have a way to deal with him, otherwise I would not send you and your child to the mountain for another two years."

Let alone Ye Luo, even the two children can't stand the days when there is no signal and no fun.

The Sanqingshan Mountain is very poor, many things can't be shipped in, and there is no signal for the helicopter to enter.

Ye Luo smiled and said: "Actually, Sandy is very trustworthy. He feels that his temperament is relatively innocent, probably because he is a genius and has a high status in the family. He has not been polluted by any scheming, and his thinking is simple. I don't know what to do."? Yan Yu squeezed her face: "Although he is a teenager, I don't want you to be too close to him."

Ye Luo knocked off his hand: "Got it, Asian vinegar jar."

"If it wasn't for his saving me, I really wouldn't want him to live in our house."

"Okay, we owe him originally, so we can't be too much. I think Sandy really likes fans. He gives them whatever they want. He gave them back a few days ago. A pink crystal ball, I thought it was made of glass, but Gu Ying said it was a real pink crystal, and the whole ball was transparent and free of impurities."

"I think he treats my house as his own." Yan Yu said indifferently.

For Sandy, he has also observed carefully. There is nothing bad about it. Sometimes the IQ is the same as that of a child, and his thoughts are so simple that most people can't pretend to be simple.

That's why he assured him to live at home.

What's more, Fenxiang is kind to him and Ye Luo for rebuilding, and it is impossible for him not to take care of her son.

Ye Luo said that praying for blessing is really praying for blessing, not to invite a Bodhisattva into the house.

In her eyes, burning incense is a good person to her. Now burning incense must be something wrong with her body, so Sandy asked her to pray for her.

As for why she should pray for blessings, it may be because of her identity.

Anyway, since she agreed, she will do it for her.

Ye Luo went to the Buddhist room to practice meditation after eating in the morning. She stayed with the monk in Sanqingshan for a while, and she really learned this practice.

Moreover, her grandmother was also a believer in the past, and she often helped her to copy Buddhist scriptures.

Ye Luo was copying Buddhist scriptures with sandalwood in the room.

Sending the children to Sandy, anyway, he watched a fan, it is better to watch the three together.

The main thing is that Sandy sees fans well and can make fans happy.

Although this guy is not talkative, he is very patient with children.

Fenfen likes to listen to people playing the piano, Sandy spends two hours a day playing the piano for Fenfen.

Fanfen likes watching people play games, and Sandy shows her a snake in her hand.

Ye Luo has seen that this guy is a game genius because he plays the snake like a duck.

Anyway, he can show it to a person, so it's better to bring all the steamed meat.

Although Sandy likes Fenfen the most, he thinks that Fenfen belongs to him, and he used medical skills in exchange for it.

But he doesn't reject steaming and meaty meat, and he will hug them for fun when he is fine.

Fenzhurou is almost three months old, and you can see the people and things around you clearly. It's so good for Sandy, who is so beautiful, as long as Sandy keeps it without crying.

If the servant Yuesao didn't coax it well for a long time, it was handed over to Sandy.

If the servants are not well brought, Sandy will still be angry.

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