Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 976: The beautiful boy kills without mercy

The servant's concubine had to work harder to take care of the child, for fear of offending this beautiful boy.

Don't look at Sandy's innocence, but when he gets angry, he has a black belly. Various methods of revenge make the servant Yuesao miserable. But it was all harmless revenge.

But it can also act as a deterrent.

For example, the maid’s sister-in-law often finds that they have no paper when they go to the toilet. It must have been leaked out by Sandy when they fed the rice cereal today.

For example, the maid’s Yuesao would find that the dishes were particularly salty when eating. It must be that the steamed pork has an unhappy expression today.

Anyway... it's all tricks, but it's very effective.

Gu Ying reported to Ye Luo Da: "The servants and concubines in our main house are afraid of Young Master Sendy. When he gets angry and upset, the servant knows that he has suffered."

Ye Luo smiled and said: "It's all kid's methods, but he can't figure it out." Guying said: "Actually, our servants and concubines here dare not care, but people who are not perfect will inevitably make mistakes. Ye Luo felt that it was the same, so she called Sandy to let him be more tolerant to the servants and the concubine.

"This is not a big deal. You see how well-behaved they are with steamed meat. People will inevitably make some mistakes occasionally. As long as it's not a serious problem, don't fix them."

Sandy frowned slightly: "No."

Ye Luo twitched her mouth. She knew that Sandy was a very principled person, but she didn't expect him to be so strong.

"Do you think about whether we all make mistakes, as long as small mistakes are corrected."? "No." Sendi firmly said.

Ye Luo blinked and looked at him: "You mean when you said you didn't make a mistake?"

Sendy nodded confidently.

Ye Luo thought for a while. It seems that since he brought the steamed pork with steamed pork, he did not cause any trouble for steamed pork. He even played the piano and knew which songs he liked to listen to with steamed pork.

The steamed meat was about to pee, and he didn't bring any friends to cry, so he helped them pee in advance.

Ye Luo was speechless!

"That's because you did a good job, because you did a good job, so you are Sandy, and you are so powerful, but there are many people in this world who are inferior to you. You can't ask them to be like people. If they If it’s all the same as you, then you’re not good at all."

Sandy was half-understood and half-don't understand, and did not speak.

This boy was born beautifully, with red lips and white teeth, and there is nothing provocative about the contours of his face. Sometimes he is unhappy, and you will be unhappy too.

Few people think that this beautiful face is upset.

Ye Luo saw that he couldn't make sense, so he didn't worry: "It's okay, just do whatever you want."? Anyway, it's something innocuous.

He will not really harm people.

She thought the boy would not harm anyone, but the next day, he almost killed a male servant in the main courtyard.

What was it used to kill?

The small flying knife used was 20 meters away, and a flying knife hit it, hitting the servant's forehead, and the flying knife plunged in half the length of the knife.

The servant fainted on the spot, leaving only a breath.

Ye Luo turned pale when she was told this by Gu Ying when she came out of the Buddhist hall.

She has always felt that Sandy is an innocent and harmless teenager, with his own principles, but will never make trouble unreasonably.

She called Sandy and said seriously: "Sendy, why do you want to kill?"

"He's bad." Sandy's face was calm, and his beautiful eyes showed a hint of disgust for the servant.

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