Mysterious journey

Chapter 103 A battle! 2

For a martial arts sect, reputation is a very important part. Losing means that your skills are inferior to others. Everyone who studies martial arts wants to learn stronger martial arts, so naturally they will not choose weak ones. In this way, the reputation of losing will spread. , Baiyunmen completely collapsed.

Therefore, generally speaking, for various sects, no matter how big or small, strong or weak, they generally don't really want to distinguish themselves from the entire sect. If they really encounter this situation, they are really here to pick a fight.

Although everyone knows who is strong and who is weak, doing so is destroying people's jobs and is a mortal enemy.

Therefore, Andrela immediately brought people over to find a place after the reverse star was killed. At the same time, she first picked the headquarters of the Lucerne Brotherhood to restore part of the reputation of the Star Ring Sect. And to the outside world, Ni Shixing can only say that he has not practiced martial arts well, to prove that it is not that Xinghuan martial arts is weaker than the opponent, but that the practitioner is too poor to hold up the wall.

Garen was well aware of the consequences of this battle, but the other party must have grasped the location of his relative's master, which was an invisible threat. Killing one of Manleyton's undercover agents was nothing. Even the entire Manleyton company was just their tool and could not solve the dilemma.

This is the momentum created by the Star Ring Gate, forcing people to wait where they are and accept the battle.

"Any sect that has survived to this day has been through many challenges. This is probably how most of the rare secret martial arts secret books collected in the sect were obtained. The sects that were provoked could not survive in the local area, so they had to travel far away and leave. Local survival.”

Garen recalled some things that his master Fei Baiyun once mentioned when he was instructing him in martial arts. Among them, the reason why the founder of the Baiyun Sect came across the ocean to the Federation was that he was challenged by local masters to worship the sect and was completely defeated. After the death, he had to go far away and start from scratch in a place no one knew about. After all, once the reputation spreads, the martial arts gym can no longer be opened.

"If you want to destroy the Baiyun Sect, it depends on whether I allow it or not." Garen closed his eyes and began to think about how to restrain his speed opponent.

"When the speed reaches a qualitative change, my speed cannot keep up at all, so I can only cope with the changes by staying the same. As long as I know the opponent's offensive goal clearly, no matter how he changes, I only need to hold on to myself. This is defense. It's easy. But it's troublesome to attack the opponent. It's too fast and I can't keep up, and now there are no attribute points to increase the speed."

Garen began to try to imagine a high-speed opponent attacking him from all angles, and then came up with countermeasures. At the same time, how do you attack the opponent?

"Between two points, a straight line is the shortest. And that aspect. Maybe I can consider methods from these two aspects." He moved his body slightly and fell into thought again.

I don't know how long it took, but he got up and walked out, walked to the yard, stood in front of a rockery pool, and stood quietly.


July Group

Andrela stood calmly on the gray-white round ring, the rapier in her hand making a trembling ring like a silver bell. The tip of the sword trembled rapidly, vibrating and making a sound, like the sound of a wind chime blown by the night wind.

He quietly looked at the old man opposite who was being supported by a group of people and treating his wounds.

"Qiyuemen, let the real masters come out. I don't have the patience to waste time with you."

"You!!" Poof!

The old man pointed at Andrela and spat out a mouthful of blood, shaking with rage.

Shia was supported by two disciples in black, her face was covered in blood, her right arm was hanging limply on her shoulder, and she stared at Andrela hatefully. Next to him was Lan Pace, whose face was as white as a piece of paper, and a group of middle-aged men and women in red clothes. The people in red all had pale faces, and some of them were holding daggers in their hands that were trembling slightly. They were the Red Obsidian Sect who had just arrived. When they heard Andrela coming to challenge them, they hurried over, only to see the Great Elder of the July Sect being stabbed by Andrela's sword.

Everyone just heard a clear ring, and then the bell flashed. The great elder groaned and a blood arrow shot out from his right chest, and he fell to the ground. They couldn't even see clearly how Andrela sheathed her sword.

"Our strongest master is the Great Elder Sinan of the ancient capital! Andrela, you are very strong! Far beyond our imagination! But if you want to humiliate us for such a despicable reason! Our July Sect is willing to fight with No matter how hard you try, it won’t make things easier for you!!!”

Shia, the strongest person in July of the younger generation, roared with hatred.

"Humiliation?" Andrela slashed her sword, and the ringtone stopped abruptly, "The road to seeking enlightenment is so difficult, do you think I would spend time specifically to humiliate trash characters like you?"

His face was as usual, and his eyes were shining with a soft luster, but at this moment, such gentleness gave people an icy chill.

"The July Gate really disappoints me." He jumped down from the ring, and the three Silla people behind him stepped forward to follow, "Forget it, I have wasted so much time, let's go directly to the Round Dance Gate."


The great elder spat out a mouthful of blood again. He originally wanted to say something, but was blocked by the reverse blood. He was so angry that he could no longer hold back and passed out.

The second elder and others looked livid on the side. Some of them were held down by their fellow apprentices and did not dare to let go, for fear that they would die if they let go.

Andrela and her group of four walked out of the July Building. Outside, Elder Xinghuan and his people were waiting for them.


"Solved." Andrela smiled.

"It's not on the same level at all. Senior Brother can solve it with a few strikes. No matter how much more garbage there is, it will be useless." The tall girl next to Silla said disdainfully.

"Iona, weren't you injured just now? If it hadn't been for the big brother's intervention, hey." Another short boy laughed mockingly.

"I managed to hold on for at least two, what about you? The little dwarf is indeed a dwarf, and he was knocked off the field in just one."

"Let's go to the Round Dance Gate." Andrela said no more, turned around and got into the car.

Now that his prestige was growing, he silenced the two of them with just one sentence and got into the black car.

When the cars at the Star Ring Sect gradually moved away, people from other sects watching the excitement gradually gathered around and started talking.

A large number of people also poured out of the exit of the July Building at this time. Shia, Lampace and others carried the great elder and others who had woken up, as well as the owner of the Red Obsidian Gate.

"Let's go! Go to the Round Dance Gate!" Shia looked at the fleet of black cars in the distance with hatred.

The Qiyue Sect is different from other sects in that they have a very deep group foundation. It will not be a complete defeat if the reputation of the sect is defeated.

A group of people drove a silver motorcade and got on board.

Rampes sat with his father, the second elder.

"Lampace, you are a member of the exchange meeting this time. What do you think of that Garen from the Baiyun Sect?" The second elder is a middle-aged man with a steady face, short black hair, and gray hair on his temples, looking worried.

"Senior Brother Garen, he is a very powerful person." Rampace honestly answered his impression. "He has a very strong physique! He follows a strength-based approach."

"Strength type?" A trace of regret flashed in the eyes of the second elder, "It's a pity that when you came to find me, I didn't pay attention to it. However, our Qiyue Sect is not a pure martial arts sect. This failure will cause some losses at most, but The impact is not big. We do not rely on martial arts to support the entire group. Forget it, since we have offended, although it was our mistake, the matter ends here. "

"But...!" Rampace wanted to say something else, but was stopped by his father.

"It is impossible for our July Group to apologize for a person who lowers his stature for pure martial arts training. You don't understand the Great Elder. If I were to make the decision, I would be very willing to do so. But now it is the Great Elder who makes the decision. Even if he knows that he is wrong , and will not admit his mistakes." The second elder sighed, "He is just such a person, even if he dies, he will not admit that he is wrong."

Rampace had nothing to say, he just felt like he was holding back a breath that he couldn't vent.

The convoy of the July Group was followed by the carriage convoys of other sects at this time. Everyone knew that the final decisive battle between the Star Ring Gate and the Southern Twelve Gates fell at the Round Dance Gate. For this decisive battle, it happened to be an opportunity to see Andrela's strength openly, and the people of the Star Ring Sect had no intention of blocking it. This happened to be their opportunity to promote the strength of the Star Ring Sect.

Andrela defeated the July Gate easily, scaring the Obsidian Gate so much that it didn't even dare to make a move. The foundation for Star Ring Sect to lay the foundation for the general trend has basically been completed.

Finally, he settled his grudge with Baiyunmen Jialong.

The mighty motorcade formed a long queue, stopping in the open space around the round dance gate and on the street.

Most of the people in Dina City thought that some leader was coming to inspect, and they followed around for a large circle of people watching the fun. The city police station also sent a large number of police officers to guard the area, and set up a cordon to deny entry except for warriors. Others entered the 500-meter radius around the Round Dance Gate.

Only residents within the alert area who were originally at home would have the opportunity to see what was happening inside.

The black motorcade of the Star Ring Gate slowly stopped at the entrance of the Round Dance Gate compound.

The reddish-brown wooden door was closed.

With the slamming sound of the door opening and closing, Andrela and others slowly got out of the car.

Looking up at the black plaque above the courtyard door, the words "Wonwu Martial Arts School" are clearly visible, but the black paint on the edge has peeled off, revealing the brown wood texture underneath.

Andrella had put on a new black shirt and trousers, with long hair reaching her waist and a smile on her face. If it weren't for the slender silver sword hanging on his waist, he wouldn't look like he was here to challenge, but more like he was here to visit a friend.

He gently pressed the eyepatch on his left eye. With a creak, the courtyard door opened.

Through the open courtyard door, he instantly saw Garen standing in the courtyard, with his back facing him.

Garen closed his eyes tightly and adjusted his muscles slightly. He's in a strange, delicate state, and he's in the best shape he's ever been.

"Star Ring Gate Andrela?" he asked in a low voice.

"Twelve Galleons in the South?" Andrela also whispered.

Without any hesitation, he instantly drew his sword and turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Garen.

Garen turned around, opened his eyes, and his figure quickly expanded.

The two approached quickly. Suddenly there was a sound like wind chimes and the roar of a giant elephant in the air.

At the same time, both of them had a smile on their faces. That’s the expectation!

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