Mysterious journey

Chapter 104 Victory or defeat! 1

A large number of people gathered around the Round Dance Gate courtyard, and some martial artists even jumped on the wall to get a good position to watch the battle. Others are occupied by residential buildings on some of the surrounding high floors.

The Star Ring Gate and others stood in front of the courtyard gate, followed by the July Gate and the Red Obsidian Gate.

Several girls from the round dance gate stood at the door of the wooden dojo.

Everyone's eyes were nervously staring at the two people in the field.

Andrela's figure drew a black line and headed straight towards Galen. Stab with a sword.

Ding ding ding! ! A series of metallic clashing sounds suddenly spread. The rapier instantly exploded countless sparks on Garen's body.

call! !

Andrela flipped over and jumped away, narrowly avoiding Garen's sword strike. The green and black arm, as thick as a cement pillar, hit the dirt on the ground.


The fine gray soil suddenly exploded like a bomb. Under the influence of huge force, countless pieces of dust turned into countless darts and hit Andrela fiercely.

There was another tiny tinkling sound, and a large amount of dirt and debris was actually blocked in front of Andrela.

There seemed to be a silver mirror in the air in front of him. Block all fine residue.


The silver mirror disappeared and turned into a thin sword pointed at the ground.

After the two exchanged blows, they returned to a state of being several meters apart.

Garen looked down at the place where he had just been stabbed. The skin in those places had a faint red spot, which was obviously slightly broken capillaries.

"It's good that you can actually hurt me. You are indeed the opponent I was looking forward to!" A deeper smile spread involuntarily at the corner of his mouth. A surge of emotions surged in his chest, threatening to burst out at any time, like boiling lava.

Andrela held the sword as if she had never moved her hand, and still stood there with her long hair reaching her waist.

"You are worthy of being the person who killed my brother if he could withstand my full strength sword strike in my normal state." He whispered slowly, but his voice did not weaken at all and was clearly heard by everyone.

"Ni Shi Xing is your brother?" Garen was shocked, but immediately relieved. "No wonder it was you who took action personally. It turns out there is another reason. I have no regrets about killing Ni Shixing. Deaths and injuries in combat are inevitable. If you want revenge, I will stand here. If you If you can, kill me yourself."

Andrella's eyes flashed.

"Life and death are inevitable on the road to seeking Tao. Unfortunately, if we weren't on opposite sides, we might have become very good friends. Although now, I don't want to kill you."

He raised his rapier, and a blue-black cross star muscle suddenly protruded on the back of his hand, which was exactly the same as the reverse ten star.


"Eldest brother is using the secret weapon so early?" Silla said in surprise at the Star Ring Gate, "You shouldn't need this to deal with a Galleon, right? Even if other parts of the body cannot be pierced, the ears and eyes should be able to pierce. Will you wear it?"

"Don't you understand yet?" The elder on one side said solemnly, "Look carefully at Garen's posture."

The three Silla people immediately looked over attentively.

Garen's whole body was seen making a weird figure-eight gesture, and at the same time his arms were constantly moving slowly and fine-tuning, and the whole person was integrated. Moreover, streams of white air came out of his nostrils, lingering hazily around him and flowing slowly. Looking from a distance, it seems as if the whole person is enveloped in the body of a huge white elephant. Every fine-tuning movement brings with it the faint roar of a giant elephant.

The expressions of the three people suddenly changed slightly.

"What a strong spirit!"

The elder nodded, his expression gloomy.

"His secret martial arts are integrated into one body, and his whole body's energy and blood are extremely sensitive. No matter where he attacks, he will be easily blocked by his great fighting skills. After all, no matter how fast you are, can you still move faster than he can move his head by just a little bit?"

He looked at the fierce and strong Garen from a distance: "It seems that everyone has underestimated this boy from Baiyun Sect!"

Gamulili and Imulili on the other side of the round dance door also looked solemn when they saw this scene.

"These two people are so brave!" Gamulili couldn't hold back the shock on her face. "As expected! Garen is indeed an ultimate warrior who has become a fighter!"

"Mom, what is courage? Senior Brother Garen looks very powerful, but Andrela doesn't look bad either. Will Senior Brother Garen be okay?" Imlili asked nervously in a low voice.

The other disciples also looked at the master with confusion.

"Aura is an aura that a martial artist's body, martial arts, and spirit are integrated into one. In other words, it is a sense of threat! A sense of danger! You should know that any creature has the ability to respond to crises. It is an instinctive reaction. And the top martial artists have a way to combine everything in themselves to give people a strong sense of threat. This method is courage. When you see a poisonous snake, will you feel danger? Extremely poisonous? Then I feel nervous all over. This is a similar principle."

Gamulili looked at the two people in the field with somewhat complicated eyes.

"And a skilled martial artist has such an ability. Just by showing off his own strength, he can even achieve the exaggerated effect of subduing others without fighting, so that the opponent can't even think of resisting! In order to achieve the goal of winning without fighting. Take a closer look at that Andrela."

Imlili and the others immediately looked at Andrela carefully, and sure enough, they faintly noticed that his black hair was flying all over his body, and the sound of wind chimes slowly echoed around him. At the same time, he raised his arms flat in a weird hand gesture, giving people a strange feeling. A very weird feeling.

"It seems a bit like a black cross!" Imlili blurted out.

There were two people in the yard, a giant white elephant and a black cross, corresponding to each other. A huge sense of terror and danger spread unbridled. Some warriors who were close to each other had the illusion for a while, as if the two of them were so far away that they might attack them at any time. It seemed like a threat, so he couldn't help but retreat continuously, and only slowly relaxed as he got further away.

The people at the July Gate at the back were looking at the two people confronting each other in an extremely complicated manner.

The second elder led the team and stood at the front, with Shia and Rampace beside him.

"This is courage!" His voice was dry, "The courage that only top martial artists can have."

Not just him, but the other senior executives of the July Gate all had complicated expressions. They were all the senior executives whom Rampace went to beg for mercy at that time. Now that they saw Garen's terrifying and huge aura, they were speechless and speechless. With the inexplicable feeling of being right.

"As expected of Senior Brother Garen! No wonder news came from the exchange meeting that he is the strongest person in our twelve southern sects!"

"With him, our South Twelve Gates will never decline!"

"Senior Brother Jialong!!" A disciple shouted.

"It would be great if I could be as strong as Senior Brother Garen!"

Most of the disciples of the Qiyue Sect were unaware of this and were still very excited at this time, and they all looked proud of Galen.

"Elder, why didn't Senior Brother Garen rest at our July Gate when he came to Dina City? Why don't you invite him to teach us martial arts after the competition is over?"

"Yes, elder, it is not easy for our South Twelve Sect to have a master who can be compared with the number one person in the Star Ring Sect. We must definitely invite him to our July Group as a guest!"

The emotions of the major disciples who had been humiliated by Andrela suddenly burst out. Now that they saw Garen being able to confront Andrela, who even the elders had been defeated, they were as excited as if they had been given blood. It was their senior brother who was fighting fiercely with Andrela.

The second elder and several senior officials looked at the excited disciples and were speechless for a moment, unable to express their pain.

Can they tell the disciples directly that your senior brother Jia Long came to the July Group, but we didn't pay attention at all and kicked him out as a beggar?

When these words are said, not only their image will collapse instantly, but also the image of the entire July Gate will have a mostly negative impact.

Rampace looked at the excited expressions of the junior brothers and sisters around him with excitement, and even the strongest junior brother Shia was gritting his teeth and staring at Andrela while encouraging Garen.

For a moment, he felt an indescribable excitement in his heart, and this excitement made his eyes slightly moist.

"Shut up!!"

Suddenly there was a loud roar.

The entire Qiyuemen fell silent instantly, and everyone's eyes fell on the great elder on the stretcher behind.

The great elder changed into white and clean clothes. At this time, his face was red with anger and his beard was trembling.

Scream! ! !

Suddenly, a terrifying and huge roar rang out in the Yuanwumen courtyard.

It was like a giant elephant roaring to the sky.

The great elder was shocked by the voice. He originally wanted to speak, but a breath stuck in his throat before he could spit it out. He rolled his eyes and fainted.

All the surrounding martial artists' eyes were focused on the two people in the yard.

The roar of the giant elephant exploded wildly without pause. It was the violent noise caused by Garen's arms cutting through the air.

Garen stood motionless, a black air flow crazily lingering around his white, strong upper body. That was the blurry visual effect caused by Andrela's speed.

Andrela's shadow loomed in the black airflow from time to time, and the silver light flashed from time to time, sparks exploding on Garen's body.

The two were silent and moving, frantically entangled with each other.

Each of Andrela's swords could clearly pierce Garon's body, but at most it would only leave a little white mark. Sometimes it was stabbed towards the eyes and ears, but was easily avoided or blocked.

At this time, Garen's body had slowly expanded. Although it had not reached full strength, it had reached the point where the Boulder Skill exploded. The height has also changed from more than 1.7 meters to nearly 1.9 meters. The whole person has a strong back and waist, and with a random movement, it can induce airflow to interfere with the opponent, and at the same time, it can also make a noise similar to the roar of a giant elephant.

But he couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed at all. He only covered the vital parts tightly, and the other parts were connected by the effect of hardened skin and stable qi and blood. Barely maintaining an undefeated situation.

There is a faint sound of wind chimes among the elephants chirping.

This stalemate didn't last long. The black thread Andrela had transformed instantly jumped away, landed on the rockery in the yard and squatted down. Her long black hair slowly fell on the gray-white rocks, like a cloak made of satin. The silver thin sword swung across his side.

His eyes became calmer and more intense, appearing extremely contradictory.

"It seems that ordinary swordsmanship has little effect on your physical defense. Be careful, the next sword is one of the three secret swords I hold. I hope you will not die by this sword."

Garen moved his arms, and a subtle roar of air flow filled the area around his body again. "Three great secret swords? He is indeed the number one among the young generation in the south! He is much stronger than ordinary trash!"

The corners of Andrella's mouth curved slightly again. The long sword swayed slowly, drawing a silver fan shape seemingly slowly but quickly.

"Star Ring Secret Martial Arts."

He jumped up lightly and rushed towards Garen.


Clang! ! !

A silver moonlight instantly lit up between Garen and him.

The silver moonlight was so bright and dazzling, as if it absorbed all the surrounding light and gathered it together to explode instantly.

All the martial artists who were watching were silent, and they didn't even dare to breathe heavily, for fear of destroying the beautiful silver-white bright crescent moon in the yard.

Two crescent moons instantly lit up in Garen's eyes, and the silver light was so dazzling that he could not see at all.

Instinctively, he raised his arms in front of his head.

An extremely sharp icy breath hit the outside of his arms. In an instant, Garen felt a sharp pain in his arm. Without any thought.

His throat exploded.

Roar! ! !

A violent roar suddenly shook the place.

The yard is shaking, the ground is shaking! All the warriors were shaking, and even the dojo house began to rattle, with a large amount of fine dust falling.

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