
Wherever Garen went forward, as far as he could see, the blocked door was naturally frozen to the point where cracks appeared, and then quickly shattered into countless pieces of ice amidst the drastic changes in temperature. The door is open.

At this time, with Galleon as the center, all living creatures around it are frozen.

He walked through a solemn ornately decorated passage, which was more than ten meters wide, and was filled with corpses and masked people frozen into lumps of ice. Cross the passage and walk in through the huge white stone door that has been opened. Inside are rows of bookshelves with secret techniques that have lost their protective measures.

On the white stone bookshelf, there are densely packed books on various secret techniques.

"I didn't expect that even in the age of technology, the original book preservation method is still maintained like this."

Garen sighed.

The surrounding area was empty, and no one answered his words. Even if there were any living survivors, they were frozen into ice by the severe cold air.

Galleon converges the cold realm to prevent damage to the secret book. Then he stepped forward and observed them one by one.

The entire library exhibition hall is white, just a little darker than white snow. There is a white crystal screen on the vaulted ceiling. At this time, it is automatically lighting up with a faint soft white light, and there are also delicate and complex patterns flowing, giving people a A heavy and simple feeling.

Garen walked in the middle, flanked by stone bookshelves as tall as a person on both sides. There would be an open tome placed on a shelf at regular intervals in the middle passage, placed for people to read.

Garen looked at it for a while, and found that most of the tomes he opened contained content that recorded the history of this library. There are also biographies of famous people here.

After a casual look, he quickly found the place where the Blue Frost Sect's secret martial arts secrets were stored.

"As expected, it is the sect with the largest collection of techniques among the medium-sized sects!"

Seeing a bookshelf full of ice-type secret martial arts techniques, Garen sincerely praised them.

He reached out and began to quickly flip through the memories one by one.

However, what disappointed him was that many of the above contents were relatively low-level, and many of them overlapped with Chixue Gong, and were even inferior to Chixue Gong. The inspiration and vision were far inferior to the level of Chixue Gong. That's the low-to-intermediate level.

Garen looked through it quickly and concisely. There are a total of thirty-two secret books and techniques here, which are not fighting skills but pure main techniques.

The content of seventeen of them overlaps with Chixue Gong and is of little use except for broadening the perspective of thinking. Among the remaining fifteen, six need to be practiced from scratch and are very exclusive and incompatible, otherwise it may cause Meridians and blood vessels suffer overload and other injuries.

Of the nine remaining books, three can only be practiced and removed by women.

The last six books are the secret martial arts that can be superimposed with his Chixue Gong.

"There are two main things that restrict the improvement of skill. One is intelligence and computing power, and the other is the skill bottleneck. If the talent in computing power is strong enough, it will lead to an improvement in skill while being promoted, but the improvement in skill will in turn affect and drive enhanced calculation. It takes many years of improvement and accumulation. Although as long as one of the two improves, it can drive the other to improve together, but it is too difficult to use skills to drive computing power."

Garen shook his head slightly in his mind, "But I have enough potential points now. If I can superimpose a large number of ice-based skills, it may have unexpected effects."

The advantage of using potential points in this way is that it can be superimposed with the effects of the skills, and it is possible to achieve the goal of breaking through the major skills. This is integration and promotion. Different exercises have different degrees of strengthening and different perspectives of thinking, which may result in quantitative accumulation leading to qualitative changes.

This is how he achieved his goal in the world of secret martial arts.

Quickly take down these six secret books, read them carefully and scan them into your own energy mark.

Garen rubbed his hands and immediately finished reading one book and then destroyed the other. The book turned into tiny pieces of paper, which was burned directly by a wisp of flame from his scimitar and turned into ashes.

"Potential points must be used sparingly. Now it seems to me that the Cold Hell Peacock Technique can replace the potential points by devouring and accumulating skills. In this case, although it is not as fast as the potential points, I can save a lot of expenditure and only use the potential points for exercises. Superimposed improvements!" Garen thought in his mind.

He recalled the cold hell peacock mother in ancient Yinduo mythology, which swallowed everything and turned it into cold energy that radiated into the universe. Her physique and regeneration ability were simply immortal. Obviously, his current Cold Prison Peacock Skill simulates the ability of the Cold Prison Peacock Mother.

Swallow all things and use them to convert them all into cold energy.

With his heart moving, Garen stretched out his hand to grab a secret book. A large number of threads were no longer blue, but transparent. They instantly poured out of his palm, wrapped around the book, and swallowed it directly.

Suddenly, Garen felt that there were traces of extremely weak light yellow energy balls in his body. Almost instantly, they were converted into pure cold energy and merged into the resonance crystal of Chixue Gong, becoming a boost to the accumulation of skill.


Potential point, Dacheng's Cold Hell Peacock Skill, the combination of the two is simply terrifying!

The Cold Hell Peacock Technique originally does not train combat power, but basically transforms the practitioner into the larvae of the Cold Hell Peacock, which swallows everything and turns it into energy to strengthen itself. This is simply an unreasonable transformation.

"Even opposing heat energy can be turned into cold energy! It makes no sense!" Garen shook his head speechlessly, it was like turning flames into ice. But when you think about the many refrigeration equipment in technology, it’s not so hard to accept.

I carefully recalled the six newly obtained secret books. They are all at least first-class secret martial arts. Compared with Chixue Gong, they are only slightly weaker. They are weaker in combination with computing power, but they are enough to be used. The inherited skills are spread.

Garen did not choose to practice all of them, some of which did not suit his style. He only selected the parts that could strengthen his skills, and the rest were just as reserves.

"Ready to retreat."

Suddenly a calm voice sounded in Garen's ears. It's Carthage.

"In ten minutes, everyone will retreat and start jumping. Anyone who disobeys the order will perish." Carthage ordered calmly.

Garen waved his hand to put away all the ice secret books, and at the same time quickly began to search for secret books on other bookshelves.

Fighting skills, other types of secret martial arts, auxiliary types, various experience records, etc.

The entire library of books and information was quickly wiped out by him.

Raising his head, Garen gently held the handle of the knife in his hand.


Amid the violent vibrations, black giant wolves suddenly appeared around Garen. All the giant wolves roared and shot out towards the sky.

Bang! Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

Continuous wolf shadows rushed up to the ceiling, directly knocking out a large clear hole in the solid defense here. The sunlight from outside shone in, and a cloud of dust filled the air.

Amidst the crashing sound of gravel falling, Gallon flew up and rushed out of the hole.

The black wolf behind him jumped up, and the girl on his back flew up. Garen hugged her directly from the waist. The black wolf turned into a shadow and absorbed his space ring.

The air flow kept reverberating in his ears, and Garen flew higher and higher. He turned around and saw the headquarters of the Blue Frost Sect, a crescent-shaped white city. Many places were burning with flames that reached into the sky, and the red fire illuminated the entire city. A reddish, black smoke billowed into the sky, forming dozens of clear black smoke pillars.

Taking a deep breath, Garen smelled a distinct smell of sulfur smoke, wondering what was being burned.


Something exploded below, and yellow flames shot up into the sky. The tongues of fire rolled up one by one, quickly igniting the surrounding buildings.

A steady stream of people in red flew towards the slowly opening black vortex in the sky.

Carthage stood high in the sky, looking down at everything like a god.

Four bloody robes rose into the sky and quickly disappeared into the air, leaving no trace as before.

Garen flew high into the sky and hovered back to a position slightly behind Carthage. Bow your head to show respect.

He couldn't see the strength of this man clearly. He originally thought he was just a general under the White King, but he didn't expect that he was actually the clone of another powerful existence. This was extremely terrifying.

Garen felt as if he had just seen clearly the strength of Carthage, but as he showed greater strength, he immediately fell into a fog again.

"Take the blood beads I gave you as soon as possible. I sacrificed a hundred thousand people with blood, but I only got this little thing." Carthage turned his face slightly and looked at Garen.

Garen's heart was slightly shaken, one hundred thousand people! The thing obtained by sacrificing the blood of 100,000 people is obviously not the essence of righteousness.

"I wonder what the use of this blood bead is?" He was silent for a moment and then asked.

"You'll know after you eat it." Carthage smiled mysteriously. "Of course you can choose not to eat it."

A trace of cold murderous intent slowly emanated from him.

Garen lowered his head, knowing that he had to eat the bead.

"I see."

He took out the black-red bead, looked at it before his eyes, and then threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

The bead melted into a stream of heat as soon as it entered the mouth. Instead of entering the stomach, it penetrated directly into the blood vessels from the mouth and quickly spread throughout the body along with the blood flow.

Carthage smiled with satisfaction when he saw Garen gaining a faint breath after eating the essence of flesh and blood.

"Let's go."

At this time, everyone had entered the black vortex, and the vortex began to shrink.

A trace of black smoke appeared around Carthage, surrounding him and Gallon. The two of them rushed into the whirlpool, and the passage behind them immediately closed completely.

Garen held Blue Pole Star's sister without saying a word, using his force field to protect the girl who had become an ordinary person, and followed Carthage and flew forward at high speed.

As expected, the bead was, as Carthage said, constantly releasing a terrifying amount of flesh and blood essence. This essence was so magical that it could directly and slowly strengthen the body's physique. But it also gradually dyed every part of the body with a faint layer of red.

"Is it something used to control masters?"

Garen calmly tried to use Chixue Kung Fu to eliminate this red essence, but it was useless. Chixue Kung Fu seemed to be unable to touch this thing at all.

But he soon discovered that this layer of red seemed to require no action from him at all. The silent activation of the Cold Hell Peacock Kung Fu suddenly began to transform this red color into a large amount of cold energy, which was added to the accumulation of Chi Snow Kung Fu.

The black ball energy seeds that originally absorbed the plasma bomb had accumulated quickly enough, but now it seems faster with this red essence!

Garen's eyelids were twitching wildly as he watched as a huge amount of cold energy was transformed and poured into his Chixue Gong Resonance Crystal.

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