Mysterious journey

Chapter 1058 Fate 1


Suddenly, a crack appeared in the crystal of Chixue Gong. Less than half a second later, the crystal shattered suddenly and turned into dozens of triangular diamond-shaped red fragments, which began to rotate at high speed.

As the fragments rotated, a large amount of Chixue Gonghan energy poured in like crazy again.

Garen knew that now was the critical moment. This vortex was formed by the shattering of crystals. It would rotate at high speed in the middle, condensing a little bit of inheritance-level essence energy, which is the power of the source.

Of course, this kind of condensation requires a huge amount of energy and needs to be accumulated over many years, but now the Cold Prison Peacock Skill is pouring energy into it crazily, and the scale of the vortex is quickly getting bigger and bigger.

Garen even felt that his breath was a little unstable. Fortunately, the red gem covered his breath, otherwise he would probably be discovered by Carthage immediately.


The two rushed out of the tunnel and appeared out of thin air in the previous desert, with a black vortex in front of them.

Carthage didn't say much and rushed into the second vortex again.

Garen followed closely behind, this time his jump was very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, he appeared in a wilderness snowfield on the Red Snow Star. Astonishingly, it was the snowy field he had left before.

It was still dark at this time, and he and Carthage were the only two people standing in the snow.

"Move freely. There will be another action in about a year. I will inform you." Carthage left a word, turned around and left slowly.


Garen hugged Lan Pole Star's sister and responded in a low voice.

It wasn't until Carthage's breath quickly left that he lowered his head and looked at Lan Pole Star's sister, who was still unconscious in his arms.

This is a young girl with short blue hair, wearing a blue-black tunic shirt, a white pleated skirt, and black stockings that reach to the middle of her thighs, highlighting her slender and round legs. He should have looked very energetic, but now his face was pale, and his delicate face looked like I felt pity for him.

This reminded him of his sister in the secret martial arts world. She was just as lovable back then, but it was a pity.

"If you want to blame it, it's your bad luck." Garen sighed softly and issued a command in the energy mark.

Not long after, a black spaceship with a triangular head flew out of the dark night sky. It made no sound in the night, and there was not even any jet at the tail.

Garen jumped up, flew up, and entered the spaceship from the side.


hours later

In a star field extremely far away from the home star and the Four-Ring Star Alliance, a pitch-black black hole suddenly appeared above a planet with a backward edge, and a shuttle-shaped spaceship with a triangular head flew out of it.

The black spaceship shot out of the black hole and landed directly on the pale yellow planet below.

‘Welcome to a resource-free planet. According to civilization regulations, your spaceship must leave within three planet rotations, otherwise it will be considered a violation of Civilization Alliance Law 320’


Garen slapped the console in front of him and turned off the warning sound of the smart computer.

The Civilization Alliance Law is a rule jointly formulated by the major races such as Fenites and humans. It is effective for ordinary people, but it is undoubtedly a piece of paper for advanced energy mechanics like them. Even the slave planet is controlled by someone, let alone the Civilization Alliance Law.

If this planet wasn't too far away from the main star field, it would have been directly occupied by those greedy guys. Even if it's Galleons, it's a bit painful to jump over once.

The resources of 20 gold crystals are gone at once. How many people can afford such a huge expense. This is a terrifying distance of millions of light-years. Galleon entered counterspace several times and jumped through long-distance star gates more than ten times before he finally found such a suitable star that was judged to be a rare resource. planet of human civilization.

Looking back at the short-haired girl sleeping in the ice coffin behind him, Garen shook his head.

"It's okay. It's such a long distance, far away from the war, far away from the hustle and bustle, forgetting everything, just enough to live peacefully, as an ordinary person."

The spaceship accelerated rapidly, breaking through the atmosphere and passing through the white clouds. Gradually, we could see the stretching yellow mountains and rivers below, and a human city that looked like a gray patch.

"Turn on stealth mode."

There was a sound in the spaceship.

The operator's spaceship went straight down and slowly hovered over the city.

Garen put on his optical invisibility suit and flew out of the spaceship with the girl in his arms.


"My head hurts so much."

In a pure white room, the girl woke up from a coma, rubbed her head and got up from the ground. His mind was blank, like an empty hard drive with no content.

Looking at everything unfamiliar in front of her, she blinked her eyes, looked at the blue and black shirt and white skirt she was wearing, and suddenly understood.

"Oh, I just came back from cosplay. I fainted due to hypoglycemia. I didn't expect to sleep for so long."

She picked up a few scattered documents, ID cards, bank cards, and one or two shopping mall membership cards from the ground.

I picked up the ID card and looked at it. The short-haired girl on it had a sweet and beautiful smile.

"Tian Tian." Suddenly a strange feeling came to her heart. The girl didn't know why. She felt like crying, but she didn't know why.

"What's going on? Did you watch too many tragic TV dramas yesterday?" She patted her face, "I'm Tian Tian, ​​a small store manager who runs a cosplay cafe. My income can barely sustain myself. I'm twenty-three this year. At the age of 18, both parents died, and the only brother I have left is nowhere to be found."

As she spoke, the tears in her eyes could no longer be held back and fell down her cheeks.

There was an inexplicable and indescribable emotion in my heart that was blocked and I couldn't vent it.

She looked down at her ID card. The girl on it smiled very sweetly, but she suddenly felt a strong sense of unreality.

Just outside the garden gate of this residential building, a tall man wearing a black windbreaker looked here from a distance, sighed softly, and turned around to leave.


Garen walked slowly on the streets of this planet, looking at the small shopkeepers who were greeting customers and introducing their products, the backpackers who were hiking with large backpacks on their backs, and the young women who were holding a child in one hand and reading something while holding a phone in the other. .

Unexpectedly, this planet was very similar to the earth he lived on back then, with the same level of civilization, the same busyness and peace.


A bright blue roadster passed by Gallon, bringing with it gusts of wind. It soon disappeared at the end of the somewhat empty street lane.

Garen suddenly felt a little lonely. As he traveled through more and more worlds, this feeling of loneliness was just a little bit at first, but now, it has unknowingly reached an extremely real point that he cannot ignore.

Regardless of whether there are relatives or not, whether there are lovers or not, regardless of the different people passing by, I keep moving forward like a float, without looking back or being able to look back.

Sometimes he thought that he might live in one place forever until he grows old and dies, but after death, it will be another rebirth and time travel.


He took a deep breath. He had been pursuing power so crazily because he wanted to get rid of this loneliness of drifting with the crowd.

Suddenly, another bright blue convertible passed by him.

"Hey that cool old man over there, can you help me?"

The car suddenly stopped on the street beside Garen. The driver was a young fair-skinned girl with big toad glasses, who looked like a delicate lady. She was staring at Garen with interest.

"Can I ask where you bought this outfit? Which cosplay character is it from?"

The two of them were just passers-by who met by chance. Unexpectedly, this girl was not afraid of strangers at all and was so generous that people were speechless.

Garen looked at this little guy and looked down at his own clothes. This clothes was actually a special effect. It was the camouflage function of the Three-Heart Shoulder of the Red Snow Sect.

He had no idea what character he was cosplaying, and logically speaking, this shouldn't happen.

Suddenly his eyes fell on the blue scimitar hanging on his waist, and it turned out that this was the problem.

No wonder he always felt that the people he interacted with were circling around him. It turned out that there was something wrong with this detail. But since that's the case, it doesn't matter if you just carry it with you.

"I don't cosplay anyone." Garen smiled slightly and replied gently.

"Then why are you carrying a knife?" the girl asked curiously. She was dressed fashionably, with long black hair shawl, a sleeveless white shirt and a pink skirt with long black stockings underneath. She looked very mature, but in fact Garen could tell at a glance that the girl's bone age was no more than nineteen years old.

"That's for self-defense." Garen replied casually.

"It's a lie. Do you think I'm a little girl, so easy to deceive?" The girl showed an expression as if she was trying to trick someone else.

Garen smiled and did not answer. He looked at the identity mark of the Scarlet Snow Sect's energy weapon master hanging on his scimitar. It was a red hexagonal pattern.

"Hey, don't you see, uncle, you are quite fashionable? Are you still wearing a ring at such an old age?" The girl seemed to be interested in him and followed him in the car. At this time, he saw the space ring that Garen inadvertently revealed.

The style of this space ring is very unique. It is completely black and has a ferocious wolf head carved on the surface, which symbolizes Garen's identity - the black wolf.

"Little guy, you can't just pretend to be mature. It's very dangerous outside. Don't go out and wander around. Go home." Garen looked at this little girl who looked mature but was actually innocent, shook his head and said gently.

"You're an uncle, aren't you? You're only in your twenties, so who do you show to me by pretending to have a weathered look in your eyes? You're not much older than me!" The girl was immediately unconvinced.

"It would be very dangerous for you to strike up a conversation with a stranger like this." Garen advised kindly.

"Tch! Uncle, you have a problem with your thinking!" Unexpectedly, the girl immediately retorted, "If everyone thinks the same as you, then no one will take the first step, and people in this world will only become more and more indifferent, and distance will be lost. Getting further and further away. If you stay in your own small circle because you are afraid of danger and dare not contact outsiders, then you might as well stay at home for the rest of your life. Why go out and wander around? You will encounter more dangers when you go out shopping, and robbers will kill people. Criminals, fraudsters, there is a chance that a meteorite will fall from the sky and kill them. Are there many cases of murders caused by a small quarrel?"

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