Mysterious journey

Chapter 1061 Air Combat 2

"The Naga Star Mechanic who focuses too much on his own strength is only suitable for landing ship operations or infiltration operations. Various actions in space are not flexible enough. After all, some places are limited by the upper body limit and cannot be compared with mechas. Garen shook his head and sighed, "At this time, it would be much more convenient if we just release the energy weapons to fight."

"Now that we have been intercepted, if we want to return to the star field where Scarlet Snow Star is located as soon as possible, we can only use large spaceships. The fleet of Remora Business Alliance is a good choice."

Gallon quickly checked the information of this business alliance. This is a cosmic group engaged in medical and biotechnology research. The main target of the interstellar pirates this time is obviously them, otherwise they would not use extremely expensive space anchors to temporarily blockade them. Stargate.

The reputation information of the Remora Merchant Alliance was pretty good, so Garen made a decision and directly found the largest spaceship on the radar and sent a dialogue request directly.

"This is the Mechanic's private airship. I hope to board your main ship and borrow a jump to return. Please answer."

There was a response soon.

"Dear Master Mechanic, I hope you can show your sincerity in using Jump."

His meaning is very simple and obvious, that is, he wants reward, and what is the best reward on the battlefield at this time? That is to help fight pirates!

Garen also knew this. He pondered for a moment and answered quickly.

"You will see the sincerity."

He walked to the middle of the airship. At this time, the airship was still behind the Merchant Alliance fleet, and there was still some distance before it could reach the pirates, so there was no need to worry about safety issues.

Garen quickly found the space flight device that he had prepared just in case before traveling. This was used to equip his energy weapon Black Wolf. But there are only five of them. This thing is very expensive, and Galleons are reluctant to buy more.

He picked up a device, summoned a black wolf, and put the device on the black wolf's back.

There was a click.

The black device immediately got stuck on the black wolf's back, and then slowly opened its wings. It looked pretty good, turning an ordinary black giant wolf into a two-winged black wolf. However, it is unclear what the specific effect will be.

"After all, the Black Wolf is only suitable for landing operations. It's time to choose my new energy weapon mark and choose the best one that can fight in space." Garen thought about it.

"Now that I have entered the sixth level of inheritance level, I can choose a new energy weapon mark. The first two were wolves. This time I can change to an energy weapon that can adapt to various environments."

As an energy weapon master, he naturally has no shortage of energy weapons, not even rare ones, but he still has the commonly used types ready with him. Especially after returning from the Blue Frost Sect this time, he has prepared a complete set of them for the market in advance. Basic energy weapons.

Of course, it’s too late to cultivate them now.

After equipping the five winter night black wolves with black wing devices, Garen carefully adjusted them, then took out five twisted seeds from his body, and pressed the blue seeds into the hidden places in the abdomens of the five giant wolves. Don't let anyone find out.

Unexpectedly, not long after pressing the twisted seed in, the five giant wolves suddenly underwent changes that even Garen could not have imagined.

The size of the giant wolf swelled and grew taller and larger, jumping from more than one meter to more than three meters in height, almost like an elephant, causing the spacecraft to shake. A large number of translucent things were sucked into their mouths and noses, which seemed to be exactly This gas-like thing makes their bodies become so terrifying.

But that's not the weirdest thing. What's most surprising is that the heads of these five giant wolves began to tilt slightly, and a big meat bag bulged out from their necks.

There was a sound of tearing flesh and blood, and another equally ferocious wolf head protruded from the meat bag.


The five giant wolves completed their transformation almost at the same time, raised their heads and roared, and the sound waves shattered most of the things in the spaceship into pieces in an instant.

Garen was also a little stunned when he saw this series of changes.

"Does the final evolutionary path of the wolf have to be that of a two-headed dog?" He was also a little confused about this genetic change. Obviously, the genes were checked when they were created, and there was no such setting as a two-headed dog.

As an energy weapon he controlled, Garen immediately knew the special ability of this mutated two-headed wolf. In addition to the six-level force field unique to the inheritance level, the most special things are two points.

First, the high-intensity quality far exceeds that of sixth-level energy weapons of the same level, regardless of strength, speed, physical recovery and resistance. The Level 4 Distortion Seed gives them six times the previous enhancement, which is simply a terrifying increase. Originally it was only a threefold improvement, but after reaching the Great Perfection, the Cold Hell Peacock Skill can actually achieve six times the physical quality of the twisted seed.

The six-fold increase does not mean the number equivalent to the increase of six heads, but the combat effectiveness that far exceeds this change.

Second, the key point is that the other head of the two-headed dog has preliminary intelligence. Although it is extremely rough intelligence, it is undeniable that this is already a certain degree of intelligent creature.

"Is it intelligent?" Garen couldn't believe it. This was intelligence achieved purely through biotechnology. It's not something like an intellectual brain. But the intelligence that can truly create intelligent life!

His heart moved slightly, and he quickly transferred the language and some common sense information in the energy mark to various areas in the brains of the five two-headed wolves, and then input the basic logic into it.

He suddenly thought about whether the void creature, the terrifying race that fought against Gu Yinduo, also used this method to create its own legion? The possibility of this guess is very high. Why every legion-level void creature has its own void legion? Maybe it's a similar method.

The data transfer will be completed soon.

As the data input was completed, the five two-headed wolves once again underwent new changes.

They managed to stand up, using only their two hind legs.

‘Thank you master for giving me life. ’

'Thank you master for giving me life.'

The five two-headed wolves adjusted their audio tapes and actually spoke directly. They neatly made human salute gestures and saluted Garen.

Garen then remembered that a lot of the common sense information he had just entered was from the aristocratic education he had received. Compared with the common sense content of life in this world, the common sense of aristocratic life that has lived peacefully in the totem world for so long is obviously much more .

This is why these two-headed wolves have such strange changes.

"How do you feel?" Garen looked at the five two-headed wolves with some confusion. After all, this was the first biological intelligent life he had created with his own hands. This feeling was unimaginable to anyone.

"Recalling my ignorant past, if my master had not given us wisdom, perhaps we would have been so muddleheaded and relying only on instinct to survive our whole lives." The tallest two-headed wolf replied in a low voice. Their other head seems to have no function, but only one head to answer thinking.

"Maybe I should call you two-headed werewolves." Garen said speechlessly. Why does this guy's tone sound a little weird? It feels a bit like a young man moaning carelessly while looking up at the sky at an angle of 45 degrees.

"Master, please give us a name to celebrate our new life." The most powerful two-headed wolf bowed his head respectfully and requested.

Their strength is all inheritance level, but they only have inheritance level force fields and extremely strong physical fitness, which is equivalent to twenty Galleons in strength and constitution. Their agility has not increased much, only five points. After all, the Cold Hell Peacock is not a giant beast of the void that is good at speed.

Although it is not as good as the energy weapon masters of Naga Star, and it is not even as good as the resonance level, but this kind of quality is already much better than many other energy weapon masters.

"A name?" Garen shook his head, "Go and fight. If you can come back alive, I will give you a name."

The five giant wolves immediately knelt down.

"Victory belongs to the master, and we will surely return victorious!!"

The spacecraft isolation hatch opened, and the five giant wolves walked in one by one.

They each grabbed a laser cannon in their hands. Although it was not a very powerful model, it was far more powerful than ordinary laser cannons. After all, it's an opponent's ship, so it's better than empty-handed. Anyway, there are more than ten of these on the airship. If they are installed on the airship and they don’t need to participate in the war, they might as well be given to these werewolves.

"Ah, for the great master! For love and justice! For God's glory to shine on the earth forever!" The strongest two-headed werewolf roared loudly in the isolation cabin. "Fight!!"


The other werewolves immediately roared, their blood boiling.

Garen was speechless for a while.

"What kind of information did I pass in? Love and justice are here! You think you are a saint!"

The five two-headed wolves quickly set off, flying out from the isolation cabin like five small fighter planes, heading straight for the battlefield ahead.

Only then did Garen have time to check his situation after entering the inheritance level.

‘Nonosiwa Lin——Strength 34.1, agility 22.2, constitution 40, intelligence 15.9, potential 49830%. Soul Limit 40.’

My physique has actually reached its limit! ?

Garen was surprised and delighted.

The original physical fitness of 24.8 increased sharply after entering the resonance level, but now it has improved so much after entering the inheritance level. As far as he knew, after reaching the inheritance level, the physical fitness of Naga Star's energy masters will stagnate greatly and cannot be improved. They can only rely on various modifications and fusion of rare materials to improve themselves. But that kind of relies on the quality of dead and foreign things to replace one's own body, rather than strengthening one's own body. This may be the key reason why they have never reached the limit of breaking through the eternal movers.

In other words, they simply bypassed the limits of the soul and ignored the soul, but simply strengthened the body. This resulted in an imbalance. This may be the reason why they were unable to reach the strongest king level.

"Now, I am afraid that my physical body alone can withstand the attack of a heritage-level pilot without being injured!" Garen clenched his fists, and the feeling of terrifying power in the totem world once again appeared on his body.

"The limit of the soul is almost reached, how should we go next?" Garen's heart became a little heavy. If he takes the mecha route and fuses foreign objects, he will probably follow the old path of an energy mechanic and be unable to break through the limit. To become king-level and take the ancient Yinduo route, the gathering of soul seeds is too slow. Although the true soul can eventually become immortal, the progress is too slow.

There is another way, which is to take the simulated Void Behemoth route. This is the path taken by the Mi Wu Han Prison Peacock Kung Fu of Life. In the end, the Void Behemoth belongs to the Mi Wu practitioner. This path may be able to bypass the limits of the soul.

Establish your own void army.

"Perhaps, by practicing the Chi Snow Technique, we can reach the pinnacle and forcibly condense the soul seeds?"

Garen suddenly came up with this idea. He now has two soul seeds: the Northern Halberdier Cold Flame True Water Evil Art (blue) and the Holy Phoenix Magic Book (black gold). They are all condensed from the peak of secret martial arts.

But in fact, the original secret martial arts formed by these two soul seeds are not at the top level. The Northern Halberd Soldier's Cold Flame True Water Evil Technique itself is a fusion of the Cold Hell Peacock Technique and another secret martial art of life with a hot nature. It is formed by mutation. Because it is a negative mutation, its level is actually lower than the Cold Prison Peacock Kung Fu, and is about the same level as the Chi Snow Kung Fu. The latter Holy Phoenix Grimoire itself is mostly derived from the core techniques of the civilization where the Underground Buddha Mother lived, but because only some parts are not comprehensive enough, the level is not actually high.

"From this point of view, even if you are not a top-level secret martial artist, you can still condense soul seeds. The key point is to achieve a unique spiritual and soul realm that is unique to you, and a change in the nature of your soul that is unique to you. If this is really the case , that will be easy to handle!" Garen guessed in his mind.

"If this is true as I guessed, then as long as I practice Chi Snow Kung Fu to the top, I may be able to condense a soul seed belonging to Chi Snow Kung Fu!"

Garen had some suspicions in his mind.

After all, compared to the previous worlds, his strength now is actually much higher than before. The terrifying physique reaching forty points is already in the inhuman category. In the totem world, he may have been able to explode with the full force of the nine-headed dragon. It was possible to hurt him, but it was just a possibility. The terror of 40 points of constitution and the tyranny of the inheritance-level force field put Garen at the peak of his history at this time! !

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