Mysterious journey

Chapter 1062 Civil War 1 (I wish my friend who has always been with me progress in his studies and s

The five werewolves flapped the black wings on their backs, bypassed the merchant ship at high speed, and flew towards the battlefield at the front. They were like five inconspicuous dots. Compared with the fighting of hundreds of fighters, airships, and mechas in front of them, the five of them were The small dots melted in like five dots of ink dripping into an inkwell, without any ripples.

Garen drove the airship closely behind him, and did not stop until it was abreast of the Merchant Alliance mothership.

He stared closely at the performance of the five werewolves. Soon they were approaching a small torpedo boat.

Chi! !

Five laser beams were ejected almost at the same time.

The small torpedo boat exploded suddenly and turned into a silent fireball. The sound was not transmitted because of the distance.

But Garen could still feel the instantaneous vibration when the torpedo boat exploded.

"The cooperation is good. As expected, it will be completely different with wisdom." He nodded with satisfaction.

Watching the five werewolves approaching another laser boat again, the difference was that this time two mechas were immediately targeting them.

The opponent's standard mecha is all red with a number marked on it. It has horns on its head, which makes it look wild. Looking from a distance, two mechas soon started fighting with five werewolves.

Soon, after the five lasers flashed several times, the two mechas were destroyed.

The five werewolves continued to advance, and mechas from the Merchant Alliance gradually gathered around them to cooperate in the battle.

With the sixth-level inheritance-level force field protection, if laser boats and gunboats hit them, they would stumble at most, with little damage. So soon the Merchant Alliance mechas used the five of them as an arrow and rushed towards the opposite side.

The momentum is overwhelming.

The five werewolves carrying laser cannons went around looking for troublesome characters to deal with. The pirate troops on the opposite side were quickly broken up by them, and in the end they had to retreat unwillingly.

"It seems that the inheritance level is a tyrannical existence everywhere," Garen sighed. There was only one heritage-level master in the Remora Merchant Alliance and the pirate force on the opposite side, one on each side. During the fight with each other, the rest were in the state of resonance-level generals. Faced with the appearance of five heritage-level werewolves, even if They are not very lethal and can only rely on laser cannons, but the impact on the formation is very serious.

Hundreds of pirate warships and mechas were simply overwhelmed and had to retreat.

The entire battle was extremely relaxed, which also allowed Garen to see the status and strength of the heritage-level existence in the starry sky.

‘Dear heritage-level energy master, thank you very much for your generous help. I am Lahu, the commander-in-chief of the fleet of the Remora Merchant Alliance. Miss Sandor, the general director of the Merchant Alliance, hopes to invite you to board the mothership and jump together over long distances. ’

The other party immediately spoke on the public channel, and his tone changed from dull before to very respectful now.

"Prime Minister? Is this the heritage-level pilot you just attacked?" Garen asked.

"Yes, Miss Sandor is also the daughter of the president of the Merchant Alliance. She has gone to change clothes now and has asked someone to prepare a sumptuous dinner for you. I hope you can appreciate it." The other party pleaded in a humble tone.

"Okay, you are ready to tow my airship." Garen originally wanted to jump long distances with the mothership, otherwise it would be difficult for his small airship to fly back.

Soon the spacecraft received the towing process and entrance arrangements.

After waiting for the five werewolves to return, the spaceship automatically made a half circle along the mothership and quickly got into a small launch port on the side.

Passing through a long black passage, blue light spots gradually began to appear on the surrounding metal walls.

Flying into the innermost empty cabin, the partition board behind him fell down, and with a pop, a large amount of air flow came in from the jet port in the front, filling the vacuum.

As the white fog filled the air, the air pressure soon reached the standard.

Garen then opened the door of the spaceship and allowed the five werewolves to stay in the spaceship. They were now so big that his space ring could no longer be placed. Moreover, the environment in the space ring is extremely boring. Now that they have become intelligent life forms, Garen can no longer take them back as objects.

When Garen stepped out of the spaceship, the first thing he saw was a group of people waiting below.

The one at the front is a heroic woman with blond hair and a shawl. Her eyebrows are very sharp, like two knives flying diagonally on her temples. Her eyes were very sharp and cold. She was wearing a white T-shirt and water-blasted jeans, which outlined her perfect figure. Behind her seemed to be her subordinates and senior pilots in combat. There were also some people in different clothes on the side, who seemed to be the same. Others who come aboard and want to jump with the ship.

As soon as Garen stepped out of the spaceship, his tall, strong figure and fierce temperament made the blonde woman's eyes shine.

She took the initiative to greet him.

"Hello, I am Sandor, General Director of the Merchant Alliance, a heritage-level pilot." She stretched out her hand.

Garen looked at the other person with a sincere expression. He also extended his hand and shook it.

"Garen, a heritage-level energy weapon master."

"Although this encounter with pirates caused us all to suffer a lot, it is still a fate that brings together people from all major star systems. Please follow me. Dinner is ready."

A bald man with glasses behind the woman said loudly.

"Please." The blond woman Sandor signaled to Garen.

Here, only two people are at the inheritance level, and the rest are basically out of their sight and are just supporting roles.

Garen nodded and followed her towards the tunnel leading to the inner warehouse.

While advancing side by side with him, Sandor introduced the situation to him. There were also two energy weapon masters on the Merchant Alliance mothership, but they were both intermediate level, only resonating with the full moon level, and they were non-school energy weapon masters. Obviously, they were not related to the school. There's no way a master can compare.

Garen also imagined that the martial arts masters were all extremely rich, so how could they be willing to work for others. After being introduced by Sandor, two couples, a man and a woman, stood up and saluted Galen respectfully.

The dinner was very sumptuous, including basic fresh chicken, duck, and fish, as well as some rare fruits and unheard-of space creature meats. Sandor and Garen sat at a table alone. The energy mechanic looked very curious, as if he had not been exposed to this level at all.

"To be honest, the energy weapon masters I have come into contact with, well, how should I say? They have always been able to do support and logistics. Their control of energy weapons is dull and boring, they have no fighting rhythm, and they are vulnerable. So I used to Some of the Mechanics I have met are hired as auxiliaries. Don’t be angry when I say this. I am an upright person and I won’t hide what I say.” Sandor said bluntly.

"It's okay. I can understand." Garen nodded, "After all, most of us mechanics are like this after all. We mainly belong to the type of closed-door research. It is normal for us to be inferior to pilots in actual combat. It's like It’s the same as comparing pilots to us in maintenance.”

He smiled.

"Almost everyone in the outside world thinks that Nengmai is only useful for logistics and auxiliary operations. However, after seeing you today, I changed some of this impression. The werewolves of your Nengmai are definitely no better than our pilots. It's weak, and the control is simply breathtaking." Sandor praised in admiration.

At this time, a band began to set up a small stage in the corner of the mothership restaurant, and soon the melodious sound of bagpipes, harp and piano slowly sounded. A beautiful white-blond girl with a good figure stood in the corner and started singing.

‘The world once gave us good things, but we didn’t cherish them. The world once gave us hope, but we have been disappointed. The unpredictable nature of people's hearts often lies in their own inability to grasp it. Ah~~~~Listen to the sound of the wind, listen to the falling rain, ethereal and pure’

The woman's singing voice is gentle and sweet.

Gallon picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the amber wine.

"Nice lyrics."

"How is it? I wrote it." Sandor said slightly proudly.

Garen smiled and nodded.

"Your Remola Business Alliance is mainly engaged in human biotechnology business. The channels should be very wide, right?"

"Of course, our Merchant Alliance ranks 43rd within the human race and is in the top 50. The average planet lord may not be richer than us." Sandor said proudly.

"Then I wonder if you have heard of Shi Nandi?" Jia Long said as if he was asking casually, but his heart was slightly raised.

Mad Dog Heather, the captain of the White King's Knights of the Light of Liberty, was the mastermind behind the destruction of the entire group of energy masters.

"Shi Nandi? You mean Mr. Shi Nandi, the Knight King of the Light of Justice?" Sandor reacted immediately.

"The light of justice?" Garen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I heard that his territory is in the Frontier Star Territory, and it almost suffocates the Fenit people. He is the commander-in-chief of the Special Operations Forces. We cannot be friends with such a big shot." Sandor said with a bitter smile. "You ask what he does?"

"It's nothing, it's just that a friend mentioned this big shot all day long, so I asked him out of curiosity." Garen smiled casually.

The light of justice?


Garen sneered inwardly. That's not what the scene in the space-time map shows. That guy's real nickname is not the Light of Justice, but the Mad Dog! The White King’s number one lackey! Loyal dog!

"I have a request here, an acquisition request. I wonder if you can do me a small favor." He came back to his senses and said.

"What do you want me to do? As long as I can do it, it's absolutely no problem!" Sandor laughed and said cheerfully.

Garen stretched out his hand, and the energy mark immediately released a light screen projected on the sides of the two people, and soon the influence of Zhiyin's staff appeared on the light screen.

"Can you please help me post an advertisement for purchasing this kind of thing?"

"This? Isn't this a sacred branch? This thing is not a cheap thing, but our merchant alliance has some in stock. No need to advertise. How many do you need, can we see enough here? Let me give it to you!" Sandor replied generously. .

"No need for this. The quantity I need may be a bit large." Garen shook his head, "At least one as big as the one in the picture. I want a thousand."

"A thousand? It's indeed a bit much, but after checking each branch, it should be barely enough." I originally thought that Sandor would immediately say not enough, but she didn't expect that she actually frowned and solved the problem with just one sentence. A problem that has troubled Long for so long.

"Really?" Garen was a little stunned.

"I won't lie to you." Sandor laughed. "Although this kind of thing is hard to find, for us, we have some reserves. After all, it is good to break it and use it as lubricating powder. It is useful in the construction of jump engines and star gates."

"If you can provide me with this material for a long time, I am willing to pay 10% more than the market price as a reward for your merchant alliance." Garron replied in a deep voice. He is now worth a lot of money, so he naturally doesn't care about money.

"What are you talking about? How much do you want for this little thing!" Sandor is not short of money. A behemoth like the Merchant Alliance has many inheritance-level offerings in it. The major factions are in dispute, and she is even the president. Women also need to find the strength to support themselves. The inheritance-level energy master in front of her is a good target. For her, even if the profit is maximized from such a small branch, it will only cost a few thousand gold crystals, which is not worth mentioning at all. That’s the price of a medium-sized merchant ship.

Garen understood what he meant and nodded.

The two people immediately became more harmonious in their conversation. One was interested in the other, and soon they got closer and closer. They directly reached a trade agreement. The Zhiyin Cane was half sold and half given to Garen, and at the same time, Sandor even waved his hand. , directly sent a more advanced spaceship to Garen as a meeting gift.

Garen also understood what she meant, and left his mecha master to send signals to her, and inspected and repaired her personal mecha. An initial friendship was established.

The Merchant Alliance soon began to jump long distances. Huge and terrifying energy condensed in the jump engine, and then exploded and sprayed out.

boom! !

The entire Merchant Alliance fleet rippled around one after another, and soon penetrated the invisible water and disappeared into the starry sky.

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