Mysterious journey

Chapter 1081 Official Hosting 2

The second elder took the order and began to issue orders. The masters who had drunk below had completely given up. Even those who were unwilling to give up or were unwilling to give up temporarily stopped their selfish motives and ostensibly cooperated with the orders. In case it is used to scare the monkeys now.

No one who has lived for so many years is a fool. Everyone can see clearly that the three Alices may not be killed because of Garen's old feelings, but the others may not be treated so well.

Some well-informed weapon masters have recognized that Garen's aura phenomenon at this time may have gone beyond the scope of not falling down, and quietly conveyed this possibility, and suddenly the entire court of the main hall was filled with awe.

Garen was sitting on the ice seat at this time, and he was also thinking about the operation of the entire Red Snow Sect. Among the drinks, except for the drinks for Alice and the other three, there were no added ingredients, and the rest were added with twisted seeds.

At this time, the power of his twisted seed is even more terrifying. It can increase the physical fitness of the parasite by 6 times. However, due to the upper limit of human physical fitness, this increase will be twisted and transformed into another form, which is ice armor.

The excess amplified power will automatically cover the parasite when activated, forming an extremely powerful ice armor that can be enhanced in disguise to six times the maximum value of the parasite's own quality.

This is very similar to Galleon's current situation.

But even so, this increase is also extremely terrifying. As long as Garon gives the order to activate it, everyone's physical fitness will instantly increase six times, reaching a very short and terrifying level.

You must know that all the inheritance-level energy masters present have reached the limit of their own quality, which is the limit of twenty-point attributes. Once the increase is six times, it will be one hundred and twenty points. This terrifying level has directly squeezed into the non-falling level with strength!

"If the effect is really as good as imagined, then I will instantly have a lot of non-degraded combat power on hand." Garen closed his eyes and rested. It seemed that he was quietly waiting for the order to be issued. All the heritage-level masters gathered, but in fact But he was thinking about various possible emergencies.

He must seize the opportunity to completely control the entire Red Snow Sect in one fell swoop, hunt down all the spies in Carthage, and turn all of them into their own power with the seeds of distortion. This was his only thought at this time.

Time passes minute by minute, and to an energy mechanic, even a few months' time is insignificant, it is equivalent to a few days for an average person. No one was impatient, and even if they were, they didn't dare to show it.

One day passed.

There was a white-haired weapon master who brought his apprentice to the headquarters. He was quickly led to the Tribunal, given the Seed of Distortion drink, and then gathered near the main hall to rest.

The reclusive executives and reclusive masters from far away came to the headquarters one after another. What surprised Garen was that two old men among them actually hid their strength and had directly broken through to the point of not being demoted.

These two old men are the two brothers Bingcrack and Binghao who live in seclusion at the Antarctic base. They are veteran masters of the same generation as the second elder. When they failed to compete for the position of elder, they became frustrated and retired to live in seclusion. Unexpectedly, they unexpectedly broke through. class.

Although I don't know how they broke through, no matter what the result is, now is the time when strong manpower is needed, and Garen can't care so much. The twisted seed was given some wine, and only the eighth level of pressure was released, making the two old men and their four disciples drink the wine obediently.

The hidden potential of the Scarlet Snow Sect is extremely huge. To Garen's expectation, on the fifth day, some masters arrived one after another from alien planets. Many of them were masters who had been sent to other planets. Among the senior officials, there is even one person who is one generation higher than the second elder. He is a veritable longevity star. He is now 5,602 years old. He is also not inferior in strength, but he has already reached his peak. Very domineering.

This man arrived with a group of disciples and disciples, looking menacing and obviously preparing to seize the opportunity to seize power. He also brought several friends from other sects to help strengthen his momentum.

It's a pity that when I met Garen, only the eighth-level aura was released, and a group of people were like shriveled eggplants. One by one, those above the inheritance level obediently accepted the distortion seed drink and became parasites.

This kind of parasitism will not take effect directly, but it will slowly and subtly affect the will and soul of the parasite, causing it to gradually transform into the cold peacock child body, thus creating an absolutely irresistible soul awe of the mother peacock, although it will not be absolutely Obey its orders, but you must not have the slightest intention to disobey the mother body, and you will be integrated with the mother body in life and death. At the same time, your affinity for cold energy is greatly improved, and at the same time, you naturally carry the innate ability of the chaotic cold realm. This This is the horror of the Peacock in the Cold Territory. When countless armies carrying high-level Chaos Cold Territory abilities spread out to devour and plunder, the entire world will fall into a real state of collapse if it is not contained.

This old man who tried to seize power was subdued by Garen, and more than thirty inheritance-level masters he brought with him were also parasitized by the seeds of distortion. Among them were not only the elders of the Scarlet Snow Sect, but also masters of other sects. This can be regarded as bringing good benefits to Garen's ascension to the throne.

Half a month later, the overall situation was decided. The entire Chixue Sect was controlled by the twisted seed. None of the masters above the inheritance level noticed that they were being parasitized. Instead, they felt that the wine began to slowly strengthen their body's recovery power. At the same time, a layer of ice armor gradually emerged on his body, retracting and releasing it freely. While wearing armor, his qualities and strength in all aspects are greatly improved.

Garen has been sitting high above the Tribunal. A huge white icicle has naturally condensed under the Ice King's Seat, connecting the Ice Seat to the main hall below.

Garen's entire armor had completely integrated with the ice seat and was fixed on the seat. The rest of the people were scattered by him, leaving him alone in the entire hall.

The extremely terrifying cold current continues to flow and linger in the hall, turning this place into a real ice hell. As long as any living creature enters here for a moment, even the soul and will will be instantly frozen, falling into a state of absolute stagnation, and then quickly being galvanized. All things withered and the cold gradually swallowed them up.

Unless they are masters above the inheritance level who have been parasitized by his twisted seeds.

The sky in the Tribunal Hall has been shrouded in swirling black clouds ever since Garen took the throne, with thunder rolling from time to time, which was oppressive and cold. The entire hall was glowing with a faint blue light, and balls of icy blue flames danced from time to time, burning slowly on the torch.

Garen sat on the ice seat, his eyes emitting a cold blue light. There were more and more patterns on the armor on his body. Traces like knife carvings appeared on the surface of the armor. Some places on his back had grown something like Ice spikes on wings. These spikes are blue-black, sharp, and layered without any rules. From a distance, they look like a pile of bird wings stacked together, with no symmetry at all.

But it gives people a faint sense of sacred and majestic sharpness.

The large number of wing spikes are wide and slender, almost becoming the most conspicuous symbol of the entire Tribunal. Compared with the Galleons and Ice Seats, which are only a few meters tall, the blue-black wings on his back, which are more than ten meters long, are truly the most eye-catching feature.

Looking from a distance, you can only see the endless chill emitting from those piled wings, which makes people feel chilled all over even if they are thousands of meters away just by looking at them.

It has been half a month since Garen integrated all the masters. The sky was calm without a trace of cloud. All the clouds were gathered and pulled over the Tribunal, where they formed a black vortex that seemed to never stop. But the rest of the place was covered with clear skies and no chill at all, as if the entire headquarters suddenly changed from winter to summer.


Suddenly, inside a building somewhere in the headquarters, a light blue beam of light rose into the sky. Directly piercing the dazzling stars in the sky, the light blue halo emitted almost covered up the golden sunlight.

"I've made a breakthrough! I've made a breakthrough! Hahahaha!! Hahahahaha!!" A burst of maniacal laughter was deafening, echoing over half of the headquarters.

On a path between palace buildings, Eva and Alolan looked at the light beam in the sky in shock.

"That's the eternal light??!"

Eva said in disbelief.

"Who else in the genre can break through so quickly without falling down the ranks in a short period of time? Is it Jingmao?"

"Impossible! That's not the voice of Jingmao!" Aloran was also shocked and murmured in a low voice.

Since Garon dominated the entire Chixue, they angrily left the Tribunal, which was full of insider information. They wanted to leave alone, but they couldn't find out. They both had their own relatives, and they were both two huge families, up and down. There were no less than hundreds of people, parents, relatives, children and grandchildren. Almost all of them live under the shadow of the Chixue Sect and cannot escape at all.

He could only keep an eye out of sight, secretly investigating the truth behind the elder's changes, and at the same time quietly transfer his family and property.

I thought that if I and others did not support Garen, the Scarlet Snow Sect and the missing two elders would have some impact on their strength, but now it seems that someone has broken through and not fallen down!

"It's not Jingmao, who is that?" Alice sighed, "I just received the news. Garen released the latest intelligence two weeks ago. Nebula and Black Knife started a war, which affected a wide area. The war has spread to three countries. There are more than ten planets, and our Red Snow Sect is also within the affected area. The grand competition ceremony has been postponed, and now it is far away."

"Then what should we do now?" Alolan looked at the eternal light, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes, and he asked in despair.

"I heard that two eternal Holy Lords have already participated. At this level, we, the Red Snow Sect, can only hide in the headquarters, restrain everything, and wait for the results." Alice was depressed. "But such a wish may not come true."

"You mean?" Aloran suddenly thought of something.

"Yeah. That one will probably come" Alice nodded.

Tsk tsk tsk! !

Suddenly, three more light pillars shot up into the sky. All are eternal lights!

Alice's eyes widened at this time, and Aloran was even more stunned.

"What is going on?!" She opened her mouth and stared at the four white-blue light pillars rising into the sky, unable to close her mouth for a long time. .

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