Mysterious journey

Chapter 1082 Chaos 1

In the dark blue court hall.

"How is the situation?" Garen's voice sank from a high place, grand and broad, giving people a feeling of incomparable majesty.

The second elder and the other two old men stood quietly in the middle of the hall in a fan shape.

The two old men looked very similar. They seemed to be twin brothers. They were very old, with white hair and white beards. They each held a black crutch in their hands, and their white robes were slightly bulging due to the cold air.

They are the brothers Bingcrack and Binghao who returned to the headquarters from the polar base. The two have not been demoted. After obtaining the distortion seed, their strength has entered an unfathomable situation. Coupled with the obscure aura on their bodies, even Garen didn't know what level they had reached. After all, the greater the strength base of the parasite of the twisted seed, the more terrifying the increase will be.

After the Second Elder obtained the Seed of Distortion, he was promoted from the lowest level without being demoted to the peak level without being demoted. He has barely regained the majesty of the Second Elder, but now he is somewhat timid in front of the ice-cracked Binghao. .

If Garon hadn't checked, the real second elder had been completely killed by Carthage, leaving only this body for this guy to parasitize. If he hadn't taken over the body of the second elder, he would have killed him with a knife. This disgusting piece of trash.

"The statistics are out." The second elder reported with a flattering smile. "There are one hundred and sixty-seven inheritance-level people in the whole sect, and most of them have recently broken through. With the increase of Chixue Wine, they have all obtained ice armor, and their strength has been greatly improved."

"Tell me the important point!" Garen said coldly.

"Yes, yes," the second elder, the parasite whose real name is Danxi, quickly cut the story short. "Among them, the number of people who are not relegated has been completely stabilized at around eleven people."

"Eleven people? Is it possible there will be more?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"The increase may not be big." Danxi, the fake second elder, quickly replied.

"Since we are a secret martial arts sect, we must restore the glory of secret martial arts." Garen's heart flashed. "From now on, the elder system will be abandoned, and all those who will not be demoted will be included in the new position of Ice Demon General. The authority will be one-third of the original elders."

"Leader of the faction, these are eleven people. Isn't that too many?" Bing Hao frowned at the side.

"More? How come it's so much?" Garen didn't care. "I still think it's too little, so I've decided. In addition, I'll name the ice armor Ice Demon Armor. You guys should step back."


The three of them resigned respectfully. The stronger they got, the more terrifying they felt the aura on Garen's body, and the more they felt the gap between them and Garen.

After the three people left, another snow-white old man slowly walked into the hall.

It was Osho Bingyang who originally wanted to fight for power and return within the faction. An old man who is more than 5,600 years old.

At this time, he looked similar to those old gentlemen, wearing a white slim-fitting suit and short, neat, short platinum hair, with a strand of hair hanging down from the right temple. A small patch of white beard remained on his chin, but the rest was clean shaven.

One hand is holding a white cane, and the other hand is holding the exquisite glasses that he just took off. His posture is upright and his face is solemn.

The first moment anyone sees him, the impression they feel must be clean, elegant, calm and calm. But at the same time, such a face can also give people a very ambitious sense of power.

"Sect Leader, what do you want to see me for?" Bingyang asked in a low voice with a hint of awe from deep within.

"As the most well-informed family, what is the current situation?" Garen went straight to the point. Osho had been collecting information these days, and now is the time to understand.

"In terms of the situation, something is not right. The competition has been postponed. Magnetic Field has not given a specific answer, but there is news from many small and medium-sized schools that this competition is likely to lead to a reshuffle of the three major organizations. Osho Bingyang replied in a low voice, "I am sending people to conduct a careful investigation. Because of the uncertainty of the news, I have not reported it to the leader for the time being."

"Is there any movement from Alice and the others?"

"No, they want to leave, but now there are wars and disputes, and the nearby star gates are controlled by big factions. It is okay to leave alone, but it will be very troublesome when there are more people." Osho Bingyang explained.

Garen also understood that this may be the work of the three major organizations, but it is more likely that it was the situation promoted by Carthage and others. Only by closing the star gate can we catch all the energy masters in one fell swoop.

But no matter what, the Chixue Sect survived the original storm. As one of the surviving sects, the Chixue Sect was eliminated in the Battle of Ice Valley more than a hundred years later.

It seems like this is just enough time to settle your own affairs.

Garen's eyes flickered.

"Get ready. You will be in charge of the faction for the time being. I want to go out for a while."

"Going out!?" Osho Bingyang was slightly startled, "Faction leader, at this time, the situation within the faction has just stabilized, and wars are raging outside. We need powerful people like you, faction leader, to take charge. Now that you are out, you are likely to let the faction My heart is unstable!"

He is not hypocritical but really considers this. Although he wants to seize power, in this kind of war period, strength is the only foundation. Having a powerful figure like Garen sitting at the rear is also a reassurance.

"It doesn't matter. I have my own arrangements." Garen said calmly, "The merchant alliance has completely shrunk. The business will first discard all the peripheral parts and return to the headquarters of Chixue Star. All the experts from Naga Star will also return. There are enough resources in stock. We have been using it for hundreds of years, and during this time we can just wait quietly for the war to pass."

"Since the leader of the faction has made a decision, I won't give any more advice. But the leader of the faction, the current situation has not reached this level, right?"

Garen remained calm and tapped the seat with his knuckles.


A silver star map suddenly appeared in the air between the two of them.

The star map is in a square shape, and it is densely packed with twinkling stars. Each star represents a planet.

"These are two major nebulae. The human race and the Fenite race are divided on both sides."

Garen raised his finger, and the square star map was immediately divided into two large blocks, one red and one blue. The human logo appears on the blue part, while the Fenite logo appears on the red part.


The human nebula quickly enlarged and occupied the entire square star map, making the entire star map blue.

"We are here." Garen raised his finger and pointed lightly.


A small irregular area suddenly appeared in the rearmost corner of the blue star map, turning white, with the symbol of the energy master appearing on it.

"Whether it's the positive space universe or the counter-space universe, our star field is only so big, less than one-tenth of the entire human race area." Gallon continued.

Osho Bingyang frowned in confusion.

"However, we occupy one-third of the resources of the entire human race, or even more." Garen changed his subject and became more and more low-key.

Osho Bingyang was shocked.

"You're saying that the pilots may be against us. That's impossible! Our capable mechanics have king-level support!"

"Nothing is impossible." Garen said lightly, "By now, perhaps many top people have figured out the clues. This is already an open secret. But the star gate is blocked, and we have no way to escape."

"If this is really the case! Then you can't leave!" Osho was horrified and said in a deep voice.

"I have my plans and plans, you don't have to worry." Garen raised his hand to stop him from speaking. "Besides, I might take someone with me. Don't worry."

Osho frowned, feeling that the situation was getting more complicated and weird. For this sect leader who has always been mysterious, he feels more and more unfathomable. As a small sect, the Chixue sect can actually know such high-level information. One can imagine how many trump cards this new sect leader has. deep.

"In that case, who are you going to ask to go with you?"

"Turing." Garen whispered with a smile.


Home planet

Central College

The vast Central Academy high-tower castle stands quietly on an island in the middle of the ocean. The white castle is in the shape of an irregular triangular pyramid, and it is full of black holes like honeycombs. A large number of small spacecrafts are constantly coming from the honeycomb mouths. In and out.

A flock of white seabirds flew around the castle from time to time, making a squawking sound.

Blue sky, white clouds, sunshine, beach, and white seagulls, plus the white castle spire standing in the middle.

A spaceship in the sky slowly emits a white projection.

“Celebrating the 3,000th Anniversary of Central College.”

The white projection is stationary, constantly moving across the sky, on display for anyone passing below.

The castle is surrounded by white roads extending in all directions, and exquisite and gorgeous cars are constantly moving along it. Many of these cars are driven by student teachers, and occasionally you can see a mecha flying out of the castle and heading into the distance.

In one of the cars, a tall, strong man looked at the huge central castle in admiration.

"It's so beautiful. I will definitely feel comfortable studying in this environment. Beach beauties in swimsuits, tsk tsk"

The man has a V-shaped white mark between his eyebrows, which seems to be an inlaid metal tattoo. He has short purple-black hair and is dressed the same as other students. A white T-shirt and jeans look very inconspicuous.

"Nono, if you want to go back to Black Pan Academy, you can only transfer here. There is no other way. There is only a long-distance teleportation gate here. This thing is very expensive. A teleportation costs at least 10,000 general points. Unless you have money People, most people will choose to drive and fly there alive in a spaceship unless they have no choice."

The driver was Luke, a student from Central College. I met him unexpectedly on the road and kindly gave him a lift.

Luke is a standard kid from a rich family, and he is just an ordinary sophomore at Central College, just here to get gold.

The two of them looked out the car window. The beach in the distance was golden, and from a distance they could see some girls and men in bikinis walking around and playing in the water.

"I heard that there are a lot of beauties in your black market. It is said that all the Maria area are women. Tsk tsk, that's really good. It's a pity that my hometown is in Western Asia. Otherwise, we can go and see it together." Luke is a standard dandy, But I am enthusiastic and easy to make friends and like to travel. "I also know a few friends from the Black Pan Domain who are coming to Central College for further studies. How about you join them then?"

"I don't care. As long as I can go back." Garen smiled faintly. He was teleported directly to the home star through the star portal. It cost two gold crystals to go from the Red Snow Star to the home star, which was a huge expense, but Unexpectedly, the teleportation gate on the home star was in disrepair in the early years, and the teleportation positioning was wrong, which directly threw him into the radiation zone in the wilderness. As a result, the home star is still in the inter-domain blockade stage, and the human hunting wave is still at its peak.

Garen could only sneak into the nearest domain, but he didn't expect it to be the Central Academy's territory, the largest in the Central Domain. He simply went directly to the Central Academy and borrowed the long-distance portal to return to the Black Pan Territory.

As a result, we met Luke on the road. According to him, he took the initiative to stop the car and take him for a ride because he saw that Garon had an extraordinary temperament and was obviously not an ordinary person. He wanted to make friends with him.

So the two of them acted together.

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