Mysterious journey

Chapter 1086 Test 1

"By the way, I'll call the teacher back right away. He will be very happy to have you back!" Although he was a little confused, Galafei knew after all that Nonosiwa came here this time for his teacher Fanduo.

Although she didn't know what Nono had experienced over the years, she could tell from the big changes in him that this experience would not be a good one. It is impossible for a good experience to change a person so much.

Gallon took a sip of short-term juice. It was many years ago that he was sitting on the sofa in the teacher's house drinking juice like this.

This kind of peaceful and leisurely life is not suitable for him now.

"How are you doing now? I also asked for information about you through my connections. Unfortunately, no one has seen you since you disappeared. Everyone speculates that you went to the radiation zone, otherwise it would be impossible for the entire domain to be safe. Can't find it." Galafi informed the teacher and asked with emotion.

"It's not bad, I can barely get by these years." Garen knew that the other party thought he was a student back then, and maybe he hadn't reached the high stage of resonance yet, and now he's back.

"Don't worry, the teacher will definitely understand you, and if your case is overturned, you will definitely be able to live a good life in the area again. By the way, where are your family members? I went to your home address later, and found that it has already been Already moved." Galafei is a very kind-hearted woman. Although she looks strong and tall, she was able to take care of her junior brothers and sisters without any requirements. If she hadn't been kind-hearted in her heart, it would have been impossible to get paid in such a materialistic society.

At first, because Garen was also her junior brother, she also spent some time checking around, but unfortunately there was no result.

"Settled?" Garen smiled.

"Yes, don't worry, the teacher is much older now. Last time, two of your senior brothers rebelled." Galafe picked up the cup and took a sip, looking downcast. "Looking back now, everything that happened seemed like a dream."

"Teacher and I beg for mercy, and since you were wronged at the beginning, it will be fine if you come back to settle down and rejoin the family." Galafei showed a gentle smile.

Garen lowered his head, unable to see the expression on his face clearly.

"Here he comes! The teacher will be back soon!" Galafi suddenly raised his voice, "I saw his position, not far away, and he is rushing back." A smile appeared on her face, "Look, As soon as he heard that you were back, he returned immediately without any delay."

Garen was holding the juice, covering most of his face with the cup, and drank it quietly.

The two sat on the sofa. Galafei kept talking about what had happened in recent years, while Garen listened quietly and smiled from time to time.


Suddenly a dull voice came from outside. A dusty black figure wearing a windbreaker strode into the hall.

Fan Duo is still the wizened old man he was before, holding a cane in his hand, his back is slightly hunched, and the wrinkles on his skin and face are getting denser. On the right side of the neck, a dark blue code number can be vaguely seen printed on the skin. It is still the same as before, but the color is lighter.

As soon as he entered the door, his eyes immediately fell on Garen.

"You still know how to come back!?" In a stern tone.

He also felt a little guilty about the disciple in front of him whom he had given up on. This talented disciple had become a victim due to a fight between branches within the sect. It was also because he didn't really fully support him, but as a teacher, it was impossible for him to admit his mistakes to his disciples! He, Fan Duo, has never admitted his fault to anyone in all his life!

Garon and Galaphi stood up and turned to face Vandor.

"Teacher" Garen said softly. He looked calmly at the old man who was getting older. He was deeply affected by the death of his two disciples. His life and death were uncertain among all his disciples. Two senior brothers died in the rebellion, and only one female disciple was considered worthy. Stable, but it no longer has its original influence within the Black Annihilation Sect.

"I don't have an apprentice like you!" Fan Duo said coldly. Looking at Garen's appearance at this time, there was no trace of consciousness left on his body, and his appearance changed drastically. After all, his heart softened slightly, his consciousness was completely disabled, and he was alone outside. The difficulties are naturally extremely difficult. A few years ago, it was also a war period.

"Now that you're back, go to the Eagle's Nest immediately! Get your consciousness back as soon as possible!"

"Teacher" Garen still spoke calmly. Originally, he didn't have much resentment towards Fan Duo. Although he gave up on him in the end, he helped him a lot at the beginning. "This is the last time I will visit you as a disciple. Perhaps, this is also the last time I call you that."

As soon as these words came out, Galafei in the hall was stunned. Fan Duo also looked stunned and took a deep breath.

"What are you talking about, Nono!?" Galafe shouted quickly, "You haven't apologized to the teacher yet! Don't ruin your future on impulse! The teacher is just talking."

"Shut up!" Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Fan Duo.

Fan Duo's face turned red and his hands were trembling a little. He looked at Garen intently.

"What did you say just now? I didn't hear clearly." His voice was trembling. This was the biggest concession he could make. He is Fan Duo and will never admit his mistake! no way!

Ignoring Galafei's wild wink beside him, Garen raised his head and faced Fanduo calmly.

"Teacher, some things happen and you can never go back."

Can not go back?

There was silence in the hall.

Not yet completely over the death of his two carefully cultivated disciples, Fan Duo's mood at the moment was completely unimaginable. He was the one who gave up Gallon in the first place, but that was probably the reason why this disciple was so capable of causing trouble, not only from the hostile branches, but also from Fila's forces, and other inexplicable forces exerting their power.


Originally, he put down everything in his hands and hurried back, thinking that he saw hope. Maybe Nono came back to him after thinking about it. Maybe this was an opportunity to make up for his original mistakes, but now it seems

Fan Duo looked at this talented disciple who he had placed high hopes on, and now he has completely reduced to an ordinary person, with not even a trace of pilot consciousness left, but even with this appearance, he is still unwilling to bow in front of him.

Two disciples died in battle, one wanted to rebel, and two children were seriously ill. Only one female disciple was left, but she lacked qualifications and may not be able to break through in her lifetime.

"Am I really wrong?"

For the first time, Fan Duo couldn't help but ask himself this.

"No! I can't be wrong! It's them! It's them who don't understand me!!" An awkward feeling burst out in his heart.

"I'm just here to tell you, teacher, that I don't blame you for what happened back then, but everything was even at that time." Garen spoke again. Looking at the obviously tough-tongued old man in front of him, he finally said what he meant calmly.

"Nono!" Galafei shouted anxiously from the side.

"It's okay." Garen smiled gently at her.

"It's okay?!" Fan Duo spoke, his face was very gloomy, and a deep sense of fatigue emanated from him. "You are an ordinary person who has no consciousness. In this war era, even if you rely on your brain to live well for a while, do you think you can live like this for a lifetime!? Stupid! Ridiculous!! The only person who can rely on is himself!!"

"Yes, the only person you can rely on is yourself." Garen smiled, "The teacher has taught me this truth very deeply, hasn't he?"

Fanduo opened his lips and said no more.

For a moment, the three of them stopped talking, and there was only a thick and inexplicable emotion in the hall.

After a long time, Fanduo raised his hand, and his whole person seemed to be older.

"After you leave this door, you are no longer a disciple of my Black Oblivion Sect. Even if you beg me in the future, I will never give you another chance!"

He stared at Garen closely, his eyes filled with anger, depression, sadness, and a hint of pleading in the deepest part.

He, Fan Duo, had no heirs in his life, and his disciples were everything to him. But now his disciples are dying of fatal diseases. Everything he has worked hard for and cultivated in his life seems to be just to prove his mistake.

He repeated in his mind that he was right, that he was right, but the calmer Garen's eyes looked in front of him, the sadder he felt in his heart. Not only did he think of his two disciples who died in the battle, but also those years ago. His wife died because of him.

Garen looked at the old man in front of him who was almost overwhelmed by the war. He didn't know what he wanted to see when he came back this time. Was he coming back just to make the old man admit that he was wrong?


He smiled, turned and walked out of the hall.

"That's it." His voice faintly echoed in the hall.

"I'm telling you! You have no consciousness! Do you think others really value you!? Once you leave this door, never come back!!" The old man's voice was shaking with anger from behind.

Garen did not stop, just paused, but slowly walked towards the exit gate of the yard.

Mistakes are mistakes. Many things have been lost because of mistakes, but I still don't want to admit them. This is also the sadness of Fan Duo.

Everyone is reluctant to admit that they are wrong.

The moment he stepped out of the door, Garen didn't hear any more sounds from behind him. It was quiet, as if dead.

He knew that what Fanduo was sad about was not himself, but his own life. He tried to finally use his coercion and dissuasion to prove that he was right, that he was not wrong and that others were wrong.

"This will make everything clear." Garen raised his head and glanced at the artificial sun above his head.

"It's time to go see how well that little guy is digging the hole." Garen didn't look back and strode away from the underground.

After not walking far, he saw a tall woman wearing a red tight leather jacket standing beside him. The woman has red eyes and a messy shawl of black hair, giving her a wild look.

"Red-eyed Mediro?" Garen recognized this person instantly.

"Although I don't know who brought you into the inner courtyard, please show me your identification." Naturally, Mediro came here specifically for Garen.

She received a report that someone had entered the inner courtyard irregularly, looked at the data, and found something was wrong, so she rushed over in person.

Suddenly, Metro seemed to hear something, and his expression suddenly relaxed. He took a deep look at Garen.

"You can leave, but don't let me catch you next time!"

Garen smiled and nodded.

Turning slightly and looking behind him, he knew that it must have been his senior sister or Fan Duo who had just spoken to smooth things over for him.

After all, he didn't say anything more and strode away, heading towards the lift exit.

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