Mysterious journey

Chapter 1087 Test 2

Graveyard in the south of the city

A delicate girl in a white dress was frantically digging into the soil with her fingers. The soil was very hard, and her hands were covered with blood, but she had no intention of stopping.

The pit in front of him was already more than ten centimeters deep and half a meter wide, and there was blood-stained soil everywhere on the edge.

There are few people here. Some people who come to visit the grave just look at the girl from a distance and then leave. There are not only one or two people who have gone crazy because of the death of their relatives, and this is not the first time they have seen such behavior.

The grave-goers came and left, and came again. The sky was always dark clouds, and the snow fell heavier and heavier. The ground was covered with a thick layer of white snow. The girl was frozen stiff all over, and her hands were already a little purple. The wounds caused by digging the pit were covered with frostbite. Even though her body was strong due to her regular martial arts practice, and even though she was wearing special thermal underwear, she had not rested for a long time and had not eaten, which caused her physical strength to decline even more.

Even though her nails were broken, the girl showed no regrets at all and continued to dig underground quickly.

Unfortunately, the soil was very hard and mixed with even harder stones. Some of the gravels were embedded in her bloody mouth, and the pain made the girl sweat on her forehead.

"Tesna! What are you doing here! Come back with me!" A tall and strong man stood on the side at some point, staring at the girl and sternly said.

"This is a test." Testa glanced at the man, "Brother, please go back, it's cold here."

"How can you be so self-destructive without consciousness? Test! Whose test would make you dig your hands full of blood here!? Let's go! Come back with me!" The man strode closer and grabbed Tesna, powerful The strength and consciousness made Tesna unable to resist.

"Let me go!!" She started to resist.

"If you dig any further, your hands will become useless!" The man was furious. "You are an ordinary person who cannot practice consciousness! If someone hadn't teased you, do you think someone could really change your qualifications?!"

"This is my decision! Let go!" the girl shouted. She bit the man's arm hard.

"Are you looking for death?" The man immediately threw her away, and when he saw that his arm was bitten and bleeding, he became even more angry. "If dad hadn't asked me to take care of you before he passed away, do you think I would really want to take care of you!"

"I said, you don't have to worry about it." Tesna fell down on the snow, her face turned red and purple, and she didn't know whether she was angry or cold.

She and the man in front of her are not biological brothers and sisters. She followed her father and formed a new family with the other person's mother. There is no blood relationship. When her father was still alive, although she had no qualifications, she lived a good life. But now that her father has passed away, the family property has been taken over by her brother's mother, who has become more and more indifferent to her.

This is the only brother who, although he talks fiercely, actually always takes care of her intentionally or unintentionally. He says he doesn't care, but he always cares about her.

But now this brother is about to get married and start a family of his own, and she has grown up, and there is no reason to let him take care of her anymore.

She must be independent and go her own way.

"You go back, I am responsible for my own affairs." Tesna said loudly.

Her brother struggled with her here for a long time, but in the end he couldn't stop her, so he finally went home in anger. Before leaving, I couldn't help but leave behind a pair of thick leather gloves and a shovel.

It's a pity that Tesna turned a blind eye and continued to dig the soil with her bare hands.

This was not the first time she had done something like this. Someone had deceived her before, but every time she did it seriously, and she almost had an accident many times, but she always had a sense of luck. One day you will meet the real thing. If you really meet it and you give up at that time, won't all the previous efforts be completely in vain?

In the distance, Garen was hiding silently in mid-air, quietly watching Tesna's constant digging. Even he couldn't help but feel a little moved when he saw that she really didn't wear gloves at all, didn't use a shovel, and was just digging so frantically that her fingers were almost broken.

After all, he just said a word, and the other party carried it out so thoroughly. Such disciples and subordinates are not encountered casually.

"We will observe it for a while and then talk about it."

One of them dug, the other watched, and time passed slowly.

Tesna's brother came to visit a few more times, each time with growing concern.

Apart from him, no one in the family comes here to care. Tesna has become more and more marginalized in the entire family. Now the reason why she did such a stupid thing has been found out. The reason is actually to become a disciple. ? A so-called fighting master who she met by chance casually said something and asked her to do this. Unexpectedly, this guy actually believed it.

The ladies in the family all laughed at her for being stupid. She would just believe someone he met was a master? Even if he is a master, how strong can a person who practices fighting skills be? Can he be better than a pilot? Of course it's impossible.

To achieve this level in order to learn fighting skills can no longer be described as stupid.

However, this is not the only stupid thing Tesna has done, and everyone is accustomed to it. The core of the family is Dosain, a member with level three consciousness who is about to get married. Everyone is busy planning an elegant and noble wedding. As for ordinary people like Tesna who have no qualifications, they have long been marginalized in the family. Her father was incompetent, and her mother didn't recognize her at all. If it hadn't been for her brother to take care of her, the family would have cut off her monthly payment.

The next day, Garen walked slowly from a distance and stood next to Tesna, watching her dig until she was bleeding. Tesna looked at him and dug harder.

One of them was watching and the other was digging, and neither of them spoke.

At noon, the dark clouds faded slightly, and a ray of sunlight shone down from the middle of the clouds.

A group of beautifully dressed girls came from a distance, surrounded by several bodyguards. Looking at Garen standing and Tesna digging in the soil from a distance, they pointed and laughed at the show.

They obviously came here to have fun.

"Is that the fighter who asked her to dig in the soil? He looks pretty good. It's a pity that he's a lunatic."

"Isn't it good for a psycho to meet a psycho? The two of them teach peerless fighting skills, which happens to be the most commonly written plot in those novels. I guess Tesna must have read too many novels."

"My fingers are almost useless, but Tesna's perseverance is pretty good." Some people had a positive opinion.

"Perseverance? Do psychopaths have perseverance!? I doubt that guy has no pain nerves, right? It hurts when I look at it, how could she be able to endure it for so long? She used to practice fighting skills like crazy, but her body was almost broken She's exhausted from practice, and if her brother hadn't discovered it, she would have died somewhere."

A group of people talked and laughed, looked at Garen for a while, and then looked at Garen. They didn't feel the consciousness in him at all, so they were completely sure that this guy was a liar who deceived people, but he still dared to stand and watch after he deceived people. , that is probably a liar with a brain problem.

People always have a herd mentality. When they see people watching here, new people will soon join in and watch what's going on here.

However, once the novelty wore off and the weather was cold, everyone soon felt bored and left one after another.

At this time, Tesna's finger bones had been completely frozen to death. She couldn't feel the pain anymore, and she still kept digging.


Finally, Garen spoke.

"This pit is enough." He said calmly.

"Enough?" Tesna was stunned for a moment, stopped slowly, and looked at the blood-stained earth pit and her hands that were completely dead. Maybe an amputation?

This thought came to her mind. does it worth? For martial arts.

The answer has never been firmer. worth!

Because this is the only way she can strengthen herself. It is the only hope, how can those qualified people understand her pain.

"Now, jump in and bury yourself in it."

Garen's next words immediately made her eyes widen.

"Of course, you have passed the first test. This is the second. Remember to leave your head open."

Tesna looked at Garen and then at the pit. She didn't expect that the second test would be to bury herself alive.

There was no expression on Garen's face, he just looked at her calmly.

"Don't want to? Even if I didn't say it."


Tesna jumped into the pit and began to push the surrounding soil into her pit with her hands.

After a while, coupled with the heavy snow that continued to fall, she soon buried herself until only her arms were exposed. As her hands reached into the pit, she stopped moving and allowed the heavy snow to gradually submerge her.

Soon someone in the family noticed a new change, and people came to watch the two of them again.

After discovering that there was a new trick, these people suddenly started to watch the fun again. Pointing in the distance, it was like watching a monkey show in a circus, talking and laughing, and eating the snacks I brought with me.

Tesna was hungry and thirsty, her whole body turned purple with cold, her blood had become extremely viscous, her eyes were dazzled, and she had no strength. She just instinctively bit into the snow near her mouth, but because the temperature in her mouth was too high Low, it will take a long time for the snow water to melt.

She felt like she might be dying.

But Garen was watching her expressionlessly from the side.

"What if he is really just lying to me?" This thought couldn't be suppressed and ran through Tas's mind.

"You can choose to give up at any time." Garen's voice came faintly.

Tesna opened her mouth, but no sound came out. She was silent. Even if she gave up now and went back, she would become seriously ill, and it was unknown whether she would survive.

It's all reached this point.

"Are you going to die?" The ladies watching from a distance kept laughing. In this era of war, the death of one or two people would not attract any attention at all.

The war has made it difficult to maintain basic social order in the Black Pan Territory. Everyone can only rely on their own strength.


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