Mysterious journey

Chapter 1116 Goodbye 1

"This treasure seems to be some kind of parasite. After entering the human body, it can form a layer of ice armor outside the human body in an auxiliary form, which can improve all aspects of the human body's quality in disguise, and the magnitude is huge!"

Galen introduced.

He said while handing the twisted seed to Two-Face.

The two-faced man took it with a steady expression. As soon as he took it, he quickly began to scan and analyze the structure with the energy mark. As for the mission he came here this time to punish the Chixue Sect, he had already forgotten about that matter. If this thing can really have a harmless increase on him, he is already at the top of the ninth level. This is a real level ten existence! By the time.

When he thought of this, the woman's face behind the two-faced man suddenly flashed a hint of fear in his eyes.

In the banquet hall, the three mummies remained silent, snorting from time to time, as if they didn't give Two-Face much face. In fact, the strength of their alliance is already very strong, and they are no less generous than other major factions. They are not afraid of the major factions represented by the messenger Two-Face at all. If it weren't for their status as alliance envoys, these people would probably have the intention of killing Two-Face.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall also seemed to be very gunpowder under the pressure of the three ninth-level people.

"Sure enough, this treasure has a strong amplification ability!" Two-Face put down the Seed of Distortion in amazement and praised, "But he also has a shortcoming."

"What shortcomings?" A male messenger couldn't help but ask.

Two-Face glanced at him. "It's an attribute."


Several messengers quickly understood and felt the cold air radiating from the twisted seed, and obviously knew what the attributes he meant.

"Yes, energy attribute." The two-faced man looked at Garen and smiled slightly, "Although this treasure can increase the strength, it will convert all the attributes of the parasite into cold attributes, and it can also naturally pass through some kind of The channel is connected with other people of the same kind. In other words, if you use this treasure, you will theoretically be transformed into another genetic physique race."

"Your Majesty the Messenger is really awesome!" Garen said in a tone that couldn't help but admire him. "You can see the core at a glance!"

"What are the side effects?" the blue-haired female messenger asked in a low voice. Even she was a little tempted at the moment. Her genes do not have any attributes, so there is no need to worry about conflicts in this regard.

"The side effect is very simple." The two-faced man whispered, "That is personality. The personality will be affected and become a little indifferent, which is related to the energy conversion mechanism of this treasure. Of course, this side effect is simply too small compared to its function. Wow. Tsk tsk, it’s such an amazing miraculous treasure.” He couldn’t help praising it.

"Indifferent personality?" This is not a problem for anyone here. After living for too long, it is almost inevitable that the personality will become indifferent.

"So, what do you mean, Master Messenger?" Garen asked again.

"Let me try this treasure first to see how effective it is? How is it?" The two-faced man smiled and looked at Garen, "After all, I am a ninth-level apex, so whether this increase can have an effect on me is also a question. I just don't know. Are there many such treasures?"

"Don't worry about the quantity. It's because of the large quantity that I formed an alliance. I hope to gather everyone's strength to protect this secret that belongs to our weapon masters." Garen said calmly.

"In this way, I don't have to worry." The two-faced man nodded, opening his mouth and preparing to swallow the twisted seed directly into his mouth. Obviously through analysis, we know that this is the best way to be parasitized.


The moment the twisted seed was put to his mouth, the blue-haired woman suddenly spoke.

The twisted seed hung on the edge of Two-Face's mouth. He put it down again and looked at the blue-haired woman.

"Tiga Yuko, what do you think?" the two-faced man said in a low voice with a slight frown.

The blue-haired female messenger glanced around Garen and several guardians, frowning.

"Such a treasure can be obtained so easily. It's like a good thing given to you on your own initiative. Is there such a good thing in the world?"

The three guardians said nothing, just sitting on their chairs calmly minding their own business.

Bingyang beside Jia Long smiled softly.

"This Lord Envoy may have some misunderstandings. We couldn't believe such a treasure at first, but after many tests, we found that it did not have any major side effects, so we felt relieved. The reason why we are so proactive is also Because we have our own selfish motives. If we can bring a few adults into our alliance, then our power will become even greater. After taking this treasure, we are actually essentially a race, and we can even pass this This kind of treasure can naturally transmit information and communicate over long distances without using other technological means."

"Similar to telepathy?" the blue-haired woman asked with a frown.

"You can understand it that way." Bingyang maintained a gentle smile. Standing next to Garen, there was nothing unusual about either of them.

"Any more questions? Miss Yuko!" The two-faced man was already a little unhappy.

"I'm not worried about you taking the treasure first. Why don't you let me do it first." Yuko, a blue-haired woman, stretched out her hand to grab the twisted seed in Two-Face's hand.

The Two-Face man's eyes flickered, he put down the seed, and let the other party snatch it away.

"I've heard for a long time that Miss Yuko has blood that can decompose all things, so I'd like to take this opportunity to open my eyes. If this treasure can have an effect on your genes and bloodline, it will really be a priceless treasure!"

Yuko didn't comment, didn't even look at it, and just stuffed the twisted seed into his mouth.

The twisted blue seed was like a ball of thread, rolling directly down her throat into her esophagus, quickly melting, decomposing, and being absorbed into the surrounding throat walls.


Yuko's expression became a little strange. It seemed that my body was in some indescribable discomfort.

A faint chill began to emanate from the surface of her body, which made Garen feel relieved. After all, the cold peacock is just a kind of void creature. The universe is so big that it is impossible for everything to be contaminated and invaded at will. . I just heard the Two-Face man say that Yuko's blood is the blood that decomposes all things, and I was immediately worried. Worried that the Twisted Seed might not work.

But now it seems that the genes of this female messenger are not in this category.

Everyone waited quietly, watching the changes in the blue-haired woman's body.

The cold air was getting heavier and stronger. It faintly aroused the cold air of the other guardians. Suddenly, the temperature of the entire banquet hall instantly dropped by dozens of degrees. Some ordinary people guarding outside shivered and had a layer of condensation on their bodies. Layer of hoarfrost.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon, a faint white air spurted out from Yuzi's mouth and dissipated in the air in front of him. She slowly closed her eyes. I feel that my body is constantly covered with a thin layer of ice. This ice layer is very strange. It can bend freely. It is not as hard and brittle as solid ice at all, but as soft as rubber and equally cold. .

"What a powerful amplified ice armor," Yuko sighed.

"How's it going?" The two-faced man leaned forward slightly and asked expectantly.

"It's okay, but the effect is not as expected... Hmm!!" Yuko suddenly opened her eyes, and her whole body was filled with coldness. The chair she was sitting on quickly froze and was covered with a thick layer of ice.


A dark disk suddenly flashed across his eyes. The violent and powerful aura was just about to burst out, but she was forcibly suppressed.

"What a powerful force!!!" Yuko couldn't help shouting.

The force field on her body twisted violently, and she exhaled a breath of cold air. In an instant, the entire Chixue Star seemed to hear her exhalation.

Every move can affect the movement of the planet. This is the sign of the ninth-level peak!

In just a short moment, Yuko went from the low level of ninth level to the top! This made the eyes of Two-Face and other messengers go straight.

"This is really... a priceless treasure!!" Two-Face's serious greed could no longer be suppressed. Their eyes, along with those of the other people, were all focused on Garen. "Lord of the Gallon faction, I don't know about this kind of treasure."

"Don't worry, envoy, we are ready." Garen's voice came out respectfully from under his helmet.

Several more twisted seeds appeared in his hands. These twisted seeds automatically floated up one by one like yarn balls, flying separately towards Two-Face and the others.


Outside the Chixue Star, on the yellow planetary ring of the planet, three figures suddenly appeared out of thin air on a gray-white meteorite several kilometers in size.

The three of them stood on the meteorite, quietly looking at the huge red snow star. Some tiny pieces of space dust and rubble were automatically avoided around them, as if they were alive. However, upon closer inspection, one could discover that there was an invisible and tyrannical force field around the three of them, which could automatically block all external things. .

"It seems that Jie Liusi is doing well." The little red-haired girl said with a smile.

"How about we kill him quietly." The white-haired man said helplessly on the side, "With this delay, who knows what else he might dare to do? This guy is already out of control."

"The Evil Shadow Royal Family was originally in chaos. Even the whole family was fighting against each other. We just got the news that the new Evil Shadow King has killed her father Taseramine. Now he has issued a challenge statement and will officially challenge His Majesty next month. .” The little red-haired girl curled her lips, “I think she’s looking for death. The Evil Shadow Royal Family are all lunatics, perverts who won’t give up until they push themselves to a desperate situation. I heard them say that this way can you tap your potential as quickly as possible. .”

"Let's go." Shi Nandi said softly. Flying straight towards Scarlet Snow Star. The speed seems slow, but in fact it covers tens of thousands of kilometers in almost a few seconds. Soon it turned into a red meteor falling from the sky.

The mark of the Red Snow Sect itself completely failed to reflect on the blocked fire network, and they automatically cooperated and separated.

Three meteors quickly fell from the sky, directly hitting the direction of Chixue's headquarters.


The seeds of distortion were swallowed by all remaining messengers.

Several people closed their eyes one after another, feeling the changes that were happening rapidly inside their bodies.

"This feeling." Two-Face closed his four eyes tightly and murmured to himself, seeming to be a little confused about the role of the distortion seed. "It seems that there are still areas that I have not analyzed properly."

He quickly took the initiative to accept the cold energy of the twisted seed, letting go of the cold energy and letting it flow freely into his sublimation plate.

The disk of sublimation hovering in the depths of his mind was completely black, exuding a trace of inexplicable and strange suction, and soon absorbed all the power and chill of the twisted seed.

A thin layer of ice armor gradually began to cover his body.

The force field fluctuations at the ninth level peak appeared involuntarily, and gradually began to affect the geomagnetic field of the entire Chixue Star. The ground shook slightly.

In the banquet hall, Garen and several other level nines took action at the same time, emitting their own force fields and beginning to neutralize the fluctuations of Two-Face.

The earth has also returned to calmness, and nature has calmed down.


Suddenly there was a slight vibration in the sky outside.

"Huh? This is it?" Garen raised his head slightly, as if he felt an indescribable huge aura pressing towards his location. That aura has gone beyond the definition of powerful, and can only be described as profound. It's like a spring that continuously gushes out water.

Countless violent force fields spewed out from the springs, overwhelming the entire Chixue headquarters.


Yuko, who had just reached the ninth level and was still familiar with the power, felt a terrifying wave of pressure coming down, as if she wanted to suppress the aura of all the masters present. As an alliance messenger, she had never seen such a big scene. He immediately recognized the person who came as the tenth-level Eternal Dynasty Holy Lord!

"He is a Holy Lord level master!!"

Her expression changed, she stood up suddenly, and looked at the sky across the roof.

The other guardians also changed their colors and stood up. The eighth-level messengers who had just been promoted to the ninth level were also suppressed by this aura.

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