Mysterious journey

Chapter 1117 Goodbye 2

The roof slowly parted automatically, revealing the blue sky above. In the sky, three figures were floating quietly, overlooking the people below. Any one of the three people was unscrupulously exuding the most terrifying and profound aura. It was a bottomless aura like a black hole.

"Three eternal movers!!??" Yuko's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Not only her, but the expressions of other alliance envoys also changed suddenly, and they all felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Garen stood up and looked up at Carthage suspended in the sky.

Maybe he should be called Shi Nandi now. He didn't expect that Carthage would suddenly arrive at this time. Trying to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, Garen spoke in a calm tone with a hint of ridicule.

"The famous Holy Lord, the Eternal Light of Justice, is here in person. I, Chixue Gallon, did not come out to greet me. I am extremely sorry."

His identity at the moment was Jie Liusi, not the Garonno Nosiwa he once was, and the traces of evil aura left by him suddenly escaped.

"Nonosiwa, you violated the rules of the school." Shi Nandi was still extremely cold, even colder than before. Even the sound has almost no fluctuation.

Garen's face condensed slightly under his helmet. Raising his head, the eyes in the helmet met Heather's white eyes. Neither of them flinched, staring straight at each other.

Even if his strength is not as good as his opponent, Garen still has no intention of backing down.

He inherited the will of all the predecessors of the Chixue Sect and is destined to become the strongest person in the world! If he doesn't even dare to face the tenth-level eternal mover in front of him, then how can he face those superior king-level ones in the future?

boom! !

An invisible light of the soul poured fiercely down Garen's eyes into the depths of his soul. The huge pressure like a heavy hammer made his eyes blurry and blurry.

But he still tried to keep his eyes open.

Not only him, but everyone else present was severely shaken by this spiritual light at this moment. The air was stiff and solidified. Everyone was like insects in amber, suppressed and imprisoned by the huge and infinite force field fluctuations.

The gap between force fields is so cruel. You are stronger than others, but the force field suppresses the other party, and the other party does not even have the ability to take action.

"This is the Chixue Sect. As the leader of the sect, everything I say is the rule!" Garen could no longer see clearly. He didn't expect that Shi Nandi's strength was so terrifying. Just the suppression of the force field was enough to defeat him. The tenth-level self was out of breath. But his dignity as a secret warrior kept him from compromising or retreating.

Even though he couldn't see, he still used his best strength to raise his voice and spread it loudly.

At this moment, he represents not only himself, but also the many Chixue Patriarchs who sacrificed for himself! If so many soul seeds were sacrificed just to be easily crushed and surrendered at this moment, then why should he become the strongest in Chixue! ? Why have you reached the strongest peak of secret warriors! !

The sound waves reverberated in the space, reverberating between Jialong and Shi Nandi, and suddenly woke up the nine-level people who were imprisoned nearby.

boom! !

The terrifying and endless pressure fell from the sky, focusing heavily on Garen.

His white robes were flying and rolling wildly, and his golden helmet was still as cold and hard as before, blocking anyone who wanted to peek inside the helmet.

The darkness representing the face looked up at Shi Nandi without wavering at all. But inside the helmet, traces of cracks like broken porcelain gradually appeared on Garen's entire body.

"Jie Liusi has actually entered the tenth level, but there is a gap between the tenth levels, captain!" the red-haired little girl said in a low voice. "Otherwise, let's just kill these people here. Hehe, the Mechanics Alliance has too much to take care of itself now anyway."

"I think it's okay. It's just a small sect's destruction. It's just a few so-called messengers. Just kill them. Now that the plan has almost become upright, do you still need to cover it up like this?" The white-haired man asked at the side. His hair agreed.

Shi Nandi was silent and did not speak.


The wind was howling, and more and more people on the ground realized something was wrong. A large number of people from the Chixue Sect walked out of their residences and looked at the three figures suspended in the sky.

Alice and Aloran walked out of their residence and looked up at the sky, with a look of surprise on their faces.

"That's the light of justice?!" Alice grabbed her long hair to prevent it from being blown around by the strong wind. "That face... looks like a senior brother from Carthage"

She noticed that Shi Nandi's hand had slowly grasped the hilt of the sword at her waist.

An indescribable feeling of fear suddenly surged into her heart. Alice looked at Aloran flying in the distance, and saw the same horror and fear on her face.

Not only them, but also all the people walking out around them, the fear on everyone's face was the same.

This is not their own fear, it is the fear of the entire Chixue Star! !

"The light of justice wants to destroy the entire Red Snow Star?!" An unbelievable and terrifying thought suddenly came out of her heart, and Alice felt that it was difficult to breathe in her throat.

The huge air flow seemed to have invisible magic power. It was clearly surging in front of him, but he couldn't breathe any air at all.

"This is planetary confinement!!??" An ability that had only been seen in the foundation before appeared in Alice's mind.

Not only her, but everyone around her felt difficulty breathing. Even some creatures that didn't need to breathe at all felt this indescribable sense of suffocation.

At this moment, everyone on Chixue Star felt that their breathing was almost suppressed and their bodies were getting weaker.

A trace of death began to spread across the entire planet. Some of the fragile bugs and small animals in the jungle were the first to suffocate to death, followed closely by the slightly larger marine life fish.

Millions of lives are dying every moment.


Suddenly, besides Galleon, another tenth-level aura burst out.

The two-faced man's four eyes that had been closed suddenly opened. A strange and cruel aura centered on him and spread to all directions.

Wherever the breath passed, all the ground turned into gold. In just an instant, with the two-faced man as the center, the entire area of ​​several thousand meters turned into a sea of ​​gold.

Countless golden pieces of gold slowly melted and flowed, and the banquet hall silently turned into gold and also melted. Everyone present was suspended in mid-air, wrapped and protected by this golden aura, fighting against Shinandi in the sky.

With everyone at the center, all the surrounding gold melted into liquid and began to revolve around everyone, spinning into a huge golden vortex turntable.

Looking from top to bottom, the entire court floor turned into a huge golden vortex, slowly rotating, and it was extremely spectacular.

The two faces of the two-faced man, a man and a woman, gave out a strange and unruly smile.

"Do you want to obliterate this messenger? As the majestic messenger of justice, the Light of Justice, you would actually do such a cruel thing? Want to massacre the entire planet?!"

The rotation of the gold caused the power of the planet's confinement to suddenly shake, and it slowly dispersed and relaxed.

Garen stood behind Two-Face without saying a word. After the pressure was removed, he allowed Two-Face and Shi Nandi to confront each other head-on.

Shi Nandi's hand holding the sword hilt slowly loosened her grip. His stiff eyes stared quietly at the two-faced man below.


"The tenth-level Holy Son is in a bit of trouble." The two people behind Shi Nandi were also a little surprised.

The Holy Son mainly refers to the descendants with the blood of the saint. Generally, they are direct relatives. Only the second generation of the saint will be called the Holy Son. Such masters are generally far superior to ordinary strong men. If they enter the tenth level, the bloodline will be superimposed. , even more terrifying, not to mention actual combat power, survivability is absolutely number one, and various methods of escape at the Holy Lord level emerge in endlessly. In addition, level 10 permanent movers are very difficult to kill.

Although the strength of the three of them is far superior to each other, it would be a bit troublesome to kill a tenth-level Holy Son. Once one of them escapes,

At this time, the Two-Face below, who had absorbed the Seed of Distortion, had understood his relationship with Garen. Although he felt a little unhappy, he still stood in front of Garen and blocked him firmly behind him.

Two groups of people stood up and down, confronting each other.

The wind was blowing, the planet's confinement had been lifted, and the entire space had returned to its original normal condition.

"Shi Nandi! Do you want to rebel!??" The two-faced man shouted fiercely. "Holy Lords can't fight each other easily, and they can't use planet-destroying abilities easily. Have you forgotten all these rules!?"

Shinandi's hand paused.

No one said anything, and everyone could see that Shi Nandi was hesitating. The appearance of a tenth-level holy son was a variable that he could not expect.

But only Two-Face and the others know that once they take action, everyone except Two-Face will die! !

Once Gallon dies, Two-Face's strength will fall back to its original state, and he will also be killed by Shi Nandi and others.

In other words, once you take action, everyone present will die! !

Time passed slowly, and everyone's eyes were focused on Shi Nandixu's hand holding the hilt of the sword.

The hand loosened slightly, and finally put it down gently.

There was no expression on Shi Nandi's face, and she didn't seem to have any frustration with her decision.

"Let's go." He turned around and flew towards the universe.

As the right-hand man of the White King, he has not yet revealed his identity at this moment.

"Tch, let you live longer!" The red-haired girl curled her lips in disdain and left.

The white-haired man sighed regretfully and followed closely. The three of them quickly disappeared outside the atmosphere of space, and the terrifying oppressive airflow slowly faded and dissipated.

Until the three of them had completely lost even the slightest fluctuation.

The two-faced man then lowered his head weakly, with a tired look on his face. Yuko and the others at level nine felt like they had been granted amnesty, breathing heavily in the air. They didn't need air at all, it was just the fastest way to relax themselves.

Jialong was still looking at the direction in which Shinandi and the others were flying away.

"He is worthy of being the top expert who was able to destroy almost an entire energy weapon master by himself! Even with the help of his team members, Shi Nandi's strength is still bottomless."

Just wait, we will meet again.


The general situation has gone awry, and Shi Nandi, who was not supposed to come back at this time, actually came back now.

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