Mysterious journey

Chapter 1148 Drifting 1

The biggest feature of the Demon King is multiple soul seed rings. This structure of soul seed rings, referred to as soul rings, allows the Demon King to covertly and quickly integrate into and grow to its strongest state in a short period of time when it invades any world. .

However, Garen currently only has one soul ring. According to his speculation, the powerful Demon King level is likely to have multiple soul rings. In this way, once entering the new law universe, he can quickly integrate into the power system and use the soul rings to Increase your power level crazily and quickly master the strongest power.

This is the horror of the Demon King level. They are the real pillars against the void creatures.

"I have no will and can only rely on the special ability of the soul to travel and the cohesion of the soul species to maintain my existence. If I want to survive for a long time, I must find a new body as soon as possible, and"

Suddenly, Garen suddenly felt the entire palace shake violently.

shock? ! !

He was suddenly stunned. Let’s not talk about whether there is anyone in the White Palace who can shake the entire palace. Let’s just say that the Shadow Dragon Void Crystal that he is imprisoned in has the conceptual essence of devouring and imprisoning all power. It is impossible for such low-level force to be transmitted to make him feel. arrive.

He looked at the White King outside the crystal. He didn't seem to notice anything at all.

Roar! ! !

A distant and profound roar of a giant beast floated vaguely from a very far distance and penetrated into Garen's ears. The White King still didn't express anything, obviously he didn't hear this voice at all.

"This is..." A trace of solemnity suddenly appeared in Garen's eyes. ".It's the vibration of the soul seed!!!"

The energy mark was quickly calculated and deduced, and with his own body transformed into the Cold Hell Peacock Queen, he had a certain understanding of the void creature's language, and he quickly came up with the meaning of the roar.

That roar represents danger! greedy!

Garen quickly looked at an icon in the status bar.

The column marked 'Potential - Void Stalker' was flashing with a dazzling and bright red light, and an ancient multi-character symbol appeared behind it.

The meaning of the symbol translated is:

'warn! There is a huge threat of void creatures approaching, level: legion. Race: Void Lord. The number is twelve. Please evade immediately. The best solution is to enter the mother river and leave.

Please note that being a Soul Ring-level stalker will greatly attract Void Demon King-level beings to pursue you, so please be prepared at all times. ’

Garen immediately recalled the huge ancient void creatures with countless soul species that he encountered when he came to this world. They were swimming on the edge of the mother river, like fishermen, ready to kill the ancient Yinduo civilization inheritance flowing inside. By.

"Did I attract the legion-level ancient creatures?" Garen's heart jumped, "He knows that among the void creatures guarding the edge of the mother river, the weakest are legion-level, and the normal ones are all demon king-level. , and because they have dozens of soul species, they can completely crush themselves even if they don't form soul rings.

Now my identity as a Void Stalker only attracts the weakest.

"It seems I really can't stay in one place for too long." Garen knew he had no choice.

Finally looking at the White King outside, Garen sighed in his heart.

Coming to this world, I ended up leaving this way. Gu Yinduo did not find more information, but instead collected enough scientific and technological knowledge, various top science and technologies, and the final formation of the Cold Prison Peacock Mother Soul Seed.

"It's time to leave."

Garen no longer had any nostalgia, and his soul instantly left his body. Like invisible smoke, it flew out from above the crystal and flew silently towards the direction he came from.

This was not the dream travel like before, but a real and complete death. Garen's own soul took the initiative to leave Nonosiwa's body and float towards the home planet from whence he came.

Not long after, a black hole in space suddenly emerged, sucking Garen's soul directly into it and jumping towards the home star.

The White King did not stop him. As the King of Crystal, Garen had the ability to travel through dreams. Even if he stopped him, he could instantly travel to the members of the Red Snow Alliance and then leave. The result would be meaningless.

He just looked up at the jumping black hole in the sky without making any movement. He didn't know what he was thinking.

The King of Crystals, the King of Lies, from the beginning to the end, only a few hundred years, like a dazzling epiphyllum that only blooms for a moment.

Standing in front of the crystal, the White King didn't speak for a long time. It wasn't until he completely sensed that the space-time black hole where Garen jumped completely disappeared that he turned around and left slowly.

The Void Crystal is still getting stronger and stronger, constantly improving the nature of confinement and devouring. This Void Crystal will one day evolve into an unprecedented and terrifying black hole.

Black holes do not just refer to one type of celestial body. Any celestial body that has a huge gravitational force and can attract and swallow even light can be called a black hole. Because there is no reflection of light, it naturally looks dark. But no one knows what is inside. It could be caused by the collapse of a star, or it could be caused by the self-destruction of the Eternal Motioner. It is more likely to be caused by many, many other factors.

It’s just that humans call all matter that looks black and has terrifying gravitational devouring power black holes.

Neither the White King nor Garen are interested in these anymore. The general trend has been achieved, and their respective tasks and goals have been achieved. As for the rest, it doesn't matter anymore.


Home star edge

The star exudes endless golden light. In the black space at the edge, as several meteorites are slowly pulled towards the sun and pass by, a faint distortion appears in the void of space.


Suddenly, a black crack opened directly in the void, and traces of invisible and strange aura flew out of it. On a soul level invisible to the naked eye.

Garen flew out of the rift, carefully calculating the time-space point of the Mother River that he had broken through when he came to this world.

The mother river traverses the entire time and space, connecting countless universes, parallel, vertical, and different in height and size, all connected to countless branches of the entire mother river. What Garen has to do now is to find the little space-time loophole left behind when he came to this world, and then use this loophole to rush back and leave this world.

The energy machine mark is running at a high speed. As the pinnacle of the energy machine master, Garen's energy machine mark has reached an unprecedented level of terror. Its computing power is comparable to the most powerful quantum computer in the Human Alliance. Of course, once it is fully operational, , the consumption of energy and consciousness is also very terrifying, and top-notch beings simply cannot afford this consumption.

Garen now understands a little bit of the essence, and can also use the essence of confinement to absorb dark energy and devour it directly. When the Void Crystal merged with his devouring talent, he also more or less integrated the Void Crystal's special ability to absorb the dark energy of the void texture, instead of Just like in the beginning, the dark energy can only be absorbed by relying on the shadow dragon to turn it into a physical entity.

‘Discover the target. ’ Soon the energy mark gave the result, and the space-time point was in a void not far away.

This world does not involve soul research. The closest thing to the soul is will, but that is only an external aspect of the soul, and it is only the surface. Maybe it will not involve the true and most essential soul until many, many years later, so that we may be able to find out this time and space. point and discover the existence of the mother river. But that may be a long, long time later.

A faint white light flashed in the V shape between Garen's eyebrows, and his eyes locked on the loophole in the void in the distance.

He didn't move because he didn't know how to open this vulnerability point. If he accidentally used the wrong force, it would probably cause the vulnerability to be destroyed, and then he would be in real trouble.

The best way is to open it from the inside out.

So Galleon waited.

Wait for the moment when the vulnerability point opens from the inside. The void creatures that can sense his soul ring should also exist at the level of the soul body. Normally humans cannot see or touch them. Only fellow souls can sense them.

Garen had previously felt that there were legion-level soul void creatures in this world, and there must be such existences on the banks of the mother river. What he has to do now is to release his breath and wait for these soul void creatures to appear and help He opens vulnerability points.

Time passes little by little.

Garen still maintained his original movements and posture.

One day has passed, two days have passed, and a month has passed.

In the entire space, there is almost no big change in a month. Only the nearest planet nearby has some displacement, and the rest is still the same as before, without any abnormality.

Roar! ! !

Suddenly, a faint roar of a wild beast floated over from a very far distance.

Garen finally regained his energy and became highly focused.

Tear it apart, and circles of transparent ripples suddenly rise from the void point, spreading in all directions. A huge black leopard with horns slowly poked its head out from the ripples.

Roar! ! !

He roared at Garen, and the sound of his pure soul directly crossed a large distance and penetrated into Garen's ears.

"We're finally here." Garen advanced instead of retreating, his soul turning into a white line and shooting towards the black horned leopard.

A huge peacock silhouette appeared behind him, poof!

The peacock's pointed beak pecked forward like lightning. The sharp beak that was originally only a few thousand meters wide instantly expanded to tens of thousands of meters. With a sharp bite, it pecked the black leopard and dragged it away.


The leopard screamed, but at the mere Legion level it was unable to resist Garen's strength. As a Demon King, Garen was far from being able to resist at the Legion level at this moment. The soul seed ring directly exerts force, rippling out circles of pure soul power.

The cold prison peacock mother pulled her huge upper body back, and actually pulled the leopard out of the ripples like a carrot, raised her head and swallowed it in one gulp.

The entire lower body of the Peacock Mother is connected to the small Galleon body, giving people an extremely uncoordinated feeling, like an infinitely enlarged version of Aladdin. The leopard that swallowed it also seemed to have entered a bottomless pit and disappeared.

In the void, after the leopard was dragged out, the ripples suddenly became more rapid, getting smaller and smaller, becoming more and more urgent, and seemed to be about to close.

Garen dove in without hesitation.

The peacock behind his whole body faded and disappeared, and his soul and body seemed to plunge into the water, disappearing in the ripples without causing any splash.


Bubbles floated upward from Garen's mouth.

Surrounded by a familiar green liquid, it is the water of the mother river, full of endless vitality. This is the river of life, the beginning and the end of all things.

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