Mysterious journey

Chapter 1149 Drifting 2

Once again returning to the mother river after hundreds of years, Garen felt the familiar power of corrosion and assimilation. This power was so huge that even he could only protect himself now. , go with the flow.

He looked back at the hole in the mecha universe, which had healed to the size of a fist and was still healing at an accelerated rate.

Surrounded by endless light green, nothing can be seen or heard.

Only the sound of the gushing river kept vibrating in the soul's ears.

Garen raised his head and looked up. The river was not far away. Through the water of the mother river, he could see the colorful space-time wall outside.


A violent roar sounded again.

Garen was horrified to see that large cracks appeared in the space-time wall in an instant, and then a hole seemed to be forcibly punched through by an external force. An almost endless arm stretched out from the hole.

It was a brass-colored arm, with a faint metallic luster all over its body, and it continued to extend and fly downward.

Bang! !

The water in the river splashed high as it was struck by the arm. The arm actually reached straight towards Garen to grab him. It seems to have infinite length, wrapped with terrifyingly huge soul power.

"It's a creature from the void!!" Garen knew something was wrong, so he quickly rotated his soul ring, bursting out a stream of pure soul power, wrapping his own soul, and hurried forward in the mother river.

With a swish, he just escaped the grasp of the giant hand. Just the edges were lightly rubbed.

But just for this small nudge, the soul power on the arm was like tarsal maggots, instantly decomposing into densely packed dozens of transparent maggots, adhering to the outer wall of Gallon's soul power, devouring Gallon's body with big mouthfuls. Soul power.

A dizzy feeling came over him, and Garen instinctively knew that this was due to excessive consumption of soul power. The existence that can break the barrier of the mother river is definitely not something he can compete with now.

"We must leave immediately!" He made a cruel decision and directly separated the part of the attached soul power and threw it far away.

He himself moved forward quickly in the river like a swimming fish.

Fortunately, the soul ring can now continuously generate new soul power. It is no longer like before that it can only use the soul power stored in the soul seed. Once it is corroded by the mother river, it can only close its eyes and wait for death. But now it is different. Long is completely able to continuously generate new soul power to support himself in swimming longer and further in the mother river.

boom! !

The river water stirred violently, and the huge life force of the mother river surged crazily towards the arm that invaded the body.

Garen looked back and saw that the brass-colored arm was being rapidly corroded by countless green river water, revealing the black texture of the inner layer, and a large amount of red blood dripping down in large groups, melting into mother river. It dyes the surrounding green river water into a dark color.

Roar..! !

The unknown being let out a roar of pain and could only retract its arm. The palm of its hand quickly separated from the water of the mother river, and with its hand full of blood, it was retracted from the hole in the space-time wall.

The broken holes were quickly and automatically repaired by the power of the mother river, and they were restored as before. The waves in the river gradually subsided.

Garen dived under the water and breathed a sigh of relief. He had just fallen from the top of the world to the bottom and was being hunted. He had never felt this feeling in hundreds of years. One moment he was one of the twenty-six people at the top of the mecha world, and now he has become a runaway like a lost dog.

"Sure enough, time and space is so vast, it encompasses everything." Garen sighed in his heart, and calculated the losses. The energy mark came into effect quickly, because this mark is composed of consciousness, and consciousness is also a part of the plague's soul power. It is a small branch, so it can still remain and use Garen's soul power to operate. However, at this moment, this imprint is also gradually moving slowly as it moves away from the mecha world.

After all, its operation and calculation rules, many laws and rules are designed according to the rules of the mecha universe. Once the rules change, it is considered that its automatic repair ability is strong enough without instant paralysis.

It's like the rule of this universe is that the speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second, while that universe is 900,000 kilometers. Or the rule of this universe is that one plus one equals two, but in that universe one plus one equals three.

Of course, the latter does not have such exaggerated changes, but it can still explain this problem.

The reason why Galleon's soul seed can be used universally in all universes is because it is the most basic rule of the source, abandoning all other non-common parts, leaving only the unified law that is uniformly applicable to all universes.

This is where the warlocks are truly great. What they master is the law of power that can be used universally by many universes.

In the mother river, time is meaningless and everything flows. Galleon slowly swam in the river, swimming against the river in the direction from which he came. He was originally washed away by the river to the most barren mecha universe on the branch of the mother river, but now if he wants to leave, he must go upstream.

After traveling through so many worlds, he has become accustomed to it from the novelty at the beginning to the numbness now.

As for the purpose, Garen has long forgotten what the original purpose was. Why did he plunge into the Mother River in the first place? Why did he choose to continue crossing the river? He could not remember the purpose and meaning.

Too many new memories have washed away that earliest persistence until the shadow is almost invisible.

Garen was swimming upstream and thinking slowly.

Is it for the war between Gu Yinduo and the void creatures? Or simply to experience life in different worlds? Or maybe it’s to find the reason why you traveled through time in the first place.

Maybe even finding a way back.

While swimming, Garen's thoughts were flowing rapidly. The operation of the energy mark was getting slower and slower. Most of the functions were stagnant and damaged due to the lack of rules. Only the most basic computing power remained, and the computing power was It is equivalent to less than one ten thousandth of the original, but it has already surpassed the supercomputers of the Earth back then.

Occasionally, he would encounter void beings trying to catch Galleons like before in the mother river, but he would avoid them all with almost no chance.

However, Garen continued to think, becoming more and more confused and sluggish. The more he searches, the less he can find the meaning of his continued existence. Everything is repeated over and over again.

Apart from pursuing stronger power, he could not find any greater value for his existence.

"What do I want?" he asked himself.

When he asked this question, according to calculations, it was already the third year since he entered the mother river.

He no longer knew where he had drifted. There is always endless green river water around, with no living creatures, and only occasionally some debris can be seen flowing by. Most of these objects did not last long and quickly melted in the river water.

During the entire drift, the only living creatures that can be encountered are the occasional void fishermen. Each of these existences is extremely huge, and each one has at least dozens of soul seeds, and they are not even the lowest level of soul seeds. Soul seeds are divided into three stages: variegated, colorless, and unified color. Garen himself belongs to the most elementary variegated stage. His soul seeds simply form soul rings. They are the lowest level among demon kings. If you want to To upgrade, you need to collect at least five soul seeds to form a large soul ring, and then eliminate the miscellaneous colors before you can upgrade to the colorless stage.

As for the Void Fishermen who appeared outside the mother river, they were in the colorless stage at last. Each of them did not have more than ten soul seeds, and they were too embarrassed to show up. As for the weaker ones, Garen guessed, they were probably those with less than this number of soul species, and they were self-aware and would not take the initiative to seek abuse. The mother river barrier is also divided into strong and weak areas. The weaker ones will not have any benefit except being hurt in vain.

This kind of drifting is boring and boring, and Garen sometimes even expects the sudden appearance of fishermen to bring him more interest.

These beings moved slowly because they were not entangled with the power of the mother river. The stupid big ones who were fooled around by him became Gallon's only medicine one by one.

But the consumption of soul power is not infinite after all.

More than five years later, Garen felt that his soul power had begun to decline, and the generation of soul rings gradually could not keep up with the consumption. He suddenly understood that he could no longer drift aimlessly.

With his soul ring and his identity as a void stalker, if he stayed in one place for a long time, he would be a top bait to attract soul ring-level void creatures to a certain extent. To address this threat.

Garen set up a simulation model and calculated that he could not stay in a world for more than two hundred years at most, otherwise he would attract nearby soul ring-level void creatures.

"The void creatures and the ancient Yinduo civilization definitely have a stronghold for confrontation! It is impossible for me to be the only inheritor. If we can find other inheritors, we can truly unite and resist the attacks of the void creatures together."

With this idea in mind, Garen began to pay attention to the countless universes flowing outside the mother river barrier around him, trying to find among them the universes that also carried the aura of soul seeds.

Such a universe is easy to find, because the soul power breath cannot be possessed by just any universe, and Garen's Void Stalker plays the role of a super olfactory locator at this time. Combined with the energy machine mark, it can detect extremely subtle details. A trace of possible soul power could be discerned in the cosmic aura.

Although he knew that such a search was very unlikely, Garen finally had a new goal, and it was no longer as confused and decadent as at the beginning.

Time passed slowly. Garen's soul ring produced less and less soul power, and the body he could protect became less and less. It became thinner and thinner.

I don't know how long it took, but the opportunity he was waiting for finally appeared.



A huge black octopus plunged its tentacles into the water of the mother river and rushed towards Gallon. The tentacles were covered with densely packed and countless small suckers, which swept up a huge suction force and surged towards Garen.

"Looking for death!" Garen sneered as he watched the tentacles release their attraction in the mother river. "Releasing suction in such a dense mother river? I really think I have lived long enough."

He sarcastically said that if you stay alone for a long time, you like to talk to yourself, otherwise you may forget how to talk to yourself after a long time.

As if to confirm Garen's taunt, the black tentacle was not caught, but absorbed a huge amount of water from the mother river in an instant. The entire tentacle swelled up, getting bigger and thicker.

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