Mysterious journey

Chapter 1150 Reincarnation 1

Zizi. Zizi

Countless tiny white cracks appeared on the surface of the tentacles.

"Don't let me see you again!!!" the tentacle owner roared angrily. His violent will violently shook the water of the mother river below to create countless ripples.

Peng! !

The green river water all over the sky exploded from the inside of the tentacles, turning into a rain of blood all over the sky, scattering on the surface of the mother river, stirring up a large area of ​​dense ripples. The remaining tentacles quickly retracted. He instantly disappeared from the opened barrier hole.

The hole narrowed rapidly, and colorful streams of light could be seen outside. I didn't know what they were.

Just when Garen thought everything was calm as usual and continued to drift, suddenly a faint and clear breath of soul power quickly appeared outside the cave entrance.

"This is...!" Garen was stunned. The nerve reaction speed far exceeds the speed of light and reacts immediately.

Without any hesitation, he gathered up all the soul power in his body and turned it into jet power behind him. His whole body was like a fish jumping out of the water.

There was a crash.

His entire body turned into a white line and shot towards the hole in the barrier above.

All abilities in the mother river cannot be used, because the laws of other universes have no effect here, and only the rules of great unity can take effect. Garen's imprisonment essence and the innate ability of the Cold Hell Peacock Mother are not affected, but they require a physical body to be used, and a pure soul body cannot do anything about it. Therefore, in the mother river, the only thing he can use is the soul power generated by the soul ring.

This is the same even if the strongest void creature comes. This is also the key reason why Muhe can protect the existence of the ancient Yinduo true spirit.

Garen was afraid that he would not have enough strength, so he exploded all his soul power at once. His whole body almost turned into lightning, and shot into the black hole in the barrier in the blink of an eye.

puff! !

There was a muffled sound in his head, and Garen's eyes were filled with rainbow-like light, and he couldn't see anything else.

The universe outside the cave entrance is no longer the universe of the big octopus just now. In just a few seconds, a large amount of colorful light has flowed outside the cave. Now that Garen can sense the soul power of the universe, he has long been unaware of it. Another strange place after passing through so many universes.

The colorful streams of light around him kept passing by. Garen stretched out his hand and tried to catch the streams of light, but he couldn't touch anything.

The stream of light lasted for more than ten minutes, and dark spots gradually appeared in front of him. Some of these spots were gray, some were black, and they kept passing by Garen's side.

As time goes by, the spots become more numerous and denser.


Suddenly there was a flower in front of his eyes, and Garen suddenly felt that the front was bright, the colorful stream of light disappeared instantly, and right in front was a huge, empty, dark and endless space.

In the center of space, there is a huge planet with purple-red light suspended.

Garen couldn't help but look back. Behind him was the endless darkness of space, and he could vaguely see the thin space ripples disappearing and fading.

"Sure enough, the place where the water of the Mother River connects must be where the life planet exists." Garron understood in his heart, "Only after the death of life can it be integrated into the Mother River and enter a new cycle, and the Mother River is also constantly flowing. Flow conveys life.”

He jumped towards the only purple planet and flew towards it. A floating sun star not far away attracted his attention.

The light emitted by the star was golden, and there were many black spots on its surface, making it look like a kumquat covered with mold.

"Here." Garen suddenly frowned slightly. "What a strong rule"

A V-shaped white mark appeared between his eyebrows, but it dimmed as soon as it appeared.

Garen closed his eyes and carefully felt the difference from the rules of the previous universe. After just a few dozen minutes, he opened his eyes again.

"Awesome! The similarity with the rules of the mecha universe is about 53%. Most of the functions of the mechanical mark cannot be used. Except for basic computing power, anything with extraordinary power or pure energy has extremely strict rules. the rule of."

He looked at the kumquat-like sun, and the dazzling light made him squint his eyes slightly.

"This kind of universe is even stricter than the vampire world, and the bonding force between matter is astonishingly strong. It's probably impossible to rely on other means to leverage pure energy."

He let his body rely on inertia to fly towards the purple-red planet. Looking at the purple-red planet from a distance, if it weren't for the interstellar dust that kept passing by on both sides, Garen would not have been able to recognize that he was moving.

"Without the jumping ball, no ability can be used except soul power. No. Even the soul power is suppressed, and anything in the form of pure energy cannot be separated from matter. It is really an extreme world." Garen frowned, carefully Distinguish the laws of this universe.

"However, I have accumulated some knowledge from several worlds and can still use it. Self-protection should be no problem. As long as I find the individual power system of this universe, I can improve it quickly. But if I want to reach the previous height, there may be some difficulties. It’s just a pity that in such a world, I can’t use extraordinary power, nor can other natures, and certainly not void creatures. Safety is absolutely no problem!”

It's just that if you want to leave this world independently, it will probably be difficult. This made Garen intuitively feel that he had made a mistake in coming here.

The huge soul power around him is being consumed rapidly, even faster than in the mother river. Because nothing in the form of pure energy is allowed to exist here for a long time, Garen knew that it would be difficult for a soul like himself to survive here for too long.

"We must find a new body as soon as possible."

He used his soul power to explode violently behind him.


The transparent shimmer exploded, and Garen's entire body was ejected instantly, accelerating to a terrifying level. Because he is now a soul body, his own weight is infinitely close to zero and extremely weak, so the direct explosion of soul power and the huge impact caused him to soar to a terrifying extreme speed.

As he continued to approach the purple-red planet, some inexplicable scenes and fragments began to appear in front of Garen's eyes again.

"The memory of the planet is here again and can only be received in the soul state." Garen endured the huge flow of information pouring into his brain, and was no stranger to this sudden memory.

He also encountered such a situation when he traveled through the world several times before.

But this time it seems different.

The memory of this planet is terrifyingly long, and it seems to have existed wherever the entire universe exploded.

With the influx of information, in addition to the general situation of the planet, a large amount of related information about the universe also flooded into Garen's mind. Although these were only fragments, in just a few dozen minutes, Garen's whole person seemed to It has gone through a long period of history of the entire planet and universe from its birth to the present.

"There is only one living planet in this universe!" Garen endured his headache and stared at the huge purple-red planet in front of him in amazement. "According to the remaining information, this planet is the center of the universe and the only living planet in the entire universe."

Everything about the general situation flowed through Garen's mind instantly.

This is an ordinary but extraordinary world.

At least the reality of this world is much simpler than the previous worlds.

The general trend of the entire planet all originates from the four cornerstones. To put it simply, there are four people. Four extraordinary beings who have been constantly reborn and resurrected on the planet.

They hold the ancient divine symbols of the universe and possess incredible power. Each of the four represents the four most basic forces of the entire planet and even the universe. Apart from them, there are no other extraordinary beings. They are the beginning of all legends. It was also the source of Garen's feeling of soul power.

"The soul power aura I felt earlier is there!!" Garen immediately settled on his position.

"Four cornerstones? What a wonderful rule." With his final admiration, his entire soul accelerated again, turned into an invisible light, and fell straight towards the planet.


Suzuran City, Sri Lanka

In an old courtyard on the outskirts of the city, a dark-skinned, yellow-skinned man was holding a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy with glasses in his hands. His face was solemn, and he kept shouting quickly and powerfully in a language with a somewhat difficult accent.

The scorching sunlight shone on the two of them, and a faint smell of sweat rose up.

The man's brows almost furrowed and he quickly picked up the boy and walked to the shade of the yard. Putting it gently on the hot ground, the man quickly ran into the inner room and soon came out with a basin of cold water. There was also a white towel in the basin. The towel was washed a little yellow and looked a little old. .


The towel wring out the water and gently wiped the sweat on the boy's face.

The boy was handsome, but more of an ordinary boy. His complexion was a little pale, as if he hadn't been exposed to much sun. His lips were severely chapped, and his eyes were closed tightly. He was obviously suffering from heat stroke.


Suddenly a cool breeze blew by.

At an instant that no one could see, an invisible light fell straight from the sky, pierced deep into the boy's eyebrows, and disappeared directly into it.

The man didn't feel anything, but still carefully wiped the sweat from the boy's body.

After a while, it seemed that the cool wet towel had an effect, and the boy finally trembled a few times.

"Shui Shui."

He suddenly woke up hazily and screamed hoarsely.

"Water? Here! Come, drink slowly...slowly." The middle-aged man quickly took the water glass prepared on one side and put it to the boy's mouth.

"How many times have I told you not to sleep in the sun in the yard, but I don't listen no matter what!" The man complained in a nagging voice, completely different from his serious appearance.

The boy didn't speak any more. After drinking some water, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly, picked him up, went directly into the house, and put him on the mat bed in the bedroom.

He reached out and touched his forehead again. He felt that it had cooled down, so he went out with confidence. After working so hard for a while, he himself was sweating profusely and had to take a cold shower quickly.

The man's footsteps gradually moved away, and he entered another room, and there was a slamming of the door closing.

The boy on the mat slowly opened his eyes.

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