Mysterious journey

Chapter 1151 Reincarnation 2

"It's a new beginning." A voice filled with vicissitudes of life, nostalgia, and boredom sounded from the boy's mouth.

"After choosing for so long, according to the general trend, this body is the best point to intervene." A vague V-shaped white mark flashed between the boy's eyebrows, leaving no trace.

Memories of the boy flashed through Garen's mind.

‘Kong Xiaofei: 17 years old, introverted and repressive, taciturn, a sophomore at Suzulan City No. 3 Middle School. My grades are below average, I’m not good at sports, I like reading comics, drawing, and sleeping’

After Garen quickly scanned the messy memory contents, his focus fell on Kong Xiaofei's family.

Kong Xiaofei's father, Kong Yuan, raised him and his sister alone. He worked in an oil company and his income was moderate. He is an ordinary and simple good man.

His mother died early in childbirth, just when Xiaofei was born.

The focus is Kong Xinxue, Kong Xiaofei’s sister. This character is an important figure that Garen vaguely sensed when he was watching the memory of the planet.

Because the memory was too complicated, and the rules of this universe were too strict, he only vaguely saw many fragments, and failed to see most of the main content clearly. I just know that one of the four cornerstones will come into contact with Kong Xinxue at some point in the future. In the battle between the four of them, Kong Xinxue occupies a relatively important role.

"It should take less than a few years. By then, we will be able to tell whether the four cornerstones are my kind." With a hint of expectation, Garen began to carefully feel the state of this body.

After such an inspection, Galen's face suddenly darkened.

"No wonder I don't resist at all when I occupy this body. This body is actually in such a bad state."

I took a look at the status data displayed on the talent ability.

‘Kong Xiaofei—strength 0.2, agility 0.3, constitution 0.1, intelligence 1.1. Potential 0%. Soul limit 50. ’

Garen took a deep breath. "Except for the fact that his intelligence has reached the level of an adult, the rest is simply terrible, no different from late-stage cancer."

He resisted the urge to curse and began to mobilize the remaining soul power to nourish the body.

Since forming the soul ring, his soul power can finally be freely mobilized and used to nourish the physical body. The essence of the physical body can produce the god as the soul, and the god can naturally replenish the essence of the body, but the conversion in the middle is very expensive.

Especially in this world where the rules are so strict that they are abnormal

"Fortunately, the form of pure energy inside the body is not very restricted, and is equivalent to the energy attached to matter."

Garen checked his soul power reserves and found that there were about fifty-three units. Each unit in the mecha world is enough to nourish the body of an adult and heal all its hidden wounds.

"However, if the soul power denies the body, there will be an 80% loss. In addition, the rules of the universe are abnormal. At most, 5% can affect the body, which is good. Damn it!!" He couldn't help it. He cursed.

Five percent, which means that after his last remaining soul power is exhausted, there will no longer be any additional amount to nourish and strengthen this body. The rules here are extremely strict. There are only four people in the entire world with extraordinary power, and they have extraordinary power supported by the entire universe. Even so, it doesn't show much of an exaggerated effect.

Garen actually knew in his heart that he should have expected it.

In addition, if you want to restore and accumulate new soul power here, the recovery speed of the soul ring is horribly slow, plus the terrifying loss, if you want to use it to nourish your body, you will have to wait for this time.

"It seems that I have to make good use of the pharmacology and chemistry I learned in other worlds. After living for so many years, I can be considered a top biochemist." Garen finally found a way out, and he could use the substances in this world to strengthen himself. , it doesn’t have to be pure energy nourishment.

Thinking of this, he directly released all the reserved soul power in his body and spread it to all the internal organs of the body.

There were no light, shadow and sound effects, but you could see Kong Xiaofei, who was possessed by Garen. His originally pale face gradually became slightly reddish, and his chapped lips began to look shiny.

The effect is immediate.

Garen watched as the body's condition improved at a speed visible to the naked eye. As time goes by, the soul power becomes less and less and weaker. And the attributes of the body are getting higher and higher.

When the last trace of soul power is exhausted.

‘Kong Xiaofei – strength 0.5, agility 0.6, constitution 0.4, intelligence 1.4. Potential 0%. Soul limit 50. ’

Properties are only slightly better.

"Why hasn't it changed yet!?" Garen was stunned. This was a soul ring that he had worked hard to save for several worlds. It would be a real tragedy if the soul power generated by the soul ring was wasted all of a sudden.

But when he carefully felt the subtle and slow changes in his body, he immediately understood.

The rules of this world are like this. It is impossible to have a huge change like before, and the abnormal phenomenon where the intermediate process is almost ignored. The changes here are happening slowly and normally bit by bit.

Even if all his soul power is nourished, it is impossible to turn a seriously ill patient into a lively and normal person in an instant. Similarly, only with the recovery process of the body can he slowly and normally return to the state reached by his soul power.

"In other words, if you master the tricks and rules in other worlds, you can cross many processes in an instant, leverage other forces, and produce miracles. But in this world, the only thing there is is normality. No matter how fast the stimulus knocks on the door, you can't go beyond the inevitable. The process creates miracles.”

Garen lay on his back on the mat. Since he would not be able to recover quickly for a while, he could only lie down and rest like this.

Fortunately, with the nourishment of soul power, this body will return to normal within a few days even if it does not eat or drink, and at the same time, its quality will continue to improve until the soul power is exhausted.

"The energy mark can also use basic calculation functions. However, it requires soul power support. It seems that it will be impossible to take care of both in the future." Garen was helpless.

Lying on the mat, I felt the constant waves of fatigue and weakness coming from this body. For a moment I didn't want to move anything.

Time passed slowly, and soon there was the sound of a key opening the door from the yard outside.

"Thank you for sending me off, please come back." It was a nice female voice. She was young, probably only 18 or 19 years old.

"Remember the concert on Saturday, you are one of our protagonists, you must come." came an old male voice.

"I'll try my best, sorry teacher."

"Okay, no more nonsense, I'm going to see the others off first."

"Yes. Please walk slowly."

Then the sound of footsteps and the sound of car engines quickly faded away.


The courtyard door is closed.

"Xiaoxue is back?" Kong Yuan's voice came from the courtyard living room.

"Well, how is Xiao Fei?" The girl's voice was cold.

"It's much better now, I put him to sleep."

".I'll go see him." Kong Xinxue's voice slowly approached.

Garen recalled the information about Kong Xinxue and his relationship with Kong Xiaofei.

‘Kora Shinyuki: Seventeen years old, a talented violinist, a senior in Suzuran City No. 1 Middle School. However, he has participated in three regional classical student music competitions and won the first place three times in a row. Her talent is gradually revealed. In the next two years, she will become a famous classical violin genius girl throughout the Red Country. Finally, at the age of twenty-four, she will become a beautiful violinist famous in the world music industry.

He has a cold personality and has a very average relationship with his younger brother Kong Xiaofei, even a little distant. ’

"You are such a dazzling sister that you can't even open your eyes. No wonder this younger brother is so introverted and has low self-esteem and is taciturn." A thought flashed through Garen's mind.

Soon he saw a young girl in a white skirt walking to the bedroom door and looking inside.

The girl has shawl red hair, bangs on her forehead, and calm eyes with a hint of worry. The white skirt on her body perfectly highlighted her young figure. It was a very simple white skirt, without any lace lines, pure white, with only a pure black belt around her waist.

"Are you feeling better?" Kong Xinxue asked in a low voice. Seeing that Garen was awake, the worry in her eyes disappeared slightly.

"Much better." Garen replied.

Kong Xinxue nodded and left.

The only dialogue between the two siblings is like this. It seems that both parties have become accustomed to it. Ever since they were young, ever since they could talk, the dialogue between Kong Xiaofei and his sister has been like this, short and boring.

"It turns out that the hair on this body is red." Garen then realized that his hair turned fiery red.


From the day he suffered from heatstroke, Garen took time off to recuperate at home.

Kong Yuan works from nine to five every day, while Kong Xinxue is busy preparing for academic exams. Both of them are extremely busy, but Kong Xiaofei is the only one who has nothing to do in the yard at home.

One of his purposes in coming to this world is to find inheritors of the same kind. Even if they are not of the same kind, at least they are beings with soul power. He has planned that if the other party is not the inheritor of the same kind, then he will seize and absorb the other party's soul power. Add new soul power and even soul seeds to your soul ring.

The reason why he wanted to possess Kong Xiaofei's body was because he was a mortal man. In the future, when Kong Xinxue comes into contact with one of the four cornerstones, Kong Xiaofei will die from an accident on the first night of their meeting.

And what killed him was one of the four cornerstones.

With such an identity, there is no need to look around. The only four cornerstones of the entire planet will naturally come to you, which saves Galleon a lot of trouble.

The second purpose is naturally to avoid soul ring level void creatures. At the same time, think carefully about the path you want to take next.

However, what made Garen somewhat miscalculated was that the rules of this universe were so strict that the soul power brought by his possession was far from what he expected. In this way, it will be really difficult to reach the level of fighting against the four cornerstones in two years. After all, Garen didn't know what the strength of those four people was.

Since becoming possessed, Garen has had very little contact with Yukino Sora. He can only see people in the morning and evening every day. The life here is also similar to the combination of China and Japan in the earth, with rice as the main meal and sashimi as the main ingredient. Stir-fried vegetables, glutinous rice balls and everything.

A week passed in a blink of an eye, and there was basically no useful communication. Garen's health also began to gradually improve.

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