Mysterious journey

Chapter 1153 Kong Xinxue 2

"But." Her entire upper body suddenly tilted forward, leaning in front of Garen. Their noses were nose to nose, and their faces were almost touching.

"I'm very relieved."

"What are you doing?" Garen was startled by her sudden and frightening behavior. He had never seen such a nervous guy in his whole life. Even though he has traveled through so many worlds, this is the first time he has seen someone behave with such a split personality. One second he was still cool and dignified, but at this moment it is like he has completely changed.

"I'm very happy that you, as a man, have finally grown up." Kong Xinxue grabbed Garen's collar and lifted him up, almost lifting him up in the air.


She let go of Garen and let him sit down on the chair.

"As a man, I have been hiding deep in my heart and wanted to put the evil desires into my heart. Finally I dared to take that crucial but evil first step. I don't know whether I should be more happy or sad. But one thing I’m sure of.”

Kong Xinxue stood up, turned around and walked towards her room.

"That is, courage is the only thing that makes a boy a man."


"Do you know the unlimited right of self-defense?" She threw a black pen with her backhand. The pen spun rapidly, drew a straight trajectory, and accurately landed on the sofa next to Gallon. "As a man, you must have the awareness to stand up for girls anytime and anywhere. How can you fight without weapons?"


Garen picked up the pen and didn't find anything different about it. It was just the most ordinary black pen.

Kong Xinxue turned around.

"The world only knows that it is not illegal to use the scissors you carry with you in self-defense, but they don't know that the pen is more concealable. Use it skillfully. It will come in handy one day."

She waved her hand gracefully, entered her room with a bang, closed the door, and no more movement came out.

Garen was speechless as he watched Kong Xinxue walk into his room, and then looked at the pen in his hand.

"Weapon? Use this?"

He couldn't help but think of an extremely appropriate scene in his mind.

Night, street.

"No. No. Please." Kong Xinxue looked pleading and shrank deeper into the alley with tears in her eyes.

Several villains gathered around and stared at the little sheep in the urn with lewd smiles.

"It's very dangerous for little girl to go out on the street alone in the middle of the night."

"It seems you need our help to educate you on what safety means, hehehehe."

"Just scream, no one will come to save you even if your throat is broken."


One of the villains showed off a switchblade;

In the unlimited right of self-defense, as long as the opponent shows his weapon! It’s the best time to counterattack!

You only get one chance! be quick! ! ruthless! ! allow! ! A fatal blow!

The bright silver ballpoint pen instantly slipped to his hand, and a cold light flashed in Kong Xinxue's eyes.

ah! Ah! !

After a few screams, everything in the alley became quiet.

"Terrible woman" Garen shook his head to clear away the random thoughts in his mind. For some reason, he seemed to feel interesting in his heart.

"She has a personality, but her appearance is not the same. She seems to have a dual personality. She is also beautiful. It is no wonder that such a special girl would attract one of the four cornerstones to pursue her secretly." Garen touched his chin, as if he felt that the world was a little different this time. That makes sense.


Monday, school time


Garen was lying on the desk, completely asleep.

The teacher's lecture voice in the classroom was automatically played in a loop by him as a lullaby accompaniment. The faint rustle of students taking notes could be heard all around, and the sound continued to stir and feedback in the classroom, giving people a feeling of space.

This world is similar to Earth, with a lifestyle that combines Western and Eastern styles. There are thermal weapons, missiles, tanks, and even nuclear weapons. If it weren’t for the different country names and geography, Garen would have thought he was in a parallel world on another Earth. .

These basic knowledge in class are just child's play for Garen. The only thing he needs to pay attention to is not to substitute more advanced formulas and laws from other worlds into the calculations when solving problems, so as not to accidentally cause a world-class sensation.

"Hey, Fei, I heard that you were seriously injured due to heatstroke? Almost died? Is it true?"

At the table next to her, one of Kong Xiaofei's few friends, Keslan, was squeezing Galleon with her elbow as if taking notes.

"False." Garen replied casually, "Will someone who almost died sit back next to you so quickly?"

"That's right." Kesilan nodded slightly.

"Okay, I want to sleep, don't disturb me." Garen said and fell directly into a deep sleep. In this world, no one knows his true origin, identity and specialness, so naturally there will be no danger. threaten.

The only trouble now is that one day two years from now, one of the four cornerstones will kill Kong Xiaofei in an accident.

No need to search, just wait. Waiting until then, we will know whether the four cornerstones are the inheritors of the same kind, or maybe they are void creatures?

When I woke up, it was already the end of get out of class, and the teacher had almost given up on a guy like Kong Xiaofei whose academic performance was totally unworthy of expectations.

No. 3 Middle School was not a good school to begin with, and most of the teachers were just muddle along.

"Hey, A Fei Xiaolan." A masculine-looking girl came over wearing a black pleated skirt.

"It's a last-minute hit. Why are you dressed so femininely today? Are you feeling rejuvenated?" Kesilan greeted with a bright smile.

"Don't ask me to do last-minute damage. When did I have my second spring? I haven't even started my first spring!" The girl's name is Zong Buqin, and she is another good friend in the class who plays well with Kong Xiaofei. Because of his masculine appearance, and because he always likes to make the last touch when playing games, he is nicknamed "last touch".

"How's it going? Are you feeling better?" Zong Buqin looked at Kong Xiaofei with concern.

"Much better." Garen nodded.

"Would you like to go skating? The Dream Ice Rink is newly renovated today. Let's go see how it is being repaired."

"Forget it, I have something else to do, you can go on your own." Garen refused immediately. There are still two years left. Although he is confident that he will never lose, it is best not to underestimate his opponent if he can. Just try to do your best.

"Aren't you afraid of being exposed? Wear a skirt to skate." Kesilan smiled lewdly.

"Are you exposed?" Zong Buqin retorted with his hands on his hips.


"You dare to lift my skirt if you dare to look at me!"

"Are you responsible?"

"I want to run away after seeing this, unless you go out sideways!" Zong Buqin sneered.

"Forget it then."

"You guys take your time and flirt, I'll take the first step." Garen left the classroom, too lazy to pay attention to the two people arguing behind him. In Kong Xiaofei's memory, these two joked on a large scale that even many adults could not match.

All the way up, directly to the rooftop.

Garen pushed open the iron door, walked to the railing, and looked down from above.

"Except for the four cornerstones, there is no power system in this world, only technology. Should I consider joining the government army to sell technology?" He thought boredly, as if he had returned to the leisurely life of the Earth period.

There is no danger. Even the so-called four cornerstones are not very difficult threats in his eyes. Life just moves forward calmly, along the timeline, without twists and turns.

He took out his phone and looked himself up and down using the camera mode on it.

He has short red hair, large black-rimmed glasses, pale skin, and the collar of his blue-and-white school uniform is raised high, covering his neck. He is neither tall nor short, and his body shape is neither fat nor thin. The feet were wearing ordinary leather shoes that were out of place and had a lot of white dust and wrinkles on them. It looked like they had been worn for a long time.

"You can tell at a glance that he is an extremely ordinary middle school student."

Self-excited, Garen took off his glasses and unexpectedly discovered that this face was pretty good-looking. He has thin eyebrows, big eyes and a pointed nose, rosy lips, shiny skin and slightly downy skin, which is obviously because his health has improved recently.

"Forget it, that's it. Continue to practice your previous knife skills."

Garen silently began to adjust and control his breathing and endocrine system.

The computing power of the energy mark can provide him with the most detailed observation data of the body, and at the same time give him the most appropriate adjustment plan. So that his body can achieve the desired goal in the shortest possible time.

The muscles all over his body began to tremble slightly. Different muscles competed with each other and cooperated with each other, forming different directions of force in one body. This is an extremely high-end exercise method that can only be used by masters who have a very precise grasp of themselves. .

Garen's martial arts realm and the assistance of the weapon mark allowed him to easily meet the requirements.

His hand began to move forward slightly, one after another, coherently but with a cold and decisive style.


A week passed quickly. Every day was wasted in the bickering and flirting between Kesilan and Zongbuqin.

Garen would go to the rooftop to practice his sword skills every time he had free time. With his level, he naturally mastered the essentials immediately. There are only three stages in the entire sword technique.

One: rough knowledge. To master tens of thousands of different response methods, the accuracy must be high.

Two: Skilled. You can use different knife styles for free combination to cope with external changes.

Three: Transparent. He has completely mastered all the knife moves, turning everything into instinct, and uses the knife moves as a conditioned reflex like lightning.

Garen's own martial arts realm has already surpassed the third level of this sword technique, so the only thing he needs to do is to master all the sword techniques and memorize them into the instinct of his body.

This requires a lot of repeated practice. After all, this is a new body, not the previous one.

Besides that, what he needs most is a strong body. And, a knife, a proper knife.

"The soul power will slowly nourish my body. I can also buy some herbs to make a medicinal soup. I don't know if there are any suitable potions from my previous memory. You can try it."

"As for the knife problem, you can join the school's unlimited fighting club."

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