Mysterious journey

Chapter 1154 Life Turning 1

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This world is very weird.

The center of the universe seems to be this planet, and there seems to be only one living planet in the entire universe.

Garen didn't know how to describe this feeling, but it felt weird.

But with his strength, coming here is considered a vacation anyway, just having fun and waiting for the big trend to start.

It was with this attitude that he continued to live as if he were just dawdling.

Time flies.

Three weeks passed in the blink of an eye, which was the first month of his arrival in this world.

And his sword skills have basically taken shape. Although this body has various limitations, and the improvement of all aspects of quality is surprisingly slow, Garen still uses soul power and other means to improve the quality of his body. To a new level.


After another day of boring classes, Garen lazily got up from the table. For some reason, as soon as he relaxed, he seemed to not want to move on. Sometimes he was thinking, it's just so simple. It’s not a bad life to live in this world once.

He took a look at his current attributes.

‘Kong Xiaofei—strength 1, agility 1.2, constitution 1.2, intelligence 1.5. Potential 0%. Soul limit 50. ’

"Is this the final limit of soul power consumption? It's the level of a normal person." Garen was helpless. He originally thought he could still be lazy, but now it seems that he must work harder.

He raised his head and looked around. In the white classroom, several students were chatting in groups, and their chirping sounds were no different from those of birds.

Kesilan was still flirting with Zong Buqin.

The two students at the back were making a blackboard report with their books, and kept scribbling and drawing on them with chalk, which looked very fun.

The boys wore white shirts and black pants, and the girls wore white shirts, black skirts, and long black socks. They looked similar to old Japanese school uniforms.

"It feels like the Holy Orioles Academy back then." Garen breathed out. Review the history of this world again.

This planet is divided into three continents and four oceans. The Red Country, the Slan Country, and the Black Federation are the three major countries. The rest are small countries struggling to survive in the cracks. Because it has a chain of nuclear weapons similar to those on Earth, it has always been peaceful. The rest is no different from Earth. Apart from some similarities in customs and customs, basically no connection has been found.

"The name also feels like a combination of things and things. It's really boring." Garen didn't want to use his brain at all. It was considered a vacation after all, so what was the point of working as hard as before?


The rubber roller of a girl sitting in front of him fell down and hit the instep of his foot.

Garen bent down to pick it up and threw it back to the girl.


The girl turned around and smiled, not pretty, but very pure.

"Need not."

Garen stood up, it was time to go home.

The afternoon sun shone in from the window not far from the side and fell on the back of his hand, feeling warm.

Carrying his schoolbag, he walked out of the classroom alone and walked toward his home.

Behind him is the noisy school, and occasionally you can see a few gangsters mingling with students asking for money from passing students. Most of the students nearby unconsciously avoided those places.

Gallon walked to a vending machine, took out a one-yuan coin from his trouser pocket, and prepared to throw it in.

Suddenly, two tall shadows came over from behind and surrounded him.

"Hey~~~ You're quite rich, buddy. How about making friends? Is it okay to treat each of us to a can of green yogurt?"

A young man with long hair wearing silver earrings said with a smile.

"How can one can be enough for one person? Why do we need three cans per person?"

A fat man next to him chuckled. The two of them were wearing all black long-sleeved trousers, and their clothes were baggy. One of them had white hair and the other had silver hair. It was obvious at a glance that they were not good young men.

Garen breathed out.

"Although I have always felt that teaching young gangsters something is not boring, so I have never interfered with you, but if you come to find it on your own, you can't blame me for taking action."

"What are you muttering about?" The two gangsters were a little unhappy when they saw that they still didn't pay.


Garen turned around and swung the knife in an arc. A precise hit on the side of the long-haired young man's neck. boom!

The other party didn't react until he was hit, and blinked in shock. He rolled his eyes and lost all strength.

thump. One fell.

The remaining fat man opened his mouth wide, as if he had seen a stupid horse.


He reacted and quickly punched Garen hard. The punch was fast but without any plan.

Garen easily dodged it with a slight tilt of his head. Then a forward knee strike.

There was a muffled sound, and the fat man fell to his knees, his eyes rolled white, and he also fainted. The body hit the vending machine with a loud bang.

After bending down and searching dozens of dollars in change from the two gangsters, Garen stood up and saw the students passing by looking at him secretly with a horrified look.

"I am bored."

He felt that such a life was too boring. So much so that teaching a few gangsters a lesson was an unprecedented event in the lives of these students, making everyone look like they were aliens.

He turned around and bought a can of Coke. Garen opened it and drank while continuing to walk towards his home with his schoolbag.

"Although it's cliché to teach a gangster a lesson, if I ever encounter one, I won't be able to give up resistance." He thought boredly.

The quality of this body is already the same as that of an average adult. In addition, the sword skills he has practiced are terrifying. Not to mention the two gangsters, even another beating will not be enough to warm him up.

Walking towards home, Garen didn't notice that not far behind him, a short-haired girl in a white sportswear was staring straight at him. Or maybe he noticed it but was just too lazy to pay attention to it.

After all, the life of a middle school student and his life are completely different.


"I'm back."

Garen opened the courtyard door and closed it with his backhand.

In the small pond in the yard, a red koi carp shook its tail and moved its body, which was the only welcome to him.

The entire courtyard seemed deserted and deserted.

Garen walked into the inner room and saw a note on the table. Picked it up and looked at it.

‘We have a company event organized in the afternoon, so you can order takeout or get some food. --dad'

The room was empty, without a sound, except for the occasional distant sound of car horns.

The afternoon sun hit the floor of the living room and illuminated the entire living room a bright red.


Suddenly the courtyard door slowly opened again.

Kong Xinxue, carrying a violin case, walked in. She was wearing a white dress, her long fiery red hair was blowing slightly in the wind, and her face with light makeup was exquisite. Standing in the sunset seemed like a beautiful scene.

"You actually came home before me. It's incredible." Kong Xinxue turned her eyes and stared at Garen standing in the room.

"What does it mean to be incredible?" Garen replied boredly. After getting along with her for this period of time, he finally understood the nature of this sister. She looks cold and elegant on the outside, but in fact she is absolutely disgusting on the inside and likes to expose people's pain. Role. Ordinary people might be deceived by her cold appearance and be caught off guard if they don't pay attention.

"It's incredible." Kong Xinxue turned around and walked straight towards Garen. "An event that ordinary people cannot do or endure. This is how it is explained in the dictionary."

She actually explained the meaning of the word carefully.

"Then why is it called incredible if I come back first?" Garen added in a bored tone.

"I thought you would come back early and try to break into my room, rummage through the tools you used to commit crimes at night, and make some unforgivable disgusting fantasies about your lovely, innocent sister who cherishes you so much. Don't you think it's too shameless? Are you done?" Kong Xinxue now no longer needs to hide in front of Garen, and can freely release her bad nature.

"Have I ever done this?" Garen blinked innocently.

"No?" Kong Xinxue stood in front of Garen. Her height was exactly the same as Garen. A pair of red eyes stared into Garen's eyes like gems.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you're not lying."

Garen stared into her eyes boredly.

The two stared at each other until their eyes hurt, and no one could help but blink first.

There was silence in the room, so silent that both of them could hear each other's breathing.

The clock on the wall passed silently for five minutes

Kong Xinxue reached out to lift a strand of hair and punched her hard.


He hit Garen hard on the abdomen.

Her movements were fast and skillful, and she had obviously secretly learned some not-so-strict fighting skills. But this is not the reason why Garen can't dodge. The real reason is that Kong Xiaofei shouldn't be able to dodge at such a speed. Tagalog, on the other hand, didn't want to hide.

The small fist hit Garen on the abdomen, and then he retreated.

Kong Xinxue glanced at Garen, turned around and walked towards her room as if nothing had happened.

"Nice abs."

She said nothing, opened the door, walked in, and then there was no sound.

"Why are you so crazy?" Garen rubbed his abdomen. This body's physical condition has improved a lot. Although this punch will not hurt, it still hurts slightly. And Kong Xinxue obviously didn't use all his strength, he just showed punishment.

The meaning of this punch is to express her authority and status as the eldest daughter in the Kong family. Anyone who contradicts her will not end well.

"Although she looks mature and neurotic on the surface, she still can't get rid of the childish nature of an ordinary student." Garen walked to the dining table and sat down on a chair, pouring a cup of herbal tea.

Another boring day.

In the evening, Kong Xinxue rarely put on an apron and started cooking, while Garen was doing odd jobs. All kinds of exquisite side dishes were brought to the table.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, wild vegetable soup, and fried meat with green peppers. Although they are all home-cooked dishes, the appearance is undoubtedly very successful, and the color and aroma seem to be well done.

"Thank you for your hard work," Garen said.

"Go wash your hands." Kong Xinxue came over and stared at him condescendingly. (My novel "Mysterious Journey" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign on the upper right to "Add a Friend", Search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!)

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